How to find the centroid of pixels with same color in a 360° video? - algorithm

Let I be a w x h frame from a 360° video stream.
Let R be a red rectangle on that frame. R is smaller than the width of the image.
To compute the centroid of this rectangle we need to distinguish two cases:
case 1 where R is on the edges
case 2 where R is fully inside the frame
As you can see there will be a problem to compute the centroid with classical methods in case 1. Please note that I only care about horizontal overlapping.
For the moment I am doing like this. First we detect the first point we find and use it as a reference, then we normalize dx which is the difference between a point and the reference and then we accumulate:
width = frame.width
rectangle_pixel = (255,0,0)
first_found_coord = (-1,-1)
centroid = (0,0)
centroid_count = 0
for pixel, coordinates in image:
if(pixel != rectangle_pixel):
if(first_found_coord == (-1,-1)):
first_found_coord = coordinates
centroid = coordinates
dx = coordinates.x - first_found_coord.x
if(dx > width/2):
dx -= width
else if(dx < - width/2):
dx -= width
centroid += (dx, coordinates.y)
final_centroid = centroid / centroid_count
But it doesn't work as expected. Where is the problem, is there a faster solution ?

Here is a solution based on transition points, i.e when you move from red to non red, or in the other way. To capture the horizontal center, I needed the following information :
gridSize.x : width of the space where rectangles can live.
w : width of your rectangle.
redPixel = (255,0,0);
transitionPoints = [];
betweenTransitionsColor = -1;
// take i and i+1 pixel+position, increment i by one at each step.
for (pixel1, P1), (pixel1, P2) in gridX : // horizontal points for a fixed `y`
if pixel1 != pixel2: // one is red, the other white
nonRedPosition = (pixel1 != redPixel ? P1 : P2)
if(transitionPoints.length == 1 && betweenTransitionsColor == -1):
betweenTransitionsColor = pixel2
if transitionPoints.length == 2:
//Case where your rectangle is on the edge (left or right)
if(transitionPoints.length == 1):
if(abs(transitionPoints[0].x - w) < 2):
xCenter = w/2
xCenter = gridSize.x - w/2
[tP1, tP2] = transitionPoints
// case 1 : The rectangle is splitted
if betweenTransitionsColor != redPixel:
xCenter = (tP2.x - gridSize.x + tP1.x)/2
xCenter = (tP1.x + tP1.x)/2
Note :
you must start at a y position where you could get red pixels. This shouldn't be very hard to achieve. If your rectangle's height is bigger than gridSize.y/2, you can begin at gridSize.y/2. Otherwise, you can search for a first red pixel, and set y to the corresponding position.

Since I'm computing the bounding boxes in the same scope, I do it in two steps.
I first accumulate the coordinates of the pixels of interest. Then when I'm checking for overlapping bounding boxes, I subtract the with for each overlapping colors on the right half of the image. So I end up with a completed but slided rectangle.
At the end I divide by the number of point found per color. If the result is negative I shift it by the size of width of the image.
def get_centroid(image, interest_color):
acc_x = 0
acc_y = 0
count = 0
first_pixel = (0,0)
for (x,y, color) in image:
if(color not in interest_color):
if(count == 0):
first_pixel = (x,y)
dx = x - first_pixel.x
if(dx > L/2)
dx -= L
else if (dx < -L/2)
dx += L
acc_x += x
acc_y += y
non_scaled_result = acc_x / count, acc_y / count
result = non_scaled_result + first_pixel
return result


Rectangle Packing - Subset

I'm working on an algorithm that figures out how to pack rectangles into a larger rectangle. I am aware this is similar to the rectangle packing problem but my particular problem has a few quirks; namely the rectangles that I'm fitting only have a defined height, the width can (and should) vary such that the rectangles that share a vertical overlap with other rectangles will end up having equal widths with respect to the other rectangles they overlap with.
Here is the best formalization I could come up with:
Given a possibly infinite set R of real number ranges between -inf, +inf and an area A defined by the points (0, -inf), (100, +inf).
For each range r in R find a rectangle Ar which resides inside area A with a height abs(r1 - r2) and a width which results in a rectangle that fills as much horizontal space as possible without overlapping any other rectangle.
Here is an image showing an example input set, and the expected output:
Does anyone have any idea the best way to approach this? I have a somewhat working solution but it fails under conditions where there are a lot of overlapping ranges. Here is the code:
val laidOutRectangles = mutableListOf<Rectangle>() // Rectangle is defined by x1, y1, x2, y2
val ranges = mutableListOf<Range>() // Range just has lower and upper bounds
val width = 100
ranges.sortedByDescending { it.first }.forEach { range ->
// Get top and bottom of range
val lower = range.first
val upper = range.second
// Work out overlapping rectangles
var overlappingRectangles = 0
laidOutRectangles.forEach { rectangle ->
if ((lower >= rectangle.y1 && lower <= rectangle.y2) ||
(upper >= rectangle.y1 && upper <= rectangle.y2)) {
val rectangleWidth = (width / (overlappingRectangles + 1)).toInt()
val newRectangle = Rectangle(0, lower, rectangleWidth, upper)
var repositionedRectangles = 0
laidOutRectangles.filter {
((lower >= it.y1 && lower <= it.y2) ||
(upper >= it.y1 && upper <= it.y2))
}.sortedByDescending {
Math.abs(upper - lower)
}.forEach { rectangle ->
rectangle.width = rectangleWidth
rectangle.x1 = (rectangleWidth * (repositionedRectangles + 1)).toInt()
rectangle.x2 = (rectangle.x1 + rectangleWidth)

Check for pixel values in a neighborhood

I'm trying to write a MATLAB script that does the following:
Given: pixel coordinates(x,y) for a .jpg image
Goal: Check, within a 5 pixel radius of given coordinates, if there is a pixel of a certain value.
For example, let's say I'm given the coordinates (100,100), then I want to check the neighborhood of (100,100) within my image for any pixels that are black (0,0,0). So perhaps, pixel (103, 100) and (104,100) might have the value (0,0,0).
Current code:
x_coord = uint32(coord(:,1));
y_coord = uint32(coord(:,2));
count = 0;
for i = 1:length(x_coord)
%(img(x,y) returns pixel value at that (x,y)
%Note 0 = black. Indicating that, at that position, the image is just
% black
if img(x_coord(i),y_coord(i)) == 0
count = count + 1;
It currently only checks at an exact location. Not in a local neighborhood. How to could I extend this?
EDIT: Also note, as long as there as at least one pixel in the neighborhood with the value, I increment count. I'm not trying to enumerate how many pixels in the neighborhood have that value, just trying to find evidence of at least one pixel that has that value.
Even though I am unable to identify an error with the code, I am not able to get the exact results I want. Here is the code I am using.
val = 0; %pixel value to check
N = 50; % neighbourhood radius
%2D grid of coordinates surrounding center coordinate
[R, C] = ndgrid(1 : size(img, 1), 1 : size(img, 2));
for kk = 1 : size(coord, 1)
r = coord(kk, 1); c = coord(kk, 2); % Get pixel locations
% mask of valid locations within the neighbourhood (avoid boundary problems)
mask = (R - r).^2 + (C - c).^2 <= N*N;
pix = img(mask); % Get the valid pixels
valid = any(pix(:) ~= val);
% Add either 0 or 1 depending if we have found any matching pixels
if(valid == 1)
img = insertMarker(img, [r c], 'x', 'color', 'red', 'size', 10);
imwrite(img, images(i).name,'tiff');
count = count + valid;
An easier way to do this would be to use indexing to grab a neighbourhood, then to check to see if any of the pixels in the neighbourhood have the value that you're looking for, use any on a flattened version of this neighbourhood. The trick with grabbing the right neighbourhood is to first generate a 2D grid of coordinates that span the entire dimensions of your image, then simply use the equation of a circle with the centre of it being each coordinate you are looking at and determine those locations that satisfy the following equation:
(x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 <= N^2
N is the radius of the observation window, (a, b) is a coordinate of interest while (x, y) is a coordinate in the image. Use meshgrid to generate the coordinates.
You would use the above equation to create a logical mask, index into your image to pull the locations that are valid within the mask and check how many pixels match the one you want. Another added benefit with the above approach is that you are not subject to any out of bounds errors. Because you are pre-generating the list of all valid coordinates in your image, generating the mask will confine you within the boundaries of the image so you never have to check for out of boundaries conditions.... even when you specify coordinates to search that are out of bounds.
Specifically, assuming your image is stored in img, you would do:
count = 0; % Remembers total count of pixels matching a value
val = 0; % Value to match
N = 50; % Radius of neighbourhood
% Generate 2D grid of coordinates
[x, y] = meshgrid(1 : size(img, 2), 1 : size(img, 1));
% For each coordinate to check...
for kk = 1 : size(coord, 1)
a = coord(kk, 1); b = coord(kk, 2); % Get the pixel locations
mask = (x - a).^2 + (y - b).^2 <= N*N; % Get a mask of valid locations
% within the neighbourhood
pix = img(mask); % Get the valid pixels
count = count + any(pix(:) == val); % Add either 0 or 1 depending if
% we have found any matching pixels
The proposed solution:
fc = repmat(-5:5,11,1);
I = (fc.^2+fc'.^2)<=25;
fc_x = fc(I);
fc_y = fc'; fc_y = fc_y(I);
for i = 1:length(x_coord)
x_toCheck = fc_x + x_coord(i);
y_toCheck = fc_y + y_coord(i);
I = x_toCheck>0 & x_toCheck<=yourImageWidth;
I = I.*(y_toCheck>0 & y_toCheck<=yourImageHeight);
x_toCheck = x_toCheck(logical(I));
y_toCheck = y_toCheck(logical(I));
count = sum(img(x_toCheck(:),y_toCheck(:)) == 0);
If your img function can only check one pixel at a time, just add a for loop:
for i = 1:length(x_coord)
x_toCheck = fc_x + x_coord(i);
y_toCheck = fc_y + y_coord(i);
I = x_toCheck>0 & x_toCheck<=yourImageWidth;
I = I.*(y_toCheck>0 & y_toCheck<=yourImageHeight);
x_toCheck = x_toCheck(logical(I));
y_toCheck = y_toCheck(logical(I));
for j = 1:length(x_toCheck)
count = count + (img(x_toCheck(j),y_toCheck(j)) == 0);
You first need to get all the coordinates within 5 pixels range of the given coordinate.
We start by building a square of 11 pixels in length/width.
fc = repmat(-5:5,11,1);
fc_x = fc;
fc_y = fc';
We now need to build a filter to get rid of those points outside the 5-pixel radius.
