Gradle: execute tasks sequentially in some task - gradle

I have a library, which contains 3 lib modules and 1 example module. Before deploy task I want to execute some other tasks. In command line it looks like this: ./gradlew -x:example:clean -x:example:check -x:example:uploadArchives clean check :androidLib:assembleRelease uploadArchives.
I want to write gradle task to execute all tasks sequentially for all modules besides example module. That I can do: ./gradlew deployAll. How can i do it?
I try do this:
task deployAll {
doLast {
subprojects {
if(it.plugins.withType( return
But execute() is deprecated and it execute only first task and ignore any.

You can use dependsOn inside of your gradle tasks to make sure your tasks run in the correct order
task task1{
dependsOn task2
//Task one code
dependsOn task3
//task 3 code
//task3 code
so in this example if you call task1, first task 3 will be executed, then task2 and then finally task one, but you need only call task1.

You can make another task and set other tasks its dependencies
task deployAll {
dependsOn tasks.getByName('clean')
To ensure the order add put this somewhere


gradle copy file task not working in build

I am new to gradle, I want copy the jar file generated by gradlew build to another dir.
task myCopyTask(type: Copy) {
from "build/libs/gs.jar"
into "D:/bin/gs"
I add above task to the build.gradle which belong to gs module which will generate gs.jar.
The problem is the command gradlew build will not do the copy and this task indeed executed(I add println in myCopyTask). However, the command gradlew myCopyTask works.
First I thought maybe the copy task running too early, so I change it to
task myCopyTask(type: Copy) {
doLast {
from "build/libs/gs.jar"
into "D:/bin/gs"
This is not working even by gradlew myCopyTask. Only first version can work by command gradlew myCopyTask, the terminal will show: 1 actionable task: 1 executed
What is the problem?
You haven't wired the task into Gradle's DAG so currently it will only executed when you do gradlew myCopyTask
You'll probably do something like
apply plugin: 'base' // adds build and assemble lifecycle tasks
task myJarTask(type:Jar) {...}
task myCopyTask(type: Copy) {
dependsOn myJarTask
assemble.dependsOn myCopyTask

Depend on multiple gradle tasks in multi project build

Currently I have task which starts Google Cloud server, runs tests and stops server. It is defined at root project:
buildscript {...}
allprojects {...}
task startServer (dependsOn: "backend:appengineStart") {}
task testPaid (dependsOn: "app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest") {}
task stopServer (dependsOn: "backend:appengineStop") {}
task GCEtesting {
dependsOn = ["startServer",
group = 'custom'
description 'Starts GCE server, runs tests and stops server.'
testPaid.mustRunAfter 'startServer'
stopServer.mustRunAfter 'testPaid'
I tried multiple ways to write it something like this, short with only one task. I didn't get how to refer to task from another project and call mustRunAfter on it. This doesn't work (I also tried to refer from Project.tasks.getByPath, root.tasks, etc):
task GCEtesting {
dependsOn = ["backend:appengineStart",
group = 'custom'
description 'Starts GCE server, runs tests and stops server.'
"app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest".mustRunAfter "backend:appengineStart"
"backend:appengineStop".mustRunAfter "app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest"
Is it possible? What is correct syntax to make this work?
It looks like your problem is that you're treating dependsOn as meaning "invoke this task". It actually means "ensure the result of the depended on task is available before the dependent task starts". That's why your first solution didn't work: statements like testPaid.mustRunAfter only affect the actions of the testPaid task itself, not its dependencies.
Anyway, you can get the behaviour you want using dependsOn and finalizedBy, but they have to be declared in the build file of the app subproject.
task connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest {
dependsOn 'backend:appengineStart' // Ensure appengineStart is run at some point before this task
finalizedBy 'backend:appendginStop' // Ensure appengineStop is run at some point after this task
Then, you can run your tests simply with gradle app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest. If you really want to define a task in the root project to run the tests, then that's easy too:
task GCEtesting {
dependsOn = "app:connectedPaidDebugAndroidTest"

Gradle tasks dependency

Q: Can one task be dependent on another task with specific argument? If the answer is yes then how to accomplish that?
I opened Gradle for myself recently, and just got curious about next:
Let's say I'd like to have one of the build's subfolders to be copied each time I execute the copy task.
task copy (type: Copy) {
dependsOn build
from '[fromName]'
into '[intoName]'
In my case, I'd like to copy folder build/reports/profile, but the thing is that this folder is created by execution of the build --profile task.
So, is there any chance to accomplish the following:
task copy (...) {
dependsOn build --profile
from ...
into ...
Btw, plugin project-report doesn't create this folder, to be dependent on its task.
Note: It's not as important to have it done, I'm just interested if it is possible at all.
You can't pass arguments with dependsOn to a task directly but you can create a custom Exec task and pass arguments via the command line interpreter (cmd) using the gradle wrapper like this:
task buildWithArgument(type: Exec) {
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'gradlew.bat build --profile'
task copy (type: Copy) {
dependsOn buildWithArgument
from '[fromName]'
into '[intoName]'

How to call Gradle task execution from outside task?

I have code:
task instalNodeModules {
doLast {
task runTasks {
doLast {
Gradle 4.5.1 warns about it as
The TaskInternal.execute() method has been deprecated and is scheduled
to be removed in Gradle 5.0. There are better ways to re-use task
logic, see
But link does not give me any hint how I could replace it because I can’t just setup task dependencies like dependsOn or finalizdBy - it called not from other task but from end of build.
You are not supposed to call the execute method directly, but rather model your tasks dependencies. This allows gradle to perform up-to-date checks and only execute the tasks that are needed.
task runTasks {
dependsOn installNodeModules
dependsOn gulpBuildWithOpts

How to execute another task from a task with dependencies

I have multiple gradle files to run test suites. Each gradle file has multiple tasks with dependencies defined. And there will be a task with same name as file name to run all those tasks.
task testBlockA << {
// do some tests here
task testBlockB(dependsOn: testBlockC) << {
// do some tests here
task testBlockC << {
// do some stuff here
task foo_test(dependsOn: testBlockA, testBlockB)
Now I want to write a common test.gradle file which, based on argument provided, loads the given test gradle file and runs the task
gradle -b test.gradle -Ptest_to_run=foo_test
How to I create a task in test.gradle, which will run foo_test task of foo_test.gradle, along with its dependencies (testBlockA-C)
As I read tasks['foo_test'].execute() will not work as it does not execute the dependsOn tasks.
In your main build.gradle file, you can read the provided -P attribute in your build.gradle file:
apply from:test_to_run
defaultTasks test_to_run
this snippet applies a buildscript based on the input property and also declares a defaultTask to run.
