install C++ "X64 Compiler and Tools" on Visual Studio 2017 - compilation

I'm trying to run LevelZap on Windows 10 and the readme states the following:
In order to build all targets, make sure to install the x64 Compiler and Tools
I've gone to Control Panel → Visual Studio Community → Change/Modify but this particular category isn't listed that I can find. A little help please?

Run the "Visual Studio Installer" which is a desktop app (the same thing is launched by the Modify/Change button you hit).
Select "Modify" for your Visual Studio Community 2017 install.
Select the "Individual components" tab.
Under the section Compilers, build tools, and runtimes you can verify you have "VC++ 2017 version 15.x v14.x latest v141 tools" selected. If not, select it and hit Modify.
This component includes booth the x86 and x64 toolsets. Only the ARM and ARM64 toolsets are split out as individual components.
For more on the VS 2017 installer, see this post.
That said, the tool you are using needs to actually supporting finding the toolsets for VS 2017, so the problem way well be in the other software and not your system setup.

Try installing the build tools for Visual Studio 2017 using one of the installers from the website


Can I uninstall visual studio 2017 and still use the 2017 platform toolset in visual studio 2019?

IIRC, you used to have to have a prior version installed in order to build using that tool set, but from what I gather now the platform tools are optionally installed with the newer version. At the time I installed 2019, I was using the 2017 version, I still have lots of projects using the 2017 platform tool set even though I only use vs2019.
So my question is if I can now uninstall VS2017 and continue to build using that platform toolkit in VS2019?
Yes, you can, but not the way you think. The vc141 toolkit (VS2017) also comes with 2019 and you have to install it separately.
uninstall VS2017 completely
open the Visual Studio Installer
click "modify" on the 2019 instance
go to "invidual components"
enter "v141" in the search field
install all components you need
IOW: The platform and toolkit for VS2017 are also contained in VS2019.
Now you can choose "v141" in the "Toolkit" property and you can even mix and match.

can any one help me width flutter?

that is a visual studio is missing necessary components.
[!] Visual Studio - develop for Windows (Visual Studio Community 2019 16.11.5)
X Visual Studio is missing necessary components. Please re-run the Visual Studio installer for the "Desktop
development with C++" workload, and include these components:
MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools
- If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
C++ CMake tools for Windows
Windows 10 SDK
like the error description explains, you are missing the VS 2019 C++ build tools. This is only relevant if you want to build and run your flutter project for windows.
You could follow the description on the flutter page for additional windows requirements.
Download and run the Visual Studio 2019 Community Installer.
In the Installer Window, select "Desktop development with C++", the default parameters should be fine, and install it.
After the installation you should restart your computer. Then you should be able to run flutter doctor without any errors.

How to create the link between Visual Studio 2017 and Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE?

I install both software Visual Studio 2017 and Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE but when I open the Visual Studio 2017, it only shows the Visual C++ and C#. It can't show the Visual Fortran. Both software are install in Windows 10.
Frequently the installer doesn't install the Visual Studio integration properly.
First, you must have the proper certificates installed, as described in this article in the Intel Fortran forums. It appears that the "COMODO RSA Extended Validation Code Signing CA" certificate may no longer be needed, but the other two are still required.
The Visual Studio integration is installed by a number of .vsix files in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools. If the installer fails, you can install these files manually.
Use the Visual Studio IDE to remove all Intel extensions. (Main Menu -> Tools -> Extensions and Updates ... in VS 2017; Main Menu -> Extensions in VS 2019)
If you have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed, BEWARE. The *.vsix extensions may offer to install themselves for versions of Visual Studio which they are not designed to handle. The ones designed for VS 2017 will have v15 in their name or may be filed under a VS 15 folder; the ones for VS 2019 will have v16 in their name or be files under a VS 16 folder.
To install a .vsix file, just double click on it in Microsoft File Explorer.
Re-install the extensions (.vsix files) in the following order: Common Tools, C++ (if any; use alphabetical order if there are more than one), Intel Software Manager, FEE, Advisor (if present), Inspector (if present), VTune (if present). Repeat the installation of the .vsix files for each version of Visual Studio that you have.
If you update Visual C++ or Visual Fortran, you will need to repeat steps 3-5 at least. (You might have to uninstall and reinstall both compilers, but I am hoping that will not be necessary.)

How to install build tools for v141_xp for VC 2017?

I'm using the newest release of MSVC 2017 community with platform toolset v141, but I'd like the executables still work on XP, so I assume I need to use the v141_xp toolset, which however results in:
Error MSB8020: The build tools for v141_xp (Platform Toolset = 'v141_xp') cannot be found. To build using the v141_xp build tools, please install v141_xp build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget solution".
I didn't find anything like that in the MSVC installer. Any ideas?
I am not entirely clear on whether your issue is installing the C++ tools for Windows XP or modifying your project/solution to target that platform. Either way, the following link should help you out.
Here is a summary on how to install the toolset:
Bring up the Visual Studio installer (Tools -> Get Tools and Features)
Select Desktop development with C++
Select Windows XP support for C++ from the Summary section
Click Modify
On Visual Studio 2019 this option is deprecated but you can still select it :)
Here is a summary on how to install the toolset:
Bring up the Visual Studio installer (Tools -> Get Tools and Features)
Select Individual components
Select Windows XP support for C++ from the Summary section
Click Modify
I had a similar problem and the reason for that was a not needed VCTargetsPath system variable. After removing it, VS 2017 now sees V141 toolset.
I had VS 2017 Community first, maybe that made the problem.

install VC++ Debug Runtime Distributable

Is there anyway to install or have VC++ Debug Runtime Distributable without installing Visual Studio ?
Just to run a dll that has been compiled in debug mode using VS2013 on another machine that hasn't VS2013.
For testing purposes, you can include the Debug DLLs you need 'side-by-side' with your application. You can find them on a machine with VS 2013 installed:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist
When you deploy your app, you must use Release mode distributions. For Win32 desktop apps, use these instructions. For Windows Store apps, you don't have to deploy the CRT as it's handled by the Windows Store.
OP was asking about 2013, but the title is general, so..
I just wanted to point out that in newer Visual Studio releases with the "select what you want" installer, for the debug runtime you need just "tools" or "build tools" (e.g. VC++ 2017 version 15.9 v14.16 latest v141 tools or MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ Build Tools, not to be confused with the toolset)
As for where you can find the libs, VS 2015 still has them basically in the same path outlined in Chuck's answer. From 2017, you should have something like:
<root>\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.16.27012\debug_nonredist
