Live Video Streaming in xamarin forms - xamarin

I want to add Live Video streaming (IP Camera set up) in Xamarin Forms. I have found link click here but I don't know how to implement this in Xamarin forms or any other option for implement live video streaming in xamarin forms anyone, please help me.

Check out
It supports playing RTSP out of the box.

First of all, you likely want to convert the IP camera stream to something else. RTSP is going to be a pain to get working cross platform, and i don't know of any library that handles that nicely for Xamarin. RTSP is also hard to get working well across networks with Firewall, NAT etc.
You can convert the RTSP stream to HLS, and have a much easier time. Conversion to HLS has a number of solutions, from hacking something together with ffmpeg to a more streamlined solution like Wowza.
Once the stream is HLS, you should be able to get it working with something like Xamarin Media Manager without too much trouble.


Stream a website to a mp4 (rendering html to a mp4)

I am trying to composite a website (which contains JavaScript and as a result is updating regularly) with a video feed. My goal is to do it on virtual hosted Linux server (my plan is to use Ubuntu, but I am flexible) - I am not interested in solutions utilizing OBS or the like as my solution would be headless.
The problem I am facing is how to output the website to a video stream from a command line.
The site I want to capture is and I would like to render it in a way that I can feed it to ffmpeg where I can composite it with the live game video that is being delivered via RTMP.
You may want to use this puppeteer plugin and stream those screenshots, or parse them into a video and stream that.

Is it possible apply audio effects to all sounds coming out of a specific audio endpoint

I have been looking around online for an answer for some days now, without any luck. So now, I hope one of you might be able to help point me in the right direction.
I want to build a C# application where I can apply different types of distortion and pitching effects to all types of audio that comes out of a preselected audio endpoint.
It should not matter if the user is playing an audio stream or an audio file on their system. I want to apply effects to it before the audio leves the selected endpoint.
I have been trying to use some of the windows audio APIs like 'DirectSound' and 'WASAPI' and also the open source project NAudio. sadly all with no luck so far.
I can't seem to figure out what windows API I should use or if I would have to make my own audio API that takes directly with the windows Audio engine:
Please let me know your thoughts, or if you think I am looking at this all wrong.
Simpler solution: It should be possible in a soundcard driver if it can load effects.. SB live successors or EMU based cards are the cheapest and KXproject driver is awesome for those

Screen recording and live streaming (Windows DXGI) - C++

I am using the Desktop Duplication API in Windows to obtain images of the screen. I know to obtain the bitmap image of the screen by using the API but I am stuck after this. To stream it to the server I thought of encoding it into H264 and then encoding that again to RTMP and then streaming it to the server. Is there a better and faster way?
I searched many times and most of the answers are using FFmpeg and just finishing the whole task of screen recording to streaming in a single line. Please tell me a way to do this programmatically!!
How do I encode to H264 and then to RTMP? If the video is being double encoded, will this result in a loss of performance in both streaming side and receiving side?
Please point me in the right direction. Any hints or links will be very helpful.

Real-time audio record/playback from a Ruby web app

I am wondering if anyone has success with audio record (from microphone on the users browser) and playback from a web based app (Ruby/RoR)?
What I have found so far - I could write a flex/flash app which will record the audio and then have a server side like Red5 or so to receive and convert. This sounds more involved and I also saw different types of hosting issues etc people are having - so I am thinking there may be better/easier solutions out there!! I looked at html5/web-kit too but seems to only works on chrome and is limited to text fields etc.
In my app, i want to record users voice, save it on a aws/s3 as mp3 or similar file format and play it back to user within the app based on users input/choice. While flash based solution is workable for now, non-flash based solution will be preferred as it will support more devices (you know devices I am referring)..
The only options for web based record are Flash, Silverlight or Java. None of these will work on an iPhone or iPad - You will need a native app for that.
You don't need to use Red5 for Flash recording - you can record direct to memory, optionally encode (or zip), and then upload the the data. You might be better doing mp3 encoding server-side using ffmpeg or SoX before moving the file to s3.
There is a way using HTML5 and a server. Just record a video.
Convert the video to audio, then use the audio as you wish.
This implementation takes audio from a video and runs
ffmpeg to extract the audio:
This is in PHP, but it should not be too
hard to create a Ruby version. Easy peasy.

How to modify in real time the video stream from camera on Windows?

My question is similar to this question. I want to capture and modify video stream from web camera in Windows transparently to all applications using web camera. Whether should it be some kind of driver? Is it possible? Is there API for such tasks? I'm reading about DirectShow filters. Am I on the right direction?
Thanks for your help!
You can use DirectShow to capture the video stream from the camera, modify it, and then pass it on to either a DirectShow source filter (will be seen by some apps as "webcam") or to a kernel driver (will be seen by pretty much every app). If you're new to this do realize this is a lot of work. Depending on what you want to do, consider buying ready made components for your developing environment or even complete applications that can do this (I developed one).
