Tablespace Segments and Schema Objects - oracle

I am learning about tablespaces, but I am not sure what a segment of a tablespace constitutes. Is it safe to say that the following query displays all schema objects that can be moved to different tablespaces:
select distinct segment_type
from dba_segments;

A segment represents the storage associated with an object such as a table or index. Segments reside in tablespaces.
You probably won't be moving rollback or undo segments, as those will be in their own dedicated tablespace and are system-managed in recent versions of Oracle.
I don't think there is a convenient way to move a cluster to a new tablespace, but then aside from the ones used internally for the data dictionary they are rarely used, so probably you won't have to deal with those either.


Is there any major impact if we don't add tablespace clause while creating the table or indexes in oracle?

While creating tables or indexes, I always get the recommendation to add tablespace clause in the queries. Is there any major impact later on our table if we don't use the tablespace clause while creating them ?
This is what I am doing for a very long time.
Recommendation from DBA.
The answer is it depends on how your company has defined its tablespace rules.
Oracle users (or schemas) can have one "default tablespace" which you can see by querying the database:
select username, default_tablespace from dba_users;
or if you do not have permission for that and you want to know what it is for the current user only:
select username, default_tablespace from user_users;
Or perhaps this one to see all users that are visible to your current connected user:
select username, default_tablespace from user_users;
According to Oracle documentation ( this is what it means:
Specify the default tablespace for objects that the user creates. If
you omit this clause, then the user's objects are stored in the
database default tablespace. If no default tablespace has been
specified for the database, then the user's objects are stored in the
SYSTEM tablespace.
So for your intents and purposes, when you create a table without explicitly using a tablespace at the end it will go to the user's default tablespace in general. If your DBAs tend to not define a default tablespace then it starts to have more serious impacts, because the table will be stored in a global default tablespace or (heaven forbid) it will go to SYSTEM tablespace. That last option would be extremely detrimental to the database health.
Some companies have the habit of assigning different tablespaces for tables and for indexes for instance. In that case, the users can only have one default tablespace, and if you omit the tablespace clause in the create index (or create table) statement, objects will go to the incorrect tablespace.
Now to the consequences of having a table or index in an incorrect tablespace. A tablespace is a collection of one or more physical operating system files (Oracle refers to them as data files). Whenever you create a table or index in a tablespace oracle allocates space in that datafile, which Oracle calls segments. Segments are logical units inside a data file. Keep in mind Oracle further breaks down segments into smaller logical units called extents and blocks, but that is a bit beyond the topic here. If you are interested there is more to read here:
Let's go back to segments. Segments exist inside datafiles that belong to tablespaces. When you put your object in a tablespace and you want to move it out to a different tablespace, Oracle needs to physically write to files on the OS. And that can be simple if the table is empty, or can be a fair amount of work if it concerns a massive table spanning multiple datafiles or containing gigabytes or terabytes of data. It may mean an application outage is required to fix it.
Oracle provides certain methods to avoid application outages in those scenarios, like for example Online Redefinition (package DBMS_REDEFINITION). But I would hope we can agree that their use can be better leveraged for application migrations and things of the sort.
Using default tablespace settings is fine in many cases, by all means, but if you will allow me perhaps, the rule of thumb for many things Oracle is if you can write code to do something explicitly instead of relying on default values, do yourself and your DBA the favor. In general, the flexibility of relying on it is trumped by even a couple times of facing yourself with a surprise and then being responsible for cleaning it up later.
If you don't specify a tablespace, Oracle will use the default tablespaces assigned to the schema. You can find your default tablespace with the query below. Unless you have a very small development database w/o many schemas, that may be OK, but otherwise it is good practice to explicitly define them.
select *
from database_properties
where property_name like 'DEFAULT%TABLESPACE';
------------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------------
DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE TEMP Name of default temporary tablespace
DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE USERS Name of default permanent tablespace

Initial Extent for a table gets allocated only after data insertion in Locally managed user tablespace

In case of Locally managed SYSTEM tablespace, when objects are created in a user tablespace (which is also locally managed) initial extents are getting allocated only after data insertion.
Whereas in the same scenario where SYSTEM tablespace is dictionary managed, initial extent gets allocated whenever table is created.
create tablespace lmt datafile 'df.f' size 5M extent management local;
conn scott/tiger
create table sample (id nuber) tablespace lmt;
select * from user_tables where table_name = 'SAMPLE';
initial extent is null when SYSTEM tablespace is Locally managed
initial extent has value when SYSTEM tablespace is dictionary managed
After data insertion, initial extent is allocated in case (1)
Is this the expected behavior? because as per Oracle docs, 'Oracle allocates space for initial extent when you create the schema object'
I think you're quoting (or rather, slightly paraphrasing) this part of the documentation:
Specify the size of the first extent of the object. Oracle allocates space for this extent when you create the schema object. ...
That isn't the whole story though. Tables can be created with deferred segment creation:
Use this clause to determine when the database should create the segment(s) for this table:
SEGMENT CREATION DEFERRED: This clause defers creation of the table segment — as well as segments for any LOB columns of the table, any indexes created implicitly as part of table creation, and any indexes subsequently explicitly created on the table — until the first row of data is inserted into the table. ...
SEGMENT CREATION IMMEDIATE: The table segment is created as part of this CREATE TABLE statement.
It looks like what you are seeing is nothing to do with the SYSTEM tablespace being locally managed, as you suspected, and that is just a coincidence. The difference is the default for segment creation, which is controlled by an initialisation parameter, deferred_segment_creation. From what you've shown that is set to TRUE in the database that has the locally-managed SYSTEM tablespace, and FALSE in the one that has that dictionary-managed.
You can get consistent behaviour by overriding the default, either to defer creation:
create table sample (id number) segment creation deferred tablespace lmt;
Table SAMPLE created.
set null "(null)"
select initial_extent from user_tables where table_name = 'SAMPLE';
or to create immediately:
create table sample (id number) segment creation immediate tablespace lmt;
Table SAMPLE created.
select initial_extent from user_tables where table_name = 'SAMPLE';
Or you could change the initialisation parameters to be the same, of course, but that's more work and might affect other code that assumes the current behaviour.

Order of dropping tablespaces for tables and indexes in Oracle

I have an Oracle table that is in it's own tablespace. It has a spatial index in another tablespace and a normal index in another. If I want to drop them all. Does it matter what order I proceed in?
Drop the table. The indexes will be dropped along with the table.
Indexes are optional structures associated with tables and clusters. If you drop the table, the associated indexes are also dropped.
To answer your confusion about different tablespaces, there is a reason to create in different tablespace or within same tablespace as that of the table. Keeping them in same tablespace makes it easy for database maintenance, however, keeping in different tablespaces is better in terms of performance.
From documentation -
Indexes can be created in any tablespace. An index can be created in
the same or different tablespace as the table it indexes. If you use
the same tablespace for a table and its index, it can be more
convenient to perform database maintenance (such as tablespace or file
backup) or to ensure application availability. All the related data is
always online together.
Using different tablespaces (on different disks) for a table and its
index produces better performance than storing the table and index in
the same tablespace. Disk contention is reduced. But, if you use
different tablespaces for a table and its index and one tablespace is
offline (containing either data or index), then the statements
referencing that table are not guaranteed to work.

Release unused space of USERS tablespace in oracle

I have lots of table with lots of records in oracle 11g. (more than 2 billions) After applying some queries and creating some indexes I am so close to insufficient disk space. Right now for executing each query ORA-01652 error for USERS tablespace appears. I cannot add more datafile to USERS tablespace anymore because of insufficient disk space. I am sure that there are lots of unused space available on this tablespace that is not usable somehow. (I deleted some tables and indexes nothing happened) My question is how can I release this space? Thank you very much.
I don't know if you can to it for an entire tablespace but for a single table the command is:
ALTER TABLE MY_TABLE ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT; -- By defaut ROW MOVEMENT is disabled when you create a table.
Maybe you have to loop over ALL_TABLES in your schema.
Then you can gain disc space by rebuilding your indexes.

Oracle Database: How can I alter a partitioned table to a new table space for not only the partitions but also the table itself?

How can I alter a partitioned table (in Oracle 10g Database) to a new table space for not only the partitions but also the table itself? Which I mean is, I can do following without issues,
alter table abc move partition abc01 tablespace new_tablespace;
alter table abc move partition abc02 tablespace new_tablespace;
alter table abc move partition abc03 tablespace new_tablespace;
but somehow the table's definition is still associating with the old table space, and and I have moved all tables data off the old table space. If I query the dba_segment for the old table space, there is nothing there. My question is, may I drop the old table space, even no data in the data files in the old table space, but somehow those partitioned tables definitions still associating with the old table space?
Each partition must be moved, as you've discovered. If you want new partitions to be created in a different tablespace without specifying that new tablespace, you'd have to use the following:
alter table abc modify default attributes tablespace new_tablespace;
