Dynamic Validation on K8s Configuration Files (YAML) Using Custom Rules - validation

I am looking for a static validator that validates Kubernetes deployment or service yaml files based on custom rules. For example, I can have a rule to disallow some fields in the yaml files (although they are valid fields in K8s), or specify a range for values of a field. The validation is triggered independent of kubectl.
The closest solution I found is this kube-lint: https://github.com/viglesiasce/kube-lint. However, it does not seem to be supported since the last commit is March 2017.
Can anyone let me know if there is anything else that does the dynamic validation on K8s yaml files based on custom rules?

I believe the thing you are looking for is an Admission Controller and its two baked-in kinds "validating" and "mutating." However, as the docs say, if that's not powerful enough for your needs there is also Dynamic Admission Controller.
Be sure to watch Pod Security Policies as it matures out of beta (or, I guess, try it even now)
I haven't ever used them to know what the user experience is like (such as: does kubectl offer a friendly message, or just "401: Nope" kind of thing?), but as for the "disallow some fields" part, I am pretty confident they will do exactly as you wish.


Handling Action errors/output inside out-of-the-box Workflows

I am working on designing a lengthy approval system in CRM using a combination of OOB workflows (designed using CRM UI Workflow Designer) and custom actions (actions written using .NET code). Idea is to keep the entire branching/simpler logic in OOB workflow and call custom Actions wherever necessary. However I have few questions with this approach:
How can I handle run-time errors generated in the action code?
For example, one of my Actions contain the code to push data to an external system via web service. In case this web service call fails, I need to perform some steps in the parent workflow.
How can I handle 'if conditions' which can't be handled by 'Check Condition' step? For example, suppose that before performing a certain workflow step I need to check some data which can't be queried within CRM. I can create an Action which will return true/false based on the custom logic which can then be checked in parent workflow.
An alternate approach would be to use plugins but I am inclined towards using OOB functionalities as much as possible. Any inputs would be helpful.
First of all let's clear the semantics, because I'm not sure if you understand what are you talking about - there are Actions (you can refer to them as custom actions, but then you should refer to every workflow you create as custom and I figured out of your post that you are describing them as OOB, which also is semantically wrong - every workflow you create is a custom workflow, maybe it's using OOB steps, but that's a different story) and Custom Workflow Activities. I'm assuming that you want to use Custom Workflow Activities, because the are more suited for what you are trying to achieve here. Also you tagged your question as CRM 2011 and CRM 2013 - not sure what you meant, because Actions were not available for CRM 2011.
So basically Custom Workflow Activities can have Input and Output parameters. Output parameters are answer to both your questions, because you can use them to get the error message after your custom processing or use then in conditional statements later in your workflow. Output parameters can be defined like that:
[Output("Error message")]
public OutArgument<string> ErrorMessage { get; set; }
You can find more examples here:
You can of course set this properties simply by calling
ErrorMessage.Set(executionContext, messageText)
So now when you define your workflow, wherever you need something not configurable in OOB blocks, you can put your Custom block, after it's done simply check it's output for the error (this is just an example, you can pimp it up by adding additional output parameters, to make it more generic), if it's empty then do something, if not then do something else for example send email with the error message. It all depends on what are you trying to achieve.
Actions are serving different purposes, they are useful to create a logic that can be easily called through plugin or javascript (webAPI) and allows you to also put a plugin on it alongside doing everything within one transaction. Maybe it will be useful somewhere in your workflow, but as far as I remember in CRM 2013 actions could not be called from a workflow...
Ok so if we are dealing with CRM 2016, we can call Action from a workflow. What is best in this situation really depends on the scenario and what we are trying to achieve, but to make it easier to decide let me highlight main differences:
1) Activities are simply a blocks of code that can be put inside your workflow. Actions by themself are not code, they are custom Messages that you can call. Of course you can register a plugin on this custom Message and do there any custom logic you want, but this is another step to take
2) Actions can be run in transaction, Activities not (but you can run Activities inside Actions, so in this case they can run in transaction)
3) Actions can be called directly from Javascript, plugins and workflows. It's a great thing, but if you will make let's say 10 custom Actions which you will be using ONLY inside you one workflow, they will be visible when you will be registering plugins (and also any js developer will be able to call them with JS)
So basically Actions are a big, fat feature that can serve many purposes (including running Activities on their own!), Activities are much simpler but in your case they will also do their job. So you should ask yourself questions:
Do I need my logic to run inside transaction?
Do I need to call this logic somewhere else than my workflow?
If you have any "Yes" then go for Actions, of no, then go for Activities, because you will be overcomplicating things without any good reason.

Is this issue due to bots?

In our MVC website log I can see lot of errors with message "A public action method was not found". Requests are coming with junk action method name.
For example if I have action name "GetProducts" then requests are coming with actiona name as "GetProducts AND 1=1" , "GetProducts;id'" , "GetProductswhscheck".
is this because of internet bots are trying to access my website with junk values?
It may be bots, it may be script kiddies, or it may be crackers. Either way - somebody is trying to find vulnerabilities on your site.
Let's look at the first one:
GetProducts AND 1=1"
This looks like an attempt at SQL Injection. There was probably a longer query after the "1=1", trying to get information out of your database - like usernames, e-mail addresses, and so on.
To defend yourself, make sure your queries are parameterized. You may also want to add some form of rate-limiting on your system; if possible, see if you can add captchas.
You may also want to look at this answer on Information Security Stack Exchange, and the OWASP top 10 security vulnerabilities.
Do this as soon as possible, because somebody's trying to break in to your system.

Serverless deploying multiple functions

I've recently updated my serverless project, and I've found that many things have changed in the last few updates.
I don't fully understand whats the correct way to have multiple lambda functions and api gateway endpoints related to the same project. With the old serverless I have every lambda and endpoint as a completely seperate function, this worked pretty well for me.
I can't seem to do this anymore, if I try my second lambda function overrides my first, presumably because my "service name" for both is the same. My service name is the same because I want both rest endpoints in the same API in API Gateway. Since serverless creates the API name based on the service name.
So then I tried to add both functions to the same "Service". this worked for the most part, except that now I need to include my custom role statement for all my functions into the same role (because this one role is now being linked to all my functions). Effectively giving more permissions to each individual function than it should have. The other issue is that all my handler files for the different functions are being put into each functions deployment bundle.
So basically, I'm not sure what is the correct approach to have multiple functions that relate to the same project but are separate in functionality. It used to make sense, now doesn't.
If anybody can give me some pointers please
I understand your frustration. I had the same feeling until I looked deeper into the new version and formed a better understanding. One thing to note though, is the new version is not completely finished yet. So if something is completely missing, you can file an issue and have it prioritized before 1.0 is out.
You are supposed to define multiple functions under the same service under the functions: section of serverless.yml. To package these functions individually (exclude code for other functions) you will have to set individually: true under package: section. You can then use include and exclude options at the root level and at the function level as well. There's an upcoming change that will let you use glob syntax in your include and exclude options (example **/*-fn.js). You can find more about packaging here https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/deploying.
Not sure how to use different roles for different functions under the same service.. How did you do it with 0.5?
I was trying to find a solution for individual iam roles per function as well. I couldn't find a way to do it, but while I was looking through the documentation I found the line: "Support for separate IAM Roles per function is coming soon." on this page, so at least we know they are working on it.
The "IAM Roles Per Function" plugin for Serverless allows you to do exactly what it says on the tin: specify roles for each function. You can still use the provider-level roles as well:
By default, function level iamRoleStatements override the provider level definition. It is also possible to inherit the provider level definition by specifying the option iamRoleStatementsInherit: true
EDIT: You can also apply a predefined AWS role at both the provider and function level.

Sonar 5.1 Issues list - How to group by Issue Type

How can we identify the most common types of issues in a project in our current code base.
We have recently upgraded from Sonar 4.5 to 5.1
In 4.5 we used to view the issues list in a specific project, and the issues were grouped by issue type. For instance in one project the rule "Use a logger to log this exception" might be the most common critical rule with 45 violations. We could then use that information to drive improvement efforts.
In 5.1 we are now presented with a long list of issues with no apparent way of group them.
The ability to see what type of violation was most common was also useful in allowing us to see where best to direct our efforts in terms of remedial action.
You can do that easily on issue page of your project : just click on the rule facet and you should have the list of most violated rules.
See http://nemo.sonarqube.org/issues/search#resolved=false|projectUuids=b38e4f29-df5f-491e-9118-a0a4f5cda406 for instance and click on "Rule" facet.
To group issues by type you can use the rule facet in the web interface.
But you will have only the 15 more frequent rule violations.
Another possibility, is to use the web api directly with a comma separated list of the rules you are interested in.
GET http://localhost:9000/api/issues/search?rules=squid:S1905,squid:UndocumentedApi
Another solution, if you really want this feature is to customize Sonarqube by changing:
private static final int DEFAULT_FACET_SIZE = 15;
in StickyFacetBuilder.java
You can also suggest a new feature here: https://community.sonarsource.com/c/suggestions
There is a Rule filter on Issues tab.

Returning child elements in ASP.NET WebAPI OData

I'm using the latest ASP.Net WebAPI Nightly builds (dated 2013-01-16).
I have a simple EF database first model at the moment that has two entities - Patients and Visits. Each patient can have many visits.
I'd like to be able to query for my list of patients and have the visits entities for each patient returned inline. I know that WebAPI's OData implementation doesn't yet support $expand. I'm hoping that just means that optional client-controlled expansion is not supported and that I can force expansion server-side.
At the moment I'm not getting any of the visits inline.
For example, my PatientController's() Get() method looks like
public override IQueryable<Patient> Get()
var query = this.entities.Patients.Include("Visits");
return query;
I've verified that the query executing against my database does indeed include the visit information.
To use a publicly available OData service as an example, if you use the service at http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/, you can get a list of Suppliers. This is http://http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/Suppliers.
You can also ask for a list of suppliers that includes the list of products using http://http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/Suppliers?$expand=Products
Stepping through the ASP.NET code (via the symbols server) I've got to the System.Web.Http.OData.Formatter.Serialization.ODataEntityTypeSerializer and can see that it's CreatePropertyBag method, which builds up the list of properties to be serialized, just doesn't include the navigation properties, and they don't seem to be enumerated anywhere else apart from being written out as NavigationLinks.
I'm quite new to the ASP.NET world in general and have spent a week or so getting my head around the way things work (particularly with the changes made to OData at the end of 2012 and further changes made so far in 2013).
I suspect that if the ODataEntityTypeSerializer was to be modified (I'm happy to try) to embed this extra information in the appropriate spot (within each navigation link as an nested inline feed as best I can tell) then I'd be set.
Have I overlooked something obvious and there's a flag I can set to turn on this behaviour? I can see why, if such a flag exists, it would be off by default (EF lazy loading and this flag wouldn't get on well)
If #1 is no, is there some other ODataEntityTypeSerializer that I could use? If so, how do I switch to it?
If #2 is no, any pointers for where I should start writing my own? Is there a place I can substitute in my own serializer or do I have to maintain my own fork of ASP.NET's Extensions project (as opposed to the Runtime project)
Thanks very much!
$expand is very high on our list of things to support for OData. But as far as I know, we don't have any flag to turn it on server-side. The formatter doesn't currently allow you to substitute your own serializers either. So I'm afraid your only option in the meantime is to create a fork and add support for $expand. If you manage to get it working, please consider sending a pull request our way:
You can try it already in webapi nightly builds.
Here is how to install it with nuget:
