cassandra #table dynamically change name - spring-boot

I have multiple consumers for an API who post similar data into my API. My API needs to consume this data and persist the data into cassandra tables identified by consumer name. Eg. consumername_tablename
My spring boot entity is annotated with #Table which doesn't let me change the table name dynamically. Most recommendations online suggest that its not something we should try and change.
But in my scenario identifying all consumers and creating table in advance doesnt sound right. In future I want to be able to add consumers to my API seamlessly.
I want to use a variable passed in my API call as the prefix for my cassandra table names. Is this something I can achieve?

For starters: You cannot change annotations without recompiling- they are baked into the compiled class file. This is not the right approach.
Why not put everything in one table and make consumer part of the key? This should give you identical functionality without any of the hassle.


Spring boot jpa entity table name from property file

We are working on a spring boot library to generate and validate OTP. It uses database to store the OTP.
We are using Spring Data JPA for Database operations, as it will be easy to handle multiple database systems according to the project.
Now we have ran in to a problem, most of our projects uses Oracle with a single database.
When using the the same lib in multiple projects there is a name conflict.
So we want the name of the OTP table to be configurable using a property file.
We tried #Table(name = "${otp-table-name}") But its not working.
We did a lots of research and found out the hibernate naming strategy configuration can help.
But we dont want to use lots of configuration in our library as we need the library to be easily usable in the projects.
Can someone help us on this aspect.
Thanks in advance.
You can dynamically determine the actual DataSource based on the current context, use Spring's AbstractRoutingDataSource class. You could write your own version of this class and configure it to use a different data source based on the property file.
This allows you to switch between databases or schema without having to change the code in your library.
Using a NamingStrategy is good approach.
You could let it delegate to an existing NamingStrategy and add a prefix.
Use a library specific default for the prefix, but also allow users of your library specify an alternative prefix.
This way your library can be used without extra configuration, but can also handle the case of multiple applications using it in the same database schema.
Of course this might involve the risk of someone using the default prefix without realizing that, that is already used.
It is not clear what the consequences of that scenario are.
If the consequences are really bad you should drop the default value and require that a project specific prefix is used.
When no prefix is specified throw an exception with an instructional error message telling the user, i.e. the developer how to pick a prefix and where to put it.

Spring data JPARepository findById() on an Entity with #Version persists the record when no data is present for the primary key

Am using Spring Data JPA and hibernate in as springboot project for persistence, Whenever the method findyById() method on the Repository(JPA CRUD Repository) returns no data for the Primary key for an entity which uses #Version annotation for optimistic locking, it tries to insert an entity to the database.
I could see the insert query generated in the log file.
Has anyone come across such an issue? Please help.
The things I noticed from your explanation seem very strange to the program because this should not happen, you are just doing a simple query, it should not depend on the output of the query. Consider how much you have to look at different situations in very large application to avoid unexpected behaviors that cause problems.
One of the goals of ORM (Hibernate, etc.) is to ensure that the application meets your needs without worries.
There may be configuration on the side of your existing application that cause this problem.
In my opinion, to understand the problem, create another simple project with the minimum requirements, try again.

Disable setting up Audit fields in create/update requests in Spring Data REST

I'm using combination of various Spring components - Boot (2.3), Data, Data REST, Springdoc. In my model objects I use auditing - I annotate some fields with #CreatedBy, #CreatedDate etc. I would like to disable possibility to set value of those audit fields through REST API. At the same time, I want this information to be available when retrieving data.
Seems like quite obvious thing to do, but I'm unable to find a way to do this. By default I can easily provide those values in API calls and see them persisted.
Ideally, such configuration change would be visible also in OpenAPI spec generated by Springdoc (in model of request).
So it turns out that I'm silly :)
So my error was that authentication and authorization was disabled at that time. Once enabled, I wasn't able to provide values for createdBy and other fields as they were just getting overridden with correct values.
When it comes to OpenAPI specification, I had to annotate fields with:
#Schema(accessMode = Schema.AccessMode.READ_ONLY)
from;. This resulted in correct info. See Swagger view:
I guess the problem comes from your bad design. Please consider your design is correct or not. I guess in your design, besides Spring Data REST endpoints (APIs), there are other code which can create and update your object and save to database.
You question has nothing to do with Spring Data REST. Audit fields annotated with #Createdxx and #LastModifiedxx is auto updated by Spring Data repository, and Spring Data REST just calls the Spring Data repository to persist data.
Answer below two questions helps clarify your design.
Question 1:
If you want to keep create (POST) endpoints which are created by Spring Data REST by default, and you don't want audit fields annotated with #Createdxx to be set, then what code is responsible to set those audit fields?
Assume you send a POST request to create an object, do you want createdBy and createdDate to be null? Or would createdBy and createdDate be updated later by other code?
Question 2:
If you want to keep update (PUT/PATCH) endpoints which are created by Spring Data REST by default, and you don't want audit fields annotated with #LastModifiedxx to be updated, then what code is responsible to update those audit fields? And this also results in imcomplete audit (you make update, but lastModified info not updated).

making changes to database with hibernate

so im quite new to all spring and hibernate so i used a feature in myeclipse called generate CRUD application (it uses spring and hibernate for the heart of the application and JSF for presentation objects)that im intended to make changes so that i can work with .. my question is the following .. after i made the application that works fine by the way , i discovered that there are fields and probably even tables to be added to the database(an oracle 11g instance database) my questions are the following:
if i create the classes and update the existing .. will it be written directly in the database?
if not is there any way to do it because i dont think a direct update in the database will be a good idea ..
thank you in advance ..
If I understand correctly, you want to know whether the database schema can be created/updated automatically from your #Entity classes, and how to enable/disable such creation. Yes, it's possible by using some property. The name of the property would depend on your project kind. For example, in a default Spring Boot application, you can have
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: update
in The value update above will have the schema automatically created on first run and then updated on subsequently. validate instead of update won't alter the schema, but just validate it.
This stackoverflow post lists the possible values and their behaviour.

how to manage dynamic tables with hibernate - multi tenant database

I am using hibernate 3 using spring 3.5 for a SaaS application. I am expecting upto 10-15 customers , not more. I do not want to implement separate db or schema per customer as its too complicated and costly for a small enterprise like mine. I am currently using a multi-tenant strategy which works fine for a host of small features. Here is the use case where my design fails:
For reporting feature each customer will have a different table for data (because of various reasons like legacy, source of data etc). Table structure differs and so does service/controller behaviors.
I am currently planning to create separate Controllers, Services (DAOs), etc for each customer, thus mapping each of such customer tables with a separate hibernate class. But this approach is not clean and for every new customer I add (which is not that often though), I would need to add its table, and also code a hibernate entity class mapped to the new table, which is not ideal as it needs coding. Is there a way to manage/map such dynamic tables using hibernate which gets added when a new customer is added ?
Use Hibernate 4 multi-tenancy support, see the documentation here. There is support for separate databases per tenant, separate schemas per tenant and partitioning of the same table per tenant.
Is there a way to manage/map such dynamic tables using hibernate which
gets added when a new customer is added ?
I don't know if this is directly supported by Hibernate. From the manual, the supported multi-tenant options are:
Discriminator is mentioned but is not supported in the current release of Hibernate (version 4.2). That leaves schema and database. You mentioned in your question that neither of these are currently applicable to your setup. So unless you're willing to do some major restructuring, you'll probably need to proceed with a different approach.
Option 1:
If I were you, I'd write a view that presents the data from each tenant's table. You can add the tenant ID as a column in the view. Map the reporting class to the view with Hibernate. When you run a query against the view, set the current tenant's ID as a query parameter.
If you go this route, you won't need to add new controllers and POJOs when you add a customer. Just modify the view to also include the new customer's data and it should work.
Option 2:
Hibernate can bind native SQL query results to entities. You can have one entity that represents the data in any reporting table (this assumes that the separate per-customer tables have a similar structure).
In your reporting DAO, you'd fetch a SQL query from a properties file or specify a named SQL query based on the current tenant identifier. Note that the named query approach will only meet your needs (no recompilation of Java classes) if you have things mapped with HBM files. If your mapping is done with annotations, you'd need to rebuild the project to add a named query.
