JavaFX8 - customised EditCell class - how to disable mouse clicks for a TableView while still allowing clicks inside a TableCell that's being edited? - tableview

I'm writing an app that will have many data entry windows, each of which has an editable TableView for data entry.
I'm using user James_D's very helpful EditCell code as the basis for TableCell editing and have extended it to include numeric and date data types.
I'm validating data as it's entered. If there's no error, I let the user move away from the cell by either clicking on another cell or by tabbing or shift+tabbing out of the cell. If there is an error, I don't let the user move away from the cell until the error is corrected.
My code is working apart from one thing.
I'm using a mouse event handler on the TableView to detect when the user tries to click away from a cell. If there's an error, I consume the click to stop focus from leaving the cell.
That part works fine.
However, the handler also consumes clicks inside the cell being edited, so if the user wants to click to position the cursor at the relevant place to correct the error, they can't.
Is there any way of getting around this ie. allowing clicks inside the cell being edited while, at the same time, disabling clicks at the tableview level?
I've also tried using setMouseTransparent at a TableView level rather than consuming clicks, but the same thing happens.
Here are excerpts from my code.
I declare the mouse event handler in an FXML controller supertype. The dataEntryError flag is declared at the app level.
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.dataEntryError;
public static EventHandler<MouseEvent> tvMousePressedHandler;
public void defineMouseEventHandler() {
tvMousePressedHandler = (MouseEvent event) -> {
if ( dataEntryError ) event.consume();
I add the mouse event handler to the TableView in each of the relevant FXML controllers.
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.dataEntryError;
private void initialiseTableView() {
tvTestModel.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, tvMousePressedHandler);
Per James_D's example, I have an EditCell class which is instantiated by cell factories on the TableColumns. It manages starting edits in the cells and committing or cancelling the edits as required.
In EditCell, I trap data entry errors with a change listener on the cell's textProperty(). If there's an error, I add the TableView mouse event handler to consume the click. If there's no error, the mouse event handler is removed.
textField.textProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) -> {
getTableView().removeEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, controllerRef.tvMousePressedHandler);
if ( isDataValid(classType, newValue) ) {
dataEntryError = false;
} else {
dataEntryError = true;
textField.setStyle("-fx-background-color: pink;");
displayErrorMessage(classType, controllerRef);
getTableView().addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, controllerRef.tvMousePressedHandler);
Somewhere in here I'd like to say "allow clicks in textField even though they're consumed at the TableView level" but don't know how to do that.
Is someone able to help me please? I've been stuck on this for four days now. :-(
I'm using JavaFX8, NetBeans 8.2 and Scene Builder 8.3.
In case you need to see it, here is the full code for my extended EditCell class. Thanks to James_D for posting the original code and also to the very clever people on StackOverflow who answer questions; the solutions have been an invaluable knowledge source for me!
package ztestform;
import fxmlcontrollers.FXMLControllerSuperType;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.event.Event;
import javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellEditEvent;
import javafx.scene.control.TablePosition;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.util.StringConverter;
import javafx.util.converter.DoubleStringConverter;
import javafx.util.converter.LocalDateStringConverter;
import javafx.util.converter.LongStringConverter;
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.COLOUR_DARK_RED;
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.FORMAT_DATE_DISPLAY;
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.FORMAT_DOUBLE_FOUR_DECIMALS;
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.FORMAT_INTEGER;
import static ztestform.ZTestForm.dataEntryError;
public class EditCell<S, T> extends TableCell<S, T> {
private final TextField textField = new TextField();
//Converter for converting the text in the text field to the user type, and vice-versa:
private final StringConverter<T> converter ;
public static DAOGenUtil DAOGenUtil = new DAOGenUtil();
private final Class<T> classType = null;
public EditCell(StringConverter<T> converter, Class<T> classType, FXMLControllerSuperType controllerRef) {
this.converter = converter ;
itemProperty().addListener((obx, oldItem, newItem) -> {
if (newItem == null) {
} else {
//If the user hits ENTER and there are no data entry errors, commit the edit
textField.setOnAction(evt -> {
if ( ! dataEntryError ) {
//If the cell loses focus and there are no data entry errors, commit the edit
textField.focusedProperty().addListener((obs, wasFocused, isNowFocused) -> {
if (! isNowFocused && ! dataEntryError ) {
//Validate data as it's entered
textField.textProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) -> {
getTableView().removeEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, controllerRef.tvMousePressedHandler);
if ( isDataValid(classType, newValue) ) {
dataEntryError = false;
} else {
dataEntryError = true;
textField.setStyle("-fx-background-color: pink;");
displayErrorMessage(classType, controllerRef);
getTableView().addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, controllerRef.tvMousePressedHandler);
//Trap and process ESCAPE, TAB and SHIFT+TAB
textField.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, event -> {
TablePosition<S, ?> pos = getTableView().getFocusModel().getFocusedCell();
int maximumVisibleColumnNumber = DAOGenUtil.getMaximumVisibleColumnNumber(getTableView());
if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE) {
dataEntryError = false;
} else if ( event.isShiftDown() && event.getCode() == KeyCode.TAB ) {
