How reproduce VS2017 Package Manager command "Update-Package -reinstall" with Nuget CLI - visual-studio

I've tried with Nuget Update, Nuget restore, but they are actually not the same and here's why:
I've created a Nuget pkg only to distribute an executable file. When I install the Nuget the executable is added to my project so I can reference it and run it within my application.
Now, I don't want that every developer has to install the Nuget to have the executable in their project, but I just want the .exe to be added when the project is built. And of course, the reference to the package in the config file is present.
If I run Update-Package -Id -reinstall(using the Package Manager of VS) a folder with the .exe is added to the project root, but if I do nuget update or nuget restore (using the nuget CLI) it only re-add the .exe into the packages folder.
The reason why I need to run the nuget CLI is because I'm using TeamCity and I want to add the .exe when the automatic build runs.
I hope it makes sense.

How reproduce VS2017 Package Manager command “Update-Package -reinstall” with Nuget CLI
I am afraid you can NOT do such things with NuGet CLI. That because NuGet CLI does not modify a project file or packages.config. When we modify the project file, we need to do it by NuGet API in Visual Studio, but only package manager console can provide access to visual studio objects:
That is the reason why I said the easiest way is using the command line Update-Package -Id -reinstall in your previous thread. Then I also gave you another way to resolve this issue from the root cause, using .targets file to copy the executable file to the the project root, please check my update answer.
Of course, there is another simple idea to resolve this issue, just add a pre-build event in your project to copy the executable file to the the project root:
xcopy /Y "$(SolutionDir)packages\MyToolPackage.1.0.0\Tools\wkhtmltopdf.exe" "$(ProjectDir)"
Hope this helps.


NuGet reinstall updates the package to newer version

I have cleared all the local NuGet caches and Visual Studio 16.9 is unable to restore the packages.
It says:
All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore.
When I build the project, I get many errors as the NuGet packages are not restored.
The project has to contain the exact same packages as they are in the PackageReferences inside the csproj file and I've read that using the Package Manager Console can help by executing the Update-Package -reinstall command.
The Install-Package command does not provide an option to force a reinstall, so use Update-Package -reinstall instead.
I tried it and now I have this in my log:
No package updates are available from the current package source for project....
Updates? I don't want to update anything...
Restored D:\Dev\MyProject01\MyProject01.csproj (in 29 ms).
Successfully uninstalled 'Acr.UserDialogs' from MyProject01
Successfully installed 'Acr.UserDialogs' to MyProject01
How is this a reinstall? Seems more like updating the package to a newer version...
How could I reinstall the same packages?
When I use the Rebuild command in the Solution Explorer, this is what I see.
Actually, that right-click on the Solution-->Restore nuget packages is for the missing project packages folder with packages.config. And it cannot detect the global cache missing packets alone.
That is why Microsoft has enabled these two settings:
So you do not have to worry about restore step. Just click Rebuild button rather than Build button. The two restore settings are under Rebuild process.
The project has to contain the exact same packages as they are in the
PackageReferences inside the csproj file
update-package -reinstall command is for non-sdk style projects with packages.config nuget management format and always reinstall the same version. And I wonder if your solution has the non-sdk project that used packages.config and that project can use the command.
I have a non-sdk project with net framework 4.5.2. See:
But update-package -reinstall does not work on new-sdk projects.
ConsoleApp1 is a net core project.
So, I wonder if you use Update-Package under it. And that command is to update the old version to the new one which can works on both non-sdk projects and new-sdk projects.
When you face the problem next time, just click Rebuild button. It is more easier.
Try deleting your project's obj/ directory (this is where NuGet stores information about which packages it's decided to use), and then rerunning the restore.
If you have source dependencies (i.e. ProjectReference) you may need to delete their obj/ directories too

packages.config file is ignored during Visual Studio Build and nuget restore commands

I am trying to setup automated nuget package restoration on a vs build or command line build.
When following the specified Microsoft article:
I am unable to get Visual Studio 2019 or the following commands (nuget restore mysolution.sln, msbuild -t:restore, msbuild -restore) to read from a packages.config file in each of my projects
I have tried the following:
removing any references to PackageReference in each of the project files
deleting the bin and obj folders in each project
adding a local nuget.config with the following:
deleting the local packages folder
deleting the global packages folder
running the following command: nuget locals all -clear
Updated Visual Studio -> Tools -> Options -> NuGet Package Manager and set "Allow Nuget to download missing packages" and "Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual" and set the Default Package management format to "Packages.config"
Restarting Visual Studio a few times.
When I run the nuget restore command for my solution it attempts to restore from packagereference inside each of the project files but since I do not have any it does nothing but still creates the corresponding nuget.g.props and project.assets.json files. I cannot use packagereferences inside of project files since this is not portable to other projects.
I require the ability to use packages.config file with one of the build commands.
I am stumped as to why this is not working
You have to delete the .vs hidden folder from the solution folder, it still restores the old nuget management format PackageReference, and still use it.
Try the following steps:
1) Close VS, delete .vs hidden folder and every bin and obj folder.
2) make sure the every packages.config is in the project folder so that it will work.
3) If you use your own nuget.config, please make sure its package source contains all the nuget packages. Or the file is redundant, you should remove it and then add the nuget package source under VS IDE.
3) restart VS, run update-package -reinstall under Tools-->Nuget Package Manager-->Package Manager Console
4) After that, you can delete global nuget folder and local nuget folder and then run nuget restore xxx.sln to check it.
EDIT: Make sure your project is not an SDK-style project; SDK projects are not supported with packages.config files (see this).

