Is my symmetric encryption algorithm safe? [closed] - algorithm

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I recently decided to write my own symmetric encryption program (which could be used in a custom password manager for example).
I would like your opinion about him, did I make big mistakes? else would it be easily breakable?
It is basically a Vigenere fork trying to get closer to the principles of Vernam encryption but remaining easy to use (you can use any key in order to encrypt your text).
How does it work?
You enter a message (e.g. hello world) and a seed (e.g. seed).
The seed is transformed into a number thanks to a hash function
We add the number of letters of the message to this number, and we hash it another time
A pseudo-random number generator is initialized with the result and a list of random numbers of the text size is generated (it's the key).
We shift each letter with the corresponding number in the list (the first letter of the message is shifted with the first number of our generated list)
Example :
Alphabet: [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z]
List : [1,18,3,17,0]
Word: "hello"
h+1 = j
e+18 = w
l+3 = o
l+17=c (as the alphabet is finished, we continue at the beginning)
Output: "jwoco"
The principles of Vernam encryption specifies that :
the key used to offset the letters must be at least as large as the text size -> It's okay
The key must only be used once -> It's okay if you change your seed or the size of the message (since we include the text size in the hash used to initialize the key)
The key must be completely random -> This will depend on the random number generation algorithm and the hash algorithm but if they are good we should have an output with which it is impossible without the key to find a text that is more likely than another to be the original message.
Is my explanation clear? Do you agree with me? Do you have any clarifications to add? improvements to propose or algorithms of random number generation and hash to advise me?
have a nice day,

A relevant anecdote from Bruce Schneier:
A cryptographer friend tells the story of an amateur who kept
bothering him with the cipher he invented. The cryptographer would
break the cipher, the amateur would make a change to "fix" it, and the
cryptographer would break it again. This exchange went on a few times
until the cryptographer became fed up. When the amateur visited him to
hear what the cryptographer thought, the cryptographer put three
envelopes face down on the table. "In each of these envelopes is an
attack against your cipher. Take one and read it. Don't come back
until you've discovered the other two attacks." The amateur was never
heard from again.
Use AES.


Hash an integer by another integer [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like a way to hash an integer using another integer. It should produce a new hashed integer. It should accept an integer input and a key, the input is then hashed by the key and produced as an integer. The method would look like hash_method(input, key). Collisions won't matter here, I am not using them for security or comparison. I'm pretty sure this is possible seeing how some security algorithms that use challenges do something similar. How would I go about this in ruby?
Hash routines are many and varied, and usually picked to match details of expected input distribution, purpose of the hash value, and speed to generate them.
However, you can make use of existing hash routines in Ruby's standard library. The output of most cryptographic hash functions is a string of bytes that can easily be interpreted as an integer. For your purpose, you just need to decide on a suitable maximum value by restricting the length.
Cryptographic hashes also have the advantage in your case that they make high quality pseudo-random functions - given two inputs that differ by only a single bit, the results will not correlate.
The HMAC construct combines a hash function with two inputs - a message and a secret. Using your input number as the message, and key as the secret allows you to use the function as-is.
There is nothing special about using Integer inputs for most standard hashing function, which on the whole just munges bytes ignoring data types. Given that you don't seem to care about specific values that the hash outputs, you can simply convert your numbers to String values and feed them into a standard hashing function. This is perfectly OK, there is no reason not to do this, unless you need to differentiate between 1 and "1" using the same hashing function.
Like this:
require 'openssl'
input = 25
key = 106
full_hash = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1'), key.to_s, input.to_s )
# This is an unsigned 32-bit integer
result = full_hash[0..7].to_i(16)
# => 2746028024
This result is suitable for checksums, or for algorithms that want pseudo-random re-distribution of values. It has a flaw, in that the speed will not be high in cases where you need to generate many values.
You could make this a lot simpler if you were happy with a lower quality of randomness - you could use a linear congruential generator for example. This would likely be faster than the above, but might exhibit unwanted patterns in the output.

