Cloud Service project no longer loading - visual-studio

I have a Microsoft Visual Studio solution that I have been using for many years for producing a new release of our software application. One of the projects has recently stopped loading.
It looks like the problem may be similar to:
Visual Studio 2013/2015 Can't Load Azure Project
However in that case it was a new installation of Visual Studio.
Looking in add/remove programs it appears that 'Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013' has an installed date of 19th May this year and version number 2.5.21104.1601.
What is the simplest way for me to fix this problem? Should I uninstall the Azure Tools and see if I can download and install V2.4? or do I need to install a new version of Azure SDK, as the other question suggests?
Another option I have, might be to upgrade to Visual Studio 2017. I have been reluctant to do this, as am not sure what things might break.
EDIT: I notice in Extensions and Updates there is Microsoft Azure SDK 2.9 available. Should I install this?
Any suggestions appreciated.

As you said you could try installing Microsoft Azure SDK 2.9.
Here is the Microsoft Release summary for Azure SDK 2.9.
Before installing Azure SDK 2.9 you should read this document whether your project having all the support in this SDK. If not then you should upgrade to, VS 2017.
From a developer word, I'd say upgrade to VS 2017 where you get/support all the latest features in your hand.


visual studio enterprise (not available xamarin profiler)

I installed last version of visual studio 2017 enterprise yesterday. and buy production key and apply it successfully,
But there is no xamarin profiler tools and release options like bundle assembly to native code and ...
I have a quick solution for the Bundle assemblies into native code, so I change my android project at this line:
Unfortunately I had to reset factory my windows; I think the reason of problem was new limitation that Microsoft have made for Persian and maybe some others. After renew the windows and before new installation visual studio, Microsoft store didn't work; I've changed region from Iran to United State then Store Works correctly, and after that I installed VS and now it works.
We are Persian and we don't have any relation with government.
you can follow this problem from Visual Studio Forum

Can we integrate TFS with Visual Studio for Mac?

I am using Visual Studio Community version 7.3.3 for MacBook. I am working on a project where the repository is hosted in Team Foundation Server (TFS). Can I integrate that using the Version Control option in Visual Studio. Git and SVN are possible thats what I heard. But need some help on this.
This requirement is under plan now. Please check this uservoice:
We’ve been working on some technical prototypes to see how we could
best connect to TFS from a Mac and at this point I’m happy to say that
this work is now planned for an upcoming release. Please keep an eye
on this site for updates!
As of now TFS integration is not implemented for Visual Studio in Mac, they are working on that. Got this information from one person who is directly involved in the development of Xamarin for Mac.
According to this Link this feature is now officially supported and deployed with the new version Visual Studio for Mac (extension v0.3)

Install CRM 2015 SDK on Visual Studio 2013

I know that this is not an appropriate question for here.
But I've looked everywhere, and cannot find an appropriate solution.
What im trying to do is install CRM 2015 SDK on to Visual Studio 2013, to develop plugins, web resources etc..
I know its a stupid question , but can you please help.
The SDK for CRM 2015 doesn't include the Developer Tools (unlike the previous versions). They're to be shipped at a later date (AFAIK they still haven't picked one).
Microsoft says you should be able to make do with the 2013 version, if you update the DLLs references from the 6.x to the new 7.x version ones. Also, you'll probably have to toy with the target framework (CRM 2015's plugins must target .NET 4.5.2).
I personally gave up on the Developer Tools a long time ago, and have gone back to building Class Libraries, since I have to tweak 2011, 2013 and 2015 environments, both on-premise and online ... and multiple Dev Tools setups don't "stack" nicely on the same VS installation.

Cannot build Windows Azure Cloud project in VS 2010 after installing VS 2012 side by side

According to Microsoft the side-by-side installation of Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 is supported (
I already had VS 2010 installed on my system (Windows 7 box) along with the Windows Azure Tools 1.5. I used this configuration to create a cloud project that is hosted on Azure. A few days ago I decided to also put VS 2012 on my system but to do it in a side-by-side manner rather than upgrading (or uninstalling) the VS 2010. The reason why I did not want to uninstall VS 2010 was that I already had some add-ons configured for it for script and css minification and aggregation. I heard that VS 2012 has this functionality built-in but I did not want to touch the dozens of scripts that I had already created using the older method. So I wanted to keep my VS 2010 environment in a pristine, working state in case there was an emergency and I had to publish a patch for my already hosted application. I would use VS 2012 for all the new projects going forward.
However, after I put VS 2012 on my box it also brought down 1.8 version of Azure SDK. As a result, I can no longer successfully build my VS 2010 solution. I have one worker role and one web role in that solution. If I build each one of them individually the builds succeed. But if I then try to build the entire solution or package it, it fails with no message in the log whatsoever. It just shows "Build Failed" in the VS status bar.
Since I was not getting any error in the status bar, I decided to create a "Hello World" application from scratch with only one web role using Windows Azure Cloud project template in VS 2010 hoping to get a better error message. Indeed, when I try to build the entire solution I get an error:
Error 102 WAT080 : Failed to locate the Windows Azure SDK. Please make sure the Windows Azure SDK v1.5 is installed. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Windows Azure Tools\1.5\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets
Clearly the installation of VS 2012 and Azure SDK 1.8 corrupted the older version. Ideally I would like to keep VS 2010 + Azure SDK 1.5 truly side-by-side with VS 2012 + Azure SDK 1.8. Is there a way to do this? If not, then how can I fix the error above? In other words, how can I fix VS 2010 to work with Azure SDK 1.8?
All you help is greatly appreciated.
I solved this by going to Microsoft site and installing Windows Azure SDK for .NET - October 2012 (1.8).
Initially I was a bit afraid and people were saying that it would not work and they encouraged to do a manual one-by-one install. However, I decided to use the Web Platform Installed link from the above page:
All in all, things went smoothly.

Enabling windows azure tools to get Windows Azure project

I am trying to create a webproject which can be deployed on azure. I have VS 2010 trial version (pro) installed on windows 7. When i click cloud (under VC#) i am prompted to install Windows azure tools. I do this. I get the tools installed message. I restart VS 2010. But i fail to find windows azure web project template, which should have been installed. It just shows me the same sequence of screens (install tools etc). I am executing VS 2010 under administrator role.
Steps described #
Is Windows azure template projects not allowed in Trial edition of VS 2010 pro?
Can such a project be made using VS 2010 express?
Thank you
I'm not sure about trial versions, as I've never tried installing with a trial edition. However: I've run other software packages with trial versions of Visual Studio, without issue.
The SDK will work with Visual Studio 2010 Pro and above, as well as Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (downloadable here).
For installing the tools properly, I'd suggest going here and installing via Web Platform Installer. It will make sure you have all needed dependencies.
