Can't run tests with appium - macos

The problem
Can't run tests!
Appium version 1.8.1 / command for run appium
Appium version 1.8.1 / command for run appium
Node 10.6.0
ios_webkit_debug_proxy 1.8 / command for run ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c my_udid:27753
libimobiledevice v1.2.0
libplist v2.0.0
Real device : iPhone 6 (11.0)
MacOS 10.13.6
My logs
Appium Server


cypress upgrade 9.0 to 10.3 , missing executable cypress.exe

I upgraded from Cypress 9.0 to 10.3.0 with Corporate Proxy . PS C:\CypressUpgrade10> node -v v12.14.1 PS C:\CypressUpgrade10> npm -v 6.13.4
PS C:\CypressUpgrade10>
I download (from nexus) & installation seems to be success
npx cypress -v Cypress binary version: 10.3.0 Electron version: 18.3.0 Bundled Node version: 16.13.2
But npx cypress verify or cypress run /open gives error as below & there is no Cypress.exe on Local
No version of Cypress is installed in: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\10.3.0\Cypress
Please reinstall Cypress by running: cypress install
Cypress executable not found at: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Cypress\Cache\10.3.0\Cypress\Cypress.exe
Platform: win32-x64 (10.0.19042) Cypress Version: 10.3.0
Missing any dependency or compatibility issue ?
Run the command npx cypress install. This should fix your issue.
It works after updating Binary version to 0 & installing by npm install cypress#10.3.0

Brew upgrade not working on latest OSX High Sierra beta version

I am getting the following error when upgrading brew packages
Error: Your Xcode (8.3.3) is too outdated.
Please update to Xcode 9.0 (or delete it).
Xcode can be updated from
Since I am using the beta osx version
High Sierra
System Version: macOS 10.13
Kernel Version: Darwin 17.0.0
It seems like I have to upgrade the beta Xcode version (Xcode 9) too, which I have downloaded and installed successfully from apple website
Now, my question is how do I switch the Xcode version on my mac so that brew command uses the newly installed Xcode.
When I run xcodebuild -version I am getting the following output (installed from App store)
Xcode 8.3.3
Build version 8E3004b
whereas the beta version I have downloaded is from the apple website directly shows 9.0 beta 6
Since Xcode is downloaded from the website the full command to switch is the following (considering you've moved the app to the application folder)
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
I had to reinstall brew:
Uninstall it:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then you can install it again:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

upgrade Appium from 1.4.8 to 1.5.0

Is it possible to upgrade straight from appium 1.4.8 to appium 1.5.0 or should i upgrade to the closest version?
Basically, on mac all i need to do is to type sudo npm install appium#1.5.0?
You can use appium-version-manager to deal with this :
$ npm install -g appium-version-manager
then install a specific version saying :
$ avm 1.5.0
Learn more about it here.
This will automatically install the latest version:
npm install -g appium # globally install appium

Ionic 2 , Cant find app folder (mac)

I am tried to install ionic 2 :
sudo npm install -g ionic#beta
ionic start mytest --v2 --ts
and then i check the ionic version (ionic -v ) its tell me that my
version is : 1.7.8
it seems that i have the older version of ionic
please help.
Did you by any chance installed Ionic one, after installing ionic 2? If so run:
sudo npm install -g ionic#beta
again and everything should start working.

How to install cordova version 1.5 on mac using npm command?

I am able to download cordova using the following command
sudo npm install -g cordova.
But it downloads the latest version i.e version 3.4 which is not compatible with my xcode version which is 3.2. So I want to download version 1.5 of cordova. How to download version 1.5 of cordova using the above command?
sudo npm install -g cordova#VERSION_NO
these are the available versions
so if i had to install version 0.0.4
I would go with
sudo npm install -g cordova#0.0.4
sudo npm install phonegap#1.5.* -g