if ( dataEntryError ) {
} else {
if ( pos.getColumn() == 0 ) {
//We're at the start of a row so position to the end of the previous row
getTableView().getSelectionModel().select(pos.getRow()-1, getTableView().getColumns().get(maximumVisibleColumnNumber));
} else if ( event.getCode() == KeyCode.TAB ) {
if ( dataEntryError ) {
} else {
if ( pos.getColumn() == maximumVisibleColumnNumber ) {
//We're at the end of a row so position to the start of the next row
getTableView().getSelectionModel().select(pos.getRow()+1, getTableView().getColumns().get(0));
//Create EditCells for String data types
public static final StringConverter<String> IDENTITY_CONVERTER_STRING = new StringConverter<String>() {
public String toString(String object) {
return object;
public String fromString(String string) {
return string;
public static <S> EditCell<S, String> createStringEditCell(FXMLControllerSuperType controllerRef) {
return new EditCell<S, String>(IDENTITY_CONVERTER_STRING, String.class, controllerRef);
//Create EditCells for Long data types
public static final LongStringConverter IDENTITY_CONVERTER_LONG = new LongStringConverter() {
public String toString(Long object) {
String object2 = DAOGenUtil.formatValue(FORMAT_INTEGER, Long.toString(object));
return ( object == null ? "0" : object2 );
public Long fromString(String object) {
Long object3 = Long.parseLong(object.replaceAll(",",""));
return ( object.isEmpty() ? 0 : object3 );
public static <S> EditCell<S, Long> createLongEditCell(FXMLControllerSuperType controllerRef) {
return new EditCell<S, Long>(IDENTITY_CONVERTER_LONG, Long.class, controllerRef);
//Create EditCells for Double data types
public static final DoubleStringConverter IDENTITY_CONVERTER_DOUBLE = new DoubleStringConverter() {
public String toString(Double object) {
String object2 = DAOGenUtil.formatValue(FORMAT_DOUBLE_FOUR_DECIMALS, Double.toString(object));
return ( object == null ? "0" : object2 );
public Double fromString(String object) {
Double object3 = Double.parseDouble(object.replaceAll(",",""));
return ( object.isEmpty() ? 0 : object3 );
public static <S> EditCell<S, Double> createDoubleEditCell(FXMLControllerSuperType controllerRef) {
return new EditCell<S, Double>(IDENTITY_CONVERTER_DOUBLE, Double.class, controllerRef);
//Create EditCells for LocalDate data types
public static final LocalDateStringConverter IDENTITY_CONVERTER_LOCAL_DATE = new LocalDateStringConverter() {
public String toString(LocalDate object) {
DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(FORMAT_DATE_DISPLAY);
String object2 = dateFormatter.format( (TemporalAccessor) object);
return ( object == null ? "0" : object2 );
public LocalDate fromString(String object) {
DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d/M/yyyy");
LocalDate object3 = LocalDate.parse(object, dateFormatter);
return object.isEmpty() ? null : object3;
public static <S> EditCell<S, LocalDate> createLocalDateEditCell(FXMLControllerSuperType controllerRef) {
return new EditCell<S, LocalDate>(IDENTITY_CONVERTER_LOCAL_DATE, LocalDate.class, controllerRef);
//Code to start, cancel and commit edits
public void startEdit() {
public void cancelEdit() {
public void commitEdit(T item) {
// This block is necessary to support commit on losing focus, because the baked-in mechanism
// sets our editing state to false before we can intercept the loss of focus.
// The default commitEdit(...) method simply bails if we are not editing...
if (! isEditing() && ! item.equals(getItem())) {
TableView<S> table = getTableView();
if (table != null) {
TableColumn<S, T> column = getTableColumn();
CellEditEvent<S, T> event = new CellEditEvent<>(table,
new TablePosition<S,T>(table, getIndex(), column),
TableColumn.editCommitEvent(), item);
Event.fireEvent(column, event);
//Validate data
public boolean isDataValid(Class<T> classType, String enteredData) {
boolean dataOK = true;
String enteredDataWithoutCommas = "";
if ( classType == Long.class || classType == Double.class ) {
enteredDataWithoutCommas = enteredData.replaceAll(",", "");
if ( ( classType == Long.class && ! DAOGenUtil.isIntegerOrLong(enteredDataWithoutCommas) )
|| classType == Double.class && ! DAOGenUtil.isNumeric(enteredDataWithoutCommas)
|| classType == LocalDate.class && ! DAOGenUtil.isDate(enteredData) ) {
dataOK = false;
} else {
dataOK = true;
return dataOK;
//Display data entry error messages
public void displayErrorMessage(Class<T> classType, FXMLControllerSuperType controllerRef) {
if ( classType == Long.class ) {
DAOGenUtil.setSystemMessage(controllerRef, "Invalid number (expected format 9,999).", COLOUR_DARK_RED);
} else if ( classType == Double.class ) {
DAOGenUtil.setSystemMessage(controllerRef, "Invalid number (expected format 9,999.9999).", COLOUR_DARK_RED);
} else if ( classType == LocalDate.class ) {
DAOGenUtil.setSystemMessage(controllerRef, "Invalid date (expected format DAY/MONTH/4-digit YEAR).", COLOUR_DARK_RED);

In a MouseEvent the node that was clicked is available via pickResult. Note that this may be a child of the control introduced by the skin and not the control itself. You can still find the clicked cell by traversing upwards through the scene hierarchy. This allows you to determine if the click was outside of cell being edited and make the decision to consume the event or not based on this information:
public static void registerEditingHandler(final TableView<?> tableView) {
EventHandler<MouseEvent> handler = event -> {
TablePosition<?, ?> position = tableView.getEditingCell();
if (position != null) {
Node n = event.getPickResult().getIntersectedNode();
while (n != tableView
&& !(n instanceof TableCell)) {
n = n.getParent();
// consume cells outside of cells or on cells not matching the
// editedPosition
if (n == tableView) {
} else {
TableCell<?, ?> cell = (TableCell<?, ?>) n;
if (cell.getIndex() != position.getRow()
|| cell.getTableColumn() != position.getTableColumn()) {
tableView.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, handler);
tableView.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, handler);
tableView.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, handler);


How to implement TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabUnselected with TabbedPage.ToolbarPlacement="Bottom" - Xamarin Forms?