What is password hashing? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What does it mean to hash a password?
Hashing is the application of a function f() to a variable sized input to produce a constant sized output.
A => f() => X
B => f() => Y
C => f() => Z
A hash is also a one-way function which means that there isn't a function to reverse or undo a hash. As well re-applying the hash f(f(x)) isn't going to product x again.
The Details:
A hash function can be as simple as "add 13 to the input" or complex like a Cryptographic Hash such as MD5 or SHA1. There are many things that constitute a good hash function like:
Low Cost: Easy to compute
Deterministic: if I hash the input a multiple times, I am going to get the same output each time
Uniformity: The input will be evenly distributed among the possible outputs. This falls in line with something called the Pigeonhole Principle. Since there are a limited number of outputs we want f() to place those outputs evenly instead of in the same bucket. When two inputs compute to the same output this is known as a collision. It's a good thing for a hash function to produce fewer collisions.
Hashing applied to Passwords:
The hashing of passwords is the same process as described above, however it comes with some special considerations. Many of the properties that make up a good hash function are not beneficial when it comes to passwords.
Take for example determinism, because hashes produce a deterministic result when two people use the same password the hash is going to look the same in the password store. This is a bad thing! However this is mitigated by something called a salt.
Uniformity on the other hand is beneficial because the desire is for the algorithm to limit collisions.
Because a hash is One-Way means the input cannot be determined from the output, which is why hashing is great for passwords!
takes a block of data and returns a string such that you can't get your original block of data back.
Wikipedia Article
Hashing a password will take a clear text string and perform an algorithm on it (depending on the hash type) to get a completely different value. This value will be the same every time, so you can store the hashed password in a database and check the user's entered password against the hash.
This prevents you from storing the cleartext passwords in the database (bad idea).
Here is a list of hash functions.
A hash is simply a one-way function, that will take a string or data source and create an encrypted looking string.
There are various hashing algorithms the most popular is MD5, but there are many others. Many experts in the industry are using the SHA256 algorithm for better security.
MD5 Hash for the words:
password is 22e5ab5743ea52caf34abcc02c0f161d
PASSWORD is 319f4d26e3c536b5dd871bb2c52e3178
The character length of the result will be the same regardless of how many characters you try to hash. Hashes are commonly used to store passwords to prevent them from being viewed.