I = (fc.^2+fc'.^2)<=25;
Apply the filter, so we can get a circle of 5-pixel radius.
fc_x = fc_x(I);
fc_y = fc_y(I);
Next translate the centre of the circle to the given coordinate:
x_toCheck = fc_x + x_coord(i);
y_toCheck = fc_y + y_coord(i);
You need to check whether part of the circle is outside the range of your image:
I = x_toCheck>0 & x_toCheck<=yourImageWidth;
I = I.*(y_toCheck>0 & y_toCheck<=yourImageHeight);
x_toCheck = x_toCheck(logical(I));
y_toCheck = y_toCheck(logical(I));
Finally count the pixels:
count = sum(img(x_toCheck,y_toCheck) == 0);

How to use Bresenham's line drawing algorithm with sub pixel bias?

Bresenham's line drawing algorithm is well known and quite simple to implement.
While there are more advanced ways to draw anti-ailesed lines, Im interested in writing a function which draws a single pixel width non anti-aliased line, based on floating point coordinates.
This means while the first and last pixels will remain the same, the pixels drawn between them will have a bias based on the sub-pixel position of both end-points.
In principle this shouldn't be all that complicated, since I assume its possible to use the sub-pixel offsets to calculate an initial error value to use when plotting the line, and all other parts of the algorithm remain the same.
No sub pixel offset:
Assuming the right hand point has a sub-pixel position close to the top, the line could look like this:
With sub pixel offset for example:
Is there a tried & true method of drawing a line that takes sub-pixel coordinates into account?
This seems like a common operation, I've seen OpenGL drivers take this into account for example - using GL_LINE, though from a quick search I didn't find any answers online - maybe used wrong search terms?
At a glance this question looks like it might be a duplicate of: Precise subpixel line drawing algorithm (rasterization algorithm)However that is asking about drawing a wide line, this is asking about offsetting a single pixel line.
If there isn't some standard method, I'll try write this up to post as an answer.
Having just encountered the same challenge, I can confirm that this is possible as you expected.
First, return to the simplest form of the algorithm: (ignore the fractions; they'll disappear later)
x = x0
y = y0
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
error = -0.5
while x < x1:
if error > 0:
y += 1
error -= 1
paint(x, y)
x += 1
error += dy/dx
This means that for integer coordinates, we start half a pixel above the pixel boundary (error = -0.5), and for each pixel we advance in x, we increase the ideal y coordinate (and therefore the current error) by dy/dx.
First let's see what happens if we stop forcing x0, y0, x1 and y1 to be integers: (this will also assume that instead of using pixel centres, the coordinates are relative to the bottom-left of each pixel1, since once you support sub-pixel positions you can simply add half the pixel width to the x and y to return to pixel-centred logic)
x = x0
y = y0
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
error = (0.5 - (x0 % 1)) * dy/dx + (y0 % 1) - 1
while x < x1:
if error > 0:
y += 1
error -= 1
paint(x, y)
x += 1
error += dy/dx
The only change was the initial error calculation. The new value comes from simple trig to calculate the y coordinate when x is at the pixel centre. It's worth noting that you can use the same idea to clip the line's start position to be within some bound, which is another challenge you'll likely face when you want to start optimising things.
Now we just need to convert this into integer-only arithmetic. We'll need some fixed multiplier for the fractional inputs (scale), and the divisions can be handled by multiplying them out, just as the standard algorithm does.
# assumes x0, y0, x1 and y1 are pre-multiplied by scale
x = x0
y = y0
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
error = (scale - 2 * (x0 % scale)) * dy + 2 * (y0 % scale) * dx - 2 * dx * scale
while x < x1:
if error > 0:
y += scale
error -= 2 * dx * scale
paint(x / scale, y / scale)
x += scale
error += 2 * dy * scale
Note that x, y, dx and dy keep the same scaling factor as the input variables (scale), whereas error has a more complex scaling factor: 2 * dx * scale. This allows it to absorb the division and fraction in its original formulation, but means we need to apply the same scale everywhere we use it.
Obviously there's a lot of room to optimise here, but that's the basic algorithm. If we assume scale is a power-of-two (2^n), we can start to make things a little more efficient:
dx = x1 - x0
dy = y1 - y0
mask = (1 << n) - 1
error = (2 * (y0 & mask) - (2 << n)) * dx - (2 * (x0 & mask) - (1 << n)) * dy
x = x0 >> n
y = y0 >> n
while x < (x1 >> n):
if error > 0:
y += 1
error -= 2 * dx << n
paint(x, y)
x += 1
error += 2 * dy << n
As with the original, this only works in the (x >= y, x > 0, y >= 0) octant. The usual rules apply for extending it to all cases, but note that there are a few extra gotchyas due to the coordinates no-longer being centred in the pixel (i.e. reflections become more complex).
You'll also need to watch out for integer overflows: error has twice the precision of the input variables, and a range of up to twice the length of the line. Plan your inputs, precision, and variable types accordingly!
1: Coordinates are relative to the corner which is closest to 0,0. For an OpenGL-style coordinate system that's the bottom left, but it could be the top-left depending on your particular scenario.
I had a similar problem, with the addition of needing sub-pixel endpoints, I also needed to make sure all pixels which intersect the line are drawn.
I'm not sure that my solution will be helpful to OP, both because its been 4+ years, and because of the sentence "This means while the first and last pixels will remain the same..." For me, that is actually a problem (More on that later). Hopefully this may be helpful to others.
I don't know if this can be considered to be Bresenham's algorithm, but it is awful similar. I'll explain it for the (+,+) quadrant. Lets say you wish to draw a line from point (Px,Py) to (Qx,Qy) over a grid of pixels with width W. Having a grid width W > 1 allows for sub-pixel endpoints.
For a line going in the (+,+) quadrant, the starting point is easy to calculate, just take the floor of (Px,Py). As you will see later, this only works if Qx >= Px & Qy >= Py.
Now you need to find which pixel to go to next. There are 3 possibilities: (x+1,y), (x,y+1), & (x+1,y+1). To make this decision, I use the 2D cross product defined as:
If this value is negative, vector b is right/clockwise of vector a.
If this value is positive, vector b is left/anti-clockwise of vector a.
If this value is zero vector b points in the same direction as vector a.
To make the decision on which pixel is next, compare the cross product between the line P-Q [red in image below] and a line between the point P and the top-right pixel (x+1,y+1) [blue in image below].
The vector between P & the top-right pixel can be calculated as:
So, we will use the value from the 2D cross product:
If this value is negative, the next pixel will be (x,y+1).
If this value is positive, the next pixel will be (x+1,y).
If this value is exactly zero, the next pixel will be (x+1,y+1).
That works fine for the starting pixel, but the rest of the pixels will not have a point that lies inside them. Luckily, after the initial point, you don't need a point to be inside the pixel for the blue vector. You can keep extending it like so:
The blue vector starts at the starting point of the line, and is updated to the (x+1,y+1) for every pixel. The rule for which pixel to take is the same. As you can see, the red vector is right of the blue vector. So, the next pixel will be the one right of the green pixel.
The value for the cross product needs updated for every pixel, depending on which pixel you took.
Add dx if the next pixel was (x+1), add dy if the pixel was (y+1). Add both if the pixel went to (x+1,y+1).
This process is repeated until it reaches the ending pixel, (Qx / W, Qy / W).
All combined this leads to the following code:
int dx = x2 - x2;
int dy = y2 - y1;
int local_x = x1 % width;
int local_y = y1 % width;
int cross_product = dx*(width-local_y) - dy*(width-local_x);
int dx_cross = -dy*width;
int dy_cross = dx*width;
int x = x1 / width;
int y = y1 / width;
int end_x = x2 / width;
int end_y = y2 / width;
while (x != end_x || y != end_y) {
int old_cross = cross_product;
if (old_cross >= 0) {
cross_product += dx_cross;
if (old_cross <= 0) {
cross_product += dy_cross;
Making it work for all quadrants is a matter of reversing the local coordinates and some absolute values. Heres the code which works for all quadrants:
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
int dx_x = (dx >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
int dy_y = (dy >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
int local_x = x1 % square_width;
int local_y = y1 % square_width;
int x_dist = (dx >= 0) ? (square_width - local_x) : (local_x);
int y_dist = (dy >= 0) ? (square_width - local_y) : (local_y);
int cross_product = abs(dx) * abs(y_dist) - abs(dy) * abs(x_dist);
dx_cross = -abs(dy) * square_width;
dy_cross = abs(dx) * square_width;
int x = x1 / square_width;
int y = y1 / square_width;
int end_x = x2 / square_width;
int end_y = y2 / square_width;
while (x != end_x || y != end_y) {
int old_cross = cross_product;
if (old_cross >= 0) {
x += dx_x;
cross_product += dx_cross;
if (old_cross <= 0) {
y += dy_y;
cross_product += dy_cross;
However there is a problem! This code will not stop in some cases. To understand why, you need to really look into exactly what conditions count as the intersection between a line and a pixel.
When exactly is a pixel drawn?
I said I need to make that all pixels which intersect a line need to be drawn. But there's some ambiguity in the edge cases.
Here is a list of all possible intersections in which a pixel will be drawn for a line where Qx >= Px & Qy >= Py:
A - If a line intersects the pixel completely, the pixel will be drawn.
B - If a vertical line intersects the pixel completely, the pixel will be drawn.
C - If a horizontal line intersects the pixel completely, the pixel will be drawn.
D - If a vertical line perfectly touches the left of the pixel, the pixel will be drawn.
E - If a horizontal line perfectly touches the bottom of the pixel, the pixel will be drawn.
F - If a line endpoint starts inside of a pixel going (+,+), the pixel will be drawn.
G - If a line endpoint starts exactly on the left side of a pixel going (+,+), the pixel will be drawn.
H - If a line endpoint starts exactly on the bottom side of a pixel going (+,+), the pixel will be drawn.
I - If a line endpoint starts exactly on the bottom left corner of a pixel going (+,+), the pixel will be drawn.
And here are some pixels which do NOT intersect the line:
A' - If a line obviously doesn't intersect a pixel, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
B' - If a vertical line obviously doesn't intersect a pixel, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
C' - If a horizontal line obviously doesn't intersect a pixel, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
D' - If a vertical line exactly touches the right side of a pixel, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
E' - If a horizontal line exactly touches the top side of a pixel, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
F' - If a line endpoint starts exactly on the top right corner of a pixel going in the (+,+) direction, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
G' - If a line endpoint starts exactly on the top side of a pixel going in the (+,+) direction, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
H' - If a line endpoint starts exactly on the right side of a pixel going in the (+,+) direction, the pixel will NOT be drawn.
I' - If a line exactly touches a corner of the pixel, the pixel will NOT be drawn. This applies to all corners.
Those rules apply as you would expect (just flip the image) for the other quadrants. The problem I need to highlight is when an endpoint lies exactly on the edge of a pixel. Take a look at this case:
This is like image G' above, except the y-axis is flipped because the Qy < Py. There are 4x4 red dots because W is 4, making the pixel dimensions 4x4. Each of the 4 dots are the ONLY endpoints a line can touch. The line drawn goes from (1.25, 1.0) to (somewhere).
This shows why it's incorrect (at least how I defined pixel-line intersections) to say the pixel endpoints can be calculated as the floor of the line endpoints. The floored pixel coordinate for that endpoint seems to be (1,1), but it is clear that the line never really intersects that pixel. It just touches it, so I don't want to draw it.
Instead of flooring the line endpoints, you need to floor the minimal endpoints, and ceil the maximal endpoints minus 1 across both x & y dimensions.
So finally here is the complete code which does this flooring/ceiling:
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = y2 - y1;
int dx_x = (dx >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
int dy_y = (dy >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
int local_x = x1 % square_width;
int local_y = y1 % square_width;
int x_dist = (dx >= 0) ? (square_width - local_x) : (local_x);
int y_dist = (dy >= 0) ? (square_width - local_y) : (local_y);
int cross_product = abs(dx) * abs(y_dist) - abs(dy) * abs(x_dist);
dx_cross = -abs(dy) * square_width;
dy_cross = abs(dx) * square_width;
int x = x1 / square_width;
int y = y1 / square_width;
int end_x = x2 / square_width;
int end_y = y2 / square_width;
// Perform ceiling/flooring of the pixel endpoints
if (dy < 0)
if ((y1 % square_width) == 0)
cross_product += dy_cross;
else if (dy > 0)
if ((y2 % square_width) == 0)
if (dx < 0)
if ((x1 % square_width) == 0)
cross_product += dx_cross;
else if (dx > 0)
if ((x2 % square_width) == 0)
while (x != end_x || y != end_y) {
int old_cross = cross_product;
if (old_cross >= 0) {
x += dx_x;
cross_product += dx_cross;
if (old_cross <= 0) {
y += dy_y;
cross_product += dy_cross;
This code itself hasn't been tested, but it comes slightly modified from my GitHub project where it has been tested.
Let's assume you want to draw a line from P1 = (x1, y1) to P2 = (x2, y2) where all the numbers are floating point pixel coordinates.
Calculate the true pixel coordinates of P1 and P2 and paint them: P* = (round(x), round(y)).
If abs(x1* - x2*) <= 1 && abs(y1* - y2*) <= 1 then you are finished.
Decide whether it is a horizontal (true) or a vertical line (false): abs(x1 - x2) >= abs(y1 - y2).
If it is a horizontal line and x1 > x2 or if it is a vertical line and y1 > y2: swap P1 with P2 (and also P1* with P2*).
If it is a horizontal line you can get the y-coordinates for all the x-coordinates between x1* and x2* with the following formula:
y(x) = round(y1 + (x - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1))
If you have a vertical line you can get the x-coordinates for all the y-coordinates between y1* and y2* with this formula:
x(y) = round(x1 + (y - y1) / (y2 - y1) * (x2 - x1))
Here is a demo you can play around with, you can try different points on line 12.

Cubic to equirectangular projection algorithm

I have a cube map texture which defines a surrounding, however I need to pass it to a program which only works with latitude/longitude maps. I am really at lost here on how to do the translation. Any help here?
In other words, I need to come from here:
To this (I think that image has an aditional -90° rotation over the x axis):
update: I got the official names of the projections. By the way, I found the opposite projection here
A general procedure for projecting raster images like this is:
for each pixel of the destination image:
calculate the corresponding unit vector in 3-dimensional space
calculate the x,y coordinate for that vector in the source image
sample the source image at that coordinate and assign the value to the destination pixel
The last step is simply interpolation. We will focus on the other two steps.
The unit vector for a given latitude and longitude is (+z towards the north pole, +x towards the prime meridian):
x = cos(lat)*cos(lon)
y = cos(lat)*sin(lon)
z = sin(lat)
Assume the cube is +/- 1 unit around the origin (i.e. 2x2x2 overall size).
Once we have the unit vector, we can find the face of the cube it's on by looking at the element with the largest absolute value. For example, if our unit vector was <0.2099, -0.7289, 0.6516>, then the y element has the largest absolute value. It's negative, so the point will be found on the -y face of the cube. Normalize the other two coordinates by dividing by the y magnitude to get the location within that face. So, the point will be at x=0.2879, z=0.8939 on the -y face.
I'd like to share my MATLAB implementation of this conversion. I also borrowed from the OpenGL 4.1 specification, Chapter 3.8.10 (found here), as well as Paul Bourke's website (found here). Make sure you look under the subheading: Converting to and from 6 cubic environment maps and a spherical map.
