SpringBoot scanBasePackages not working in multi module project - spring-boot

I have the following maven project structure:
Where two of the modules are common, and orchestrator. Common is a dependency for the Orchestrator module. The JpaRepositoryClass is annotated with #Repository.
In the controller class I use the constructor autowiring to get a copy of the repository:
private final AJpaRepository serviceRepo;
public AController(AJpaRepository serviceRepo){
this.serviceRepo = serviceRepo;
And finally, in the Application class, I use scanBasePackages, to pick up the components from the common module:
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = "eu.arrowhead")
public class OrchestratorApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(OrchestratorApplication.class, args);
When I start the application, I get:
Parameter 0 of constructor in eu.arrowhead.orchestrator.controller.ArrowheadServiceController required a bean of type 'eu.arrowhead.common.repository.ArrowheadServiceRepo' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'eu.arrowhead.common.repository.ArrowheadServiceRepo' in your configuration.
If I use scanBasePackages = {"eu.arrowhead.common"} then the application starts without an error, but I can not reach the endpoint in my controller class (getting the default 404 error). If I write scanBasePackages = {"eu.arrowhead.common", "eu.arrowhead.orchestrator"} it's the same as if only "eu.arrowhead" is there, I get the same error at startup.
Is this how this supposed to work? I highly doubt it.
Common module: starter-data-jpa, starter-json, mysql-connector-java, hibernate-validator
Orch module: starter-web, the common module.
I also tried using #ComponentScan, but had the same result. What is the problem? Thanks.

You are missing #EnableJpaRepositories("eu.arrowhead") annotation to enable Spring Data JPA repository scanning.


Spring - generic superclass not instantiated properly?

ATM I am in the middle of refactoring our Selenium E2E Test Framework to use Spring.
My class/bean:
package info.fingo.selenium.utils.driver;
public class ProxyDecorator extends WebDriverDecorator<WebDriver> {
public ProxyDecorator(TestUtils testUtils, DriverManager driverManager) {
this.testUtils = testUtils;
this.driverManager = driverManager;
package org.openqa.selenium.support.decorators;
public class WebDriverDecorator<T extends WebDriver> {
private final Class<T> targetWebDriverClass;
private Decorated<T> decorated;
public WebDriverDecorator() {
this((Class<T>) WebDriver.class);
public WebDriverDecorator(Class<T> targetClass) {
this.targetWebDriverClass = targetClass;
public final T decorate(T original) {
Require.nonNull("WebDriver", original);
decorated = createDecorated(original);
return createProxy(decorated, targetWebDriverClass);
Issue occures on calling this line:
createProxy(decorated, targetWebDriverClass)
Where targetWebDriverClass for unknown reason is null and NullPointerException is later thrown.
This should not EVER happen as targetWebDriverClass is ALWAYS set through constructor - either provided by client (calling super(class)) or defaulted to WebDriver.class in default WebDriverDecorator constructor. Worked fine without Spring, and unfortunately I don't understand Spring enough to get any information through debugging.
My Spring dependencies:
ext.springVersion = '2.7.1'
dependencies {
api "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:$springVersion",
decorate method in superclass WebDriverDecorator in marked as final which makes it ineligible for Spring CGLIB proxying as it cannot proxy final methods (& classes) - Sorry, I don't know exact reason why this caused my issue.
This is not my own class, it is taken from inside of dependency so I cannot change this.
This means that this class cannot be managed by Spring. In order for this to somehow work I get rid of inheritance (extends keyword) and replace it with composition. Got to do some reflection magic (for one of its protected method) but this seems to do the trick.

Quarkus extension using a repository based on PanacheMongoRepository

I'm currently working on a Quarkus extension which is basically a filter that is using a PanacheMongoRepository. Here is a code snippet (this is in the runtime part of the extension) :
public class AuthorizationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
// Some injection here
UserRepository userRepository;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
// Some business logic here...
UserEntity userEntity = userRepository.findByName(name);
// Some business logic here...
The repository :
public class UserRepository implements PanacheMongoRepository<UserEntity> {
public UserEntity findByName(String name) {
return find("some query...", name).firstResult();
When the repository is called, I get the following exception:
org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method is normally automatically overridden in subclasses...
java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method is normally automatically overridden in subclasses\n\tat io.quarkus.mongodb.panache.common.runtime.MongoOperations.implementationInjectionMissing(MongoOperations.java:765)\n\tat io.quarkus.mongodb.panache.PanacheMongoRepositoryBase.find(PanacheMongoRepositoryBase.java:119)
The processor
class AuthorizeProcessor {
private static final String FEATURE = "authorize";
FeatureBuildItem feature() {
return new FeatureBuildItem(FEATURE);
#BuildStep(onlyIf = IsAuthorizeEnabled.class)
void registerAuthorizeFilter(
BuildProducer<AdditionalBeanBuildItem> additionalBeanProducer,
BuildProducer<ResteasyJaxrsProviderBuildItem> resteasyJaxrsProviderProducer
) {
additionalBeanProducer.produce(new AdditionalBeanBuildItem(UserRepository.class));
additionalBeanProducer.produce(new AdditionalBeanBuildItem(AuthorizationFilter.class));
resteasyJaxrsProviderProducer.produce(new ResteasyJaxrsProviderBuildItem(AuthorizationFilter.class.getName()));
Any idea ?
Thanks for your help :)
MongoDB with Panache (and the same for Hibernate with Panache) uses bytecode enhancement at build time. When this enhancement didn't occurs it leads to the exception you mentionned at runtime: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method is normally automatically overridden in subclasses
It can occurs only when the repository or entity is not in the Jandex index. Jandex is used to index all the code of your application to avoid using reflection and classpath scanning to discover classes. If your entity / repository is not in the index this means it's not part of your application as we automatically index the classes of your application, so it must be inside an external JAR.
Usually, this is solved by adding the Jandex plugin to index the code of the external JAR (in fact there is multiple way to do this, see How to Generate a Jandex Index).
An extension suffer from the same issue as extensions are not indexed by default. But from an extension you can index the needed classes via a build step wich is more easy and avoid polluting the index with classes that are not needed.
This can be done by generating a new AdditionalIndexedClassesBuildItem(UserRepository.class.getName()) inside a build step.

Load custom properties file in Spring Boot MVC Main

I have created a myApp.properties in resources folder location and mentioned the server.port in this file.
Now I want to read load this property into my application. But I have to read this before I actually a server.
Here I am trying to do like this
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.myorg.myapp" })
public class MyAppApplication {
private static String serverPort;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
try {
SpringApplication appCtxt = new SpringApplication(MyAppApplication.class);
.singletonMap("server.port", serverPort));
} catch (Exception e) {
But serverPort is coming as null.
I also tried to create a separate Config file like this but it can't be accessed in static main
public class MyAppConfig {
private String serverPort;
* #return the serverPort
public String getServerPort() {
return serverPort;
Any suggestion would be helpful.
Spring boot injects properties during the initialization of the application context.
This happens (gets triggered) in the line:
But you try to access the property before this line - that why it doesn't work.
So bottom line, using "#Value" in the main method doesn't work and it shouldn't.
Now from the code snippet, it looks like you could merely follow the "standards" of spring boot and create the file application.properties with:
The process of starting the embedded web server in spring boot honors this property and bottom line it will have the same effect and Tomcat will be started on port 1234
Update 1
Based on OP's comment:
So, how can I have multiple application.properties.
In the Spring Boot's documentation it is written that application.properties are resolved from the classpath. So you can try the following assuming you have different modules A,B,C and web app D:
Create src/main/resources/application.properties inside each of 4 modules and pack everything together. The configuration values will be merged (hopefully they won't clash)
If you insist on naming properties A.properties, B.properties and C.properties for each of non-web modules, you can do the following (I'll show for module A, but B and C can do the same).
public class AConfiguration {
Create in Module A: src/main/resources/A.properties
If you need to load the AConfiguration automatically - make the module A starter (using autoconfig feature of spring-boot):
Create src/resources/META-INF/spring.factories file with the following content:
Also this has been the requirement to separate C from entire bundle where it might run as bundle for some and as a separate for some others
Although I haven't totally understood the requirement, but you can use #ConditionalOnProperty for configuration CConfiguration (that will be created just like AConfiguration.java in my previous example) but this times for module C.
If the conditional is met, configuration will run and load some beans / load its own properties or whatever. All in all conditionals (and in particular Profiles in spring) can help to reach the desired flexibility.
By default, the application.properties file can be used to store property pairs, though you can also define any number of additional property files.
If you save myApp.server.port=8020 in application.properties, it will work fine.
To register a custome property file, you can annotate a #Configuration class with the additional #PropertySource annotation:
public class ConfigClass {
// Configuration
make sure, your class path is correct.

