Displace 3D vertices along a 2 dimension plane using normals - algorithm

I have this one triangle with arbitrary vertices positioned in a 3D space.
I have that finding the centroid of such triangle is easy by doing:
float centroid[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
centroid[i] += points[j][i];
centroid[i] /= 3.0;
It's also easy to find the normal for it with something called plane equation:
crossProduct(points[1] - points[0], points[2] - points[0]);
There is a very simple method for moving the vertices away from the centroid, but that is too linear. I can only move the pointers back and forth.
What is the formula that I need to be able to freely move the vertices in a pseudo X/Y axis that is formed from the perspective of the triangle normal?
For reference, I'm using C++ and QT for the vectors and matrices. I'm rendering with basic OpenGL.

To build coordinate axes in triangle plane, you can use axis pseudoX from centroid to any vertex and perpendicular axis pseudoY = pseudoX.cross.Normal.
The choice of vertex as base vector seems rather natural. If you want to add some randomness, rotate this pseudoX by arbitrary angle and generate new pseudoY as cross product again.
Another method to generate vector in that plane - from normal only. Choose normal component with the largest magnitude, negate it and exchange with component with the second magnitude, make the smallest component zero. For example, if
Vec = (0, nz, -ny)
note that Vec.dot.Normal = 0, so Vec lies in triangle plane


Outline (circumference) polygon extraction from contiguous patch of equal squares [duplicate]

If I have the coordinates of the points on the outline of an arbitrary 2D shape, how can I find the coordinates of points composing the outline of a stair step curve, which best represents the original outline, but only use a set of known coordinates (xi, i=1,...,n and yi, i=1,...,m). For example the original triangle is represented by the thick solid blue line. it's different from the matlab stairs function, if my understanding is correct.
matlab code will be nice, but in other language is also ok, algorithm is most important.Thanks.
I'll start by defining a set of sample data based on your plot. Assuming that the pixel centers are aligned at integer values (the convention MATLAB follows) and that the lower left corner is at (0.5, 0.5), here's the data we get:
vx = [1.5; 9.7; 3.7; 1.5]; % X values of triangle vertices
vy = [8.3; 6.0; 1.7; 8.3]; % Y values of triangle vertices
x = 1:10; % X pixel center coordinates
y = 1:9; % Y pixel center coordinates
Note that the vertex coordinates are ordered starting at the top left corner of the triangle and proceeding clockwise, repeating the first vertex at the end to close the polygon.
Getting the mask (the easy part):
There is an easy way to compute the dark gray mask if you have the Image Processing Toolbox: use poly2mask:
mask = poly2mask(vx, vy, numel(y), numel(x));
The algorithm this function uses is discussed here. However, if you'd like to use a pure MATLAB approach that requires no special toolboxes, you can use inpolygon instead:
[cx, cy] = meshgrid(x, y); % Generate a grid of x and y values
mask = inpolygon(cx, cy, vx, vy);
In this case, a pixel is included in the mask as long as its center point lies within the polygon. In this particular example these two approaches yield the same resulting mask, but they won't always due to the differences in their criteria for deciding if a pixel is included or not.
Getting the outline coordinates:
It's a little more involved to get the coordinates of the mask outline, ordered appropriately around the perimeter. To accomplish this, we can represent the mask as a series of vertices and triangular facets (using the triangulation function), then compute the free boundary (i.e. edges that are only present on one triangular facet):
% Create raw triangulation data:
[cx, cy] = meshgrid(x, y);
xTri = bsxfun(#plus, [0; 1; 1; 0], cx(mask).');
yTri = bsxfun(#plus, [0; 0; 1; 1], cy(mask).');
V = [xTri(:) yTri(:)];
F = reshape(bsxfun(#plus, [1; 2; 3; 1; 3; 4], 0:4:(4*nnz(mask)-4)), 3, []).';
% Trim triangulation data:
[V, ~, Vindex] = unique(V, 'rows');
V = V-0.5;
F = Vindex(F);
% Create triangulation and find free edge coordinates:
TR = triangulation(F, V);
freeEdges = freeBoundary(TR).';
xOutline = V(freeEdges(1, [1:end 1]), 1); % Ordered edge x coordinates
yOutline = V(freeEdges(1, [1:end 1]), 2); % Ordered edge y coordinates
And we can plot this like so:
imagesc(x, y, mask);
axis equal
set(gca, 'XLim', [min(x)-0.5 max(x)+0.5], ...
'YLim', [min(y)-0.5 max(y)+0.5], ...
'XTick', x, 'YTick', y, 'YDir', 'normal');
colormap([0.9 0.9 0.9; 0.6 0.6 0.6]);
hold on;
plot(xOutline, yOutline, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(xOutline(1), yOutline(1), 'go', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(vx, vy, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
The outline coordinates in xOutline and yOutline are ordered starting from the green circle going counter-clockwise around the mask region.
Seems you need any line rasterization algorithm (that gives coordinate of integer grid points approximating line segment).
Consider Bresenham algortihm or DDA one.