I also used Sambatyon's post above as inspiration. It started off as a port from Python over to MATLAB, but I made the code so that it is completely vectorized (i.e. no for loops). I also take the cubic image and split it up into 6 separate images, as the application I'm building has the cubic image in this format. Also there is no error checking with the code, and that this assumes that all of the cubic images are of the same size (n x n). This also assumes that the images are in RGB format. If you'd like to do this for a monochromatic image, simply comment out those lines of code that require access to more than one channel. Here we go!
function [out] = cubic2equi(top, bottom, left, right, front, back)
% Height and width of equirectangular image
height = size(top, 1);
width = 2*height;
% Flags to denote what side of the cube we are facing
% Z-axis is coming out towards you
% X-axis is going out to the right
% Y-axis is going upwards
% Assuming that the front of the cube is towards the
% negative X-axis
FACE_Z_POS = 1; % Left
FACE_Z_NEG = 2; % Right
FACE_Y_POS = 3; % Top
FACE_Y_NEG = 4; % Bottom
FACE_X_NEG = 5; % Front
FACE_X_POS = 6; % Back
% Place in a cell array
stackedImages{FACE_Z_POS} = left;
stackedImages{FACE_Z_NEG} = right;
stackedImages{FACE_Y_POS} = top;
stackedImages{FACE_Y_NEG} = bottom;
stackedImages{FACE_X_NEG} = front;
stackedImages{FACE_X_POS} = back;
% Place in 3 3D matrices - Each matrix corresponds to a colour channel
imagesRed = uint8(zeros(height, height, 6));
imagesGreen = uint8(zeros(height, height, 6));
imagesBlue = uint8(zeros(height, height, 6));
% Place each channel into their corresponding matrices
for i = 1 : 6
im = stackedImages{i};
imagesRed(:,:,i) = im(:,:,1);
imagesGreen(:,:,i) = im(:,:,2);
imagesBlue(:,:,i) = im(:,:,3);
% For each co-ordinate in the normalized image...
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:width, 1:height);
% Obtain the spherical co-ordinates
Y = 2*Y/height - 1;
X = 2*X/width - 1;
sphereTheta = X*pi;
spherePhi = (pi/2)*Y;
texX = cos(spherePhi).*cos(sphereTheta);
texY = sin(spherePhi);
texZ = cos(spherePhi).*sin(sphereTheta);
% Figure out which face we are facing for each co-ordinate
% First figure out the greatest absolute magnitude for each point
comp = cat(3, texX, texY, texZ);
[~,ind] = max(abs(comp), [], 3);
maxVal = zeros(size(ind));
% Copy those values - signs and all
maxVal(ind == 1) = texX(ind == 1);
maxVal(ind == 2) = texY(ind == 2);
maxVal(ind == 3) = texZ(ind == 3);
% Set each location in our equirectangular image, figure out which
% side we are facing
getFace = -1*ones(size(maxVal));
% Back
ind = abs(maxVal - texX) < 0.00001 & texX < 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_X_POS;
% Front
ind = abs(maxVal - texX) < 0.00001 & texX >= 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_X_NEG;
% Top
ind = abs(maxVal - texY) < 0.00001 & texY < 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Y_POS;
% Bottom
ind = abs(maxVal - texY) < 0.00001 & texY >= 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Y_NEG;
% Left
ind = abs(maxVal - texZ) < 0.00001 & texZ < 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Z_POS;
% Right
ind = abs(maxVal - texZ) < 0.00001 & texZ >= 0;
getFace(ind) = FACE_Z_NEG;
% Determine the co-ordinates along which image to sample
% based on which side we are facing
rawX = -1*ones(size(maxVal));
rawY = rawX;
rawZ = rawX;
% Back
ind = getFace == FACE_X_POS;
rawX(ind) = -texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texX(ind);
% Front
ind = getFace == FACE_X_NEG;
rawX(ind) = texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texX(ind);
% Top
ind = getFace == FACE_Y_POS;
rawX(ind) = texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = texX(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texY(ind);
% Bottom
ind = getFace == FACE_Y_NEG;
rawX(ind) = texZ(ind);
rawY(ind) = -texX(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texY(ind);
% Left
ind = getFace == FACE_Z_POS;
rawX(ind) = texX(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texZ(ind);
% Right
ind = getFace == FACE_Z_NEG;
rawX(ind) = -texX(ind);
rawY(ind) = texY(ind);
rawZ(ind) = texZ(ind);
% Concatenate all for later
rawCoords = cat(3, rawX, rawY, rawZ);
% Finally determine co-ordinates (normalized)
cubeCoordsX = ((rawCoords(:,:,1) ./ abs(rawCoords(:,:,3))) + 1) / 2;
cubeCoordsY = ((rawCoords(:,:,2) ./ abs(rawCoords(:,:,3))) + 1) / 2;
cubeCoords = cat(3, cubeCoordsX, cubeCoordsY);
% Now obtain where we need to sample the image
normalizedX = round(cubeCoords(:,:,1) * height);
normalizedY = round(cubeCoords(:,:,2) * height);
% Just in case.... cap between [1, height] to ensure
% no out of bounds behaviour
normalizedX(normalizedX < 1) = 1;
normalizedX(normalizedX > height) = height;
normalizedY(normalizedY < 1) = 1;
normalizedY(normalizedY > height) = height;
% Place into a stacked matrix
normalizedCoords = cat(3, normalizedX, normalizedY);
% Output image allocation
out = uint8(zeros([size(maxVal) 3]));
% Obtain column-major indices on where to sample from the
% input images
% getFace will contain which image we need to sample from
% based on the co-ordinates within the equirectangular image
ind = sub2ind([height height 6], normalizedCoords(:,:,2), ...
normalizedCoords(:,:,1), getFace);
% Do this for each channel
out(:,:,1) = imagesRed(ind);
out(:,:,2) = imagesGreen(ind);
out(:,:,3) = imagesBlue(ind);
I've also made the code publicly available through github and you can go here for it. Included is the main conversion script, a test script to show its use and a sample set of 6 cubic images pulled from Paul Bourke's website. I hope this is useful!
