JHipster friltering in CRUDs pages - filter

i'm ramping up in JHipster, and i'm trying this approach: use the generated pages and code to earn development time.
I have a requirement to filter entities/tables content for certain fields/column within CRUDs. Another requirement is not to use Elasticsearch.
My idea is to add filtering fields to those pages and use the generated classes entityCriteria.java to filter data.
I don't know how to map search criterion to that class, from the entity.component.ts script.
I can add criteria programatically, but i think is good idea to modify only that and, as i allready says, earn a lot of development time.
Can anyone orient me on the right direction?
Thanks in advance

I solved adding the filter fields to the controller and the page. Also add an initialization for each field in the constructor.
The filter criteria is added in the loadAll method.
Just like that.


OR/And condition in spring dashboard filter

Is it possible to write the expression in boot dashboard filter with AND/OR condition?
No, this is not yet possible. Please raise an enhancement request at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues.
The design guideline behind this search box was to keep it as simple as possible and have just a simple "filter" text that gets matched against project names, working sets, and tags. If you file an enhancement request, it would be great if you could explain the setting and context a bit, provide a few examples why the AND/OR syntax would be useful or necessary, and how you would use that. We would like to understand the context a bit more before deciding on a final user experience for it.

Velocity IncludeEventHandler dilemma

Here is an interesting problem regarding the IncludeEventHandler.
I am developing a Spring-Based application which uses velocity which has different VENDORS having a separate portfolio site. I am letting vendors customize the pages by providing them the Velocity templates which are being stored the database and are picked up by the velocity engine using a DataSourceResourceLoader.
My table is organized like this.
The vendors may parse other templates by calling the macro #parse and passing their vendorid/template-name so that it looks like this.
Now the actual problem is picking up the template according to vendorid.
I have a class (extending IncludeEventHandler) which overrides the includeEvent method. Now what can I do to return the desired template? I dont want to change the names and make them look like 20160109144/home.vm
With OP's question, the intent was to provide an alternate behavior to the DataSourceResourceLoader.
Unfortunately, the Velocity Engine version 1.7 doesn't have ability to change the SQL statement that is used to retrieve the template.
The DataSourceResourceLoader extends the ResourceLoader abstract class. That said, if you reference the source, you should be able to implement a custom ResourceLoader that behaves the way you want it to.
One option, glom most of the code from DataSourceResourceLoader and change the way it determines the template content to load from the database.
I would dump all of the query related material as you will be determining the specific columns you want to load for content. The DataSourceResourceLoader essentially maps the name of a template to a database entry and your implementation essentially revolves around the rules you've defined above.
Hopefully that can provide enough assistance to move forward. I would recommend pulling this in a debugger as well and determine what is and is-not passed in to the related load methods.

Achieve Multi-tenancy with GATE

I am using GATE in one of my applications and I have few queries related to Multi-tenancy. My requirements are as given below.
I have the keywords set, specific for each user and depending on
which user is signed in, I need to initialise gazetteer with the
applicable set of keywords.
At a given time there could be multiple users logging into my
application and I want to make sure that the multi-tenancy
approach will not be inefficient.
I don't want to store the keywords for each user in the .lst
file(s) but store it on a DB (mongo) and inject only at the
I searched the web for few samples and though I found some thoughts on working with Processing Resource, I have no idea how the performance will be affected.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
That's an interesting use-case for a GATE gazetteer.
One thing I believe you should definitely do is add the user ID as a feature when you're creating the document. This way you'll be able to make your MongoDB query in a processing resource later on.
When you're processing the document, you have several options:
Create a custom PR which calls MongoDB and replicates the DefaultGazetteer code but with overwritten "init" method (or inherit or wrap it, haven't looked into much detail if that's possible). Instead of the default init method you should provide your list of keywords, then set the needed fields and call execute().
If you don't have too many keywords, create a custom PR (or groovy scripting PR) which calls MongoDB and does some simple regex search like the one in this thread.
They also suggest the stringsearch library in the comments. Then just use start and end indices to create Lookup annotations on your own.
You said you don't want that but still, several million words can be handled by both the default and the Hash gazetteer. Although, you should be careful as gate documents could be very memory-intensive if you have too many annotations - in your case Lookups for all user keywords.
Hope this helps.

How to get different parameter types per Joomla ACL ?

Right now you can only set 'Allowed', 'Inherited' and 'Prohibited' per Joomla ACL. That's fine but far from complete. Consider the simple case you want to set a string per ACL, like 'allowed upload extensions'. There seems little or no information about.
Any ideas on this ? Its seems even more complicated when you want to register 'dynamic' parameters on the fly, so all this XML based persistence model you have in Joomla will fall a part as well...
This would be wrong, and a nightmare to debug (imagine guiding users when they start calling because they can't do something, and you have no idea where to look).
If you want your component to have more user-configurable actions, you can define some params in the config, where you set the list of extensions allowed in a custom action level, such as "extensions.safe", then assign that. You can create as many as you want. Find more info here
Unless you're proposing that existing components take into consideration arbitrarily defined dynamic parameters, it's hard to see how it could work.

Application interface templating

I am creating a front-end for a data collection web application. Operators using the data collection application will log data for a dozen different projects, with each project requiring different fields. There are some common fields (like name, address... etc) but then each project also has custom fields for extra data that needs to be collected. Some projects require dozens of extra fields, while some projects require only 1 or 2 fields. Can anyone think of a "clean" way to handle this situation? I don't want to create an input page for each project, and some people are tossing around the idea of doing UI templates in XML. Any guidance would be much appreciated.
XML would provide a neat solution to your problem. Depending on the user choice, ask the user to fill more fields. From your problem statement its looking that you know how many projects need extra fields and which do not. If you know this data then feed this data into a database and then accordingly generate your form page. However even if the data is available dynamically with the use of an interactive javascript and ajax you can easily achieve a neat solution.
