Sending request to a post controller function from another controller function - laravel

I have a controller like this.
public function barcode_approve(Request $request)
$barcodes = $request->input('barcode_values');
$upload_ids = $request->input('upload_id');
It is defined as post in route without any problem.
I would like to use barcode_approve by sending request from controller like
public function push_approve(){
$request = ['barcode_values' => '23ssdwe','upload_id'=>234234];
But $reqeust->input doesn't give the value when I send it through controller function (push_approve)
How can I send values from another controller function as input in $request?

Your barcode_approve expects a Request object, not an array. While you could instantiate a new Request object and potentially inject your fake inputs, I would consider that a bad practice.
Whenever you find yourself trying to call a controller method from another controller method, it usually means you have logic that can be extracted, either to a model, a trait, or in the case of the same controller, a separate protected function.
The purpose of a controller is to be the transport method, you shouldn't have much business logic in it, extract logic to the models when you can.

Required argument in barcode_approve() method must be instance of Request, not just array even if u call it $request.
So if you realy need your code to work, you must create Request instance at your push_approve method()
$request = new Request(['barcode_values' => '23ssdwe','upload_id'=>234234]);
But better way will be to route Request to push_approve() initially

extends your controller with the controller you want to used
then call the function this->barcode_approve($request)


Laravel: Multiple Route to Same Controller

May I know how can I make just a single route so I don't have to repeat it? Thanks in advance.
Route::get('/url', 'CtcFormController#index' )->name('');
Route::post('/url/submit', 'CtcFormController#submit')->name('CtcForm.submit');
Route::view('/url/submitted', 'form.submit')->name('CtcForm.submit');
Route::post('/url2/submit', 'CtcFormController#submit')->name('CtcForm.submit');
Route::view('/url2/submitted', 'form.submit')->name('CtcForm.submit');
As per your given example, you want to handle the variable part of the route which is /url/ and /url12/. Yes! you can handle there both different route using a single route in ways:
Use route variable to handle dynamic url values i.e. url, url2,url3...url12 and so on.
Route::get('/{url}', 'CtcFormController#index' )->name('');
Route::post('/{url}/submit', 'CtcFormController#submit')->name('CtcForm.submit');
Route::view('/{url}/submitted', 'form.submit')->name('CtcForm.submit');
Now in your controller methods handing above routes receive extra parameter $url like:
In controller CtcFormController.php class:
public function index(Request $request, string $url) {
//$url will gives you value from which url request is submitted i.e. url or url12
//method logic goes here ...
Similarly, method handling /{url}/submit route will be like:
public function submit(Request $request, string $url) {
//method logic goes here ...
Let me know if you have any further query regarding this or you face any issue while implementing it.

How to pass request parameter with post method from a controller to another controller method in Laravel?

I want to call the method of B controller from Acontroller.So I used this method
return redirect()->action('UserController#subscribe()');
But here I am facing an issue here. I want to pass below param as in request body to above subscribe()
$package_id = session('package_id');
$package_type = session('package_type');
Please help me out how can I pass above param in request in laravel
If you need to call one controller from another, it seems like you have not so good architecture, and you have to refactor your code.
But, if you anyway want to do it, you can do it like that:
app('App\Http\Controllers\UserController')->subscribe($package_id, $package_type);
Controller 1
public function method1()
$package_id = session('package_id');
$package_type = session('package_type');
return app('App\Http\Controllers\Controller2')->method2($package_id, $package_type);
Controller 2
public function method2($package_id, $package_type)
You can append them to the query string.
return redirect()->action('UserController#subscribe', [
'package_id' => $package_id,
'package_type' => $package_type,
You can call the controller.

What is better practice for accessing laravel request variables

What is better practice for accessing request values in laravel.
For example I have method update() in laravel controller.
I want to get values from request, which is better way:
method(Request $request) {
method() {
Is it better to create request instance as method attribute or to use Laravel helper method request().
Both are the same, the first approach might be better in case you create a custom form request where you do the validation of the form. Other than that both provide the same thing.
In your Controller
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function update(Request $request)
$name = $request->input('name');
I think this is best way to use
method(Request $request) {
Even laravel documentation suggest this.
laravel provides you with methods to get values from the request
now I have request variable is $request, it is instance of Request
The better practice for accessing laravel request variables:
If GET method, you should use $request->get('variable_name')
If POST method, you should use $request->input('variable_name')
if you want check request has variable you can use $request->has('variable_name')
Good luck

Yii's CController::forward() can specify parameters to pass to the action?

I want to use CController::forward() instead of redirect or instantiating the controller and directly calling the action, because this way Yii::app()->controller->action->id correctly shows the action that ultimately ran.
Although I don't see in the documentation how to specify parameters to pass to the forwarded action, because the $route parameter is a string, not an array.
public function actionIndex() {
$this->forward('/otherCtrl/view'); // how to pass a parameter here?
public function actionView( $id ) {
//get the id here
Parameters injected into action method comes from $_GET. So if you need to pass $id into forwarded action, you need to set value in $_GET array:
$_GET['id'] = 'some id';
But using forward() is basically always a sign of bad design of application - I suggest to extract shared logic into separate method/component, and avoid using forward() or calling controller actions directly.
You can try:
Query string depends on your URL settings.

Call an index controller with parameter

So basically, I have a setup of restful controller in my route. Now my problem is how can I call the Index page if there is a parameter.. it gives me an error of Controller not found
Im trying to call it like this
then in my Controller
class UserRegisterController extends \BaseController {
protected $layout = 'layouts.unregistered';
public function getIndex( $unique_code = null )
$title = 'Register';
$this->layout->content = View::make( 'pages.unregistred.sign-up', compact('title', 'affiliate_ash'));
By registering:
You're telling the routes that every time the url starts with /sign-up/ it should look for corresponding action in UserRegisterController in verbAction convention.
Suppose you have:
Logically it'll be mapped to UserRegister#getSocialSignup (GET verb because it is a GET request). And if there is nothing after /sign-up/ it'll look for getIndex() by default.
Now, consider your example:
By the same logic, it'll try looking for UserRegister#getAsdasdasd which most likely you don't have. The problem here is there is no way of telling Route that asdasdasd is actually a parameter. At least, not with a single Route definition.
You'll have to define another route, perhaps after your Route::controller
// If above fail to find correct controller method, check the next line.
Route::get('sign-up/{param}', 'UserRegisterController#getIndex');
You need to define the parameter in the route Route::controller('sign-up/{unique_code?}','UserRegisterController');. The question mark makes it optional.
Full documentation here:
