ExtJS: How to hide specific data on store with filtering? - filter

I want to hide a record on Grid that returns from server.
I've setted a filter on store and can reach that specific data but how I'll handle to hide/ignore this record?
fooStore: {
filters: [
function(item) {
let me = this;
let theRecord = item.data.status === MyApp.STATUS; //true
if (theRecord) {
console.log(theRecord); //True
console.log("So filter is here!!")
//How to hide/ignore/avoid to load this specific data record to load Grid??
Returned JSON;
"success": true,
"msg": "OK",
"count": 3,
"data": [
//Filter achives to this record and aim to hide this one; avoid to load this record.
"id": 102913410,
"status": "P"
"id": 98713410,
"status": "I"
"id": 563423410,
"status": "A"

I can't save my fiddle cause i don't have sencha forum's account so i give you my code :
name : 'Fiddle',
launch : function() {
var model = Ext.create('Ext.data.Model', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{name: 'id', type: 'int'},
{name: 'status', type: 'string'},
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
autoLoad: true,
model: model,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'data.json',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data'
filters: [function(item) {
if (item.data.status === "P") {
return true;
else {
return false;
listeners: {
load: {
fn: function() {
Also i create data.json like this :
"success": true,
"msg": "OK",
"count": 3,
"data": [{
"id": 102913410,
"status": "P"
}, {
"id": 98713410,
"status": "I"
}, {
"id": 563423410,
"status": "A"
I thinks it's near to you'r code and after the loading of the store the filter work as you can this :
Here is sencha fiddle link : https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor
If this can't work, i don't understand what the fuck doing...


DataTable Ajax Nested List

I am returning a nested list of json from an Ajax call and would like to populate my data table with this. F
or example: In my C# Class:
public class Product_Browser : Json_Response
public List<PRODUCT_TABLE> ProductData { get; set; }
public List<ProductPlans> ProductPlan { get; set; }
Javascript function:
$dtBrowser = $(dtElementID).dataTable({
filter: false,
serverSide: true,
processing: true,
responsive: true,
ajax: {
url: _Url,
type: "GET",
"dataSrc": function (jsonObj) {
return jsonObj
columns: [
{ data: "ProductData.ProductKey", title:"Key", visible: true },
{ data: "ProductPlan.PlanID", title: "Id", visible: true },
order: [[1, "desc"]],
Now when i log the jsonObj it is valid JSON, but in my columns, data I don't know the correct way of accessing the two different lists of objects. I am able to do it for one list by changing the dataSrc to return jsonObj.ProductData but I need both pieces of data.
This is what my JSON looks like:
"ProductData": [
"ProductKey": 102234,
"ProductID": "TEST1",
"ProductKey": 102310,
"ProductID": "TEST2",
"ProductKey": 102319,
"ProductID": "TEST3",
"ProductGrabBagPlan": [
"PlanID": 1,
"ProductKey": 102234
"PlanID": 2,
"ProductKey": 102310
"PlanID": 3,
"ProductKey": 102319
"Success": true,
"Messages": [],

Type ahead search does not work from Task Module

I need to implement a scenario where type ahead search makes a call to my remote api and fills in the choice list. This works fine the if adaptive card is sent directly in the chat. But this not work inside if the adaptive card is sent in the task module.
Following is the message which is sent for adaptive card
const card = CardFactory.adaptiveCard({
type: 'AdaptiveCard',
body: [
type: 'RichTextBlock',
inlines: [
type: 'TextRun',
text: 'Test',
weight: 'bolder',
type: 'TextRun',
text: 'Test',
separator: parseInt(index) === 0,
spacing: parseInt(index) === 0 ? 'extraLarge': 'default',
title: 'Update',
type: 'Action.Submit',
data: {
msteams: {
type: 'task/fetch'
id: 'Upate Id',
buttonText: 'Update',
$schema: 'http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json',
version: '1.5',
Following is card which is sent in task module
const card = CardFactory.adaptiveCard({
$schema: 'http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json',
version: '1.5',
type: 'AdaptiveCard',
body: [
"columns": [
"width": "stretch",
"items": [
"choices": [
"title": "Static Option 1",
"value": "static_option_1"
"title": "Static Option 2",
"value": "static_option_2"
"title": "Static Option 3",
"value": "static_option_3"
"isMultiSelect": false,
"style": "filtered",
"choices.data": {
"type": "Data.Query",
"dataset": "npmpackages",
"testkey": "harkirat"
"id": "choiceselect",
"type": "Input.ChoiceSet"
"type": "Column"
"type": "ColumnSet"
actions: [
type: 'Action.Submit',
title: 'Save',
data: {
Following is the onActivityInvoke code:-
async onInvokeActivity(context: TurnContext): Promise<InvokeResponse<any>> {
if (context.activity.name === 'task/fetch') {
const result = await this.handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch(context, {
replyToId: context.activity.replyToId,
data: context.activity.value.data
return {
status: 200,
body: result
if (context.activity.name == 'application/search') {
const successResult = {
status: 200,
body: {
"type": "application/vnd.microsoft.search.searchResponse",
"value": {
"results": [
"value": "FluentAssertions",
"title": "A very extensive set of extension methods"
"value": "FluentUI",
"title": "Fluent UI Library"
return successResult;
Note that the activityInvoke function is not called when I enter the search text in my input box. However, if I send this card directly i.e without task module and directly in chat it works just fine.
Can someone please help me understand if I am missing something, is this a bug or the feature itself is not supported?

Kendo Grid Server side filtering with a array type column

I have this kendo grid blinded to my web service. One of the columns has a custom filter with a kendo multiselector array so the client can choose multiple ItemTypes. The grid is displaying data correctly but my costume filters are not working for this particular column. I got this error from the service: "A binary operator with incompatible types was detected. Found operand types 'Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.ClinicFinder.Clinic.ItemType.ItemType' and 'Edm.Int32' for operator kind 'Equal'."
My grid definition
dataSource: {
type: "odata-v4",
transport: {
read: {
url: function () {
return "//myservice/api/clinics?$select=Id,Title,Address,ItemType,productsystems&top=20";
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
Title: { type: "string" },
CountryCode: { type: "string" },
Street: { type: "string" },
City: { type: "string" },
Zip: { type: "string" },
ItemType: { type: "" }
serverPaging: true,
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: false,
pageSize: 20
pageable: true,
filterable: {
mode: "row",
extra: false,
showOperators: false,
operators: {
string: {
contains: "contains"
sortable: false,
columns: [
{ field: "Title", title: "Clinic" },
{ field: "CountryCode", title: "Country" },
{ field: "Street", title: "Address" },
{ field: "City", title: "City" },
{ field: "Zip", title: "Zip", filterable: false },
{ field: "ItemType", title: "Clinic Type", filterable: { multi: true } }
rowTemplate: kendo.template($("#template").html())
My Filter function
function filterByclinicCategory() {
var filter = { logic: "or", filters: [] };
var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');
var filterValue = $("#clinicTypeFilter").data("kendoMultiSelect").value();
var clinicCode = [];
if (filterValue.length > 0) {
$.each(filterValue, function (i, v) {
field: "ItemType", operator: "eq", value: clinicCode, logic: "or"
} else {
ItemType is the column I canĀ“t filter.
My webservice data
"#odata.context": "https://sf-admin-local.medel.com/api/wstest/$metadata#clinics(*)",
"value": [
"Id": "896aa08b-2f17-64e6-80bd-ff09000c6e28",
"LastModified": "2019-05-13T09:28:04Z",
"PublicationDate": "2018-06-19T14:19:13Z",
"DateCreated": "2018-06-19T14:19:13Z",
"UrlName": "??",
"Email": "",
"URL": "",
"Telephone": "",
"Title": "????????",
"officeregions": [],
"salespartnerregions": [],
"productsystems": [
"Area": "",
"Order": 0,
"Tags": [],
"AdditionalInformation": "",
"ImportID": 1,
"Featured": false,
"ItemType": "2",
"Address": {
"Id": "d76aa08b-2f17-64e6-80bd-ff09000c6e28",
"CountryCode": "AT",
"StateCode": "",
"City": "????",
"Zip": "6800",
"Street": "Carinagasse ?????",
"Latitude": 47.2311043,
"Longitude": 9.580079999999953,
"MapZoomLevel": 8
I manage to fix it using parameterMap https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/data/datasource/configuration/transport.parametermap.
I add a parameterMap: functiondata, type) function, with that I was able to intercept and change the call made by the filters.
parameterMap: function (data, type) {
var c = kendo.data.transports["odata-v4"].parameterMap(data, type);
if (c.$filter) {
//my transformation
c = myTransformation;
return c;
} else{
return c; //not apply transformation loading the data

Kendo Grid doesn't show any data despite having data within DataSource

So, I'm trying to make a readyonly grid with kendo that shows data, but whatever I do, the data does not get shown.
The grid looks like this
And here's the code:
dataSource: {
data: [],
schema: {
model: {
id: "ID",
fields: {
ID: { type: "number", editable: false },
Code: { type: "string", editable: false },
Name: { type: "string", editable: false },
ExtDeviceCode: { type: "string", editable: false , nullable: true },
BaseUomLOVString: { type: "string", editable: false }
pageSize: 20
filterable: {
extra: true
pageable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "Code", title:"Code"},
{ field: "Name", title: "Name"},
{ field: "ExtDeviceCode", title:"External device code"},
{ field: "BaseUomLOVString", title: "UnitsOfMeasure" }
editable: false
This makes an empty grid with no data, which I later on fill with an Ajax call. As you can see from above picture, the grid contains the data but does not display it. The data inside the dataSource looks like this. or as Json:
"ID": 21150,
"Code": "3",
"ExtDeviceCode": null,
"Name": "Avio benzin",
"BaseUomLOVString": "Kilogram"
}, {
"ID": 21400,
"Code": "5003",
"ExtDeviceCode": null,
"Name": "Bencin 95",
"BaseUomLOVString": "Litre"
EDIT 1: I'm filling the data with an Ajax call like this:
url: '#SimpleUrlHelper.UrlObjectToRoot(Url)/FuelPointMaterialTankMask/LookupMaterials',
data: {
//Send list of IDs
'materialIDs': materialList
type: "POST",
success: function (response) {
var tmp = [];
if (typeof response !== "undefined" &&
response !== null) {
response.forEach(function(item) {
grid = $("#Materials").data("kendoGrid");
originalMaterialDataSource = grid.dataSource;
originalMaterialDataSource._destroyed = [];
originalMaterialDataSource._total = tmp.length;
You can set your data in your dataSource after your ajax call.
var dataArray = [{
"ID": 21150,
"Code": "3",
"ExtDeviceCode": null,
"Name": "Avio benzin",
"BaseUomLOVString": "Kilogram"
}, {
"ID": 21400,
"Code": "5003",
"ExtDeviceCode": null,
"Name": "Bencin 95",
"BaseUomLOVString": "Litre"
Use .data() to set:
$("#Materials").data('kendoGrid').dataSource.data(dataArray );
Okay so after days of trying to figure out what was wrong I finally found the answer.
Somewhere along the lines I had:
var grids = $('.k-grid');
for (var i = 0; i < grids.length; i++) {
grid.dataSource.filter().filters[0] = {
logic: "or",
filters: filters
So basically I was putting filters on all grids without excluding this one, which was just a bug from my part.

Kendo UI Grid not loading data from datasource

I am new on kendo UI framework. I am struggling with observable datasource with kendoGrid.
The problem is the table gets created but with empty data.
Here is the link http://jsfiddle.net/praveeny1986/Pf3TQ/5/
And the code :
var gridDataModel = kendo.data.Model.define({
fields: {
"Product": {
type: "string"
"Domain": {
type: "string"
"PercentPlan": {
type: "string"
"CWV": {
type: "string"
"Target": {
type: "string"
"Accuracy": {
type: "string"
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({data: tabledata1});
var gridModel = kendo.observable({
gridData: dataSource
field: "Product",
title: "Product"
field: "Domain",
title: "Sales Domain"
field: "PercentPlan",
title: "% to Plan"
field: "CWV",
title: "CWV"
field: "Target",
title: "Target"
field: "Accuracy",
title: "Accuracy"
var tabledata1 = [
Please suggest what i am doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance
Your table data is undefined at the time that you create and bind the datasource.
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({data: tabledata1});
var tabledata1 = [ ... ];
Move the declaration of tabledata1 to before creating the datasource.
See this updated fiddle.