How to generate the stair step curve(outline) for any 2d shape(or curve)?

If I have the coordinates of the points on the outline of an arbitrary 2D shape, how can I find the coordinates of points composing the outline of a stair step curve, which best represents the original outline, but only use a set of known coordinates (xi, i=1,...,n and yi, i=1,...,m). For example the original triangle is represented by the thick solid blue line. it's different from the matlab stairs function, if my understanding is correct.
matlab code will be nice, but in other language is also ok, algorithm is most important.Thanks.
I'll start by defining a set of sample data based on your plot. Assuming that the pixel centers are aligned at integer values (the convention MATLAB follows) and that the lower left corner is at (0.5, 0.5), here's the data we get:
vx = [1.5; 9.7; 3.7; 1.5]; % X values of triangle vertices
vy = [8.3; 6.0; 1.7; 8.3]; % Y values of triangle vertices
x = 1:10; % X pixel center coordinates
y = 1:9; % Y pixel center coordinates
Note that the vertex coordinates are ordered starting at the top left corner of the triangle and proceeding clockwise, repeating the first vertex at the end to close the polygon.
Getting the mask (the easy part):
There is an easy way to compute the dark gray mask if you have the Image Processing Toolbox: use poly2mask:
mask = poly2mask(vx, vy, numel(y), numel(x));
The algorithm this function uses is discussed here. However, if you'd like to use a pure MATLAB approach that requires no special toolboxes, you can use inpolygon instead:
[cx, cy] = meshgrid(x, y); % Generate a grid of x and y values
mask = inpolygon(cx, cy, vx, vy);
In this case, a pixel is included in the mask as long as its center point lies within the polygon. In this particular example these two approaches yield the same resulting mask, but they won't always due to the differences in their criteria for deciding if a pixel is included or not.
Getting the outline coordinates:
It's a little more involved to get the coordinates of the mask outline, ordered appropriately around the perimeter. To accomplish this, we can represent the mask as a series of vertices and triangular facets (using the triangulation function), then compute the free boundary (i.e. edges that are only present on one triangular facet):
% Create raw triangulation data:
[cx, cy] = meshgrid(x, y);
xTri = bsxfun(#plus, [0; 1; 1; 0], cx(mask).');
yTri = bsxfun(#plus, [0; 0; 1; 1], cy(mask).');
V = [xTri(:) yTri(:)];
F = reshape(bsxfun(#plus, [1; 2; 3; 1; 3; 4], 0:4:(4*nnz(mask)-4)), 3, []).';
% Trim triangulation data:
[V, ~, Vindex] = unique(V, 'rows');
V = V-0.5;
F = Vindex(F);
% Create triangulation and find free edge coordinates:
TR = triangulation(F, V);
freeEdges = freeBoundary(TR).';
xOutline = V(freeEdges(1, [1:end 1]), 1); % Ordered edge x coordinates
yOutline = V(freeEdges(1, [1:end 1]), 2); % Ordered edge y coordinates
And we can plot this like so:
imagesc(x, y, mask);
axis equal
set(gca, 'XLim', [min(x)-0.5 max(x)+0.5], ...
'YLim', [min(y)-0.5 max(y)+0.5], ...
'XTick', x, 'YTick', y, 'YDir', 'normal');
colormap([0.9 0.9 0.9; 0.6 0.6 0.6]);
hold on;
plot(xOutline, yOutline, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(xOutline(1), yOutline(1), 'go', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(vx, vy, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
The outline coordinates in xOutline and yOutline are ordered starting from the green circle going counter-clockwise around the mask region.
Seems you need any line rasterization algorithm (that gives coordinate of integer grid points approximating line segment).
Consider Bresenham algortihm or DDA one.

Calculating the Area of Intersection Between a Plane and Rectangular Prism

If I have a plane, let's say the xy plane, and a rectangular prism that can be arbitrarily rotated/translated in 3 dimensions. Are there any cool algorithms/methods that can be used to determine the area of intersection between the two?
One approach would be to explicitly find the polygonal region of intersection R between the prism and the plane, triangulate R and sum the areas of the triangles to give the total intersection area.
The vertices of the intersecting polygon R can be found by performing a series of line-plane intersection tests between the edges of the prism and the plane.
Based on the relative orientation of the plane/prism, the intersecting polygon could take a number of different configurations (i.e. it won't always be a rectangle!). Given a regular prism the intersecting region should always be convex though, allowing the triangulation to be obtained as a simple fan.
Given a triangulation of R the total area of intersection is simply the sum of the triangle areas.
Once you have the polygonal region of intersection, you don't need to triangulate it to compute its area. There's a much simpler algorithm:
float area = 0.0f;
// Run through all segments
for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++)
// Get end points of segments
Vector2 A = corners[i];
Vector2 B = corners[(i+1) % corners.Length];
// Add the signed(!) area of a quadrangle with two corners A, B
// and two corners with same y values on the y axis
// |---------A
// | + /
// |-------B
// |-------B
// | - \
// |---------A
area += 0.5f * (A.x + B.x) * (B.y - A.y);
Cf. http://alienryderflex.com/polygon_area/

Smallest sphere to encapsulate a triangle in 3D?

At first I figured you sum the vertices and scale by 1/3 to find the origin then take the largest distance from the vertex to the origin. This results in a sphere that contains the triangle, but it isn't necessarily the smallest.
Is there a known method for determining the smallest sphere to fully encapsulate an arbitrary triangle in 3D?
Used the answers here and wikipedia to come up with something in c++ that works for me, I hope this helps someone!
static Sphere makeMinimumBoundingSphere(const Vec3 &p1, const Vec3 &p2, const Vec3 &p3) {
Sphere s;
// Calculate relative distances
float A = (p1 - p2).distance();
float B = (p2 - p3).distance();
float C = (p3 - p1).distance();
// Re-orient triangle (make A longest side)
const Vec3 *a = &p3, *b = &p1, *c = &p2;
if (B < C) swap(B, C), swap(b, c);
if (A < B) swap(A, B), swap(a, b);
// If obtuse, just use longest diameter, otherwise circumscribe
if ((B*B) + (C*C) <= (A*A)) {
s.radius = A / 2.f;
s.position = (*b + *c) / 2.f;
} else {
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumscribed_circle
precision cos_a = (B*B + C*C - A*A) / (B*C*2);
s.radius = A / (sqrt(1 - cos_a*cos_a)*2.f);
Vec3 alpha = *a - *c, beta = *b - *c;
s.position = (beta * alpha.dot(alpha) - alpha * beta.dot(beta)).cross(alpha.cross(beta)) /
(alpha.cross(beta).dot(alpha.cross(beta)) * 2.f) + *c;
return s;
The smallest sphere to encapsulate the triangle is just the circumsribed cirlce extended into the third dimension.
Update: Scratch that, of course it isn't. It's the sphere that you get if you rotate the smallest circle around its diameter. The reason being that for any containing sphere that has its origin out of the plane of the triangle there is a smaller one that has its origin on the plane (by projecting the origin orthogonally onto the plane).
You are trying to find the smallest enclosing ball MB(P) of a point set P, so you could use an algorithm as implemented here https://github.com/hbf/miniball. (Note: "ball" and "sphere" are synonyms in this context.)
However, this is overkill in your case, since the point set P at hand contains exactly 3 points (the vertices of the triangle). In this particular case, you can use the fact that the smallest enclosing ball MB(P) of P={p,q,r} equals either:
B(p,q) if r is contained in B(p,q), or
B(p,r) if q is contained in B(p,r), or
B(q,r) if p is contained in B(q,r), or
B(p,q,r) otherwise.
Here, B(x,y) is the smallest ball containing the points x,y and B(x,y,z) is the smallest ball containing the points x,y,z on the boundary. B(x,y) and B(x,y,z) can be computed by solving a linear system of equations.
Note: I am the author of https://github.com/hbf/miniball.
Assuming that the sphere is simply a trivial extension of a circle (2-D) into 3-D (using both the same center point and the same radius), I believe what you are looking for is called circumscribed circle of a triangle.
Apparently I didn't consider the case of an obtuse triangle which if you have the vertices (points) of the triangle on the circle, then the circle is not the smallest bounding circle (and thus smallest bounding sphere).
Now I believe that you are looking for the minimum bounding sphere, which is a known and studied problem in mathematics, and computer graphics. "Smallest Enclosing Circle Problem" is a description of an O( n^{2} ) and a linear O(n) algorithms.
And as far as I know the minimal bounding circle does produce the minimal bounding sphere, using the same parameters (center point and radius) projected into three dimensions.

