Create TransientRepository from oak segmentstore - jackrabbit-oak

I have an old file based Apache Jackrabbit repository which I have converted to Apache Oak repo using the oak-migrate utility. The old code is using
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.TransientRepository class to deal with the repository and in new code I am getting the javax.jcr.Repository object for the Oak repo using below code
FileStore fs = FileStoreBuilder.fileStoreBuilder(new File(path)).build();
SegmentNodeStore ns = SegmentNodeStoreBuilders.builder(fs).build();
Repository repo = new Jcr(new Oak(ns)).createRepository();
How can I convert this javax.jcr.Repository to org.apache.jackrabbit.core.TransientRepository ? because there are so many places which use TransientRepository class

You can't, it's a completely different implementation.


I am trying to upgrade my script from Cloudera hbase 4(CDH4) version to (CDH5)

def getRegions(config, servername)
connection = HConnectionManager::getConnection(config)
parts = servername.split(',')
puts parts
rs = connection.getHRegionConnection(parts[0], parts[1].to_i)
return rs.getOnlineRegions()
I am trying to make this code compatible with CDH5. I have looked into CDH5 library but unable to find exact solution.
I am using
connection = ConnectionFactory::createConnection(config) which returns Connection object.
I want list of onlineRegions on given server.
Have a look the following api's
Note : In older versions, Some of the Admin functions live in HBaseAdmin class. (Rest of the usage should be same/similar)
Hopefully, that should help you.

How to simulate hdfs operations using spring data

I'm new to spring data-hadoop and would like to ask one general question. I have files in different format and would like to extract the useful content with Apache Tika and store as text files in HDFS. I've gone through the reference documentation of spring data-hadoop( but didn't understand how to do it. And I didn't find any other useful resources for this.
Is there any sample projects or sources for writing data to HDFS using spring data-hadoop ?
From Risberg's comment one useful example :-
Another code snippet with TextFileWriter implementation of DataWriter interface :-
//build naming strategy
ChainedFileNamingStrategy namingStrategy =
new ChainedFileNamingStrategy(
Arrays.asList(new FileNamingStrategy[] {
new StaticFileNamingStrategy("document"),
new UuidFileNamingStrategy(someUUID),
new StaticFileNamingStrategy("txt", ".") }));
//set the naming strategy
textFileWriter.write("this is a test content");
//flush and close the writer

sparkR 1.4.0 : how to include jars

I'm trying to hook SparkR 1.4.0 up to Elasticsearch using the elasticsearch-hadoop-2.1.0.rc1.jar jar file (found here). It's requiring a bit of hacking together, calling the SparkR:::callJMethod function. I need to get a jobj R object for a couple of Java classes. For some of the classes, this works:
But for others, it does not:
Yielding the error:
It seems like Java isn't finding the org.elasticsearch.* classes, even though I've tried including them with the command line --jars argument, and the sparkR.init(sparkJars = ...) function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if this is a question that more appropriately belongs on the actual SparkR issue tracker, could someone please point me to it? I looked and was not able to find it. Also, if someone knows an alternative way to hook SparkR up to Elasticsearch, I'd be happy to hear that as well.
Here's how I've achieved it:
# environments, packages, etc ----
Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME = "/applications/spark-1.4.1")
.libPaths(c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"), .libPaths()))
# connecting Elasticsearch to Spark via ES-Hadoop-2.1 ----
spark_context <- sparkR.init(master = "local[2]", sparkPackages = "org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark_2.10:2.1.0")
spark_sql_context <- sparkRSQL.init(spark_context)
spark_es <- read.df(spark_sql_context, path = "index/type", source = "org.elasticsearch.spark.sql")
(Spark 1.4.1, Elasticsearch 1.5.1, ES-Hadoop 2.1 on OS X Yosemite)
The key idea is to link to the ES-Hadoop package and not the jar file, and to use it to create a Spark SQL context directly.

how to log work for a given issue using jira soap?

I'm working on a ruby on rails app which connects to Jira through jira soap. I browsed through the Jira SOAP API documentation but could not figure out a way to log time for an issue. What method(s) do I've to use to allow users to log time for some issue?
addWorklogAndAutoAdjustRemainingEstimate is the one I'm using in my scripts
This is a snippet of python code that might be useful to you:
d =
timestamp = "%s-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00+01:00"%(d.year,d.month,,d.hour,d.minute);
log = self.client.factory.create("ns0:RemoteWorklog")
log.comment = comment # a string
log.timeSpent = time # in the usual format (2h30m )
log.startDate = timestamp
# task is the name of the tast (a string)
Via the addWorkLogXxx methods, where Xxx is what to do with the estimate.
for ruby developers,
worklog class from jira4r gem can be accessed via : Jira4R::V2::RemoteWorklog

Unitils and DBMaintainer - how to make them work with multiple users/schemas?

I am working on a new Oracle ADF project, that is using Oragle 10g Database, and I am using Unitils and DBMaintainer in our project for:
updating the db structure
read in seed data
read in test data
List item
In our project, we have 2 schemas, and 2 db users that have privilegies to connect to these schemas. I have them in a folder structure with incremental names and I am using the #convention for script naming.
This works fine with ant and DBMaintainer update task, and I supply the multiple user names by configuring extra elements for the ant task.
<target name="create" depends="users-drop, users-create" description="This tasks ... ">
<updateDatabase scriptLocations="${dbscript.maintainer.dir}" autoCreateDbMaintainScriptsTable="true">
<database name="${db.user.dans}" driverClassName="${driver}" userName="${db.user.dans}" password="${db.user.dans.pwd}" url="${db.url.full}" schemaNames="${db.user.dans}" />
<database name="idp" driverClassName="${driver}" userName="${db.user.idp}"
password="${db.user.idp.pwd}" url="${db.url.full}" schemaNames="${db.user.idp}" />
However, I cant figure out, how to make the DBMaintainer update task create the xsd schemas from my db schemas?
So, I decided to use Unitils, since its update creates xsd schemas.
I haven't found any description or documentation for the Unitils ant tasks - can anyone give some hints?
For the time being I have figured out to run Unitils by creating a Junit test, with #Dataset annotation. I can make it work with one schema, and one db user. But I am out of ideas how to make it work with multiple users?
Here is the setup I have:
Can any of you guys give me a tip, how to make Unitils work with the second user/schema ??
I will be extremely gratefull for your help!
eventually I found a way to inject any of your choice --- by instantiating Unitils yourself!
You need a method that is evoked #BeforeClass, in which you perform something like the following:
public void initializeUnitils {
Properties properties;
// load properties file/values depending on various conditions
Unitils unitils = new Unitils();
Unitils.setInstance( unitils );
I choose the properties file depending on which hibernate configuration is loaded (via #HibernateSessionFactory), but there should be other options as well
I have figure out how to make dbmaintain and unitils work together on multi-database-user support, but the solution is a pure ant hack.
I have set up the configuration for dbmaintain, using multi-database-user support.
I have made a file with token keys for replacement.
The init target of my ant script is generating a new file, by replacing tokens for username/password/schema with values that are correct for the target envirnonment, and then copies it to the users home directory.
I have sorted the tests into folders, that are prefixed with the schema name
When unitils is invoked, it picks up the file just created by the ant script, and does its magic.
Its far from pretty, but it works.
Check out this link:
Specifically you may need to do something like:
Also this link may be helpful:
I followed Ryan suggestion. I noticed couple changes when I debugged UnitilsDB.
Following is my running
Make sure to use #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "database.db1") to connecto to particular database in your test case:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "database.db1")
public class MyDAOTest {
