Jmeter random function is not working from java application - jmeter-5.0

I want to make use of Jmeter Random function (${__RandomString(10,0123456789,Value)}) in my java application for load testing.
Below is maven dependency
It is working properly If I add ApacheJMeter_functions jar to class path but the same is not working if I use Maven dependency.
Note : Works fine if I add jar to classpath without version name.
pom :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Response when added ApacheJMeter_functions jar to class path without version name
Response when added ApacheJMeter_functions dependency jar into pom

Below solution helped me in resolving issue
When Jmeter functions are used in the Java code, Jmeter tries to compare the function related classes from java class path with classes from the 'search_path' (Reads classes from the jars). So Jmeter function works only if required function class is present in both the path (Jmeter has seperate class for each function).
This is why we need to make sure the 'ApacheJMeter_functions' jar added in the pom (which will be added in class path ) and the path to jmeter functions jar is set to 'search_path'.Both should have same version.
But in case of spring boot application, along adding dependency to pom we also need to append the path to jmeter functions jar explicitly to the class path like below
System.setProperty("java.class.path", System.getProperty("java.class.path") + PathToJmeterFunctionJars );


Conflict problem building the Spring boot application

I have a problem building the spring boot application. We need to build the project with the 'lib/bin/conf' structure using the maven. I did it with another project and there is no problem. But now, a conflict occurred and an action is recommended.
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:
The following method did not exist:
The method's class,, is available from the following locations:
The class hierarchy was loaded from the following locations: file:target/OrderManager/libs/communication-latest.jar file:target/OrderManager/libs/communication-latest.jar file:target/OrderManager/libs/communication-latest.jar file:target/OrderManager/libs/communication-latest.jar file:target/OrderManager/libs/communication-latest.jar
org.springframework.core.SimpleAliasRegistry: file:target/OrderManager/libs/communication-latest.jar
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of
How can I solve this problem? I'm using a lib named communication that is provided by our company.
This is my pom file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<name>Order Manager Component</name>
the answer is already there:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of
Your problem is, that you've got 2 JAR files containing the same class These are:
You have to remove one of them. Now I don't know your project and architecture, but if you're using a company customized spring library, then you should remove the standard spring jar. Use maven's exclude mechanism for that, it is a so called transient dependency, so you didn't define it explicitly, but one of the dependencies you defined is dependending on that.
First you have to find out which dependency brings that spring-beans dependency in. Use maven's dependency tree to do that:
mvn dependency:tree
You can also use dependency analysis or read about the whole dependency management.
If you want to kick out the communication-latest.jar you should just remove the following in your pom.xml:
For resolving this conflict you can use excludes-dependencies
In this case, it should be
The problem was with version mismatching with the spring boot that is used in the communication library rather than the spring boot of the main project. So, I changed the spring boot version to 2.3.3.RELEASE and the problem are solved.
Some friends told me to exclude the spring-beans artifact. I did not do that and version changing was enough, But testing the approaches that are told on this topic, can be useful.

Manually creating a deployable JAR for Liferay

I created a liferay workspace in gradle format and it basically only contains a theme and a TemplateContextContributor-module.
Now I want to build a maven "wrapper" around both artifacts to make them compatible with some other maven-processes/-plugins while keeping the original gradle structure. I dont want to use the liferay-maven-plugin or maven-tools to build those artifacts, because it seems to behave differently from the gradle/gulp toolset when it comes to compiling scss for example.
So I created some POMs from scratch for
First off I will take about the mechanism for the theme, which is already working:
That wrapper uses the maven-war-plugin to bundle the contents of the build/-folder, where the previously built gradle artifact resides, into a WAR-file that can be deployed by Liferay without problems.
theme pom.xml:
However, I am having difficulties creating a OSGI-Compatible JAR-File for the module contents. It seems that only the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF does not contain the right information and I seemingly cannot generate it in a way that Liferay (or OSGI) understands.
this is the module pom.xml dependencies and plugins that I tried:
I was able to create a JAR using the above but its' META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is not identical to the one produced by the gradle build:
I guess that's why Liferay does not deploy it. The log says "processing module xxx ....", but that never ends and the module does not work in Liferay.
These are the plugins I have tried in different combinations so far:
Any help in creating a liferay-deployable module JAR would be great.
I'm not sure why you're manually building a maven wrapper for the Template Context Contributor. The Liferay (blade) samples are available for Liferay-workspace, pure Gradle as well as for Maven. I'd just go with the standard and not worry about re-inventing the wheel.
To make this answer self-contained: The current pom.xml listed in the Template Context Contributor plugin is:

Complete pom.xml for stormpath Web App with Java Servlet, JSP

There is a tutorial for stormpath (online user management). The pom.xml that is provided at is a bit confusing.
What kind of pom structure should this be? How would the complete and working pom.xml look like?
I am Stormpath's Java Developer Evangelist.
This section is in error in the blog. We are currently fixing it. I'll let you know when it's updated.
In the meantime, if you clone the Stormpath Java SDK at, there's a fully functional servlet example in the examples/servlet folder. This has the proper pom.xml in it.
To build, you should be able to run:
mvn clean install
in the root folder of the project.
You can then drop examples/servlet/target/stormpath-sdk-examples-servlet-1.0.0.RC-SNAPSHOT.war into the container (like Tomcat) of your choice.
Feel free to drop us a line at: if you run into any trouble with this.
I ended up using this in my tutorial example. It works for me. Just add the <dependencies> part to the already existing default pom.xml of your project. Save the pom.xml and it will automatically download a bunch of .jar to your Libraries/Maven Dependencies.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Maven compile error [package org.testng.asserts does not exist]

When I try to build project via console by [mvn clean install -DskipTests] I get error. I use in my tests testNG SoftAssert and in a test class I just added an import import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert but looks like maven does not see that package.
Error from console:
package org.testng.asserts does not exist
My pom.xml looks like
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Such errors occur when corresponding dependency version do not have the classes you are trying to use. In this case the TestNG version 6.1.1 you are using, does not have package org.testng.asserts. Try using below version,
Also, it will not give error for SoftAsserts import, if you have asked IDE to include TestNG library. This TestNG library surely is of higher version than the one you are referring from pom.xml. Try to keep same versions both in pom.xml & your IDE's testNG plugin to avoid such varying behavior.
Above version is surely working. Give it a try.
I found out that removing scope inside testng dependency worked. I tried running with scope added to the same dependency but failed. Strange but it just worked by removing testng scope dependency.
Tried different versions, but it did not help. Removing a scope from dependency indeed solved the issue.

Grizzly 2.3.11 - CLStaticHttpHandler - cannot read index.html under resource folder when packed in a jar

I want to host static web pages in a jar. So I used Maven to pack the java project containing a folder having a index.html web page. My code:
server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(baseUri, resourceConfig, start);
server.getServerConfiguration().addHttpHandler();new CLStaticHttpHandler(Server.class.getClassLoader(), myfolder/), /mysite)
When I access http://localhost:8080/mysite/ in IDE, the handler is able to read index.html. But if I use mvn package and run the jar file, http://localhost:8080/mysite/ doesn't work, unless I specify http://localhost:8080/mysite/index.html in a browser to make it work. The web page folder is under src/main/resources, and it is under the root path when opening the jar.
Thank you so much!
Added: To reproduce this, you can create a Maven project by writing a pom.xml and put something like
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
and create a server like:
final ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig();
rc.register(new LoggingFilter(Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()), true));
return GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(new URI(BASE_URI), rc);
.addHttpHandler(new CLStaticHttpHandler(ServletSimple.class.getClassLoader(), "statichtmlfolder/"), "/ui/" );
System.out.println(String.format("Jersey app started with WADL available at " + "%sapplication.wadl\nHit enter to stop it...", BASE_URI));;
statichtmlfolder is a folder containing all the index.html file under /src/main/resources/. we are using Jersey2 here. And use mvn package to package the code to a jar file, go to target folder, then run java -cp dependency/*:api-server-1.0.26-SNAPSHOT.jar com.example.Main. We can see the statichtmlfolder is under the root directory in the jar file.
The bug is fixed in Grizzly 2.3.13
