Builder Plugin set identifier value through partial - builder

I am trying to use output data that I have set up using the builder plugin through the Record Details component and running into some issues.
In my created plugin, Schools, I have Instructors (set up as a relation to an instructors plugin I created separately). It is possible to have more than one instructor, so they are store in the database as an array. Like so:
The numbers represent the row ID of the instructor table
In my CMS I can pull all of the School info just fine into a partial (Builder Details), and can pull the array of instructors, but I am struggling to pass this array over to look up the ID and get the instructors information. My thought right now is to send it to another partial like so:
{% "school/instructor" insProfile = instructorID %}
The partial school/instructor is getting the ID just fine. I have included the Builder Details component and set it up with the following:
Alias: builderDetails
ModelClass: Instructors Plugin
Identifier value: insProfile
Key Column: id
Display Column: member_name
I am getting record not found results. I am confused as to how to set the Identifier Value to match the value I passed through my partial. I tried {% set identifierValue = insProfile %} before the {% set record = ... %} is run, but that did not work either.
I cannot use the :slug because that is already generating the content needed for the School page. In a TLDR, it seems I ultimately want to duplicate this function through another partial and a different tag.
Still learning October, so any help is appreciated.

I think the original post was a bit lengthy and ultimately what I wanted to do was pass a variable into a component. Such as:
{% component 'builderDetails' identifierValue=dynamicVar %}
This does not appear to work as the builder details component generates too far into page load to pick up the variable change.
Per the OctoberCMS docs, the best solution for me was to create my own component that would accept the variable before the page processed using onRender() function.
public function onRender()
// This code will be executed before the default component
// markup is rendered on the page or layout.
$this->profileID = $this->property('insProfile');
$this->ins = $this->getUserInfo($this->profileID);
This allows me to put my component in a partial, and request the partial with the variable 'insProfile'. The component will pick up the property insProfile before page/plugin generates and use that variable instead of the default.
I then set up another function to query the correct user info needed (getUserInfo)
It would be nice if the builder plugin components could be updated in such a way that I did not have to do this as the builder plugin is rather extensive out of the box.
Posting this in case anyone else comes along this problem and isn't sure where/how to pass a partial variable into a component.


Theme is caching previous user name

We are using CAS to login to our Drupal instance. This is working correctly and displaying the correct user content (blocks etc. based on roles). What is not working correctly is the small snippet in the theme that says welcome . It keeps showing the previous user who logged in.
How do I set this in bigpipe?
The code looks like this in the theme: <span id="user_name">{{user.displayname}}</span>
Is there a way to tell bigpipe not to cache this?
This code snippet is on one of our twig files header.twig.html which is a partial.
I ended up putting this in a block, and just referencing the block section in the theme instead of just pulling that, then I used the block to be ignored for caching.
I used this post with other resources to solve a similar problem. We were including {{ user.displayname }} in a twig template for the header on all pages of our site. Some users were seeing other users' names in the header after signing in. We wanted to solve the problem while impacting caching as little as possible. Here, I share in detail what we did in the hope that it will help others. I'll use the specific names used in our code. Readers will need to adjust to their own names. (The code follows our prescribed format, so please forgive that it isn't standard.)
Step 1
Create a custom module. Custom module creation is covered adequately in other places, so I won't give details here. Our custom module is named rsc.
Step 2
Create the folder modules/custom/rsc/src/Plugin/Block and in it create a file named DisplayName.php.
Step 3
In the file DisplayName.php, include the following:
namespace Drupal\rsc\Plugin\Block;
use Drupal\Core\Block\BlockBase;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
* A block to show the user's display name
* #Block(
* id = "display_name",
* admin_label = "Display Name"
* )
class DisplayName extends BlockBase // The class name must match the filename
public function build()
$user = User::load(\Drupal::currentUser()->id());
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => $user->getDisplayName(),
'#cache' => ['contexts' => ['user']]
Step 4
Clear the Drupal cache to make the new block available at Block Layout.
Step 5
Go to Admin > Structure > Block Layout and place the Display Name block in the Hidden Blocks For Referencing - Not Displayed section (bottom of the list on our site). In the Configure Block dialog, edit the Machine name to display_name to match id in the code above. Clear the Display title checkbox and save. Doing this makes the block available for use in twig templates.
Step 6
In the twig template for the header, replace
{{ user.displayname }}
{{ drupal_entity('block', 'display_name') }}
The drupal_entity function is part of the twig_tweak module, which we were already using. It allows insertion of a custom block into a twig template. If you're not using this module, you'll need to install it, or find another method of including a block in a twig template.
Step 7
Clear the Drupal cache to make the modified template take effect.
If you see anything about this that can be improved, please comment.

