How to End a "group call" in Sinch - sinch

I'm basically following the tutorial on
I'm able to get things working, however I am unable to end the call. Right now I have 2 browser tabs pretending to be different users joining the same group chat. "onGroupLocalMediaAdded" and "onGroupRemoteCallAdded" do get called, and I can display things fine. But I can't figure out how a user can leave the group chat and ultimately trigger a call to "onGroupRemoteCallRemoved"
The Call class has a "hangup" method, but GroupCall does not.
any ideas?

Use call conference, it will be with a media server, callgroup will try to set up media to each client and will most likely impact your callquality.

I think I figured it out. Group Calling is really peer to peer calling. So hanging up means iterating through each call object you received from a peer and calling hangup.
My terminate connection function now contains:
this.remoteCallsMap.forEach( (call) => {
I'm going to play around with call conference as mentioned in the other responses, but figured I'd post the answer in case anyone else plays around with call group and can't figure out how to end the call.


How Can I Use xmpp4r To Detect The Online/Offline Status Of A Given Jabber ID?

What is the proper xmpp4r way to know if a given contact is online before sending them a message?
Can you post sample xmpp4r code for doing this?
Here is my use case:
If contact online, send :normal message
Else, email contact
Here are things I have working code for:
Send messages of various types
Get a roster/contact list
Register a call back to detect changes in presence
However, I can't find a place that directly addresses a work flow like this:
Loop through each JID in your roster
If jid.is_online? == true, send IM
Else, send email
I've read that you should send a JID a message of type :headline and if that fails, you know the user is offline. In my tests, if the user is ONLINE, they'll receive a message of type headline. This is suboptimal, as users should only receive messages to read, not noise to determine online status.
I've read that on sign on, all of your contacts will bounce a presence status back at you, and that status is the sole indication that they are online - assuming that there isn't a disconnect or presence change you've yet to receive. So you should register a presence call back, record the initial users who ping you back, and then add or remove from the list based on your running roster presence callback.
If this is truly the way to do it:
Can I get some example code of how to collect all the "I'm here" presence confirmations on sign on via xmpp4r?
Why, oh why, was xmpp designed this way and why is this better than offering an "is_online_and_available" method?
So the answer here is adding a message call back and checking inside the block for the type:
m =, body)
cl.add_message_callback do |m|
if m.type == :error
puts "type: #{m.type}"
puts "not an error"
This requires threading as you have to be listening for the response.

I am trying to add a new gateway to CS-cart and it seems having troubles when i am sent back from the gateway

basically my script so far send values to the gateway then get redirected to CS cart .. in that page i grab the values returned and manipulate them.
i use fn finish and fn change order status to finish the order but no matter what i do i get a 404 page not found . i've tried redirecting to the order page but its creates a problem.
Here is the code i use when returning from gateway.
$StaTus_message = "<br>Thank you for shopping with us. Your credit card has been charged and your transaction is successful. We will be shipping your order to you soon.";
$pp_response['customer_email'] = $_REQUEST['billing_cust_email'];
$pp_response['client_id'] = $_REQUEST['billing_cust_name'];
$pp_response['order_status'] = 'C';
$pp_response['reason_text'] = $StaTus_message;
fn_finish_payment($_REQUEST['Order_Id'], $pp_response);
fn_change_order_status($_REQUEST['Order_Id'], $pp_response['order_status']);
I know this is not a popular subject but i thought I'll give it a go.
Also I've being searching everywhere for documentation both at CS-cart's forum and the internet and couldn't find much.
Thanks in advanced.
Okay. So, the solution to that was exiting the script after the script sent the client to the gate way, and then upon re-enter using fn_change_order_status - to whatever you need, and then using fn_order_placement_routines to actually finalize the order and send email to client/merchant.
Hope that help people out there as I spent nearly 4 days to try and understand that.

Pusher App Client Events

I'm writing a multiplayer chess game, and using Pusher for the websocket server part.
Anyways, if I have a list of users, and I select any one of them and challenge them, how do I send challenge to just that one user? I know I would use the client event like:
channel.trigger("client-challenge_member1", {some : "data"});
But this event would have to have already been created I think. So do I create this event dynamically after each member subscribes? as possibly in:
channel.bind("pusher:subscribed_completed", function(member) // not sure of correct syntax but...
channel.bind("client-challenge_" + member.memberID, function(data)
alert(data.Name + " is challenging you.");
I would think there'd be a overloaded method for trigger, like:
channel.trigger(eventName, data, memberID)
But I cannot see anything like this. Any ideas? Thanks.
I ran into this problem on my application. At this time Pusher does not provide methods for sending events to a specific user. I think the approach that you mentioned would work for your situation. For my application I had each user subscribe to a channel with their user id as the channel id, then I could send messages to a single user through that channel.
client = new Pusher(PUSHER_API_KEY);
channel = client.subscribe(user_id);
//Do stuff
I talked this approach over with the pusher team and they assured me there was no real overhead in having the extra channels. The new Pusher() command is the code that creates a new socket connection so you don't have to worry about extra sockets per channel or anything like that. Hope this helps.
I'm from Pusher. As Braden says, you can easily make a channel per user. This is more efficient than having the user id in the event name which means you spam everyone with useless messages.
This is an area we want to improve on further, so thanks for the feedback.
If you're able to consider another service, Beaconpush has the ability to send messages to a specific user.
From their site:
POST /1.0.0/[API key]/users/[user]

How to know when a web page is loaded when using QtWebKit?

Both QWebFrame and QWebPage have void loadFinished(bool ok) signal which can be used to detect when a web page is completely loaded. The problem is when a web page has some content loaded asynchronously (ajax). How to know when the page is completely loaded in this case?
I haven't actually done this, but I think you may be able to achieve your solution using QNetworkAccessManager.
You can get the QNetworkAccessManager from your QWebPage using the networkAccessManager() function. QNetworkAccessManager has a signal finished ( QNetworkReply * reply ) which is fired whenever a file is requested by the QWebPage instance.
The finished signal gives you a QNetworkReply instance, from which you can get a copy of the original request made, in order to identify the request.
So, create a slot to attach to the finished signal, use the passed-in QNetworkReply's methods to figure out which file has just finished downloading and if it's your Ajax request, do whatever processing you need to do.
My only caveat is that I've never done this before, so I'm not 100% sure that it would work.
Another alternative might be to use QWebFrame's methods to insert objects into the page's object model and also insert some JavaScript which then notifies your object when the Ajax request is complete. This is a slightly hackier way of doing it, but should definitely work.
The second option seems better to me. The workflow is as follows:
Attach a slot to the QWebFrame::javascriptWindowObjectCleared() signal. At this point, call QWebFrame::evaluateJavascript() to add code similar to the following:
window.onload = function() { // page has fully loaded }
Put whatever code you need in that function. You might want to add a QObject to the page via QWebFrame::addToJavaScriptWindowObject() and then call a function on that object. This code will only execute when the page is fully loaded.
Hopefully this answers the question!
To check the load of specific element you can use a QTimer. Something like this in python:
def on_webView_loadFinished(self):
self.tObject = QTimer()
def on_tObject_timeout(self):
dElement =
element = dElement.findFirst("css selector")
if element.isNull():
print "Page loaded"
When your initial html/images/etc finishes loading, that's it. It is completely loaded. This fact doesn't change if you then decide to use some javascript to get some extra data, page views or whatever after the fact.
That said, what I suspect you want to do here is expose a QtScript object/interface to your view that you can invoke from your page's script, effectively providing a "callback" into your C++ once you've decided (from the page script) that you've have "completely loaded".
Hope this helps give you a direction to try...
The OP thought it was due to delayed AJAX requests but there also could be another reason that also explains why a very short time delay fixes the problem. There is a bug that causes the described behaviour:
To work around this problem the loadingFinished() signal must be connected using queued connection.

Using the xmpp4r Ruby gem, how can I synchronously discover if a contact is online?

I'm new to XMPP and the xmpp4r library, so please forgive my noob question if this is obviously documented somewhere.
What's the most straightforward way, in a synchronous manner, to find out if a given JID is online? (so that I can call something like is_online?(jid) in an if statement)
My details:
I'm writing a Sinatra app that will attempt to send a message to a user when a particular url gets requested on the web server, but it should only try to send the message to the user if that user is currently online. Figuring out if a given JID is online is my problem.
Now, I know that if I connect and wait a few seconds for all the initial presence probe responses to come back to the Roster helper, then I can inspect any of those presences from my Roster and call #online? on them to get the correct value. But, I don't know when all of the presence updates have been sent, so there's a race condition there and sometimes calling #online? on a presence from my roster will return false if I just haven't received that presence probe response yet.
So, my current thinking is that the most straightforward way to find out if someone is online is to construct a new Presence message of type :probe and send that out to the JID that I'm interested in. Here's how I'm doing it right now:
#jabber is the result of Client::new
#email is the jid I'm interested in polling
def is_online?(jabber, email)
online = false
p =
pres = jabber.send(p) do |returned_presence|
online = returned_presence.nil?
return online
Now, this works in cases where the user is actually online, but when the user is offline, it looks like the presence probe message that comes back is being caught by some other presence_callback handler that doesn't know what to do with it, and my is_online? function never finishes returning a value.
Can anyone help me by providing a simple example is_online? function that I can call, or point me in the right direction for how I can detect when the roster is done getting all the initial presence updates before I try checking a presence for #online?
As it turns out, there's not a synchronous way to ask for a JID presence. You've just got to ask for what you want, then wait for your response handler to fire when the response arrives.