Algorithm to generate random 2D polygon

I'm not sure how to approach this problem. I'm not sure how complex a task it is. My aim is to have an algorithm that generates any polygon. My only requirement is that the polygon is not complex (i.e. sides do not intersect). I'm using Matlab for doing the maths but anything abstract is welcome.
Any aid/direction?
I was thinking more of code that could generate any polygon even things like this:
I took #MitchWheat and #templatetypedef's idea of sampling points on a circle and took it a bit farther.
In my application I need to be able to control how weird the polygons are, ie start with regular polygons and as I crank up the parameters they get increasingly chaotic. The basic idea is as stated by #templatetypedef; walk around the circle taking a random angular step each time, and at each step put a point at a random radius. In equations I'm generating the angular steps as
where theta_i and r_i give the angle and radius of each point relative to the centre, U(min, max) pulls a random number from a uniform distribution, and N(mu, sigma) pulls a random number from a Gaussian distribution, and clip(x, min, max) thresholds a value into a range. This gives us two really nice parameters to control how wild the polygons are - epsilon which I'll call irregularity controls whether or not the points are uniformly space angularly around the circle, and sigma which I'll call spikeyness which controls how much the points can vary from the circle of radius r_ave. If you set both of these to 0 then you get perfectly regular polygons, if you crank them up then the polygons get crazier.
I whipped this up quickly in python and got stuff like this:
Here's the full python code:
import math, random
from typing import List, Tuple
def generate_polygon(center: Tuple[float, float], avg_radius: float,
irregularity: float, spikiness: float,
num_vertices: int) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
Start with the center of the polygon at center, then creates the
polygon by sampling points on a circle around the center.
Random noise is added by varying the angular spacing between
sequential points, and by varying the radial distance of each
point from the centre.
center (Tuple[float, float]):
a pair representing the center of the circumference used
to generate the polygon.
avg_radius (float):
the average radius (distance of each generated vertex to
the center of the circumference) used to generate points
with a normal distribution.
irregularity (float):
variance of the spacing of the angles between consecutive
spikiness (float):
variance of the distance of each vertex to the center of
the circumference.
num_vertices (int):
the number of vertices of the polygon.
List[Tuple[float, float]]: list of vertices, in CCW order.
# Parameter check
if irregularity < 0 or irregularity > 1:
raise ValueError("Irregularity must be between 0 and 1.")
if spikiness < 0 or spikiness > 1:
raise ValueError("Spikiness must be between 0 and 1.")
irregularity *= 2 * math.pi / num_vertices
spikiness *= avg_radius
angle_steps = random_angle_steps(num_vertices, irregularity)
# now generate the points
points = []
angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
for i in range(num_vertices):
radius = clip(random.gauss(avg_radius, spikiness), 0, 2 * avg_radius)
point = (center[0] + radius * math.cos(angle),
center[1] + radius * math.sin(angle))
angle += angle_steps[i]
return points
def random_angle_steps(steps: int, irregularity: float) -> List[float]:
"""Generates the division of a circumference in random angles.
steps (int):
the number of angles to generate.
irregularity (float):
variance of the spacing of the angles between consecutive vertices.
List[float]: the list of the random angles.
# generate n angle steps
angles = []
lower = (2 * math.pi / steps) - irregularity
upper = (2 * math.pi / steps) + irregularity
cumsum = 0
for i in range(steps):
angle = random.uniform(lower, upper)
cumsum += angle
# normalize the steps so that point 0 and point n+1 are the same
cumsum /= (2 * math.pi)
for i in range(steps):
angles[i] /= cumsum
return angles
def clip(value, lower, upper):
Given an interval, values outside the interval are clipped to the interval
return min(upper, max(value, lower))
#MateuszKonieczny here is code to create an image of a polygon from a list of vertices.
vertices = generate_polygon(center=(250, 250),
black = (0, 0, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
img = Image.new('RGB', (500, 500), white)
im_px_access = img.load()
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# either use .polygon(), if you want to fill the area with a solid colour
draw.polygon(vertices, outline=black, fill=white)
# or .line() if you want to control the line thickness, or use both methods together!
draw.line(vertices + [vertices[0]], width=2, fill=black)
# now you can save the image (img), or do whatever else you want with it.
There's a neat way to do what you want by taking advantage of the MATLAB classes DelaunayTri and TriRep and the various methods they employ for handling triangular meshes. The code below follows these steps to create an arbitrary simple polygon:
Generate a number of random points equal to the desired number of sides plus a fudge factor. The fudge factor ensures that, regardless of the result of the triangulation, we should have enough facets to be able to trim the triangular mesh down to a polygon with the desired number of sides.
Create a Delaunay triangulation of the points, resulting in a convex polygon that is constructed from a series of triangular facets.
If the boundary of the triangulation has more edges than desired, pick a random triangular facet on the edge that has a unique vertex (i.e. the triangle only shares one edge with the rest of the triangulation). Removing this triangular facet will reduce the number of boundary edges.
If the boundary of the triangulation has fewer edges than desired, or the previous step was unable to find a triangle to remove, pick a random triangular facet on the edge that has only one of its edges on the triangulation boundary. Removing this triangular facet will increase the number of boundary edges.
If no triangular facets can be found matching the above criteria, post a warning that a polygon with the desired number of sides couldn't be found and return the x and y coordinates of the current triangulation boundary. Otherwise, keep removing triangular facets until the desired number of edges is met, then return the x and y coordinates of triangulation boundary.
Here's the resulting function:
function [x, y, dt] = simple_polygon(numSides)
if numSides < 3
x = [];
y = [];
dt = DelaunayTri();
oldState = warning('off', 'MATLAB:TriRep:PtsNotInTriWarnId');
fudge = ceil(numSides/10);
x = rand(numSides+fudge, 1);
y = rand(numSides+fudge, 1);
dt = DelaunayTri(x, y);
boundaryEdges = freeBoundary(dt);
numEdges = size(boundaryEdges, 1);
while numEdges ~= numSides
if numEdges > numSides
triIndex = vertexAttachments(dt, boundaryEdges(:,1));
triIndex = triIndex(randperm(numel(triIndex)));
keep = (cellfun('size', triIndex, 2) ~= 1);
if (numEdges < numSides) || all(keep)
triIndex = edgeAttachments(dt, boundaryEdges);
triIndex = triIndex(randperm(numel(triIndex)));
triPoints = dt([triIndex{:}], :);
keep = all(ismember(triPoints, boundaryEdges(:,1)), 2);
if all(keep)
warning('Couldn''t achieve desired number of sides!');
triPoints = dt.Triangulation;
triPoints(triIndex{find(~keep, 1)}, :) = [];
dt = TriRep(triPoints, x, y);
boundaryEdges = freeBoundary(dt);
numEdges = size(boundaryEdges, 1);
boundaryEdges = [boundaryEdges(:,1); boundaryEdges(1,1)];
x = dt.X(boundaryEdges, 1);
y = dt.X(boundaryEdges, 2);
And here are some sample results:
The generated polygons could be either convex or concave, but for larger numbers of desired sides they will almost certainly be concave. The polygons are also generated from points randomly generated within a unit square, so polygons with larger numbers of sides will generally look like they have a "squarish" boundary (such as the lower right example above with the 50-sided polygon). To modify this general bounding shape, you can change the way the initial x and y points are randomly chosen (i.e. from a Gaussian distribution, etc.).
For a convex 2D polygon (totally off the top of my head):
Generate a random radius, R
Generate N random points on the circumference of a circle of Radius R
Move around the circle and draw straight lines between adjacent points on the circle.
As #templatetypedef and #MitchWheat said, it is easy to do so by generating N random angles and radii. It is important to sort the angles, otherwise it will not be a simple polygon. Note that I am using a neat trick to draw closed curves - I described it in here. By the way, the polygons might be concave.
Note that all of these polygons will be star shaped. Generating a more general polygon is not a simple problem at all.
Just to give you a taste of the problem - check out
and http://compgeom.cs.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/open/randompoly.html.
function CreateRandomPoly()
colors = {'r','g','b','k'};
for i=1:5
c = colors{ mod(i-1,numel(colors))+1};
hold on;
function [x,y]=CreatePoly()
numOfPoints = randi(30);
theta = randi(360,[1 numOfPoints]);
theta = theta * pi / 180;
theta = sort(theta);
rho = randi(200,size(theta));
[x,y] = pol2cart(theta,rho);
xCenter = randi([-1000 1000]);
yCenter = randi([-1000 1000]);
x = x + xCenter;
y = y + yCenter;
function plotc(x,y,varargin)
x = [x(:) ; x(1)];
y = [y(:) ; y(1)];
Here is a working port for Matlab of Mike Ounsworth solution. I did not optimized it for matlab. I might update the solution later for that.
function [points] = generatePolygon(ctrX, ctrY, aveRadius, irregularity, spikeyness, numVerts)
Start with the centre of the polygon at ctrX, ctrY,
then creates the polygon by sampling points on a circle around the centre.
Randon noise is added by varying the angular spacing between sequential points,
and by varying the radial distance of each point from the centre.
ctrX, ctrY - coordinates of the "centre" of the polygon
aveRadius - in px, the average radius of this polygon, this roughly controls how large the polygon is, really only useful for order of magnitude.
irregularity - [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in the angular spacing of vertices. [0,1] will map to [0, 2pi/numberOfVerts]
spikeyness - [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in each vertex from the circle of radius aveRadius. [0,1] will map to [0, aveRadius]
numVerts - self-explanatory
Returns a list of vertices, in CCW order.
Website: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8997099/algorithm-to-generate-random-2d-polygon
irregularity = clip( irregularity, 0,1 ) * 2*pi/ numVerts;
spikeyness = clip( spikeyness, 0,1 ) * aveRadius;
% generate n angle steps
angleSteps = [];
lower = (2*pi / numVerts) - irregularity;
upper = (2*pi / numVerts) + irregularity;
sum = 0;
for i =1:numVerts
tmp = unifrnd(lower, upper);
angleSteps(i) = tmp;
sum = sum + tmp;
% normalize the steps so that point 0 and point n+1 are the same
k = sum / (2*pi);
for i =1:numVerts
angleSteps(i) = angleSteps(i) / k;
% now generate the points
points = [];
angle = unifrnd(0, 2*pi);
for i =1:numVerts
r_i = clip( normrnd(aveRadius, spikeyness), 0, 2*aveRadius);
x = ctrX + r_i* cos(angle);
y = ctrY + r_i* sin(angle);
points(i,:)= [(x),(y)];
angle = angle + angleSteps(i);
function value = clip(x, min, max)
if( min > max ); value = x; return; end
if( x < min ) ; value = min; return; end
if( x > max ) ; value = max; return; end
value = x;