I just recently used android:TabbedPage.ToolbarPlacement="Bottom". I used to have the following code:
void TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab)
var playPage = Element.CurrentPage as NavigationPage;
if (!(playPage.RootPage is PhrasesFrame))
var tabLayout = (TabLayout)ViewGroup.GetChildAt(1);
var playTab = tabLayout.GetTabAt(4);
App.pauseCard = true;
Anyone knows how can I implement this with ToolbarPlacement="Bottom" ? I have implemented both BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener, BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemReselectedListener but can't find any reference for UnselectedTab if there is any.
Previous custom renderer using the default tab position and implementing TabLayout:
namespace Japanese.Droid
public class MyTabbedPageRenderer: TabbedPageRenderer, TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener
ViewPager viewPager;
TabLayout tabLayout;
bool setup;
public MyTabbedPageRenderer(Context context): base(context){ }
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// More codes here
void TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab)
void TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab)
void TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabUnselected(TabLayout.Tab tab)
var playPage = Element.CurrentPage as NavigationPage;
if (!(playPage.RootPage is PhrasesFrame))
var tabLayout = (TabLayout)ViewGroup.GetChildAt(1);
var playTab = tabLayout.GetTabAt(4);
App.pauseCard = true;
void UpdateTab(TabLayout.Tab tab)
// To have the logic only on he tab on position 1
if (tab == null || tab.Position != 4)
if (tab.Text == "Play")
App.pauseCard = false;
App.pauseCard = true;
Current custom renderer using the ToolbarPlacement="Bottom":
namespace Japanese.Droid
public class BottomTabPageRenderer : TabbedPageRenderer, BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener, BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemReselectedListener
public BottomTabPageRenderer(Context context) : base(context) { }
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<TabbedPage> e)
// More codes here
bool BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener.OnNavigationItemSelected(IMenuItem item)
void BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemReselectedListener.OnNavigationItemReselected(IMenuItem item)
void UpdateTab(IMenuItem item)
var playTabId = 4;
var title = item.TitleFormatted.ToString();
if (item == null || item.ItemId != playTabId)
if (item.ItemId == playTabId)
if (title == "Play")
App.pauseCard = false;
App.pauseCard = true;
So now my problem is I don't have any idea how will I implement the TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabUnselected in the new custom renderer.
There is no official stuff for OnTabReselected event for TabbedPage's bottom navigation or
BottomNavigationView because It doesn't use TabLayout.Tab for a start. Many overridden methods of TabbedPageRenderer not being called like SetTabIcon. If you are using IOnTabSelectedListener interface(As your first part of code) you have three methods to use.
void OnTabReselected(Tab tab);
void OnTabSelected(Tab tab);
void OnTabUnselected(Tab tab);
But when it comes to BottomNavigationView interface you have only two methods
void OnNavigationItemReselected
bool OnNavigationItemSelected
So we don't have built in OnTabUnselected method. Here you need to write custom code to make unseleted event.
I have tried this code without using custom renderer using 4 tabs pages & the xaml of tabbed written in MailPage.xaml file. First declare List<string> in App.xaml.cs file to store Title of all tabs
public static List<string> Titles {get;set;}
Add tabs pages title in above list from MainPage.xaml.cs file's OnAppearing method
protected override void OnAppearing()
for (int i = 0; i < this.Children.Count; i++)
Now go to your MyTabbedPage class in which is available in shared project.
public class MyTabbedPage : Xamarin.Forms.TabbedPage
string selectedTab = string.Empty;
string unSelectedTab = string.Empty;
bool isValid;
public MyTabbedPage()
this.CurrentPageChanged += delegate
unSelectedTab = selectedTab;
selectedTab = CurrentPage.Title;
if (App.Titles != null)
isValid = true;
App.Titles = new List<string>();
if (isValid)
//Pass 0 index for tab selected & 1 for tab unselected
var unSelecteTabTitle = App.Titles[1];
//TabEvents(1); here you know which tab unseleted call any method
//This method is for to moving selected title on top of App.Titles list & unseleted tab title automatic shifts at index 1
void MoveTitles(string selected)
var holdTitles = App.Titles;
if (holdTitles.Count > 0)
int indexSel = holdTitles.FindIndex(x => x.StartsWith(selected));
holdTitles.Insert(0, selected);
App.Titles = holdTitles;
Or you can make swith case like this
void TabEvents(int index)
switch (index)
case 0:
//Tab selected
case 1:
//Tab unselected
Few things I should mention that MainPage.xaml.cs file inheriting MyTabbedPage
public partial class MainPage : MyTabbedPage
Structure of MainPage.xaml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<NavigationPage Title="Browse">
Answer seems long but hope it help you.
