FFMPEG zoompan image is cut off - ffmpeg

Hi I'm using zoompan to resize an image overlay on a video using ffmpeg, but my image got cut off by the boundary after setting its size, like the following:
ffmpeg -y -i 6.mp4 -loop 1 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "[1:v]zoompan=z=2:d=50:x=0:y=0:s='280x105'[1v];[0:v][1v]overlay=x=0:y=0" -t 8 test.mp4
If I remove the size, it becomes really big covering all screen, like following:
ffmpeg -y -i 6.mp4 -loop 1 -i watermark.png -filter_complex "[1:v]zoompan=z=2:d=50:x=0:y=0[1v];[0:v][1v]overlay=x=0:y=0" -t 8 test.mp4
How do we zoom an overlay image while scaling its size?


ffmpeg overlay video on image and remove video black background

Im using this ffmpeg command to overlay a video on image (with remove black background):
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.png -i video.mp4 -filter_complex [1:v]colorkey=0x000000:0.1:0.1[ckout];[0:v][ckout]overlay[out] -map [out] -t 5 -c:a copy -c:v libx264 -y result.mp4
But as you can see in the picture, the black parts of the ball have also disappeared. How can I solve this problem?
Not possible with colorkey/chromakey alone. The background is too similar to the color you want to remove. You have two options.
Use a mask. If the video comes with an alpha mask you can use it to cut out the background using the alphamerge filter:
ffmpeg -i bg.jpg -i video.mp4 -i alpha.mp4 -filter_complex "[1][2]alphamerge[alf];[0][alf]overlay" output.mp4
Use a different color
Replace the video that has a color that is different than the color you want to remove.

Overlay text in a background image not getting correct output

When overlaying a text or image(test.jpg) to a background image(bg.png),output video background color is getting darker.
here input image has an alpha value .
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i bg.png -i test.jpg -y -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay=25:25,-pix_fmt yuv420p" -shortest -t 10 tesy.mp4
Output excepted : https://i.stack.imgur.com/e5C3x.png
Output I got is
If you see background color has huge differnce in the output I got
Below is the background image(bg.png) to which i am overlaying some image(test.jpg)
Use this image and overlay a test image, and let me know the difference in background color .
Add the premultiply filter for these particular PNG files:
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -i bg.png -i test.jpg -filter_complex "[0]premultiply=inplace=1[bg];[bg][1:v]overlay=25:25:format=auto,format=yuv420p" -t 10 output.mp4
Or create the PNG with no alpha.
Or use the color filter to make the background:
ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i color=c=purple:s=1280x720 -i test.jpg -filter_complex "[0][1]overlay=25:25:format=auto,format=yuv420p" -t 10 output.mp4

How to overlay a video on another video and also fade in a PNG

I am looking to overlay a video on top of another video and then also add a fade in and fade out PNG.
I have the current command which works perfectly in merging two video files one on top of the other.
ffmpeg -y -i output.mp4 -i transparent.mp4 -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref[ua][b];[ua]setsar=1,format=yuva444p,colorchannelmixer=aa=.7[u];[b][u]overlay=eof_action=pass[v]" -map [v] awsome.mp4
I need to now add a PNG on it as well that fades in at 1s and fades out at 9.5s.
Appreciate any and all advice.
ffmpeg -y -i output.mp4 -i transparent.mp4 -loop 1 -t 10 -i image.png -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref[ua][b];[ua]setsar=1,format=yuva444p,colorchannelmixer=aa=.7[u];[b][u]overlay=eof_action=pass[v];[2]fade=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1,fade=out:st=8.5:d=1:alpha=1[i];[v][i]overlay[v]" -map [v] awsome.mp4
If the PNG needs to be scaled to video size, use scale2ref for the image as well.
ffmpeg -y -i output.mp4 -i transparent.mp4 -loop 1 -t 10 -i image.png -filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref[ua][b];[ua]setsar=1,format=yuva444p,colorchannelmixer=aa=.7[u];[b][u]overlay=eof_action=pass[v];[2][v]scale2ref[i][v];[i]fade=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1,fade=out:st=8.5:d=1:alpha=1[i];[v][i]overlay[v]" -map [v] awsome.mp4

