Magento table rate shipping - exclude some regions from shipping - magento

I have setup a table rate shipping in Magento 1.9. I need to exclude some region from shipping.
For eg., In CSV there are 2 rows, in this format:
Country code - Region - postal - thrashhold - shipping cost
1. FR - Corsica - * - 0 - 18
2. * - * - * - 0 - 50
Currently, If I select France - Corsica in shipping calculator, then it returns shipping cost as 18, which is correct. If I select France - any other region then it shows shipping cost 50, which is not as requirement. Is it possible to restrict other regions, if I select France - any other region?

As per your CSV format condition on 2nd line is applied for all the location except FR-Corsica.You need to remove the second line then It must work as expected.

I think, I got it. I need to remove the regions from tables: directory_country_region and directory_country_region_name, then it wont give option to select other regions of France. Then the shipping can be restricted for these regions.

Only change order of rows
Country code - Region - postal - thrashhold - shipping cost
1. * - * - * - 0 - 50
2. FR - Corsica - * - 0 - 18


Smart tables for Sphinx (reStructuredText)

Are there any smart table extensions for using tables in RST?
It is too tedious to use tables with multiple columns having to type each row and column.
Especially if I want to merge or split the cells in the table as shown below:
I am trying to get the above table using flat-table. Can anyone suggest on how to get this?
.. flat-table:: Characteristics of the BLE badge
:header-rows: 1
* - Col 1
- Col 2
- Col 3
* - :rspan:`2` 0xfee7
- 0xfec7
* - 0xfec8
* - 0xfec9
* - 0xfee0
- 0xfee1
Using the Linuxdoc extension to use the flat-tables.
First, install the linuxdoc Python package:
pip install linuxdoc
Next, add linuxdoc.rstFlatTable to the list of extensions in your Sphinx project's
extensions = [
The linuxdoc manual contains an example that features combinations of row and column spans.
The following reStructuredText produces your table:
.. flat-table:: Spanning table cells
:header-rows: 2
* - :rspan:`1` Col 1
- :rspan:`1` Col 2
- :rspan:`1` Col 3
- :cspan:`2` Col 4
* - Col 4a
- Col 4b
- Col 4c
* - 1
- 2
- 3
- 4a
- 4b
- 4c
Note that if you set header-rows option to 1, linuxdoc produces a malformed table.

Magento Tax Calculation Incorrect

Hi currently running into an issue with magento 1.9 tax calculations.
I have a product setup as £10.82 with VAT of 20% to be added. The price including VAT is £12.98.
When 1 product is added to the cart everything is ok but if I add 7 the total should be £90.86 but its showing as:
Subtotal - £75.74
VAT - £15.15
Total - £90.89
Therefore 3p of VAT extra is added. Please advise on how I can fix this.
This is not a bug. Total £90.89 is correct but if you want total sum without "extra" 3p of VAT, you can select a different method of calculating VAT.
£10,82 * 20% = £2,164 = £2,16
total: 7 * (£10,82+£2,16) = £90,86
7 * £10,82 = £75,74
£75,74 * 20% = £15,148 = £15,15
total: £75,74 + £15,15 = £90,89
Check Tax Calculation Method in Settings.

Apache PIG - How to get the Flop 10 data records?

I have data records like this:
Name customerID revenue(Mio) premium
Michael James 078932832 2.7 y
Susan Miller 024383490 3.9 n
John Cooper 021023023 2.1 y
How do I get the records - divided into the premium flag - each with the lowest revenue (=Flop 10)?
The result should be given as:
Nr Name customerID revenue(Mio) premium
1 John Cooper 021023023 2.1 y
2 Michael James 078932832 2.7 y
3 Andrew Murs 044834399 3.0 y
. ... ..... ... .
10 th entry with flag y
1 Susan Miller 024383490 3.9 n
. ... ..... ... .
10 th entry with flag n
As you see the list is ordered ascending (beginning with the lowest revenue).
I guess you should use split
Considering A is your load statement
A = load 'data' as (Nr,Name,customerID,revenue,premium);
B = split A into PRE if premium =='y', NONPRE if premium == 'n';
C = order PRE by revenue asc;
D = order NONPRE by revenue asc;
Disclaimer: Be careful while using split as null records get dropped. I have not compiled this code.