As per G.Hakim's suggestion, I was able to do what I wanted to do by capturing the tab item I wanted to work on and do the necessary actions in BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener.OnNavigationItemSelected.
namespace Japanese.Droid
public class BottomTabPageRenderer : TabbedPageRenderer, BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener, BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemReselectedListener
// same as above
bool BottomNavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener.OnNavigationItemSelected(IMenuItem item)
if(item.ItemId == 4 && item.TitleFormatted.ToString() == "Play")
App.pauseCard = false;
playTab = item;
if(item.ItemId !=4 && playTab.TitleFormatted.ToString() == "Pause")
App.pauseCard = true;
return true;
// same as above

Xamarin Forms Maps - how to refresh/update the map - CustomMap Renderer

If you are searching for a full polylines, pins, tiles, UIOptions (and 3D effects soon) renderings/implementations, you should take a loot at the public github I made at XamarinByEmixam23/..../Map.
I search a lot but I still have the same problem:
How can I update, refresh or reload the Xamarin.Forms.Maps?
In the class definition (class CustomMap : Map), there is no method to update the maps.. Maybe a MVVM logic can solves the problem, but I can't find it on the Web..
I followed this tutorial for the maps : Working with maps
To customise it, I followed this tutorial : Highlight a Route on a Map
So, after these tutorials (I made the same things, no changes), I tried with 2 RouteCoordinates which gave me a straight line... I then made an algorithm which works perfectly.
public class DirectionMap
public Distance distance { get; set; }
public Duration duration { get; set; }
public Address address_start { get; set; }
public Address address_end { get; set; }
public List<Step> steps { get; set; }
public class Distance
public string text { get; set; }
public int value { get; set; }
public class Duration
public string text { get; set; }
public int value { get; set; }
public class Address
public string text { get; set; }
public Position position { get; set; }
public class Step
public Position start { get; set; }
public Position end { get; set; }
public static void parseDirectionGoogleMapsResponse(HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode, JObject json, Action<DirectionMap, string> callback)
switch (httpStatusCode)
case HttpStatusCode.OK:
DirectionMap directionMap = null;
string strException = null;
directionMap = new DirectionMap()
distance = new DirectionMap.Distance()
text = (json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["text"]).ToString(),
value = Int32.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"]).ToString())
duration = new DirectionMap.Duration()
text = (json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["duration"]["text"]).ToString(),
value = Int32.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["duration"]["value"]).ToString())
address_start = new DirectionMap.Address()
text = (json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["start_address"]).ToString(),
position = new Position(Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["start_location"]["lat"]).ToString()), Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["start_location"]["lng"]).ToString()))
address_end = new DirectionMap.Address()
text = (json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["end_address"]).ToString(),
position = new Position(Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["end_location"]["lat"]).ToString()), Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["end_location"]["lng"]).ToString()))
bool finished = false;
directionMap.steps = new List<Step>();
int index = 0;
while (!finished)
Step step = new Step()
start = new Position(Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"][index]["start_location"]["lat"]).ToString()), Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"][index]["start_location"]["lng"]).ToString())),
end = new Position(Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"][index]["end_location"]["lat"]).ToString()), Double.Parse((json["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"][index]["end_location"]["lng"]).ToString()))
catch (Exception e)
finished = true;
catch (Exception e)
directionMap = null;
strException = e.ToString();
callback(directionMap, strException);
switch (httpStatusCode)
callback(null, json.ToString());
I just get the distance and duration for some private calculs and get each step that I put into a List<>;
When everything is finished, I use my callback which bring us back to the controller (MapPage.xaml.cs the XAML Form Page (Xamarin Portable))
Now, everything becomes weird. It's like the map doesn't get that changes are made
public partial class MapPage : ContentPage
public MapPage()
public void setupMapCustom()
customMap.RouteCoordinates.Add(new Position(37.785559, -122.396728));
customMap.RouteCoordinates.Add(new Position(37.780624, -122.390541));
customMap.RouteCoordinates.Add(new Position(37.777113, -122.394983));
customMap.RouteCoordinates.Add(new Position(37.776831, -122.394627));
customMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(37.79752, -122.40183), Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Distance.FromMiles(1.0)));
public async void setupMap()
customMap.MapType = MapType.Satellite;
string origin = "72100 Le Mans";
string destination = "75000 Paris";
HttpRequest.getDirections(origin, destination, callbackDirections);
customMap.RouteCoordinates.Add(await MapUtilities.GetMapPointOfStreetAddress(origin));
Position position = await MapUtilities.GetMapPointOfStreetAddress(destination);
var pin = new Pin
Type = PinType.Place,
Position = position,
Label = "Destination !!",
private async void callbackDirections(Object obj, string str)
if (obj != null)
DirectionMap directionMap = obj as DirectionMap;
foreach (Step step in directionMap.steps)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("add step");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("add last step");
I run my app, everything works until it's something fast, because of the time spent by my algorithm etc, the callback is coming too late and then I need to refresh, reload or update my map... Anyway, I need to update my map in the future, so... If anyone can help, this one is welcome !