Text on video ffmpeg

How can I add text overlay on my video in ffmpeg?
i.e. given a video "video1.flv", how can I add "StackOverflow" text during the whole video, positioned in the middle of the screen, with white text and a border?
Use the drawtext filter for simple text on video. If you need more complex timing, formatting, or dynamic text see the subtitles filter. This answer focuses on the drawtext filter.
Print Stack Overflow in white text onto center of video, with black background box of 50% opacity:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" -codec:a copy output.mp4
The audio is stream copied in this example (like a copy and paste).
#0.5 controls background box opacity. 0.5 is 50%. Remove #0.5 if you do not want any transparency.
See the drawtext filter documentation for a complete list and explanations of options.
You can use ffplay to preview your text without having to wait for a file to encode:
ffplay -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" input.mp4
Alternatively you can use mpv but the syntax is slightly different:
mpv --vf="lavfi=[drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2]" input.mp4
Multiple texts
You can chain multiple drawtext filters:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2,drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Bottom right text':fontcolor=black:fontsize=14:x=w-tw-10:y=h-th-10" -codec:a copy output.mp4
x and y determine text position:
With 10 px padding
Top left
Top center
Top right
Bottom left
Bottom center
Bottom right
See this answer
Repositioning text on demand
You can reposition the text with the sendcmd and zmq filters:
sendcmd if you have predetermined positions and timing. See Sendcmd in ffmpeg and FFmpeg drawtext filter - is it possible to use variables with live data for x,y coordinates?
zmq for live, on-the-fly positioning. See ffmpeg cli filter that require user input.
Moving / animated / looping / scrolling text
ffmpeg moving text drawtext
Loop text that wipes left to right using FFMPEG drawtext filter
Scrolling from RIGHT to LEFT in ffmpeg / drawtext
Use the enable option to control when the text appears.
Show text between 5-10 seconds:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2:enable='between(t,5,10)'" -codec:a copy output.mp4
Show text after 3 seconds:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2:enable='gte(t,3)'" -codec:a copy output.mp4
Blinking text. For every 10 seconds show text for 5 seconds:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:text='Stack Overflow':fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2:enable='lt(mod(t,10),5)'" -codec:a copy output.mp4
Random position every 30 seconds:
See ffmpeg - Dynamic letters and random position watermark to video?
Changing / updating text
Add the textfile and reload options for drawtext:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/font.ttf:textfile=text.txt:reload=1:fontcolor=white:fontsize=24:box=1:boxcolor=black#0.5:boxborderw=5:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" -codec:a copy output.mp4
Update text.txt every time you want the text to change.
Important: You must update the text file atomically or it may fail. You can do this with the mv command on Linux or macOS.
If you have many text changes, such as making subtitles, it is easier to make a subtitle file (such as an .ass file via Aegisub) and using the subtitles filter.
Font family instead of font file
You can declare the font family, such as Times New Roman, instead of having to point to a font file. See How to include font in FFMPEG command without using the fontfile option?
The drawtext filter requires ffmpeg to be compiled with --enable-libfreetype. If you get No such filter: 'drawtext' it is missing --enable-libfreetype. Most of the ffmpeg static builds available support this: see the FFmpeg Download page for links.
Here is the cheat sheet for overlay transition in all 4 direction...
************************* Text **********************
1) left to right given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -vf "[in]drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Hi': y=53.48 :x=min(t*250-2*250\,41): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,2,10)', drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Ajeet': y=53.48 :x=min(t*250-3*250\,90): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,3,10)' [out]" -t 11 leftToRight.mp4
2) right to left given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -vf "[in]drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Hi': y=53.48 :x=w-min(t*250-2*250\,(w\-41)): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,2,10)', drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Ajeet': y=53.48 :x=w-min(t*250-3*250\,(w\-90)): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,3,10)' [out]" -t 11 rightToLeft.mp4