two-way keyed encryption/hash algorithm

I am no way experienced in this type of thing so I am not even sure of the keywords (hence the title).
Basically I need a two way function
encrypt(w,x,y) = z
decrypt(z) = w, x, y
Where w = integer
x = string (username)
y = unix timestamp
and z = is an 8 digit number (possibly including letters, spec isn't there yet.)
I would like z to be not easily guessable and easily verifiable. Speed isn't a huge concern, security isn't either. Tracking one-to-one relationship is the main requirement.
Any resources or direction would be appreciated.
Thanks for the answers, learning a lot. So to clarify, 8 characters is the only hard requirement, along with the ability to link W <-> Z. The username (Y) and timestamp (Z) would be considered icing on the cake.
I would like to do this mathematically rather than doing some database looks up, if possible.
If i had to finish this tonight, I could just find a fitting hash algorithm and use a look up table. I am simply trying to expand my understanding of this type of thing and see if I could do it mathematically.
Encryption vs. Hashing
This is an encryption problem, since the original information needs to be recovered. The quality of a cryptographic hash is judged by how difficult it is to reverse the hash and recover the original information, so hashing is not applicable here.
To perform encryption, some key material is needed. There are many encryption algorithms, but they fall into two main groups: symmetric and asymmetric.
The application here isn't clear. But if you are "encrypting" some information and sending it somewhere, then later getting it back and doing something with it, symmetric encryption is the way to go. For example, say you want to encode a user name, an IP address, and some identifier from your application in a parameter that you include in a link in some HTML. When the user clicks the link, that parameter is passed back to your application and you decode it to recover the original information. That's a great fit for symmetric encryption, because the sender and the recipient are the same party, and key exchange is a no-op.
In symmetric encryption, the sender and recipient need to know the same key, but keep it secret from everyone else. As a simple example, two people could meet in person, and decide on a password. Later on, they could use that password to keep their email to each other private. However, anyone who overhears the password exchange will be able to spy on them; the exchange has to happen over a secure channel... but if you had a secure channel to begin with, you wouldn't need to exchange a new password.
In asymmetric encryption, each party creates a pair of keys. One is public, and can be freely distributed to anyone who wants to send a private message. The other is private. Only the message recipient knows that private key.
A big advantage to symmetric encryption is that it is fast. All well-designed protocols use a symmetric algorithm to encrypt large amounts of data. The downside is that it can be difficult to exchange keys securely—what if you can't "meet up" (virtually or physically) in a secure place to agree on a password?
Since public keys can be freely shared, two people can exchange a private message over an insecure channel without having previously agreed on a key. However, asymmetric encryption is much slower, so its usually used to encrypt a symmetric key or perform "key agreement" for a symmetric cipher. SSL and most cryptographic protocols go through a handshake where asymmetric encryption is used to set up a symmetric key, which is used to protect the rest of the conversation.
You just need to encrypt a serialization of (w, x, y) with a private key. Use the same private key to decrypt it.
In any case, the size of z cannot be simply bounded like you did, since it depends on the size of the serialization (since it needs to be two way, there's a bound on the compression you can do, depending on the entropy).
And you are not looking for a hash function, since it would obviously lose some information and you wouldn't be able to reverse it.
EDIT: Since the size of z is a hard limit, you need to restrict the input to 8 bytes, and choose a encryption technique that use 64 bits (or less) block size. Blowfish and Triple DES use 64 bits blocks, but remember that those algorithms didn't receive the same scrutiny as AES.
If you want something really simple and quite unsecure, just xor your input with a secret key.
You probably can't.
Let's say that w is 32 bits, x supports at least 8 case-insensitive ASCII chars, so at least 37 bits, and y is 32 bits (gets you to 2038, and 31 bits doesn't even get you to now).
So, that's a total of at least 101 bits of data. You're trying to store it in an 8 digit number. It's mathematically impossible to create an invertible function from a larger set to a smaller set, so you'd need to store more than 12.5 bits per "digit".
Of course if you go to more than 8 characters, or if your characters are 16 bit unicode, then you're at least in with a chance.
Let's formalize your problem, to better study it.
Let k be a key from the set K of possible keys, and (w, x, y) a piece of information, from a set I, that we need to crypt. Let's define the set of "crypted-messages" as A8, where A is the alphabet from which we extract the characters to our crypted message (A = {0, 1, ..., 9, a, b, ..., z, ... }, depending on your specs, as you said).
We define the two functions:
crypt: I * K --> A^8.
decrypt A^8 * K --> I
The problem here is that the size of the set A^8, of crypted-messages, might be smaller than the set of pieces of information (w, x, y). If this is so, it is simply impossible to achieve what you are looking for, unless we try something different...
Let's say that only YOU (or your server, or your application on your server) have to be able to calculate (w, x, y) from z. That is, you might send z to someone, and you don't care that they will not be able to decrypt it.
In this case, what you can do is use a database on your server. You will crypt the information using a well-known algorithm, than you generate a random number z. You define the table:
Id: char[8]
CryptedInformation: byte[]
You will then store z on the Id column, and the crypted information on the corresponding column.
When you need to decrypt the information, someone will give you z, the index of the crypted information, and then you can proceed to decryption.
However, if this works for you, you might not even need to crypt the information, you could have a table:
Id: char[8]
Integer: int
Username: char[]
Timestamp: DateTime
And use the same method, without crypting anything.
This can be applied to an "e-mail verification system" on a subscription process, for example. The link you would send to the user by mail would contain z.
Hope this helps.
I can't tell if you are trying to set this up a way to store passwords, but if you are, you should not use a two way hash function.
If you really want to do what you described, you should just concatenate the string and the timestamp (fill in extra spaces with underscores or something). Take that resulting string, convert it to ASCII or UTF-8 or something, and find its value modulo the largest prime less than 10^8.
Encryption or no encryption, I do not think it is possible to pack that much information into an 8 digit number in such a way that you will ever be able to get it out again.
An integer is 4 bytes. Let's assume your username is limited to 8 characters, and that characters are bytes. Then the timestamp is at least another 4 bytes. That's 16 bytes right there. In hex, that will take 32 digits. Base36 or something will be less, but it's not going to be anywhere near 8.
Hashes by definition are one way only, once hashed, it is very difficult to get the original value back again.
For 2 way encryption i would look at TripleDES which .net has baked right in with TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.
A fairly straight forward implementation article.
It has been mentioned below that you can not cram a lot of information into a small encrypted value. However, for many (not all) situations this is exactly what Bit Masks exist to solve.

Symmetric Bijective String Algorithm?

I'm looking for an algorithm that can do a one-to-one mapping of a string onto another string.
I want an algorithm that given an alphabet I can perform a symmetric mapping function.
For example:
Let's consider that I have the alphabet "A","B","C","D","E","F". I want something like F("ABC") = "CEA" and F("CEA") = "ABC" for every N letter permutation.
Surely, an algorithm like this exists. If you know of an algorithm, please post the name of it and I can research it. If I haven't been clear enough in my request, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Edit 1:
I should clarify that I want enough entropy so that F("ABC") would equal "CEA" and F("CEA") = "ABC" but then I do NOT want F("ABD") to equal "CEF". Notice how two input letters stayed the same and the two corresponding output letters stayed the same?
So a Caesar Cipher/ROT13 or shuffling the array would not be sufficient. However, I don't need any "real" security. Just enough entropy for the output of the function to appear random. Weak encryption algorithms welcome.
Just create an array of objects that contain 2 fields -- a letter, and a random number. Sort the array. By the random numbers. This creates a mapping where the i-th letter of the alphabet now maps to the i-th letter in the array.
If simple transposition or substitution isn't quite enough, it sounds like you want to advance to a polyalphabetic cipher. The Vigenère cipher is extremely easy to implement in code, but is still difficult to break without using a computer.
I suggest the following.
Perform a dense coding of the input to positive integers - with an alphabet size of n and string length of m you can code the string into integers between zero and n^m - 1. In your example this would be the range [0,215]. Now perform a fixed involution on the encoded number and decode it again.
Take RC4, settle for some password, and you're done. (Not that this would be very safe.)
Take the set of all permutations of your alphabet, shuffle it, and map the first half of the set onto the second half. Bad for large alphabets, of course. :)
Nah, thought that over, I forgot about character repetitions. Maybe divide the input into chunks without repeating chars and apply my suggestion to all of those chunks.
I would restate your problem thus, and give you a strategy for that restatement:
"A substitution cypher where a change in input leads to a larger change in output".
The blocking of characters is irrelevant-- in the end, it's just mappings between numbers. I'll speak of letters here, but you can extend it to any block of n characters.
One of the easiest routes for this is a rotating substitution based on input. Since you already looked at the Vigenere cipher, it should be easy to understand. Instead of making the key be static, have it be dependent on the previous letter. That is, rotate through substitutions a different amount per each input.
The variable rotation satisfies the condition of making each small change push out to a larger change. Note that the algorithm will only push changes in one direction such that changes towards the end have smaller effects. You could run the algorithm both ways (front-to-back, then back-to-front) so that every letter of cleartext changed has the possibility of changing the entire string.
The internal rotation strategy elides the need for keys, while of course losing of most of the cryptographic security. It makes sense in context, though, as you are aiming for entropy rather than security.
You can solve this problem with Format-preserving encryption.
One Java-Library can be found under There you can define a Regex and encrypt/decrypt string values matching this regex.

How to generate a verification code/number?

