Testing successful payment from Google Pay with Paysafe? - paysafe

So, I'm using Paysafe as my payment processor, and they only allow certain card numbers for testing successful transactions. I cannot add these card numbers to my Google account (I get an error that tells me to correct the card number), so it seems that I can't test successful transactions with Google Pay/Paysafe?
When Google Pay is in TEST environment, they say they don't charge cards (even if it's a real card). So would I have to put Paysafe into it's production environment to be able to test a successful transaction with Google Pay, or has anyone gotten around this?
When I send the token from Google Pay to the Paysafe TEST environment, I get this error:
Either the payment token is invalid or the corresponding profile or credit card is not active
But I know I'm getting the right token and sending it properly (since it's a test environment the token is always the same though), so I figure since the Google Pay TEST token card number isn't one of the accepted Paysafe testing card numbers, I'll have to put Paysafe into production and then test Google Pay? Again, if anyone has found a way around this, it would be greatly appreciated.


Can I use Google Pay for Passes without having a Merchant account?

Currently, I'm willing to use Google Pay for Passes in order to let users add an event ticket to their google pay app. However, reading the documentation, apparently, I also need a Merchant account on Google. I would like to know if there is any other way to test without having a Merchan yet.
My goal so far is to be able to create just an event ticket class.
I have tried so far using my service account and issuer id, but I'm always receiving and 400 error.
You can try the codelab: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/passes-loyaltyapi
The codelab will take you through the process of creating a temporary issuer account for development purposes.

How to edit a card in Braintree's dropin in UI?

I'm using Braintree for my site's payments and it works well except that when a user has selected a payment card from its chrome's history and he/she mistakenly inputs a wrong CVV the Braintree will fail the transaction (when trying to verify) but it saves the credit card and the user cannot edit him/her mistake, and only thing he/she can is to delete the CC using the Braintree's vault manager and re-enter again!
How can I make drop-in to edit the selected card when the card's verification fails?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
Vault manager does not allow the ability to edit the CVV (or any values) on the cards saved to the Vault. I can certainly pass this along as a future feature request.
This does not sound like the expected behavior if you are verifying prior to Vaulting in production and have CVV rules enabled to reject if the CVV does not match. If you are running into this error in production, please reach out to our Support team with an example. If this is in sandbox, please ensure you are using a test CVV to trigger the desired response.

React native google pay and stripe integration error

I'm developing an application with react native and I am using this library
https://github.com/tipsi/tipsi-stripe in order to use Google Pay with stripe integration.
I already linked the test key from stripe and the merchant Id from play store.
I have a serious issue though. After running the app, when the Google Pay popup form opens,
i get the Google Pay dialog but with a message
"Unrecognized app. Please make sure you trust this app
before proceeding".
However when I enter a test card and press continue I get an additional error that says
Transaction declined: invalid payment method. [OR-CCSEH-05]
I would appreciate any help.
See image below
When testing Google Pay, you actually use real credit cards. That said, I'd be doubly positive you've got your environment set to use Test Mode in Google Pay. Outside of Tipsi, you'd usually set that with the WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_TEST constant. Hope that helps!
i've contacted google regarding this case, as i've been facing similar one and upon it's inspection i've received the following reply:
Thanks for being Patient. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Upon checking, I understand that you're unable to add testing cards. I would like to inform you that testing cards can't be added to Google Payment profile as payment Method.
upon further investigation by Stripe it self i've been assured:
For a bit of context on how Google Pay works to test payments. When you’re using your test mode API keys, the actual details of the card are ignored, and they get replaced with the Stripe 4242 test card. To test authentication you will not be able to add the test cards to your Google Pay account however there is a work around for this, you add our 3DS test cards to Chrome and use the PaymentRequest button with them (making sure to choose them, and not Google Pay itself). Unfortunately there is no direct method to testing this in your the app.
so setting WalletConstants.ENVIRONMENT_TEST at 5th step of their tutorial should be sufficient and then use your real card.

How to use test cards for squareup merchant

I'm currently integrating Squareup APIs for a project. We have a developer account and a merchant account. When I try to test the integration and test payment using Squareup payment form I am getting this error.
{"errors":[{"category":"PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR","code":"INVALID_CARD","detail":"Invalid card number."}
When I try to use merchant terminal to charge, i'm getting card invalid error page.
Test cards. https://docs.connect.squareup.com/testing/test-values
How can I test credit card processing with test cards?
The way to view sandbox transactions is to call the ListTransactions endpoint with your sandbox credentials to get a sandbox transaction report. Only live transactions will be visible on your Square Dashboard.
To test the full extent of our APIs you'll need to test in production. While there’s not currently a way to delete test transactions, you can definitely process a refund instead. It won’t remove the transactions from your history, but refunding the transaction will balance your books. If you’re not familiar with processing refunds, visit our Support Center for step-by-step instructions.
We're constantly working on adding more features to sandbox. I'll be sure to share your thoughts with the appropriate teams.

PayPal Pro doesn't valid data - almost always Success

I'm trying to implement Paypal Pro Gateway to my e-commerce. I created appropriate account for developers and sandbox.
My problem is that I almost always get the "Success" or "SuccessWithWarning" respond. It's wrong in my opinion because e.g. I use wrong "expires on" (for card) or information for buyer (I created one).
My seller gets new payments but the balance for my buyer is still the same.
Should not sandbox validate data like that? I don't know in other way how to test my form.
The sandbox is left pretty open for testing purposes. Unless you use an expiration year prior to the current year it'll pretty much accept anything as far as that goes.
If you want to test specific error conditions you can do that with "Negative Testing".