3) top to bottom given y=58 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -vf "[in]drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Hi': x=41 :y=min(t*250-2*250\,53.48): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,2,10)', drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Ajeet': x=90 :y=min(t*250-3*250\,53.48): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,3,10)' [out]" -t 11 topToBottom.mp4
4) bottom to up given y=90 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -vf "[in]drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Hi': x=41 :y=h-min(t*250-2*250\,(h\-53.48)): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,2,10)', drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='Ajeet': x=90 :y=h-min(t*250-3*250\,(h\-53.48)): fontsize=35: fontcolor=yellow: enable='between(t,3,10)' [out]" -t 11 bottomToTop.mp4
************************ Image *********************
1) single left to right given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=-2:100[png];[0:v][png]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:shortest=1:enable='between(t,2,10)'" -t 11 imageLeftToRight1.mp4
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181472383.sd.mp4?s=103f42915141758d95a118f070d08190845bdf73&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=-2:100[png];[0:v][png]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:shortest=1:enable='between(t,2,10)'" -t 11 imageLeftToRight.mp4
2) Already added text then added single image left to right
ffmpeg -y -i leftToRight.mp4 -loop 1 -i image.png -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=-2:100[png];[0:v][png]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=200:shortest=1:enable='between(t,2,10)'" -t 11 imageTextLeftToRight.mp4
3) 2 images left to right given x=41, x=100 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -loop 1 -i image2.png -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[img1];[2]scale=-2:100[img2];[0][img1]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][img2]overlay=x=min(t*250-3*250\,100):y=200:enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 multiImageLeftToRight.mp4
4) 3 images left to right given x=41, x=100, x=300 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -loop 1 -i image2.png -loop 1 -i image3.png -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[img1];[2]scale=-2:100[img2];[3]scale=-2:100[img3];[0][img1]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][img2]overlay=x=min(t*250-3*250\,130):y=130:enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][img3]overlay=x=min(t*250-4*250\,260):y=190:enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeImageLeftToRight.mp4
5) 3 images right to left given x=41, x=100, x=300 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -loop 1 -i image2.png -loop 1 -i image3.png -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[img1];[2]scale=-2:100[img2];[3]scale=-2:100[img3];[0][img1]overlay=x=W-min(t*250-2*250\,(W\-41)):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][img2]overlay=x=W-min(t*250-3*250\,(W\-130)):y=130:enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][img3]overlay=x=W-min(t*250-4*250\,(W\-260)):y=190:enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeImageRightToLeft.mp4
6) 3 images top to bottom given y=41, y=100, y=300 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -loop 1 -i image2.png -loop 1 -i image3.png -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[img1];[2]scale=-2:100[img2];[3]scale=-2:100[img3];[0][img1]overlay=x=41:y=min(t*250-2*250\,60):enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][img2]overlay=x=130:y=min(t*250-3*250\,130):enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][img3]overlay=x=260:y=min(t*250-4*250\,190):enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeImageTopToBottom.mp4
7) 3 images bottom to top given y=41, y=100, y=300 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -loop 1 -i image.png -loop 1 -i image2.png -loop 1 -i image3.png -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[img1];[2]scale=-2:100[img2];[3]scale=-2:100[img3];[0][img1]overlay=x=41:y=H-min(t*250-2*250\,(H\-60)):enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][img2]overlay=x=130:y=H-min(t*250-3*250\,(H\-130)):enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][img3]overlay=x=260:y=H-min(t*250-4*250\,(H\-190)):enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeImageBottomToTop.mp4
************************ GIF *********************
1) single left to right given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -ignore_loop 0 -i gif1.gif -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=-2:100[ovrl];[0:v][ovrl]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)'" -t 11 gifLeftToRight.mp4
2) double left to right given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -ignore_loop 0 -i gif1.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif2.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif3.gif -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[gif1];[2]scale=-2:100[gif2];[0][gif1]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][gif2]overlay=x=min(t*250-3*250\,150):y=170:enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 doubleGifLeftToRight.mp4
3) three left to right given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -ignore_loop 0 -i gif1.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif2.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif3.gif -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[gif1];[2]scale=-2:100[gif2];[3]scale=-2:100[gif3];[0][gif1]overlay=x=min(t*250-2*250\,41):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][gif2]overlay=x=min(t*250-3*250\,150):y=170:enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][gif3]overlay=x=min(t*250-4*250\,240):y=240:enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeGifLeftToRight.mp4
3) three right to left given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -ignore_loop 0 -i gif1.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif2.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif3.gif -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[gif1];[2]scale=-2:100[gif2];[3]scale=-2:100[gif3];[0][gif1]overlay=x=W-min(t*250-2*250\,(W\-41)):y=60:enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][gif2]overlay=x=W-min(t*250-3*250\,(W\-150)):y=170:enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][gif3]overlay=x=W-min(t*250-4*250\,(W\-240)):y=240:enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeGifRightToLeft.mp4
3) three top to bottom given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -ignore_loop 0 -i gif1.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif2.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif3.gif -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[gif1];[2]scale=-2:100[gif2];[3]scale=-2:100[gif3];[0][gif1]overlay=x=41:y=min(t*250-2*250\,60):enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][gif2]overlay=x=150:y=min(t*250-3*250\,170):enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][gif3]overlay=x=240:y=min(t*250-4*250\,240):enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeGifTopToBottom.mp4
3) three bottom to top given x=41 position
ffmpeg -y -i 'https://player.vimeo.com/external/181545195.sd.mp4?s=176d502710df829442a83565bb79efbe3c9c0b93&profile_id=164' -ignore_loop 0 -i gif1.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif2.gif -ignore_loop 0 -i gif3.gif -filter_complex "[1]scale=-2:100[gif1];[2]scale=-2:100[gif2];[3]scale=-2:100[gif3];[0][gif1]overlay=x=41:y=H-min(t*250-2*250\,(H\-60)):enable='between(t,2,10)':shortest=1[o1];[o1][gif2]overlay=x=150:y=H-min(t*250-3*250\,(H\-170)):enable='between(t,3,10)':shortest=1[o2];[o2][gif3]overlay=x=240:y=H-min(t*250-4*250\,(H\-240)):enable='between(t,4,10)':shortest=1" -t 11 threeGifBottomToTop.mp4
On macOS with enable='between(t,0,10)'
On macOS the syntax of enable='between(t,start_second, end_seconds)' is different. Input should be in seconds, not in hh:mm:ss.
My ffmpeg version 4.3.1
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "drawtext=text='My Text':enable='between(t,20,120)': x=(w-text_h)/2: y=(h-text_h)/2: fontsize=32: fontcolor=white: box=1: boxcolor=black#0.5: boxborderw=5:" -c:a copy output.mp4

How to scale and position watermark to scale?

I'm scaling a video and applying a watermark like so:
ffmpeg -ss 0:0:0.000 -i video.mp4 -y -an -t 0:0:10.000
-vf \"[in]scale=400:316[middle]\" -b:v 2000k -r 20
-vf 'movie=watermark.png,pad=400:316:0:0:0x00000000 [watermark];[middle] [watermark]overlay=0:0[out]'
However, the applied watermark seems to be scaled to the original video size rather than the smaller scaled video size.
This command line worked on ffmpeg version 0.8.6.git and now behaves differently after an upgrade to version N-52381-g2288c77.
How do I get it to work again?
Update 2013-04-26:
I now have tried to use the overlay filter's X and Y parameters instead of padding without success.
Answered by ubitux on the FFmpeg IRC:
Use scale and overlay in a single -filter_complex chain, like so:
ffmpeg -y -ss 0 -t 0:0:30.0 -i 'video.mp4' -i '/watermark.png'
-filter_complex "[0:0] scale=400:225 [wm]; [wm][1:0] overlay=305:0 [out]"
-map "[out]" -b:v 896k -r 20 -an
Also load the watermark via -i rather than the movie filter.