I'm working on an application where users have to make a call and type a verification number with the keypad of their phone.
I would like to be able to detect if the number they type is correct or not. The phone system does not have access to a list of valid numbers, but instead, it will validate the number against an algorithm (like a credit card number).
Here are some of the requirements :
It must be difficult to type a valid random code
It must be difficult to have a valid code if I make a typo (transposition of digits, wrong digit)
I must have a reasonable number of possible combinations (let's say 1M)
The code must be as short as possible, to avoid errors from the user
Given these requirements, how would you generate such a number?
#Haaked: The code has to be numerical because the user types it with its phone.
#matt b: On the first step, the code is displayed on a Web page, the second step is to call and type in the code. I don't know the user's phone number.
Followup : I've found several algorithms to check the validity of numbers (See this interesting Google Code project : checkDigits).
After some research, I think I'll go with the ISO 7064 Mod 97,10 formula. It seems pretty solid as it is used to validate IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
The formula is very simple:
Take a number : 123456
Apply the following formula to obtain the 2 digits checksum : mod(98 - mod(number * 100, 97), 97) => 76
Concat number and checksum to obtain the code => 12345676
To validate a code, verify that mod(code, 97) == 1
Test :
mod(12345676, 97) = 1 => GOOD
mod(21345676, 97) = 50 => BAD !
mod(12345678, 97) = 10 => BAD !
Apparently, this algorithm catches most of the errors.
Another interesting option was the Verhoeff algorithm. It has only one verification digit and is more difficult to implement (compared to the simple formula above).
For 1M combinations you'll need 6 digits. To make sure that there aren't any accidentally valid codes, I suggest 9 digits with a 1/1000 chance that a random code works. I'd also suggest using another digit (10 total) to perform an integrity check. As far as distribution patterns, random will suffice and the check digit will ensure that a single error will not result in a correct code.
Edit: Apparently I didn't fully read your request. Using a credit card number, you could perform a hash on it (MD5 or SHA1 or something similar). You then truncate at an appropriate spot (for example 9 characters) and convert to base 10. Then you add the check digit(s) and this should more or less work for your purposes.
You want to segment your code. Part of it should be a 16-bit CRC of the rest of the code.
If all you want is a verification number then just use a sequence number (assuming you have a single point of generation). That way you know you are not getting duplicates.
Then you prefix the sequence with a CRC-16 of that sequence number AND some private key. You can use anything for the private key, as long as you keep it private. Make it something big, at least a GUID, but it could be the text to War and Peace from project Gutenberg. Just needs to be secret and constant. Having a private key prevents people from being able to forge a key, but using a 16 bit CR makes it easier to break.
To validate you just split the number into its two parts, and then take a CRC-16 of the sequence number and the private key.
If you want to obscure the sequential portion more, then split the CRC in two parts. Put 3 digits at the front and 2 at the back of the sequence (zero pad so the length of the CRC is consistent).
This method allows you to start with smaller keys too. The first 10 keys will be 6 digits.
Does it have to be only numbers? You could create a random number between 1 and 1M (I'd suggest even higher though) and then Base32 encode it. The next thing you need to do is Hash that value (using a secret salt value) and base32 encode the hash. Then append the two strings together, perhaps separated by the dash.
That way, you can verify the incoming code algorithmically. You just take the left side of the code, hash it using your secret salt, and compare that value to the right side of the code.
I must have a reasonnable number of possible combinations (let's say 1M)
The code must be as short as possible, to avoid errors from the user
Well, if you want it to have at least one million combinations, then you need at least six digits. Is that short enough?
When you are creating the verification code, do you have access to the caller's phone number?
If so I would use the caller's phone number and run it through some sort of hashing function so that you can guarantee that the verification code you gave to the caller in step 1 is the same one that they are entering in step 2 (to make sure they aren't using a friend's validation code or they simply made a very lucky guess).
About the hashing, I'm not sure if it's possible to take a 10 digit number and come out with a hash result that would be < 10 digits (I guess you'd have to live with a certain amount of collision) but I think this would help ensure the user is who they say they are.
Of course this won't work if the phone number used in step 1 is different than the one they are calling from in step 2.
Assuming you already know how to detect which key the user hit, this should be doable reasonably easily. In the security world, there is the notion of a "one time" password. This is sometimes referred to as a "disposable password." Normally these are restricted to the (easily typable) ASCII values. So, [a-zA-z0-9] and a bunch of easily typable symbols. like comma, period, semi colon, and parenthesis. In your case, though, you'd probably want to limit the range to [0-9] and possibly include * and #.
I am unable to explain all the technical details of how these one-time codes are generated (or work) adequately. There is some intermediate math behind it, which I'd butcher without first reviewing it myself. Suffice it to say that you use an algorithm to generate a stream of one time passwords. No matter how mnay previous codes you know, the subsequent one should be impossibel to guess! In your case, you'll simply use each password on the list as the user's random code.
Rather than fail at explaining the details of the implementation myself, I'll direct you to a 9 page article where you can read up on it youself:
It sounds like you have the unspoken requirement that it must be quickly determined, via algorithm, that the code is valid. This would rule out you simply handing out a list of one time pad numbers.
There are several ways people have done this in the past.
Make a public key and private key. Encode the numbers 0-999,999 using the private key, and hand out the results. You'll need to throw in some random numbers to make the result come out to the longer version, and you'll have to convert the result from base 64 to base 10. When you get a number entered, convert it back to base64, apply the private key, and see if the intereting numbers are under 1,000,000 (discard the random numbers).
Use a reversible hash function
Use the first million numbers from a PRN seeded at a specific value. The "checking" function can get the seed, and know that the next million values are good. It can either generate them each time and check one by one when a code is received, or on program startup store them all in a table, sorted, and then use binary search (maximum of compares) since one million integers is not a whole lot of space.
There are a bunch of other options, but these are common and easy to implement.
You linked to the check digits project, and using the "encode" function seems like a good solution. It says:
encode may throw an exception if 'bad' data (e.g. non-numeric) is passed to it, while verify only returns true or false. The idea here is that encode normally gets it's data from 'trusted' internal sources (a database key for instance), so it should be pretty usual, in fact, exceptional that bad data is being passed in.
So it sounds like you could pass the encode function a database key (5 digits, for instance) and you could get a number out that would meet your requirements.