I took a look at your answer ( thank a lot ! ;) ) but it doesn't works :/
I updated CustomMap as you did
public class CustomMap : Map
public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<CustomMap, List<Position>>(p => p.RouteCoordinates, new List<Position>());
public List<Position> RouteCoordinates
get { return (List<Position>)GetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty); }
set { SetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty, value); }
public CustomMap()
RouteCoordinates = new List<Position>();
Same for CustomMapRenderer (Droid)
public class CustomMapRenderer : MapRenderer, IOnMapReadyCallback
GoogleMap map;
Polyline polyline;
protected override void OnElementChanged(Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.View> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
// Unsubscribe
if (e.NewElement != null)
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (this.Element == null || this.Control == null)
if (e.PropertyName == CustomMap.RouteCoordinatesProperty.PropertyName)
private void UpdatePolyLine()
if (polyline != null)
var polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions();
foreach (var position in ((CustomMap)this.Element).RouteCoordinates)
polylineOptions.Add(new LatLng(position.Latitude, position.Longitude));
polyline = map.AddPolyline(polylineOptions);
public void OnMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)
map = googleMap;
So, for the last change, in my MapPage.xaml.cs I made changes in the callbackDirections as you explained (I hope I did good)
private async void callbackDirections(Object obj, string str)
if (obj != null)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
DirectionMap directionMap = obj as DirectionMap;
var list = new List<Position>(customMap.RouteCoordinates);
foreach (Step step in directionMap.steps)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("add step");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("last step");
customMap.RouteCoordinates = list;
The map is still doesn't display the polyline :/ I only made these changes, I didn't change anything else from my previous code.
I didn't tell you, but I'm not an expert in MVVM binding, so if I forget something, I'm sorry :/
So after your answer and some read, read and re-read of your answer, there is my "test code" in MapPage.xaml.cs
public MapPage()
//HttpRequest.getDirections(origin, destination, callbackDirections);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
customMap.RouteCoordinates = new List<Position>
new Position (37.797534, -122.401827),
new Position (37.776831, -122.394627)
Because it doesn't works (for me), I took a look at my code and then, I saw that public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<CustomMap, List<Position>>(
p => p.RouteCoordinates, new List<Position>()); was deprecated..
So I red on this post a different way to implement this binding, but it also said that this way is deprecated SEE HERE... I also saw some tutorials about binding which says that they put some code into their xaml, let me remember you mine
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<local:CustomMap x:Name="customMap"/>
I'm not using something as ItemSource="{PolylineBindable}"
The custom renderer from the example is not made for dynamic updating the path. It is just implemented for the case, where all points of the paths are known before initializing the map / drawing the path the first time. So you have this race condition, you ran into, because you are loading the directions from a web service.
So you have to do some changes:
RouteCoordinates must be a BindableProperty
public class CustomMap : Map
public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<CustomMap, List<Position>>(p => p.RouteCoordinates, new List<Position>());
public List<Position> RouteCoordinates
get { return (List<Position>)GetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty); }
set { SetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty, value); }
public CustomMap ()
RouteCoordinates = new List<Position>();
Update the Polyline whenever the coordinates change
Move the creation of the polyline from OnMapReady to UpdatePolyLine
call UpdatePolyLine from OnMapReady and OnElementPropertyChanged
public class CustomMapRenderer : MapRenderer, IOnMapReadyCallback
GoogleMap map;
Polyline polyline;
protected override void OnElementChanged(Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ElementChangedEventArgs<View> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
// Unsubscribe
if (e.NewElement != null)
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (this.Element == null || this.Control == null)
if (e.PropertyName == CustomMap.RouteCoordinatesProperty.PropertyName)
private void UpdatePolyLine()
if (polyline != null)
var polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions();
foreach (var position in ((CustomMap)this.Element).RouteCoordinates)
polylineOptions.Add(new LatLng(position.Latitude, position.Longitude));
polyline = map.AddPolyline(polylineOptions);
public void OnMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)
map = googleMap;
Setting the data
Updating the positions changes a bit. Instead of adding the positions to the existing list, you have to (create a new list) and set it to RouteCoordinates. You can use Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread to ensure, that the operation is performed on the UI thread. Else the polyline will not update.
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
customMap.RouteCoordinates = new List<Position>
new Position (37.797534, -122.401827),
new Position (37.776831, -122.394627)
In your case it's something like
var list = new List<Position>(customMap.RouteCoordinates);
customMap.RouteCoordinates = list;
On iOS you have now to implement a similar behavior (like UpdatePolyLine)
That might not the most performant implementation, because you redraw everything instead of adding one point. But it's fine as long as you have no performance issues :)
I followed the tutorial available on Xamarin Docs and it worked for me with some changes based on #Sven-Michael Stübe answer
I load the coordinates from a WebService and then I create a separate List, and after this, I set the new list to the RouteCoordinates property on Custom Map.
