How can I find which program is running on a specific tmux session? - bash

On a remote machine, I have a tmux session with ID selu, and I am running a python program
python that runs a C++ program main.cpp with different parameters several times. I want to learn the parameters of C++ program running at the moment in that session. How can I do this?

You can rely on the run-shell command. Here is an example of how to grep the current active process of the active pane.
bind-key M-v run-shell 'T=$(tmux display -p "#{pane_tty}" | sed "s=/dev/=="); if pgrep -t$T "fzf|vim|elvish" &> /dev/null; then tmux send-key M-v; elif pgrep -t$T "gdb" &> /dev/null; then tmux send-key PageUp; else tmux copy-mode; fi'
You can also add -t <your session> to run-shell in order to specify the needed session.


How to completely close terminal (Ubuntu bash) from TMUX session?

Can someone please help as how can I close the bash terminal completely from inside of TMUX session (closing TMUX session as well)?
Below code is from my .bashrc where TMUX session starts as soon as terminal launches
if command -v tmux &> /dev/null && [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then tmux attach -t default -c "$HOME" || tmux new -s default -c "$HOME" fi
You can use tmux detach -P to both detach and send HUP to the parent process, which should make it exit as well.

Run command in new background tmux window and wait for process to finish

I'm trying to use tmux in a script, so that it runs a command that takes some time (let's say 'ping -c 5', for example) in a new hidden pane, while blocking the current script itself until the ping ends.
By "hidden pane", I mean running the command in a new pane that would be sent in background, and is still accessible by switching panes in order to monitor and/or interact with it (not necessarily ping).
(cf. EDIT)
Here is some pseudo bash code to show more clearly what I'm trying to do:
echo "Waiting for ping to finish..."
echo "Ctrl-b + p to switch pane and see running process"
tmux new-window -d 'ping -c 5' # run command in new "background" window
tmux wait-for # display "Done!" only when ping command has finished
echo "Done!"
I know the tmux commands here don't really have any sense like this, but this is just to illustrate.
I've looked at different solutions in order to either send a command in background, or wait until a process has finished in an other pane, but I still haven't found a way to do both correctly.
Thanks to Nicholas Marriott for pointing out the -d option exists when creating a new window to avoid switching to it automatically. Now the only issue is to block the main script until the command ends.
I tried the following, hoping it would work, but it doesn't either (the script doesn't resume).
tmux new-window -d 'ping -c 5; tmux wait -S ping' &
tmux wait $!
Maybe there is a way by playing with processes (using fg,bg...), but I still haven't figured it out.
Similar questions:
[1] Make tmux block until programs complete
[2] Bash - executing blocking scripts in tmux
[3] How do you hide a tmux pane
[4] how to wait for first command to finish?
You can use wait-for but you need to give it a channel and signal that channel when your process is done, something like:
tmux neww -d 'ping blah; tmux wait -S ping'
tmux wait ping
echo done
If you think you might run the script several times in parallel, I suggest making a channel name using mktemp or similar (and removing the file when wait-for returns).
wait-for can't automatically wait for stuff like pane or windows exiting, silence in a pane, and so on, but I would like to see that implemented at some point.
The other answers are only working if you're already within a tmux session.
But if you are outside of it you've to use something like this:
tmux new-session -d 'vi /etc/passwd' \; split-window -d 'vi /etc/group' \; attach
If you want to call this within a script you should check whether or not "$TMUX" is set. (Or just unset to force a nested tmux window).
export com1="vi /etc/passwd"
export com2="vi /etc/group"
if [ -z $TMUX ]
export doNewSession="new-session -d 'exit 0'"
export doNewSession=""
tmux $doNewSession \; split-window -d $com1 \; split-window -d $com2 \; attach;
[ -z $TMUX ] && exit 0
My solution was to make a named pipe and then wait for input using read:
rm -f /wait
mkfifo /wait
tmux new-window -d '/bin/sh -c "ping -c 5; echo . > /wait"'
read -t 10 WAIT <>/wait
[ -z "$WAIT" ] &&
echo 'The operation failed to complete within 10 seconds.' ||
echo 'Operation completed successfully.'
I like this approach because you can set a timeout and, if you wanted, you could extend this further with other tmux controls to kill the ongoing process if it doesn't end the way you want.

How to detect if tmux is attached to a session in bash?

I have a .sh file which create a new session for tmux and add some windows, the file should be used only when no session exist. For instance:
tmux new-session -A -s `ax` -n ui -d
# add windows and other magic here...
I want prevent creating a session with the same name and recreating the windows in case the .sh file is accidentally re executed and the session is running.
Basically what I need is:
If a tmux session ax does not exist with that session name, create that session. If
I am not attached to a tmux session, attach to that session.
I would like to know how to detect if a tmux session exist and if tmux is attached to it, in this example ax is running and preventing the execution of the .sh script or if the session does not exit I want to re-execute the .sh script.
Currently I was thinking to use:
tmux ls | grep attached
I would like to know if you know a better way.
It's a little hard to understand what you mean. I'm interpreting it as
if a tmux session does not exist with that session name, create it. If I am not attached to a tmux session, attach to that session name.
If this is wrong, please comment.
I have similar functionality in my scripts. All I do is
tmuxstart() {
tmux ls | grep "sess" && { tmux a -t sess; return 0; }
#rest of tmux script to create session named "sess"
tmux a -t sess
If the session named "sess" exists, then I execute the next 2 grouped commands on the line (attach to it and exit the function).
Note that I do not have to check if I'm already attached to the function. tmux does this automatically. If you try to attach to a tmux session while in a session, it will respond
sessions should be nested with care, unset $TMUX to force
and not recursively attach. Tmux is smart enough to keep us from shooting ourselves in the foot.
You can use $TMUX to detect if already attached, my code is:
if [ ! "$TMUX" ]; then
tmux attach -t main || tmux new -s main
I use this in my ~/.bashrc so if no sessions exist, start them & detach from all but ipfs session.
IPFS_SESSION=$(tmux attach-session -t ipfs 2>&1)
if [ "$IPFS_SESSION" == "sessions should be nested *" ]; then
unset TMUX
if ! tmux has-session -t sql; then tmux new-session -d -s sql; fi
if ! tmux has-session -t tmp; then tmux new-session -d -s tmp; fi
if ! tmux has-session -t ytdl; then tmux new-session -d -s ytdl; fi
if ! tmux has-session -t ipfs; then tmux new-session -s ipfs; fi

How to write a shell script that starts tmux session, and then runs a ruby script

I want to write a shell script that does this:
First, create a tmux session
Second, run a ruby script called "run.rb" INSIDE the tmux session
In pseudo-code, what I want to do:
tmux new -s my_session
ruby run.rb # NOTE: I want this to run inside the my_session tmux session.
tmux detach
How do I do this? (More posts I read, more confusing it gets.)
tmux new-session -d -s my_session 'ruby run.rb'
Create a file named and give it the above contents.
Make the file executable by running:
chmod 755
chmod +x
Then run the shell script:
Making the shell script executable
When you perform the chmod 755 filename command you allow everyone to read and execute the file, and the file owner is allowed to write to the file as well. You may need this for Perl and other scripts that should be run via a webserver. If you apply 755 to a directory, it means that everyone can go to it and get its file listing.
These permissions are usually translated into textual representation of rwxr-xr-x.
You can alternatively use chmod +x file_name on a file to make it executable.
K M Rakibul Islam's updated code contains an unnecessary detach command at the end which causes an error message "no client found" (my_session has already been detached and thus is not in scope so tmux cannot understand which session you want to detach). The correct code should be:
tmux new-session -d -s my_session 'ruby run.rb'
With some experimenting, I figured out how to control tmux via shell script.
tmux new-session -d -s htop-session 'htop'; # start new detached tmux session, run htop
tmux split-window; # split the detached tmux session
tmux send 'htop -t' ENTER; # send 2nd command 'htop -t' to 2nd pane. I believe there's a `--target` option to target specific pane.
tmux a; # open (attach) tmux session.
The above splits the tmux session into two window, and runs htop in both.
To answer original question, you can run a ruby script and not detached the tmux session with command below:
tmux new-session -s ruby_session 'ruby run.rb'; # open tmux session and run ruby script.
You could use teamocil to do this easily. You could just create a YAML file:
- name: rubysession
root: ~
layout: tiled
- ruby run.rb; tmux detach
If you named it 'rubysession.yml' then run:
teamocil rubysession
And that would work perfectly for your purpose and require no hacks. Also teamocil is awesome for loads of other uses!
If you want to keep your tmux session alive after starting some commands, a possible solution is to start a bash with an init file:
tmux new -d -s mysession "bash --init-file foo.script"
where foo.script would contain your commands. Alternatively, you can feed the command to the shell directly from the command line:
tmux new -d -s mysession2 "bash --init-file <(echo ruby run.rb)"
Note that --init-file was meant for reading system wide initialization files like /etc/bash.bashrc so you might want to 'source' these in your script.
I am not sure if this is still interesting for you, but I like to give you an answer / hint: in case you want, for example, start multiple tmux sessions by shell script and execute some command, you can do it like follow:
# just for test and show case
mkdir test_1 test_2
echo "current tmux sessions"
tmux ls
echo "kill all tmux sessions"
tmux kill-server
declare -a directories=("test_1" "test_2")
for i in "${directories[#]}"
cd ${i}
tmux new -d -s ${i} "ls -la"
cd ..
For the demonstration, the script will create a folder test_1 and test_2. After that I have defined an array with the two folders and run through the two folders and start a tmux session with the current folder name and execute the command "ls -la".
If you like to run through all sub directories in your current directory, please replace "for i in "${directories[#]}" with "for f in *; do". Here is an example that also exclude symbolic folders:
echo "current tmux sessions"
tmux ls
echo "kill all tmux sessions"
tmux kill-server dependencies
for f in *; do
if [[ -d "$f" && ! -L "$f" ]]; then
cd ${f}
tmux new -d -s ${i} "ls -la"
cd ..
Here is a link to the gist file:

Tmux failed to connect to server error on `tmux ls` when there are no running sessions

Just writing a quick loop to list out existing tmux sessions when I log into a server, depending on whether tmux is installed (via .bashrc on CentOS).
if rpm -q tmux; then
echo -e "TMUX sessions running:\n"
echo `tmux ls`
This works great when tmux has a session or two, but if there are no running tmux sessions, I'm getting failed to connect to server: No such file or directory.
Is there a way to suppress this?
Note that you may have a tmux server running, but you cannot connect to it because someone cleaned out the /tmp directory and took the server's socket with it.
In that case, you can tell the server to recreate the socket by sending it a SIGUSR1 signal.
% ps aux | grep -w [t]mux
root 14799 0.2 0.0 36020 488 ? Ss May08 51:30 tmux
% kill -USR1 14799
% tmux ls
<list of tmux sessions>
Using a combination of #Barmar and #Etan Reisner 's advice:
tmux ls 2> /dev/null
Nothing is echoed in when there are no sessions, otherwise the list is reported.
