Does Clickatell support personalized SMS in their SMS API? - sms

Can I send a pesonalized sms message in Clickatell SMS API?
I cannot find any documentation on how to do that.

Yes - you can personalize SMS messages in Clickatell SMS API.
If you have an older account (Developer's Central, registered before November 2016) then you would first need to buy SMS credits. Once a purchase is made, you can personalize your messages.
If you have the newer Platform account, you will need make a deposit into your Clickatell account, which will allow you to personalize your messages.

You can send personalized messages be editing the content string in your request.
When using the REST API, in the body of your request:
"content": "Personalized message",
"to": [""]
When making an HTTP request:
These are the links to the documentation for sending messages with REST and HTTP


My clickatell API is not working properly, do I need to do HTTP GET or POST

I Purchased an API from clickatell and it doesn't seem to work even after its checked from the support team.
What should I select HTTP POST for GET
All the settings are fine, but it doesn't send SMS to buyer
According to the Clickatell API Documentation here the SMS sending endpoint expects a POST.

Receiving two-way SMS messages with Twilio and Link Inbound message with Outbound message

We are using Twilio for sending outbound message to our customers.
When we send Outbound SMS to Customer then we are storing Outbound message details in our Database.
Also we have implemented Inbound SMS. So if we receive any inbound SMS from customer then we are creating inbound message record in database.
Now our requirement is that if sent a sms to Customer and then customer replied to that outbound message then we have need to store Inbound SMS under Outbound SMS, so we can relate inbound message with Outbound message.
Is there any way to identify in twilio that inbound message that we have received is related to which Outbound message (may be can we use any unique identifier)?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There is no affordance in SMS to reply to specific messages. You can see this yourself by opening your SMS app on your phone and trying to reply to the second to last message you received from someone. It's simply not possible.
So, you can either make the assumption that if you have sent a message to a user that their next inbound message to your number is in response to that.
Or, you can use multiple numbers to send different messages, associating responses based on the number that sent/received the message.
Hope that helps.
Full disclosure I work at Till Mobile.
I believe you can achieve this using our A2P SMS platform (which happens to utilize Twilio).
Till creates a unique id for the to and from phone number combination when an outbound message is sent.
When an inbound message is received it is tagged with the same unique id. In the Till API this id is called the project_launch_guid.
Using the Till API
You can get a free username and api_key via
Send the outbound message
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{
"phone": ["phone_number"],
"questions" : [{
"text": "Welcome to the customer appreciation program. If you have a question please respond.",
"webhook": ""
}' ""
Which returns
"project_launch_guid": "some_guid",
Retrieve the inbound message
If a user later responds the message will be POST'd to the webhook defined above in this format including the same project_launch_guid returned from the send:
"project_launch_guid": "some_guid",
"participant_guid": "585897f2-2c30-43f5-8f6b-7c243e8ac4b0",
"participant_phone_number": "phone_number",
"question_guid": "685897f2-2c30-43f5-8f6b-7c243e8ac4b0",
"question_text": "Welcome to the customer appreciation program. If you have a question please respond.",
"result_guid": "885897f2-2c30-43f5-8f6b-7c243e8ac4b0",
"result_timestamp": "2016-11-27T11:57:14.060474",
"result_answer": "How do I redeem my points?",
Note: the webhook is optional. If it is not provided the inbound message can be retrieved via our results API:
curl ""
Using either the webhook or results API the project_launch_guid can be used to tie the outbound and inbound messages together. The result_answer attribute value will contain the user's inbound message.
FYI We treat each send like a session. They persist indefinitely unless another send is created with the same to and from phone numbers. In that case the second send is queued behind the first and a configurable TTL is set on the first.
We have more documentation available here
Don't hesitate to let me know how we can assist further.

Does twilio support two way SMS service

I want to know that either twilio support two way SMS service i.e it is bidirectional or not. If yes, please let me know how can I implement it for two way sms service.
In case if it not supported let me know about some other SMS gateway that support this functionality.
Twilio employee here.
Short answer is: yes.
The longer answer: Outbound (From Twilio to a phone number) can be done with the Twilio REST API and we can send SMS to over 200 countries worldwide.
Inbound (From a cell phone to your web application via Twilio) can be done by purchasing a Twilio phone number and setting up the Request URL to make an HTTP POST request to your webserver like so:
This will have information about the inbound SMS message, which you can then reply to with some TwiML or manipulate the information in your code.

Activate tropo application via email

I'm trying to link Backback and Tropo to send reminders to groups.
Backpack can send reminders via email or SMS, and Tropo can receive messages via a custom SMS number; the problem is that Backback sends the SMS via email, and needs a provider. It can also be activated with a specific url and receives REST or JSON data.
Is there any way to activate a Tropo application using email or find out what provider setting I should use for Tropo?
Phone Numbers:
Voice & Messaging: (705) xxx-xxxx
Outbound Tokens:
Voice: ...
Messaging: ...
Tropo does not have an email gateway for receiving SMS. Applications that send SMS by email won't be able to send to Tropo.
One thing you could do is built a small catcher application that receives the REST call from backpack and then makes a REST call to Tropo to send the SMS. It would be sort of like a translator from Backpack's REST api to Tropo's.

GoogleVoice numbers support with Clickatell & TextAnywhere

When I send sms text message to a google voice number from Clickatell or TextAnywhere, I get a failure alert (in the reports) and the message is not sent.
Anybody had experience with that?
Google Voice doesn't support international SMSs, as per their documentation
Some providers, such as BulkSMS have had some success in getting message delivery to GV but the ability of the recipient to reply is not there.
Disclaimer: I work for BulkSMS