Stata: foreach creates too many variables -

I created a toy example of my code below.
In this toy example I would like to create a measure of all higher prices minus lower prices within a self-created reference group. So within each reference group, I would like to take each individual and subtract its price value from all higher price values from other individuals in the same group. I do not want to have negative differences. Then I would like to sum all these differences. In creating this code I found some help here:
However, the code didn't work perfectly for me, because my dataset is quite large (several 100K obs) and the examples on the website and my code only work until the numlist maximum of 1600 in Stata. (I am using version 12). The toy example with the auto dataset works, due to small size of the dataset.
I would like to ask if someone has an idea how to code this more efficiently, so that I can get around the numlist restriction. I thought about summing the differences directly without saving them in intermediate variables, but that also blow up the numlist restriction.
clear all
sysuse auto
ren headroom refgroup
bysort refgroup : egen pricerank = rank(price)
qui: su pricerank, meanonly
gen test = `r(max)'
su test
foreach i of num 1/`r(max)' {
qui: bys refgroup: gen intermediate`i' = price[_n+`i'] -price if price[_n+`i'] > price
egen price_diff = rowmax(intermediate*)
drop intermediate*
If I understand this correctly, this isn't even a problem that requires explicit loops. The sum of all higher prices is just the difference between two cumulative sums. You might need to think through what you want to do if prices are tied.
. clear
. set obs 10
obs was 0, now 10
. gen group = _n > 5
. set seed 2803
. gen price = ceil(1000 * runiform())
. bysort group (price) : gen sumhigherprices = sum(price)
. by group : replace sumhigherprices = sumhigherprices[_N] - sumhigherprices
(10 real changes made)
. list
| group price sumhig~s |
1. | 0 218 1448 |
2. | 0 264 1184 |
3. | 0 301 883 |
4. | 0 335 548 |
5. | 0 548 0 |
6. | 1 125 3027 |
7. | 1 213 2814 |
8. | 1 828 1986 |
9. | 1 988 998 |
10. | 1 998 0 |
Edit: For what the OP needs, there is an extra line
. by group : replace sumhigherprices = sumhigherprices - (_N - _n) * price
If I understand the wording of the problem correctly, maybe this can help. It uses joinby (new observations are created and depending on the size of the original database, you may or not hit the Stata hard-limit on number of observations). The code reproduces the results that would follow from the code of the original post. This is a second attempt. The code before this final edit did not provide the sought-after results. The wording of the problem was somewhat difficult for me to understand.
clear all
set more off
* Load data
sysuse auto
* Delete unnecessary vars
ren headroom refgroup
keep refgroup price
* Generate id´s based on rankings (sort)
bysort refgroup (price): gen id = _n
* Pretty list
order refgroup id
sort refgroup id price
list, sepby(refgroup)
* joinby procedure
tempfile main
save "`main'"
rename (price id) =0
joinby refgroup using "`main'"
list, sepby(refgroup)
* Do not compare with itself and drop duplicates
drop if id0 >= id
* Compute differences and max
gen dif = abs(price0 - price)
collapse (max) dif, by(refgroup id0)
list, sepby(refgroup)

price filter problem in magento

In magento sidebar basically how the price filter option is working, i went through all the templte and block files under my custom design.
I am getting this ranges by default.
1. $0.00 - $10,000.00 (1027)
2. $10,000.00 - $20,000.00 (3)
3. $20,000.00 - $30,000.00 (1)
These limits are automatically taken but i want give my own ranges, but they are using only one template file called filter.phtml if i touch that then all other filter options are having problem. How can i customize this price filter as per my own set of ranges?
I need something like this
# $40.00 - $60.00 (155)
# $60.00 - $80.00 (150)
# $80.00 - $100.00 (153)
# $100.00 - $200.00 (248)
# $200.00 - $300.00 (100)
# $300.00 - $400.00 (43)
# $400.00 - $500.00 (20)
# $500.00 - $600.00 (6)
# $600.00 - $700.00 (6)
# $700.00 - $800.00 (2)
If you look in filter.phtml, you will see that it is using the block Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_Filter_xxx where xxx is the attribute type. Which in turn leads you to the model: Mage_Catalog_Model_Layer_Filter_Price.
Inside app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Layer/Filter/Price.php, you will see the method getPriceRange() which calculates the price breaks.
You can override that model by copying it into app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Layer/Filter and adjusting that method so that it calculates the ranges per your requirements.
Good luck.