How to resolve Nuget Package Version and Path in Pre-Build Event of a Project?

I have a NuGet Package containing content files that is referenced in my project. When getting latest on a new machine, the build fails because NuGet Restore doesn't copy content files. So what I want to do is this:
In PreBuild
If my Content file doesn't exist,
run this nuget Command: "Update-Package My.Nuget.Sources -reinstall"
I'm struggling with determining path differences due to versioning of the Nuget files and getting access to nuget. How do I actually generate the SourceOnlyNugetVersion and NugetPath variables below?
if not exist "$(ProjectFolder)App_Packages\My.NuGet.Sources.$(SourceOnlyNugetVersion?)\somefile.cs" (
"$(NugetPath)nuget.exe" Update-Package My.NuGet.Sources -reinstall
How to resolve Nuget Package Version and Path in Pre-Build Event of a Project?
If you want to reinstall package automatically in Pre-build event, I am afraid you can`t achieve it currently.
We could use the command Update-Package -Id <package_name> –reinstall to reinstall the packages to your project in the Package Manager Console, but it is impossible to automate that.
If you want to automate it in the build event, you have to call the NuGet CLI rather than Package Manager Console. Because NuGet CLI does not modify a project file or packages.config; in this way it's similar to restore in that it only adds packages to disk but does not change a project's dependencies. See NuGet CLI reference.
The operation Install packages on NuGet CLI:
Conversely, operation Install packages on Package Manager:
Installs a package and its dependencies into a project.
So we could not use NuGet CLI to reinstall NuGet packages for project.
Besides, we could not use the Package manager console powershell outside visual studio, because package manager console is providing is access to visual studio objects.
Similarly, we could not use Package manager console in the build event, build events are run by MSBuild so it needs to work when the build is run from the command line.
So it seems impossible to automate reinstall NuGet packages, or the alternative approach would be to write a console app that uses NuGet.Core.dll to do the same thing that the PowerShell script is doing.

NuGet Command-line options for uninstalling/reinstalling packages for TFS/VS2013 and NuGet 3.4.3

I modified a solution and deleted one of the .csproj files and instead packaged the .dlls into a NuGet package. Then I added the package to the two other .csproj files that reference the .dlls. All was good - it builds locally, but I can't get it to build on the build server. When I look at the code gotten out of TFS for the build I see that the packages.config for both projects have the correct reference to the NuGet package, but when I open the solution in VS the references have little yellow exclamation marks next to them because they're broken references. The only way I can get it to build is to open the NuGet CMI and execute Uninstall-package package-name and the Install-Package package-name. Then the references are good. When I look in the packages.config of the main project it contains the correct reference to the Package. So I've given up on getting TFS to correctly grab the package, but since Install-Package and Uninstall-Package are CMI commands only I can't automate that (or can I)? Does anyone know if a way that I could automate that to happen after the source is pulled from TFS but before the build?
The yellow exclamation marks issue should be related to the reference path. When you download the source from TFS to another location, the system cannot find the references as the original reference path changed.
So, you need to reinstall the package, you can use the NuGet command line in the Package Manager Console:
Update-Package -reinstall
since Install-Package and Uninstall-Package are CMI commands only I can't automate that (or can I)? Does anyone know if a way that I could automate that to happen after the source is pulled from TFS but before the build?
The simple answer is you can not automate that. You can use the command Install-Package and Uninstall-Package to reinstall the packages to your project in the Package Manager Console, but it seems impossible to automate that. Please forgive me for the lengthy explanation below.
First, we need to know the different the operation Install packages between NuGet CLI and Package Manager, although NuGet CLI and Package Manager both support the operation Install packages.
The operation Install packages on NuGet CLI:
Obviously, NuGet will not reinstall the references when you using the Install-packages operation on the NuGet CLI, just download the package to the packages folder. See NuGet CLI reference:
The install command does not modify a project file or packages.config;
in this way it's similar to restore in that it only adds packages to
disk but does not change a project's dependencies.
Conversely, operation Install packages on Package Manager:
Installs a package and its dependencies into a project.
If you want to automate that, you have to do this operations via NuGet CLI. Since Install package on NuGet CLI will not modify the reference of project, so we could not automate the operation install package to update the reference of the project.
Besides, we also do not recommend you automate that. Once you have automate that, NuGet execute the uninstall/install operations every time before you build the project. We only need to do an uninstall/install the operation after get the project from TFS. Even we do not need to do this operation if the references of the project are not broken after NuGet restore. So according to the reference of the project to determine whether or not to use an command:
Update-Package -reinstall
in the Package Manager Console should be the best choice.

How to update nuget packages without package manager of visual studio?

How to update nuget packages without package manager of visual studio, if the projects referenced in solution have different nuget package folders, then updating nuget packages from solution becomes tedious job. You need to update nuget packages per project. Is there a way to update nuget packages without using visual studio?
To update the nuget packages in solution, you can create a batch file with multiple commands or can execute command like mentioned below using command prompt:
Open command prompt and change the folder where Nuget.Exe is present.
NuGet.Exe Update [Solution File] -Id [Nuget package Id]
There are more switches to Nuget.Exe Update switch, like you can specify the nuget source. Make changes as required and you can successfully update nuget packages without opening the visual studio.
