spring 5 - Oauth2 server get current user - spring

I have build a Spring boot oauth2 server using spring 5. The oauth server works and I can login using basic auth and username/password. I get a bearer token and I can verify the token using the /oauth/check_token url.
In the same Spring boot project I want to add an endpoint that will print out the authenticated user information so that oauth2 clients can get information over the logged in user. I created an endpoint /user and it looks like this:
public Principal user(Principal user) {
return user;
I startup postman so that I can do the api calls and such, call /oauth/token and I receive a token. I then start a new request, set the authentication method to bearer token and fill in the received bearer token. I do a GET call to the url (http://localhost:8080/user) and it turns out the principal is always null. I know because I can debug my application in Spring tool suite and Principal is always empty. I have also tried:
OAuth2Authentication oAuth2Authentication = (OAuth2Authentication)SecurityContextHolder.getContext() .getAuthentication();
That is empty as well. How can I create an endpoint that will print the user info so that clients can set the userInfoUri property.

I have the answer. I'll post it here just in case someone else runs into this problem.
I have a ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter with the following configure in it:
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// More rules here
The reason it didn't work because of the first antMatchers("/api/user/**"). I changed it into this:
I believe that the first antMatchers determines the path in which it forces authorizeRequests (Enabling oauth2 security in that path) so if the first path is .antMatchers("/api/user/**") after that is .antMatchers("/user") then it won't match and the /user url won't have the oauth2 security enabled.


hasAuthority() with Okta bearer token for Spring Cloud Gateway

I am having multiple downstream services to which I am routing via a spring cloud gateway service which also has okta auth. Currently I am able to route authenticate users at the gateway and return 401 for all requests without a valid bearer token. However when I try to implement role based auth, i.e. GET requests can be sent downstream for everyone group, but POST requests require 'admin' group membership in okta. This does not work as any authenticated user is currently able to make post requests. I have added claims to the access/id tokens and checked them in the Token preview section of my default Authorisation server in okta. Following is my security configuration.
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests
Due to only the gateway having okta auth and downstream services being protected by api token, I cannot implement preAuthorize and have to rely on httpsecurity, but I seem to be missing something

Spring Boot Authorization Server + Google OAuth2/OpenId Connect should work with access_token or id_token?

I'm a bit confused regarding whether I should be accessing my Spring Boot Resource Server via an access_token or an id_token.
First, let me quickly explain my setup:
Spring Boot app as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server. This is configured as described in the Spring docs: Minimal Configuration for JWTs This app provides secured #Controllers that will provide data for a JavaScript SPA (eg. React)
Google's OAuth 2.0 AP / OpenID Connect already configured (Credentials, Client Id, Client Secret)
A JavaScript SPA app (eg. React) that logs the user into Google and makes requests to the Spring Boot Resource Server for secured data. These requests include the Authorization header (with Bearer token obtained from Google) for the logged in user.
For development purposes, I'm also using Postman to make requests to the Spring Boot Resource Server
I can easily configure Postman to get a token from Google. This token response from Google includes values for access_token, id_token, scope, expries_in and token_type.
However, my requests to the Resource Server are denied when Postman tries to use the value from retrieved token's access_token field as the Bearer in the Authorization header
The only way I'm able to successfully access the secured #Controllers is by using the id_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header.
Is it expected that I should use the id_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header? Or is it expected that I should use the access_token?
Some additional relevant info:
The value of the id_token is a JWT token. The value of the access_token is not a JWT token. I know this because I can decode the id_token on jwt.io but it is unable to decode the value of the access_token. Further, the Spring Boot Resource Server fails with the following when I send the access_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header:
An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Invalid unsecured/JWS/JWE header: Invalid JSON: Unexpected token ɭ� at position 2.
This blog post Understanding identity tokens says the following:
You should not use an identity token to authorize access to an API.
To access an API, you should be using OAuth’s access tokens, which are intended only for the protected resource (API) and come with scoping built-in.
Looking at at the spring-security-samples for using OAuth2 Resource Server, I see the value of there hard-coded access_token (for testing purposes) is indeed a valid JWT. As opposed to the access_token returned from Google which is not a JWT.
In summary:
I can access my Spring Boot Resource Server using the value of the id_token obtained from Google. The value of the access_token is not a JWT and fails to parse by Spring Boot.
Is there something wrong with my understanding, my configuration or what? Does Google's OpenId Connect behave differently regarding how the access_token works?
Happy to clarify or add more info if needed. Thanks for your consideration and your patience!
The blog post you mentioned is correct in my view, and I believe the OpenID Connect 1.0 spec does not intend for an id_token to be used for access purposes.
Like you, I expected that using Google as an Authorization Server would work out of the box, because Spring Security works with Google as a common OAuth2 provider for providing social login. However, this is not the case, and I believe it is not really intended, because Google is not really your authorization server. For example, I don't believe you can configure Google to work with scopes/permissions/authorities of your domain-specific application. This is different from something like Okta, where there are many options for configuring things in your own tenant.
I would actually recommend checking out Spring Authorization Server, and configuring Google as a federated identity provider. I'm working on a sample for this currently and it will be published within the next week or so (see this branch).
Having said that, if you're still interested in a simple use case where Google access tokens are used for authenticating with your resource server, you would need to provide your own opaque token introspector that uses Google's tokeninfo endpoint. It doesn't match what Spring Security expects, so it's a bit involved.
public class SecurityConfiguration {
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.authorizeRequests((authorizeRequests) -> authorizeRequests
// #formatter:on
return http.build();
public OpaqueTokenIntrospector introspector() {
return new GoogleTokenIntrospector("https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo");
public final class GoogleTokenIntrospector implements OpaqueTokenIntrospector {
private final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private final String introspectionUri;
public GoogleTokenIntrospector(String introspectionUri) {
this.introspectionUri = introspectionUri;
public OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal introspect(String token) {
RequestEntity<?> requestEntity = buildRequest(token);
try {
ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> responseEntity = this.restTemplate.exchange(requestEntity, new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {});
// TODO: Create and return OAuth2IntrospectionAuthenticatedPrincipal based on response...
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BadOpaqueTokenException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
private RequestEntity<?> buildRequest(String token) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
MultiValueMap<String, String> body = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
body.add("access_token", token);
return new RequestEntity<>(body, headers, HttpMethod.POST, URI.create(introspectionUri));
issuer-uri: https://accounts.google.com
jwk-set-uri: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs

Handling token response in spring oauth2 client

I am using Spring Cloud Gateway as a API Gateway for our system. We would like to delegate all authentication (oauth) to that component. I was looking at the source code of Spring Oauth2 Client but I don't see any place where I can "plug in" to do what I need.
I would like to catch the moment, when the code exchange is successful and make a redirect with id_token and refresh_token in cookie or query param. We don't store any session as well - whole authentication is meant to stateless.
I am configuring SecurityWebFilterChain (security for WebFlux) like this:
public SecurityWebFilterChain springSecurityFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.build();
I tried to use successHandler
.oauth2Login(c -> c.authenticationSuccessHandler(successHandler));, but in that moment I don't access to refresh_token (have only WebFilterExchange, Authentication in arguments) and I am not even sure how should I perform the redirect form that place.
Is there any way to achieve this?

Configure spring security with oauth2/openid for session id but also access token

it is possible to configure spring with oauth2 to accept multiple login possibilities?
Currently I have it working with:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { // #formatter:off
http.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests
.addFilterAfter(new CustomAuthenticationFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
.logout(logout -> logout.logoutSuccessHandler(oidcLogoutSuccessHandler()))
} // #formatter:on
If one tries to access an authorize ressource, he gets redirected to a login page of an identity provider, logs in and then get a session id on the client side. The access token and the refreh token are held into memory on the server side.
But now I also want to use an access token to access ressources.
But when I do this, the security application context is just null.
What do I have to do?
I have searching in the doc but could not understand how to achieve this.
I would expect to just add in application.properties:
And to add:
.oauth2ResourceServer().jwt() to my HttpSecurity but this does not do the work.
Found the answer, if Bearer is not set as prefix in the Authorization header when sending the token, then it will not be recognized.
Kind of normal since it is the standard...

Accessing my api using google bearer token

I've enabled google auth by defining the following configuration along with the appropriate application.yml file.
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/", "/login**").permitAll()
.authenticationEntryPoint(new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint("/"));
I can access my various endpoints through the browser. But the client might not always be a browser.
I have a controller method defined as below
public Principal getUser(Principal principal) {
return principal;
From the Principal returned I can see the tokenValue which is of type Bearer. How can I use that against my api? Or another token for that matter. I simply want to access my own api using google auth and oauth.
wget -i http://localhost:8080/user -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
Redirects me to the login page.
To clarify a bit more I want to authenticate using google auth but be able to access my api using oauth. Weather it's the token returned by google or one generated by spring doesn't matter. Any clues about how I can make that happen?
You can have a look at spring's tutorial focusing on oauth2, and checkout the github project. They have a nice auth-server project where you can find an exemple of what you want to achieve.
Steps to test your scenario are:
Checkout the tutorial project git clone https://github.com/spring-guides/tut-spring-boot-oauth2.git
Run the spring boot project named auth-server
cd auth-server && mvn spring-boot:run
Authenticate through http://localhost:8080
You'll find out that on auth-server side (the api server), an OAuth2Authentication principal will be available with a bearer token made available. You could use this auth-server exemple to design a Controller returning this token if user is authenticated.
Then you'll be able to wget or curl the auth-server with such requests:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/me" -H "Authorization: Bearer 22e70fcf-eb60-483c-9105-xxxx"
In my tests I got following response: {"name":"674008369426415"}
without the bearer, I fortunately got:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/me"
{"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"}
Missing parts of code
Looking at your code, I think you're missing the SSO Filter part of the spring's tutorial:
// more configuration here
.addFilterBefore(ssoFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
public FilterRegistrationBean oauth2ClientFilterRegistration(OAuth2ClientContextFilter filter) {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registration;
There must be an interception of client's request somewhere, so this may be something worth looking.