Null Pointer Exception In Spring Proxy Class and Kotlin

I am facing some problems with kotlin in conjunction with spring.
I have a controller bean (without an interface btw) which has an auto-wired service bean via the primary constructor.
It works perfectly unless I use caching annotations for the controller. Apparently springs caching generates a proxy class under the hood which deals with the caching.
My code looks like this:
open class RegionController #Autowired constructor(val service: RegionService) {
#RequestMapping("{id}", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
#Cacheable(cacheNames = arrayOf("regions"))
fun get(#PathVariable id: Long): RegionResource {
return this.service.get(id)
The problem now is a null pointer exception when the method is executed, actually this.service is null which technically is not possible as it is a nonnull variable in kotlin.
I assume that class proxies generated by spring initialize the class with null values instead of the autowired bean. This must be a common pitfall using kotlin and spring. How did you circumvent this problem?
In Kotlin both classes and members are final by default.
For the proxying library (CGLIB, javaassist) to be able to proxy a method it has to be declared non final and in a non final class (since those libraries implement proxying by subclassing). Change your controller method to:
#RequestMapping("{id}", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
#Cacheable(cacheNames = arrayOf("regions"))
open fun get(#PathVariable id: Long): RegionResource {
return this.service.get(id)
You probably see a warning in console regarding RegionController methods not being subject to proxying.
The Kotlin compiler plugin
The Kotlin team has acknowledged this difficulty and created a plugin that marks the standard AOP proxy candidates e.g. #Component with open.
You can enable the plugin by in your build.gradle:
plugins {
id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.spring" version "1.1.60"
Soon this might not be a problem any longer.
There is work in progress that any lib (including spring for example) can specify a list of annotations a file in META-INF. Once a class is annotated with one of these, it will default to open for the class itself and all its functions. This is also true for classes inheriting from an annotated class.
For more details, have a look at https://github.com/Kotlin/KEEP/pull/40#issuecomment-250773204

Grails Dependency Injection Outside of Services?

I have a Grails application that needs to run a strategy that will likely be swapped out over time. I know Spring underlies Grails, so I was wondering if I had access to Spring's IoC container so that I could externalize the actual dependency in an xml file (note: I have never actually done this, but just know of it, so I may be missing something). My goal is to be able to do something like the following:
class SchemaUpdateService {
public int calculateSomething(){
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
IStrategy strat = (IStrategy) ctx.getBean("mystrat");
And then map the appropriate implementation in the beans.xml file. I assume this is supported in Grails. Does anyone have any documentation on how this would work? Do I really just need the Spring IoC library and it will just work? Thanks!
You define your beans in resources.xml or resources.groovy. The grails documentation is very clear about how to access the Spring application context.
You can access the application context from any Grails artefact using
ApplicationContext ctx = grailsApplication.mainContext
You can then use this to retrieve whichever beans you're interested in:
IStrategy strat = (IStrategy) ctx.getBean("mystrat")
In classes that don't have access to grailsApplication, you could use a helper such as the following to access the application context and the beans therein
class SpringUtils {
static getBean(String name) {
static <T> T getBean(String name, Class<T> requiredType) {
applicationContext.getBean(name, requiredType)
static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
However, this should only be necessary if you need to retrieve different implementations of the same bean at runtime. If the required bean is known at compile-time, just wire the beans together in resources.xml or resources.groovy
First of all, you want to define your strategy in your grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
beans = {
myStrat(com.yourcompany.StrategyImpl) {
someProperty = someValue
Then, you simply def the a property with the same name into your service:
class SomeGrailsService {
def myStrat
def someMethod() {
return myStrat.doSomething()
In any Grails artefact (such as services and domain classes), Grails will automatically give the myStrat property the correct value. But don't forget, in a unit test you'll have to give it a value manually as the auto-wiring does not happen in unit tests.
Outside of a Grails artefact, you can use something like:
def myStrat = ApplicationHolder.application.mainContext.myStrat
In Grails 2.0, Graeme et al are deprecating the use of the *Holder classes (such as ApplicationHolder and ConfigurationHolder), so I'm not quite sure what the Grails 2.0 approach would be...
