how to de-host a laravel app from google cloud platform? - laravel

I cannot access my heidisql database because my google cloud trial version is over so I want to de-host my laravel app from google cloud platform and want to develop only on localhost.

When a free trial ends, you have 30 days to restore your resources by upgrading to a paid account; otherwise, the data and resources are not longer available anymore. You can take a look on the End of the free trial section of the Billing FAQs to know more about this matter.
What happens when my free trial ends?
After your trial ends, the resources you created during the trial are stopped, but can
be restored if you upgrade to a paid account within 30 days.
Within that 30-day period, you can also contact Google Billing Support
to export any data you stored in Google GCP services (other than on
Compute Engine). After 30 days, your data and resources are not
available, even if you upgrade.
Caution: Because there is no automated way to export data from Compute
Engine, you are responsible for exporting any data stored on Compute
Engine before your free trial ends.


Using free google api plan for Bitrix24

recently my company started using Bitrix24 as an intranet portal. Our employees use google drive and calendar synchronization between their google accounts (private ones, not gsuite). Few days ago I received an email from google:
We have contacted Bitrix24 support, but they could not give us any specifics with regards to this email and pointed out to contact google. Free google plans do not really have helpdesk support and point to sites like stackoverflow for help.
We do not really know what to do in this situation, as we have very little knowledge about google developer console. One of us just used his account to set up a project and provide OAuth to sync google accounts with bitrix24.
Several months ago google started releasing security changes enacted to help ensure that users data is secure. Due to this all developers with applications running risky scopes must apply for application verification
The developer who has created this application, probably the same person who received that email must click the link and submit the application. Once your project is approved you will not have any more issues. I suggest you begin the process now as it may take sometime for you to compete the process.

LUIS is no longer free?

Luis is no longer free ?
I didn't open LUIS dashboard for 10-11 days. I'm seeing this now. They changed a lot of things there.
I must get azure key to get my LUIS app works ?
According to the pricing details, LUIS is not free. You are able to make 10K calls per month without charge, after which you are charged $0.75 per 1000 calls. Without more detail I am unsure of your second question. An azure key may be used to link LUIS to your bot.
Just to clarify LUIS has the same model as before, the new portal just highlights this information in a different way that's a little more confusing (we're working on it).
No Azure Account; free for 1000 requests/month using programmatic api key
With Azure, free for 10,000 requests per month (F0 plan in Azure)
With Azure, $.75/1000 calls
The thing that's new and confusing is the programmatic key with the low quota isn't connected to your app by default. We're going to fix that shortly.
Same happened to me. I had to create LUIS app in Azure and then provide key to LUIS application on But in LUIS app on azure, you can select the pricing tier as free if 10k calls per month suffice your application usage or choose paid plan according to need.
A start-key is default available with each LUIS model which can be used upto 10k calls per month
LUIS is free for Testing and Educational use. It is about 10000 conversations per month. However in production environment it has to be paid.
The important this is you can access LUIS feature via Azure or can independently integrate it into your application. The method of costing will depend on that as well.

CodenameOne plan for the cloud storage API

Since CodenameOne doesn't support "the cloud storage API" any more and the is going to retire soon as well. Does CodenameOne has any plan to release a new Cloud Storage API or provide suggestions/guidelines to help developers to deal with the parse4cn1 library code, cloud code, database structure and data in
That is something you will have to figure out yourself as parse4cn1 was initially contributed by a community member and wasn't developed by Codenameone team.
You can use a simple webservices created in php, python or java, hosted along your content with any ISP.
You may also have a look at amazon aws which is promising, they provide a cloud solution but their SDKs is not yet integrated to Codenameone.
I made the parse4cn1 lib and I'm also wondering what's smartest to do. With the announcement of's imminent shutdown, there's been a lot of discussion around alternatives. My feeling is that "the dust is yet to settle" as per what options are best and reliable for the longer term (it would be a pity to migrate to another service only for it to be shut down soon). So I personally plan to wait till sometime in Q2 to do a proper evaluation of the alternatives. Hopefully, there'll be more clarity then.
The option to host one's own Parse server (e.g. on AWS or Heroku) is getting interesting. They recently announced support for push notifications on iOS and Android. If (when?) they open source the dashboard code, I think that option would be much more interesting.
At some point in the coming months, I plan to make a parse4cn1 release that exposes an option to set the server path. With that, anyone migrating to the Parse server option should, in principle, be able to continue to use the cn1lib. Of course, for features that are supported by the open source Parse server.
PS: Here are pointers to some of such discussions on Parse alternatives:

Should I migrate from OAuth1 to OAuth2?

I have read about new Google Apps Marketplace and have seen the overview video here.
I'm worried about migration from OAuth1 to OAuth2 and having impact to some developed applications with APIs in my domaine
in the video exactely in 24', comparaison of what libraries/APIs are used in the OAuth1 vs OAuth2, and in 27' talking about turning off the OAuth1.
these Libraries/API will be deprecated ?
Any idea about turning off the OAuth1 and when ?
You need not worry about the impact of OAuth1 to OAuth2. This transition can be completed in a max of 15 days if you have done many integrations with Google. If you are worried just about the SSO with OAuth2 this can be completed in a day as Google has already provided proper documentation regarding the work flow.
Google has even provided migration APIs to upgrade your customers domains from v1 to v2 of Google Apps Marketplace(GAM). If you have a huge user base to be migrated then you need to plan accordingly such that migrated and non-migrated users would be able to use your app for some days till the migration is completed successfully.
Google will announce if it intends to discontinue or make backwards incompatible changes to this API or Service. Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to continue to operate those Google Documents List API versions and features identified at without these changes until April 20, 2015, unless (as Google determines in its reasonable good faith judgment):
So on a safe side it is better to migrate all of your APIs to the latest libraries to avoid any failures at a later point of time. Anyway the older versions are not supported for any issue fixes/ support from Google side. So it is always better to migrate your APIs
Older version of GAM(v1) will also be deprecated at some time but Google hasn't provided any timeline for this. Probably it may take a year(not sure)
Google strongly encourages you to migrate your marketplace application to OAuth2 as soon as possible. Google has already announced deprecation of OAuth1. All top apps on marketplace have migrated their customers to OAuth2 with no issues. We plan to stop allowing installs of OAuth1 applications in near future from the marketplace (specific timelines to be communicated separately).

Can I set a cap on costs in Windows Azure?

I want to set up a Windows Azure account.
I'm an MSDN Subscriber so I get it for "free" the first 16 months.
Still, Microsoft want my credit card number just in case I go over the free limit.
In theory, this means I'm writing a carte blanche to MS to bill my credit card.
I want to know if anyone has been using Azure and if there's anyway of setting it to simply stop working if it gets near the cap where it would start to cost me something??
Today, there are no usage caps you can place on your account. Regarding the credit card and carte blanche ability to bill you: you'd only be billed for overage beyond the "free" stuff. Microsoft recently instituted an email-alert feature that lets you know when you've used 75% of your available resources. I believe that went live a few weeks ago.
Simply put: you get 750 compute-hours monthly (metered on a 1-hour boundary). This gives you enough hours to run a single, small instance 24x7, as there are just under 750 hours in a month. If you leave two instances running full-time, you'll go over your allotment and be charged.
If you're just learning, the MSDN account is fantastic. Just remember to delete your deployment at the end of the day (or when you're done trying something out), instead of letting it run 24x7. With a bit of prudence, you'll easily be able to test multi-instance applications and avoid ever being charged.
You can also log into the billing portal from the Azure portal. This shows a very detailed breakdown of your monthly usage, and with a quick scan you'll see how you're doing regarding compute-hours.
I keep mentioning compute-hours but not storage or bandwidth. Unless you're doing some extreme development, I doubt you'll run into any storage or bandwidth overruns. Same goes for SQL Azure - stick with Web Edition databases (and only 3 databases) and you'll have no issue there.
I wrote two blog posts that might also be helpful when thinking about how to manage cost so you don't get charged:
The True Cost of Web and Worker Roles
Staging and Compute-Hour Metering
In addition to David's answer, I would also suggest maximizing your use of the local Azure runtime that comes with the SDK. You can create web & worker roles and blobs/tables/queues. Iterate there until you are happy with how everything works - then publish to the public cloud.
There is no charge for the SDK or the local runtime.
The December 2011 release of Windows Azure introduced a much revamped billing portal which, amongst other things, introduced the ability to cap spend on introductionary accounts and MSDN accounts.
Whilst you still need to provide credit card for your MSDN Account, all accounts are automatically created with spending limit of $0; a limit one can remove from the billing portal.
See -