Project changed name to libcube2cyl. Same goodness, better working examples both in C and C++.
Now also available in C.
I happened to solve the exact same problem as you described.
I wrote this tiny C++ lib called "Cube2Cyl", you can find the detailed explanation of algorithm here: Cube2Cyl
Please find the source code from github: Cube2Cyl
It is released under MIT licence, use it for free!
So, I found a solution mixing this article on spherical coordinates from wikipedia and the Section 3.8.10 from the OpenGL 4.1 specification (plus some hacks to make it work). So, assuming that the cubic image has a height h_o and width w_o, the equirectangular will have a height h = w_o / 3 and a width w = 2 * h. Now for each pixel (x, y) 0 <= x <= w, 0 <= y <= h in the equirectangular projection, we want to find the corresponding pixel in the cubic projection, I solve it using the following code in python (I hope I didn't make mistakes while translating it from C)
import math
# from wikipedia
def spherical_coordinates(x, y):
return (math.pi*((y/h) - 0.5), 2*math.pi*x/(2*h), 1.0)
# from wikipedia
def texture_coordinates(theta, phi, rho):
return (rho * math.sin(theta) * math.cos(phi),
rho * math.sin(theta) * math.sin(phi),
rho * math.cos(theta))
# from opengl specification
def get_face(x, y, z):
largest_magnitude = max(x, y, z)
if largest_magnitude - abs(x) < 0.00001:
return FACE_X_POS if x < 0 else FACE_X_NEG
elif largest_magnitude - abs(y) < 0.00001:
return FACE_Y_POS if y < 0 else FACE_Y_NEG
elif largest_magnitude - abs(z) < 0.00001:
return FACE_Z_POS if z < 0 else FACE_Z_NEG
# from opengl specification
def raw_face_coordinates(face, x, y, z):
if face == FACE_X_POS:
return (-z, -y, x)
elif face == FACE_X_NEG:
return (-z, y, -x)
elif face == FACE_Y_POS:
return (-x, -z, -y)
elif face == FACE_Y_NEG:
return (-x, z, -y)
elif face == FACE_Z_POS:
return (-x, y, -z)
elif face == FACE_Z_NEG:
return (-x, -y, z)
# computes the topmost leftmost coordinate of the face in the cube map
def face_origin_coordinates(face):
if face == FACE_X_POS:
return (2*h, h)
elif face == FACE_X_NEG:
return (0, 2*h)
elif face == FACE_Y_POS:
return (h, h)
elif face == FACE_Y_NEG:
return (h, 3*h)
elif face == FACE_Z_POS:
return (h, 0)
elif face == FACE_Z_NEG:
return (h, 2*h)
# from opengl specification
def raw_coordinates(xc, yc, ma):
return ((xc/abs(ma) + 1) / 2, (yc/abs(ma) + 1) / 2)
def normalized_coordinates(face, x, y):
face_coords = face_origin_coordinates(face)
normalized_x = int(math.floor(x * h + 0.5))
normalized_y = int(math.floor(y * h + 0.5))
# eliminates black pixels
if normalized_x == h:
if normalized_y == h:
return (face_coords[0] + normalized_x, face_coords[1] + normalized_y)
def find_corresponding_pixel(x, y):
spherical = spherical_coordinates(x, y)
texture_coords = texture_coordinates(spherical[0], spherical[1], spherical[2])
face = get_face(texture_coords[0], texture_coords[1], texture_coords[2])
raw_face_coords = raw_face_coordinates(face, texture_coords[0], texture_coords[1], texture_coords[2])
cube_coords = raw_coordinates(raw_face_coords[0], raw_face_coords[1], raw_face_coords[2])
# this fixes some faces being rotated 90°
if face in [FACE_X_NEG, FACE_X_POS]:
cube_coords = (cube_coords[1], cube_coords[0])
return normalized_coordinates(face, cube_coords[0], cube_coords[1])
at the end we just call find_corresponding_pixel for each pixel in the equirectangular projection
I think from your algorithm in Python you might have inverted x and y in the calculation of theta and phi.
def spherical_coordinates(x, y):
return (math.pi*((y/h) - 0.5), 2*math.pi*x/(2*h), 1.0)
from Paul Bourke's website here
theta = x pi
phi = y pi / 2
and in your code you are using y in the theta calculation and x in the phi calculation.
Correct me if I am wrong.

Plot ellipse from rectangle

I have been looking all over the Web for a way to plot an ellipse from rectangle coordinates, that is, top-left corner (x, y) and size (width and height). The only ones I can find everywhere are based on the Midpoint/Bresenham algorithm and I can't use that because when working with integer pixels, I lose precisions because these algorithms use a center point and radials.
The ellipse MUST be limited to the rectangle's coordinates, so if I feed it a rectangle where the width and height are 4 (or any even number), I should get an ellipse that completely fits in a 4x4 rectangle, and not one that will be 5x5 (like what those algorithms are giving me).
Does anyone know of any way to accomplish this?
Can you not get the width and height (divided by 2) and center of the rectangle then plug that into any ellipse drawing routine as its major, minor axis and center? I guess I'm not seeing the problem all the way here.
I had the same need. Here is my solution with code. The error is at most half a pixel.
I based my solution on the McIlroy ellipse algorithm, an integer-only algorithm which McIlroy mathematically proved to be accurate to a half-pixel, without missing or extra points, and correctly drawing degenerate cases such as lines and circles. L. Patrick further analyzed McIlroy's algorithm, including ways to optimize it and how a filled ellipse can be broken up into rectangles.
McIlroy's algorithm traces a path through one quadrant of the ellipse; the remaining quadrants are rendered through symmetry. Each step in the path requires three comparisons. Many of the other ellipse algorithms use octants instead, which require only two comparisons per step. However, octant-based methods have are notoriously inaccurate at the octant boundaries. The slight savings of one comparison is not worth the inaccuracy of the octant methods.
Like virtually every other integer ellipse algorithm, McIlroy's wants the center at integer coordinates, and the lengths of the axes a and b to be integers as well. However, we want to be able to draw an ellipse with a bounding box using any integer coordinates. A bounding box with an even width or even height will have a center on an integer-and-a-half coordinate, and a or b will be an integer-and-a-half.
My solution was to perform calculations using integers that are double of what is needed. Any variable starting with q is calculated from double pixel values. An even q variable is on an integer coordinate, and an odd q variable is at an integer-and-a-half coordinate. I then re-worked McIroy's math to get the correct mathematical expressions with these new doubled values. This includes modifying starting values when the bounding box has even width or height.
Behold, the subroutine/method drawEllipse given below. You provide it with the integer coordinates (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) of the bounding box. It doesn't care if x0 < x1 versus x0 > x1; it will swap them as needed. If you provide x0 == x1, your will get a vertical line. Similarly for the y0 and y1 coordinates. You also provide the boolean fill parameter, which draws only the ellipse outline if false, and draws a filled ellipse if true. You also have to provide the subroutines drawPoint(x, y) which draws a single point and drawRow(xleft, xright, y) which draws a horizontal line from xleft to xright inclusively.
McIlroy and Patrick optimize their code to fold constants, reuse common subexpressions, etc. For clarity, I didn't do that. Most compilers do this automatically today anyway.
void drawEllipse(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, boolean fill)
int xb, yb, xc, yc;
// Calculate height
yb = yc = (y0 + y1) / 2;
int qb = (y0 < y1) ? (y1 - y0) : (y0 - y1);
int qy = qb;
int dy = qb / 2;
if (qb % 2 != 0)
// Bounding box has even pixel height
// Calculate width
xb = xc = (x0 + x1) / 2;
int qa = (x0 < x1) ? (x1 - x0) : (x0 - x1);
int qx = qa % 2;
int dx = 0;
long qt = (long)qa*qa + (long)qb*qb -2L*qa*qa*qb;
if (qx != 0) {
// Bounding box has even pixel width
qt += 3L*qb*qb;
// Start at (dx, dy) = (0, b) and iterate until (a, 0) is reached
while (qy >= 0 && qx <= qa) {
// Draw the new points
if (!fill) {
drawPoint(xb-dx, yb-dy);
if (dx != 0 || xb != xc) {
drawPoint(xc+dx, yb-dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawPoint(xc+dx, yc+dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawPoint(xb-dx, yc+dy);
// If a (+1, 0) step stays inside the ellipse, do it
if (qt + 2L*qb*qb*qx + 3L*qb*qb <= 0L ||
qt + 2L*qa*qa*qy - (long)qa*qa <= 0L) {
qt += 8L*qb*qb + 4L*qb*qb*qx;
qx += 2;
// If a (0, -1) step stays outside the ellipse, do it
} else if (qt - 2L*qa*qa*qy + 3L*qa*qa > 0L) {
if (fill) {
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yc+dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yb-dy);
qt += 8L*qa*qa - 4L*qa*qa*qy;
qy -= 2;
// Else step (+1, -1)
} else {
if (fill) {
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yc+dy);
if (dy != 0 || yb != yc)
drawRow(xb-dx, xc+dx, yb-dy);
qt += 8L*qb*qb + 4L*qb*qb*qx + 8L*qa*qa - 4L*qa*qa*qy;
qx += 2;
qy -= 2;
} // End of while loop
The image above shows the output for all bounding boxes up to size 10x10. I also ran the algorithm for all ellipses up to size 100x100. This produced 384614 points in the first quadrant. The error between where each of these points were plotted and where the actual ellipse occurs was calculated. The maximum error was 0.500000 (half a pixel) and the average error among all of the points was 0.216597.
The solution I found to this problem was to draw the closest smaller ellipse with odd dimensions, but pulled apart by a pixel along the even length dimension, repeating the middle pixels.
This can be done easily by using different middle points for the quadrants when plotting each pixel:
DrawPixel(midX_high + x, midY_high + y);
DrawPixel(midX_low - x, midY_high + y);
DrawPixel(midX_high + x, midY_low - y);
DrawPixel(midX_low - x, midY_low - y);
The high values are the ceil'ed midpoint, and the low values are the floored midpoint.
An image to illustrate, ellipses with width 15 and 16:
