Xamarin Forms with Xamarin Player OAuth2 NInterpretException - xamarin

I'm currently on developing some little application for iOS and Android. Therefore I need an OAuth2 authentication.
How I proceeded (from here)
Create a new Xamarin.Forms project from the templates with the default Item and About page
Add Dependency for Xamarin.Auth
Use the button on the about page to trigger a function with the following:
var authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator(
Add the iOS initializer in the AppDelegate.cs global::Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.XamarinIOS.AuthenticationConfiguration.Init();
Add the URL Types in Info.plist
I'm using the Xamarin Live Player to deploy this on my iPhone 7. When I'm triggering the button, I get the following error message:
Uncaught Exception: Bad convert with overflow instruction 'IL_0001: conv.ovf.i.un' (NInterpretExcetion)
Some ideas how to fix this?


Okta login and xamarin forms prism

I am getting this error message while calling await OktaContext.Current.SignInAsync(); this method of plugin okta.xamarin.
Its working fine with normal mvvm but giving following issue with prism.
Attempt to present <SFSafariViewController: 0x7fe6e396f600> on <Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_PlatformRenderer: 0x7fe6e1926e60> (from <Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_PlatformRenderer: 0x7fe6e1926e60>) which is already presenting <Xamarin_Forms_Platform_iOS_ModalWrapper: 0x7fe6e4920ad0>

Passing values from native project to shared project Xamarin

Im currently facing an issue with using a 3rd party authenticator for my xamarin forms app. The code to execute has to be done natively in the platform project. The issue im facing is how to get the information(successful login, token, email etc) from the ios/android native project to the shared project for me to access it and continue the application. Below is an example of how the code looks below in the ios native project.
var client = new Auth0Client(new Auth0ClientOptions
Domain = "example.us.auth0.com",
ClientId = "123456789"
var loginResult = await client.LoginAsync();

How to read and set cookies from Browser/WebView in NativeScript?

I'm building an app which mainly displays public data from a website. A few items require authentication to read. I don't want to recreate the entire website in the app so I'd like to have the user log in via a web view or browser popup and grab the cookie containing the token from this session. I would then use it to authenticate my in-app rest calls in order to fetch the data. This should work on iOS and Android but I couldn't come up with a functioning solution yet. How would one read and write cookies from the phone browser / webview? I'm using the latest Angular (9) and NativeScript.
For android
The webview UI
<WebView height="1200px" src="https://www.nativescript.org"
The typescript code
import * as application from 'application';
declare const android;
onLoadFinished(args: LoadEventData) {
android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(<cookie name>)
android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance().setCookie(<cookie name>, <cookie value>)
For IOS seems it is little bit complicated
Refer StackOverflow set cookie in IOS nativescript

Xamarin Forms OAuth2 Error Target of Invoke is null

After solving this problem I ran into another.
I changed the NuGet-package and implemented everything as described here.
I also added the initialization code in the AppDelegate.cs. But if I push the button to login I get the following error message: Uncaught Exception: Target of Invoke is null (NullReferenceException).
What I've done so far:
Create OAuth2Authenticator with appropriate values
Add Event handler authenticator.Completed += OnAuthCompleted;`
Initialized platform specific login UI with global::Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.XamarinIOS.AuthenticationConfiguration.Init(); and global::Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.XamarinAndroid.AuthenticationConfiguration.Init(this, bundle);
Triggered the login with:
var presenter = new Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.OAuthLoginPresenter();
I'm using the Xamarin Live Player to deploy this on my iPhone.
Some ideas how to fix this?
I was able to test the app with a Android emulator and there is everything working. So my assumption is that it's because of the Xamarin Live Player.

Open Native iOS app from Xamarin.Forms

I have an native iOS sample app installed in my iPad and also my sample xamarin.Forms App installed. I want to open native iOS app from Xamarin.forms when clicked on button. I have set URL schema in my native iOS app in info.plist.
How do I open native app from xamarin.forms on click of a button. I already tried
var request = Device.OnPlatform(
string.Format("native app url"),
string.Format("native app url"),
string.Format("native app url"));
Device.OpenUri(new Uri(request));
but its not working.
It's basically how you are doing it.
var url = Device.OnPlatform(iOSUrl, androidUrl, winPhoneUrl);
Device.OpenUri(new Uri(request));
Be aware that each platform have some requirements in the way to url is configured and parameters are sent.
Let say to get the maps app open in each platform you would use these urls schemes:
// iOS doesn't like %s or spaces in their URLs, so manually replace spaces with +s
var iOSUrl = string.Format("http://maps.apple.com/maps?q={0}&sll={1}", name.Replace(' ', '+'), loc);
var androidUrl = string.Format("geo:0,0?q={0}({1})", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addr) ? loc : addr, name);
var winPhoneUrl = $"bingmaps:?cp={loc}&q={name}";
var url = Device.OnPlatform(iOSUrl, androidUrl, winPhoneUrl);
Also you cannot open any arbitrary app unless you know its Url scheme.
Anyway, if the Device.OpenUri() doesn't fulfill your requirements you are good to create your own implementations using the native APIs.
Please go through the below link and attached photo
I am using below code in xamarin forms
NSUrl request = new NSUrl("Camera://");
var canOpen = UIApplication.SharedApplication.CanOpenUrl(new NSUrl(request.ToString()));
if (!canOpen)
{ Task.FromResult(false); }
Task.FromResult(UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(request.ToString())));
