how to kill a cmd process without killing others cmds? - windows

I'm working on a batch file that is supposed to START a process (CMD) and then it should kill the process after finished. Problem is, that Imagename is cmd.exe and the other problem is that it should be running on Jenkins.
This is what I have tested:
Getting PID with wmic using name of window to find process -> Failed at Jenkins
Taskkill by naming the window-> Failed because Jenkins does not
display windows due to security issues.
Taskkill by imagename -> Failed because there are other cmd processes
running at the same time
Taskkill with pid but pid from the last cmd started. -Works but it is
not very safe.
I couldn´t understand how wmic works but as I see, I cannot start a process with a command like with START command.
It can't be kill after some time because I need the output from the
mergetool and sometimes mergetool can take too long.
It should run at same time with other (cmd) processes // Jenkins
My question, is there a way of getting the PID from the START Command?
Here are some questions that helped me a lot!
Windows batch file : PID of last process?
Compare number of a specific process to a number
set "console_name=cmd.exe"
set "git_command=%gitcmd% mergetool ^>output.txt"
tasklist /FI "imagename eq %console_name%" /NH /FO csv > task-before.txt
START "mergetool_w" CMD /c %git_command%
tasklist /FI "imagename eq %console_name%" /NH /FO csv > task-after.txt
for /f "delims=, tokens=2,*" %%A in ('fc /L /LB1 task-before.txt task-after.txt') do set pid=%%A
echo pid is %pid%
TASKKILL /t /pid %pid% /f

You could actually use findstr for checking what tasks have been added after your start command line, relying on your files task-before.txt and task-after.txt:
findstr /LXVG:task-before.txt task-after.txt
Due to a nasty bug, this might under some circumstances lead to an unexpected output. To prevent that, add the /I option, if you can live with case-insensitive searches:
findstr /ILXVG:task-before.txt task-after.txt

Yes it's very possible. I'm going to take code from my previous awnser on another post here: Stop Execution of Batch File after 20 Seconds and move to Next
I want to first assume "mergetool_w" is the name of the CMD you are opining with the start...
The way you want to go about this is to search the tasklist for your console title and extract the PID# out of the context. The find suffix can be used to "Filter" the results along with tokens=2 to extract only the PID#.
FOR /F "tokens=2" %%# in ('tasklist /v ^| find "mergetool_w"') do set PID=%%#
From there, you can now kill this new window using the taskkill /pid command. The PID# is stored in the string %PID% so the command is simple:
taskkill /pid %PID% /t /f
Finaly, it looks as if you are trying to "Log" the data so feel free to put > text-task.txt where it's needed.


TASKKILL specific Python script

I have a working TASKKILL command that kills python.exe using Process Name
I'd like to narrow the scope of the command to kill a specific process ( but can't use ProcessID as it changes with every run.
Is there a way I can add detail from the Command Line which knows the python script's name?
Current Command:
Taskkill /IM python.exe /F >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (echo PYTHON.exe NOT FOUND) else (echo PYTHON.exe KILLED)
You might be able to kill it based on your Python script's memory usage. In my case, the Python script is running a GUI, so the size gives it away.
taskkill /f /fi "IMAGENAME eq python.exe" /fi "MEMUSAGE gt 130000"
This reads as, forcefully kill the task (taskkill /f) identified by (/fi) the Python executable (IMAGENAME eq python.exe) which is using more than 130,000KB (MEMUSAGE gt 130000)1.
1 See taskkill /? for builtin help.
N.B. You might find this SO post helpful: Find Windows PID of a python script with Windows Command Prompt. Unfortunately, for me, It Doesn't Work™ but maybe you will have better luck.

How to kill a specific task in windows 2012 server

This is for windows 2012 server. I am trying to kill a specific task running under cmd window.
In this specific case I want to kill SWIMAUX. I have a command prompt open and every time I use taskkill command I get the following error. How can I kill that task?
C:\Siemens\hot_cold_backups>taskkill /f /fi "imagename eq SWIMAUX"
INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria.
C:\Siemens\hot_cold_backups>taskkill /f /fi "services eq SWIMAUX"
INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria.
You need to either specify the image name for the process you want to kill or the window title.
If the window has a specific title, then you can use the WINDOWTITLE parameter of the taskkill command
To find the image name of a process:
Open task manager and right click on the process you want to kill, and select Go to details
Find the highlighted executable and use it in your taskkill command, eg. taskkill /f /t /im process.exe
step 1:netstat -ano | findstr :
You should be known your PORT number
Step 2:taskkill /PID /F
id will be shown in the end of the TCP connection data in the result of above command

Killing a windows service

I have a windows service named 'shipper' running which processes files.
In task manager, the Services tab shows the following
PID: 5000
In the Process tab:
image name: java.exe
user: SYSTEM
When I execute the following:
taskkill /f /PID 5000
task manager (Services tab) shows that the service is stopped.
However, it continues to execute and process files.
Only when I end the process in task manager will the process stop.
Similarly, this will work:
taskkill /f /im "java.exe"
But of course, that kills all java processes.
What is the correct way, using taskkill (or another standard windows command) to kill the process using the name of the service ("shipper" in this case)?
Find the processID used by your service:
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('sc queryex "shipper" ^|findstr PID') do echo %%i
or try a filter TASKKILL /F /FI "services eq shipper"
in addition you may use the following parameter of taskkill:
Tree kill: terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.

Cannot kill a process using the window title

I have two batch file one is always running (listerner.bat) but it is visible,the other one (mystop.bat)is to kill or stop my listener.bat and this two batch file are resides in this path C:\mydemo\mybatchfiles\,I am using windows 7
here is the code for mystop.bat
taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Administrator: testlistener" /T
but when I run it,it will not terminate the running (listener.bat),There is no error but I have this message when I run it.
INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria.
I appreciate someone can help me on this.I am new on this batch file command.
I had the same problem. In my case it was that there were two spaces in the window title:
taskkill.exe /F /FI "WindowTitle eq Administrator: TailingErrorLog"
Taskkill considers the command currently executed by listener.bat as part of the title. So you need to add a wildcard "*".
taskkill /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Administrator: testlistener *" /T
Try terminating using Im switch ..
Taskkill /Im listener.bat /t /f
Although this is not computer science related question , thought I should help ...

how to kill all batch files except the one currently running

How can you run a batch file which taskkills all other cmd.exes which are currently running, except for the one that is doing the task kill command?
Combining these 2 threads:
how to get PID from command line filtered by username and imagename
how to get own process pid from the command prompt in windows
you can write down something like this in a simple cmd file (akillfile.cmd)
FOR /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%A IN ('TASKLIST /FI ^"WINDOWTITLE eq dontkillme^" /NH') DO SET tid=%%A
echo %tid%
taskkill /F /IM cmd.exe /FI ^"PID ne %tid%^"
copy cmd.exe, rename it to a.exe, then use this command in a batch file: start a.exe /k taskkill /f /im cmd.exe
This worked for me, added to the very beginning of the .bat which is to kill all previously launched instances of itself, then immediately make itself susceptible to be killed by subsequent calls of the same .bat file:
title NewlyLaunchedThing
taskkill /F /IM cmd.exe /FI "WINDOWTITLE ne NewlyLaunchedThing"
title Thing everything else
Note that, apparently, the "title" is a keyword, which sets a variable named "WINDOWTITLE".
Also, the "=" (equals sign) is apparently optional for assigning title/WINDOWTITLE. Meaning, this works as well, and may be preferred for clarity:
title = newTitle