Laravel- displaying partial using different scopes on the same page

I'm building my first project in laravel and I have an index page where I want to show 4 different lists (they're different categories of the same data, and users will have permissions to see one or more of the lists)
The format for the lists (name, link, image, etc) is identical so I made a partial for it, with the idea that on this index page I'd check the authenticated user and if they have permission for list A then show it, if they have permission for list B then show it, etc.
To try it out, I made a scope for the first category (in my controller), and it shows the right data when I pass it to a totally separate view. But I'm unclear on how/whether I can display the partial multiple times on the index view with a different scope each time. What's the right way to go about this?
I imagined I would do something like check the permissions one at a time, make a variable with just that scope of data, and show the partial for just that data, like:
#include ('partials._items_list') , $category_A)
But the comment here suggests that a view has only one scope of data at a time (so maybe my idea isn't a valid thing):
Laravel - Modify and return variable from #include
You can pass different values with the same partial using something like the following:
#include ('partials._items_list') , ['categoey_A' => $category_A]);
#include ('partials._items_list') , ['categoey_A' => $category_B]); // <-- Different Value
Use only {{ $categoey_A }} in your partials._items_list view but output will be different.

How popular article module is working?

Can somebody explain me, how this working?
I do not understand how these $item->link and $item->title get correct information?
Where is MySQL query? Is it global variables? If yes, where they are described?
Any advice is much appreciated.
So, like most modules /tmpl/default.php is included on the last line the module entry point file i.e. mod_articles_popular.php
In that file helper.php is included first followed by
$list = modArticlesPopularHelper::getList($params);
As you can see this calls the getList() method of the helper class which performs the task of retrieving the $list of articles.
It (modArticlesPopularHelper) in turn loads the ContentModel and sets the state of the $model based on the default app params and the modules settings.
The it asks the model for the actual items required with the line $items = $model->getItems().
After that it loops through the items returned by the model and creates a link value for each article prior to returning it to the module.
As a result $list is filled with each of the article items which are pulled out individually in the foreach loop in /tmpl/default.php file.

Can we dynamically set the value of "list" attribute of <apex:relatedList> component?

I am trying to design a generalized detail page for an object.
In the controller class I find the list of all child relations of that object.
I then want to create for each child relations found and for accomplishing this I will have to dynamically set the value of list attribute within it.
For example :
<apex:relatedList subject={!ObjName} list="{!relatedListName}" />
But the problem here is that list attribute only accepts String literal, so can't implement it. Please suggest a way for this requirement to be accomplished.
Yes, you can dynamically set the value of the "list" attribute on a relatedlist tag, and you do so via Dynamic Visualforce. This question has since been asked and concisely answered here on the Salesforce Stack exchange for any future browsers:
Here is the general solution:
In a custom controller, add a function to dynamically generate the RelatedList markup. I will assume from your wording that you have already accessed the full list of child relationships in your controller, so in order to spit out all the lists in one block, I would use something like this:
public Component.Apex.OutputPanel getDynamicList()
Component.Apex.OutputPanel outPanel = new Component.Apex.OutputPanel();
for(String id : childNames) {
Component.Apex.RelatedList relList = new Component.Apex.RelatedList();
relList.list = id;
return outPanel;
In the middle there, you can dynamically set any string to the "List" value, and by iterating through your list of strings, you are adding related list objects over and over again. (To simply add one list, remove the for loop, and make the "id" string value whatever specific relationship you wish to display).
Then on your visualforce page, you can render this block out using a dynamic visualforce tag:
<apex:dynamicComponent componentValue="{!DynamicList}" />
(as you may know, the formulaic value field will dig up the getter automatically)
Great success!
I would suggest trying apex:dataTable or apex:repeat to build your own list display. You will likely need a wrapper class to handle passing attributes and values from the sObject to the page.

Magento: how do I access custom variables in PHP?

I am aware of 'Custom Variables' and how they can be used with {{ }} brackets in email templates as well as in static blocks.
However, I want to use them in template code i.e. view.phtml.
I want to be able to access 'variable plain value' to retrieve a conversion value, i.e. a number/string as number for a given 'variable code'.
Been doing this for some time to create various messages that are editable through the admin interface so I don't have to go code digging when the flavor of the moment changes.
To access the plain value of the custom variable with code custom_variable_code use this:
NOTE: Single store doesn't show the store select dropdown for the variable scope. This answer is not technically correct, in order to future-proof yourself in case of having multiple stores --> Please see #Mark van der Sanden answer below and give him an upvote.
Unfortunately, all other answers are not 100% correct. Use it like this (note the setStoreId() to get the value for the correct store view):
$value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')
Or to get the html value:
$value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')
If no html value is defined, getValue() returns the text value if you request the html value.
Stackoverflow almost to the rescue again. Thought this would be it:
Setting a global variable in Magento, the GUI way?
But it wasn't, this was:
$angle = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->loadByCode('angle')->getData('store_plain_value');
The only way I see you can acheive this by having a method in the templates block, that will output the needed result.
For instance say in the template view.phtml you have the following code:
<div id="title_container">
<h2><?= $this->getTitle(); ?></h2>
The function can represent your variable code and any logic that has to do with what gets displayed in the title should be placed in the block.
Just for clarification sake the block is the variable $this
If you are unsure what is the actual class name of your block you can do something like:
in the var/log/system.log you will print the class of the block of that template.
That is the best way.
HTH :)
// To get the TEXT value of the custom variable:
// To get the HTML value of the custom variable:
// The store id is set as Custom Variables can be edited for multiple stores
Note: A custom variable might have different values for different stores.
So to access store specific value for the custom variable with the code custom_variable_code
Use this:
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$custom_variable_text = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->setStoreId($storeId)
$custom_variable_plain_value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->setStoreId($storeId)
$custom_variable_html_value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->setStoreId($storeId)
