How Can I Uninstall RStudio from Anaconda - anaconda

I need to uninstall RStudio from Anaconda from my windows 10 laptop and cannot get it to work. Here is why and what I’ve tried so far.
Trying to launch RStudio Desktop (64 bit) from Anaconda I get a blank screen followed by a dialogue box asking that name a download file. This same issue documented in these three links.
failed to start rstudio (installed in Anaconda)
The culprit is incompatibility with the latest version of Windows 10 and the fix is not scheduled any time soon.
All posts indicate RStudio (not actually R itself although some recommend do both) needs to be un-installed and then re-installed from their respective official sites.
I tried going through Windows control panel to uninstall it, but RStudio program does not show up in the list of available apps to uninstall. (I do see R for Windows 3.4 but that’s R itself not RStudio) I searched through file explorer and see the program in my AppData/local folder with a short cut to it in my start menu. Then there are dozens of references to RStudio from within Anaconda folders.
I've searched this site and many others including Git, RStudio Community, Anaconda documentation...everything explains uninstalling R-base or how generally to uninstall packages, but nothing about RStudio.
I also tried working through these alternative suggestions from RStudio support to no avail.
What else can I try?

To uninstall R studio from Anaconda, you can go into the Anaconda environment itself. In the environment there is a setting icon ( black wheel ) on each application icon. Click on that and then remove the application.


Why has R studio (along with other not installed apps) disappeared from my home screen in Anaconda Navigator?

I installed Anaconda Navigator in my laptop (which uses Ubuntu). The first time I installed it it showed R studio, Orange and some other apps available for install. However, I closed Anaconda Navigator (presumably during the installation) and the next time I opened it the icon of R studio, Orange, etc didn't show.
I tried Updating indexes, completely removing Anaconda, rebooting and reinstalling it, but nothing worked.
However, it is remarkable that when I opened it the first time after I reinstalled Anaconda, it did indeed show the icons for R studio and etc. Then the program acted as if it was updating something and some seconds later all those apps disappeared again. This time it didn't even let me hit the "install" button.

RStudio is not opening, just shows the RStudio logo

I recently uninstalled the versions of R and RStudio that I had and downloaded the latest versions of R(4.2.2) and RStudio. This is on Windows 10.
The first time I try to open RStudio after downloading the newest version, was the first time I had this problem but I closed and try to opened again and it work just fine, but now it isn't working, I also try to open the most recent work I had, that show when I click with the right click of the mouse in the rstudio logo on the taskbar and it try to open rstudio but it was a black screen and nothing else happen. What can I do?
I encountered and solved the same problem after installing the latest versions of R Studio and R(4.2.2 as I write this)
The logo was displayed as when loading without the interface ever appearing.
It appears I had 2 versions of R: the latest and and older (3.5.1).
I solved the problem by uninstalling the latest R version in my case.
I didn't need to uninstall/reinstall R Studio however.
When starting R studio just displayed a box telling me that it needs R to work, then I manually chose the R 64-bit version (3.5.1) that I possess on my computer in the menu proposed in the box.
I don't know if the issue was due to two R versions installed at the same time (the latest and an older), or specifically caused by the latest, either way uninstalling the latest R version I had solved my issue.
So you should check if you have two R versions installed, or installing an older version of R as 3.5.1. The problem seemed however unrelated to R Studio.

Uninstall unusual Google Chrome install from cmd

I am working on some automation with a set of VMs. I need to use a particular template but must change the version of chrome installed on that template from automation.
So I must uninstall Chrome from the command line or a script.
Situation info:
I am trying to uninstall chrome version 75.0.3770.80
wmic does not have chrome as an installed program
Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features does list chrome as an installed software and I can correctly uninstall it from here but only through a GUI
It is not listed in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall
It is not listed in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall
The executable is in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome...
the installed setup.exe is also in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\75.0.3770.80\Installer
I can't use the setup.exe installer in this location because I can not find a way of running it silently. (It has a pop up asking if you want to delete browsing data)
Deleting the executable will not remove chrome as an installed program and will not work for me
I can not find where chrome is listed in the registry and am not sure how to search for it in regedit
Any ideas of how I can uninstall this chrome version?

Anaconda 4.3.0 with python 3.6 (64 bit) installer setup crash windows

I downloaded the setup from, Anaconda 4.3.0 for windows, Python version 3.6 (64-bit). The download was successful but when I ran the installer, the setup wizard crashes. Windows pop up a dialog with the message saying, "Anaconda3 Installer has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program", while the wizard is at "Extract:" step.
I have tried downloading the installer multiple times using different browsers and download managers, thinking that it might be a download issue, but I got the same result every time. Could there a problem with the windows installer from the download page? Please suggest any solutions for getting this installation done.
Downloaded again yesterday and it worked. Guess it was some issue with the installer downloaded last time I was trying

How to install WinDbg when VS 2015 is already installed?

I'm trying to install WinDbg from this page, just under the Debugging Tools for Windows 10 (WinDbg) section. However, when I download the executable and run it, it tells me that
You must uninstall the Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.10586.15 before you can install the latest version of the kit.
I'm guessing this probably has to do with the fact that I already have VS 2015 (and the Windows 10 SDK) installed. However, when I go to the Developer Command Prompt and type in
> where windbg
it tells me that it can't find WinDbg. How, then, do I install it without doing anything drastic (like reinstalling Visual Studio)?
I just ran into this same problem (with a slightly newer version of the SDK) when setting up a VM with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015. Following the general rule (or at least, what used to be the general rule), I installed Visual Studio first before attempting to install the SDK.
Even though I picked all the options in the Visual Studio install, and I appear to have gotten large portions of the SDK, I didn't get the debugging tools or the application verifier, which I wanted. The "Debuggers" folder was empty. Yet when I tried to download and install the standalone Windows 10 SDK, I got the error message you quote, that I needed to uninstall the SDK before I can install the latest version.
Microsoft's site is absolutely no help. It gives no clues about the appropriate way to install the software. Harry Johnston's comment got me going in the right direction.
After installing Visual Studio 2015, you already have the Windows 10 SDK. You do not need to download it separately. To get the additional tools on Windows 10:
Open Settings → System → "Apps and features".
Scroll down to "Windows Software Development Kit".
(I had two versions of it installed. The top one was newer. I'd recommend that you proceed with the newer version for the following steps.)
Select it, and click "Modify". Then, because it's Windows 10 and everything is harder than it needs to be, click "Modify" again.
The installer will launch. Select the "Change" option, and click "Next".
Place a check next to the additional features/tools you want, click "Change" to start the process.
After waiting some time, it will have downloaded and installed the additional portions of the SDK. You should now be good to go!
(This does seem like a bug in my case. The two versions of the SDK (the one I have installed and the one whose installer I downloaded) are identical (both are for version 10.0.10586.212), so running the standalone installer should just launch the same setup tool that you are able to launch from Settings, enabling me to Change/Remove Features. Oh well, at least this works.)