Some changes are made on Android Renderer
I'm using MVVM.
CustomMap Class:
public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(RouteCoordinates), typeof(List<Position>), typeof(CustomMap), new List<Position>(), BindingMode.TwoWay);
public List<Position> RouteCoordinates
get { return (List<Position>)GetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty); }
set { SetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty, value); }
public CustomMap()
RouteCoordinates = new List<Position>();
ViewModel (Codebehind, in your case):
private async void LoadCoordinates(string oidAula, CustomMap mapa)
IsBusy = true;
var percurso = await ComunicacaoServidor.GetPercurso(oidAula); // Get coordinates from WebService
var pontos = percurso.Select(p => new Position(p.Latitude, p.Longitude)).ToList(); // Create coordinates list from webservice result
var latitudeMedia = percurso[percurso.Count / 2].Latitude;
var longitudeMedia = percurso[percurso.Count / 2].Longitude;
mapa.RouteCoordinates = pontos;
mapa.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(latitudeMedia, longitudeMedia), Distance.FromMiles(1.0)));
IsBusy = false;
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags = "All"
AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds = "0, 0, 1, 1"
VerticalOptions = "FillAndExpand"
HorizontalOptions = "FillAndExpand"
x:Name = "PercursoMapa" />
Android Renderer:
public class CustomMapRenderer : MapRenderer
bool isDrawn;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Map> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
// Unsubscribe
if (e.NewElement != null)
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if ((e.PropertyName == "RouteCoordinates" || e.PropertyName == "VisibleRegion") && !isDrawn)
var polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions();
var coordinates = ((CustomMap)Element).RouteCoordinates;
foreach (var position in coordinates)
polylineOptions.Add(new LatLng(position.Latitude, position.Longitude));
isDrawn = coordinates.Count > 0;
This example have more than 3600 points of location and the polyline shows correctly on device:
Building on these answers, here is what I did to get it to work on iOS. This allows changing the route even after the map is loaded, unlike the Xamarin sample.
Firstly, custom map class as per #Sven-Michael Stübe with the update from #Emixam23:
public class CustomMap : Map
public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(RouteCoordinates), typeof(List<Position>), typeof(CustomMap), new List<Position>(), BindingMode.TwoWay);
public List<Position> RouteCoordinates
get { return (List<Position>)GetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty); }
set { SetValue(RouteCoordinatesProperty, value); }
public CustomMap()
RouteCoordinates = new List<Position>();
Next, the iOS custom renderer:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomMap), typeof(CustomMapRenderer))]
namespace KZNTR.iOS
public class CustomMapRenderer : MapRenderer
MKPolylineRenderer polylineRenderer;
CustomMap map;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if ((this.Element == null) || (this.Control == null))
if (e.PropertyName == CustomMap.RouteCoordinatesProperty.PropertyName)
map = (CustomMap)sender;
MKOverlayRenderer GetOverlayRenderer(MKMapView mapView, IMKOverlay overlay)
if (polylineRenderer == null)
var o = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(overlay.Handle) as MKPolyline;
polylineRenderer = new MKPolylineRenderer(o);
//polylineRenderer = new MKPolylineRenderer(overlay as MKPolyline);
polylineRenderer.FillColor = UIColor.Blue;
polylineRenderer.StrokeColor = UIColor.Red;
polylineRenderer.LineWidth = 3;
polylineRenderer.Alpha = 0.4f;
return polylineRenderer;
private void UpdatePolyLine()
var nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
nativeMap.OverlayRenderer = GetOverlayRenderer;
CLLocationCoordinate2D[] coords = new CLLocationCoordinate2D[map.RouteCoordinates.Count];
int index = 0;
foreach (var position in map.RouteCoordinates)
coords[index] = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(position.Latitude, position.Longitude);
var routeOverlay = MKPolyline.FromCoordinates(coords);
And finally, adding a polyline to the map:
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
var plist = new List<Position>(customMap.RouteCoordinates);
foreach (var point in track.TrackPoints)
plist.Add(new Position(double.Parse(point.Latitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(point.Longitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
customMap.RouteCoordinates = plist;
var firstpoint = (from pt in track.TrackPoints select pt).FirstOrDefault();
customMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(double.Parse(firstpoint.Latitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(firstpoint.Longitude, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), Distance.FromMiles(3.0)));
Not sure if this is the best way to do it, or the most efficient, I don't know much about renderers, but it does seem to work.
So after lot of searches and, of course, the answer of #Sven-Michael Stübe, you can have your proper maps which works on each platform "Android, iOS, WinPhone". Follow my code, then edit it following the #Sven-Michael Stübe's answer.
Once you finished everything, it could works (like for #Sven-Michael Stübe), but it also couldn't work (like for me). If it doesn't works, try to change the following code:
public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<CustomMap, List<Position>>(
p => p.RouteCoordinates, new List<Position>());
public static readonly BindableProperty RouteCoordinatesProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(RouteCoordinates), typeof(List<Position>), typeof(CustomMap), new List<Position>(), BindingMode.TwoWay);
See the documentation for more information about it. (Deprecated implementation)
Then the code works !
PS: You can have some troubles with the polyline at the end, which not following the road right, I'm working on it.
PS2: I'll also make a video to explain how to code your customMap to don't have to install a NuGet package, to be able to edit everything at the end ! (The first one will be in French, the second in English, this post will be edited when the video will be made)
Thank angain to #Sven-Michael Stübe !! Thank to up his answer as well :)

How to use a modal pop up to update data in a grid with a custom cell

I would like to be able to use a modal window to present the contents of a column to the user for editing. I am not able to make this work, and I am not sure where I am going wrong.
I have provided a button in the table which will indicate if there are additional details (in this case comments). When the user selects the button, I want to open a modal dialog to enter the data and when it closes, update the field.
I have gotten the majority of this wired up, but the data is not making it back to my model. I have tried several things, and all without results. It appears that the commit edit call I am making is not seeing the field as in "edit mode" and just skips.
This is my code for my custom table cell:
public class CommentTableCell<T> extends TableCell<T, String> {
private Button actionBtn;
private TextArea textArea;
public CommentTableCell(TableColumn<T, String> column) {
actionBtn = new Button("my action");
actionBtn.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Select to add/edit comments..."));
actionBtn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println("Action: "+getItem());
Stage commentStage = new Stage();
AnchorPane ap = new AnchorPane();
textArea = new TextArea();
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
Scene commentScene = new Scene (ap, 200, 200);
commentStage.setOnCloseRequest(a -> {
// I have tried with an column.setOnEditCommit() as well as what is noted below which I found here, passing in the column.
final TableView<T> tableView = getTableView();
tableView.edit(tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(), column);
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null && item.length() > 0) {
} else if (!empty) {
} else {
During the execution it hits the commitEdit() call and the following has isEditing in the TableCell as null:
#Override public void commitEdit(T newValue) {
if (! isEditing()) return;
My table looks basically like this:
TableView<SomeDTO> addressTableView = new TableView()
commentsColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellValue -> cellValue.getValue().commentsProperty());
commentsColumn.setCellFactory(tc -> new CommentTableCell<SomeDTO>(commentsColumn));
I have found a solution to my issue - though I am not sure it is the best way or not.
I have changed my CommentTableCell as follows and it seems to work like a charm..
public class CommentTableCell<T> extends TableCell<T, String> {
private Button actionBtn;
public CommentTableCell() {
actionBtn = new Button("my action");
actionBtn.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Select to add/edit comments..."));
actionBtn.setOnAction(event ->
Stage commentStage = new Stage();
AnchorPane ap = new AnchorPane();
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
Scene commentScene = new Scene (ap, 200, 200);
if(getItem() != null) {
String myValue = getItem();
commentStage.setOnCloseRequest(a -> {
#SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public void commitEdit(String item) {
if (isEditing()) {
} else {
final TableView table = getTableView();
if (table != null) {
TablePosition position = new TablePosition(getTableView(),
getTableRow().getIndex(), getTableColumn());
CellEditEvent editEvent = new CellEditEvent(table, position,
TableColumn.editCommitEvent(), item);
Event.fireEvent(getTableColumn(), editEvent);
updateItem(item, false);
if (table != null) {
table.edit(-1, null);
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null && item.length() > 0) {
} else if (!empty) {
} else {

Vala GTK+. Issue with customized widget

I need to create a gtk.Entry which accepts only numbers. but I can't overwrite the key_press_event event in an heredited class. It only works if I use the original Entry by means of connect function.
What am I doing wrong?
using Gtk;
public class NumberEntry : Entry {
public void NumberEntry(){
add_events (Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK);
//With customized event left entry editing is not possible
public override bool key_press_event (Gdk.EventKey event) {
string numbers = "0123456789.";
if (numbers.contains(event.str)){
return false;
} else {
return true;
public class Application : Window {
public Application () {
// Window
this.title = "Entry Issue";
this.window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER;
this.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
this.set_default_size (350, 70);
Grid grid = new Grid();
Label label_1 = new Label ("Customized Entry, useless:");
grid.attach (label_1,0,0,1,1);
//Customized Entry:
NumberEntry numberEntry = new NumberEntry ();
grid.attach(numberEntry, 1, 0, 1, 1);
Label label_2 = new Label ("Working only numbers Entry:");
grid.attach (label_2,0,1,1,1);
//Normal Entry
Entry entry = new Entry();
grid.attach(entry, 1, 1, 1, 1);
//With normal Entry this event works well:
entry.key_press_event.connect ((event) => {
string numbers = "0123456789.";
if (numbers.contains(event.str)){
return false;
} else {
return true;
public static int main (string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
Application app = new Application ();
app.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();
return 0;
The key_press_event of the superclass is no longer being called. You need to call the base class and return true when you have consumed the key.
public override bool key_press_event (Gdk.EventKey event) {
string numbers = "0123456789.";
if (numbers.contains(event.str)){
return base.key_press_event (event);
} else {
return true;
If you return false in a signal, this can be passed to an alternate handler, but only if you use connect and not override the signal method.

Fragment with update of detail layout

I have programmed an Android App with fragments. A ListView fragment and a detail fragment.
What I wanna do is, if someone clicks inside the detail activity, a layout which is "View.Gone" should be "View.Visible". The code works without errors but nothing changed on the screen.
You can see it in Detail fragment code where a clik event on the ImageButton btn is.
What do i wrong?
What is the best way to update the detail screen? If someone has a small example or could write me where in my code I have to change what, it makes me happy :-)
Thanks a lot
The FragmentActivity:
public class CacheFragment extends SherlockFragmentActivity {
CacheListFragment f;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
f = new CacheListFragment();
// Supply index input as an argument.
Bundle args = new Bundle();
Here's the Detail Fragment, where you can see whatt should happen if someone clicks on the Imagebutton:
public class CacheDetailsFragment extends SherlockFragment implements OnClickListener {
private CacheDetailsLoading cdLoad= new CacheDetailsLoading();
private static GeocacheDetails _cacheDetails = new GeocacheDetails();
private static GCRatingTyp _cacheVote = new GCRatingTyp();
private CacheDetailsUsing cdUsing = new CacheDetailsUsing();
private Activity _context;
private static CacheDetailsFragment f;
private View view;
* Create a new instance of DetailsFragment, initialized to
* show the text at 'index'.
public static CacheDetailsFragment newInstance(int index ) {
f = new CacheDetailsFragment();
// Supply index input as an argument.
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt("index", index);
return f;
public int getShownIndex() {
return getArguments().getInt("index", 0);
public void setCacheDetail(GeocacheDetails cacheDetails)
_cacheDetails = cacheDetails;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (container == null) {
return null;
Bundle bundle=getArguments();
_cacheVote= bundle.getParcelable("cacheVote");
int index = bundle.getInt("index");
_context = getActivity();
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_cachedetails, container,false);
((RelativeLayout) view.findViewById(;
((RelativeLayout) view.findViewById(;
ImageButton btn = (ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v)
if(((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById( == View.GONE)
((ImageButton) getActivity().findViewById(;
((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;
((ImageButton) getActivity().findViewById(;
((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;
return view;
Now the Listfragment:
public class CacheListFragment extends SherlockListFragment {
boolean isDualPane;
int mCurCheckPosition = 0;
private CacheListArrayAdapter _adapter;
private SharedPrefs _sp= new SharedPrefs();
private double latitude=0;
private double longitude=0;
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
latitude =Double.parseDouble(_sp.getSharedPrefs(getActivity(), LibraryDefaults.PROGRAMMNAME, "Latitude", "0"));
longitude =Double.parseDouble(_sp.getSharedPrefs(getActivity(), LibraryDefaults.PROGRAMMNAME, "Longitude", "0"));
// Check to see if we have a frame in which to embed the details
// fragment directly in the containing UI.
View detailsFrame = getActivity().findViewById(;
isDualPane = detailsFrame != null && detailsFrame.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
Bundle bundle = getActivity().getIntent().getExtras();
if(bundle != null && bundle.containsKey("Titel"))
((TextView) getActivity().findViewById("Titel"));
((TextView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (StaticCacheListByGroup.getCacheList() != null)
GeocachingCompass gc = new GeocachingCompass(getActivity());
_adapter = new CacheListArrayAdapter(getActivity(), StaticCacheListByGroup.getCacheList(), longitude,latitude);
_adapter.setActualCoordinates(new LatLng(latitude,longitude));
if (_adapter != null)
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
// Restore last state for checked position.
mCurCheckPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt("curChoice", 0);
getListView().setDivider(getResources().getDrawable( R.color.divider));
if (isDualPane) {
// In dual-pane mode, the list view highlights the selected item.
public void onResume() {
GeocachingCompass gc = new GeocachingCompass(getActivity());
_adapter = new CacheListArrayAdapter(getActivity(), StaticCacheListByGroup.getCacheList(), longitude,latitude);
_adapter.setActualCoordinates(new LatLng(latitude,longitude));
if (_adapter != null)
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt("curChoice", mCurCheckPosition);
public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
* Helper function to show the details of a selected item, either by
* displaying a fragment in-place in the current UI, or starting a
* whole new activity in which it is displayed.
void showDetails(int index) {
mCurCheckPosition = index;
ReadGCVote getVote = new ReadGCVote();
GeocacheDetails cacheDetails = new GeocacheDetails();
if (isDualPane) {
// We can display everything in-place with fragments, so update
// the list to highlight the selected item and show the data.
getListView().setItemChecked(index, true);
// Check what fragment is currently shown, replace if needed.
CacheDetailsFragment details = (CacheDetailsFragment)
if (details == null || details.getShownIndex() != index) {
// Make new fragment to show this selection.
details = CacheDetailsFragment.newInstance(index);
// Execute a transaction, replacing any existing fragment
// with this one inside the frame.
FragmentTransaction ft = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.replace(, details);
} else {
// Otherwise we need to launch a new activity to display
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClass(getActivity(), CacheDetailsActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("index", index);
intent.putExtra("cacheVote",getVote.getGCVoteByCacheGuid( StaticGCVoteList.getCacheList(), cacheDetails.GetGUID()));
I found the bug :-)
In the code snippet of the Detail Fragment ...
public void onClick(View v)
if(((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById( == View.GONE)
} shouldn't use "getActivity()" use "view" from "view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_cachedetails, container,false);"
Then it will work
