New Line for Chatbot - vb6

If ChatBot.Caption = ("Bob" & ": " & "Hello! My name is bob. What's your name?") Then
ChatBot.Caption = vbNewLine(Text.Text & ": " & Text.Text)
This is my code so far. How do you add a new line in this case, I've been trying and searching and couldn't find a thing. With every new line from the textbox, it will add a new line to the ChatBot RichTextBox like: "[username]: blah blah".
I've found out that vbCRLF can also make a new line but honestly have no idea where to place it.

For a RichTextBox the best way is to:
'// move cursor to the end of the text
rtb.SelStart = Len(rtb.Text)
'// append the text ending with a new line
rtb.SelText = "Hello" & vbCrLf
A lesser alternative is:
rtb.Text = rtb.Text & vbCrLf & "New Line 1" & vbCrLf & "New Line 2" & vbCrLf & "New Line 3 ..."


How to find string by filter in VBScript?

I have a problem here:
I have an text like this
a lot of html tags
Hello world!
Hello world 2!
a lot of html tags again
And somehow I need to get text between MPI-START and MPI-END
It can contains many lines and text so I need to get them all
I tried to search but there are nothing
Any ideas?
Also sorry for my english, i from Russia
UPD: That text what i needed contains in < p data-placeholder="Your story...">TEXT</ p>
Ok, i found answer
Not perfect but works
Dim strid, outstr
strid = "many hell tags MPI-START" & vbNewLine & "Hello World!" & vbNewLine & "Hello World 2 !" & vbNewLine & "MPI-END there too"
outstr = Split (strid, "MPI-START")(1)
outstr = Split (outstr, "MPI-END")(0)
MsgBox outstr
Here is another approch using RegEx in vbscript to extract data between two delimiters :
Option Explicit
Dim Full_String,First_Delimiter,Second_Delimiter,Extracted_Data
Full_String = "a lot of html tags" & vbNewLine &_
"< p data-placeholder=""Your story..."">" & vbNewLine &_
"Hello world!" & vbNewLine &_
"Hello world 2!" & vbNewLine &_
"</ p>" & vbNewLine &_
"a lot of html tags again"
wscript.echo Full_String
First_Delimiter = "< p data-placeholder=""Your story..."">"
Second_Delimiter = "</ p>"
Extracted_Data = ExtractData(Full_String,First_Delimiter,Second_Delimiter)
wscript.echo Extracted_Data
Function ExtractData(Full_String,Start_Delim,End_Delim)
Dim r,Matches,Data
Set r=new regexp
r.pattern = "(?:^|(?:\r\n))(:?"& Start_Delim &"\r\n)([\s\S]*?)(?:\r\n)(?:"& End_Delim &")"
Set Matches = r.Execute(Full_String)
If Matches.Count > 0 Then Data = Matches(0).SubMatches(1)
ExtractData = Data
End Function

Does VB6 InputBox support a multi-line string?

When using InputBox in Visual Basic 6 can I input a multiline string?
strSrch = InputBox("Enter word(s) or phrase(s), like " & Chr(34) & "Jesus wept" & _
Chr(34) & " to search for any word or phrase" & vbCrLf & _
"If you place & between words the verse must contain both words, loved & world" & _
vbCrLf & "or both phrases, " & Chr(34) & "keep the commandments" & Chr(34) & _
" & " & Chr(34) & "of Jesus" & Chr(34) & vbCrLf & "Put ! in front of a word or phrase to exclude it from your search, Jesus ! testimony" & _
vbCrLf & "Use( before and ) after expressions to group them together, (" & Chr(34) & _
"Come unto me" & Chr(34) & " & all)" & vbCrLf & "Use Xor between two words to include one or the other but not both, " & _
Chr(34) & "I am" & Chr(34) & " Xor that", "Word Search")
No, not really. IIRC, the InputBox should preserve any newline chars that are dropped into it via a paste or entered via ALT+###. But, they will appear as spaces in the box.
It will only ever appear on a single line. There's no real way to use an InputBox to let a user enter multiple lines.
The most feature-capable way to handle this would be to create a custom form and use it to collect user input. You can make it a modal dialog to force the user to interact with it, similar to an InputBox. There are a few ways to pass the input back to the procedure that displayed the form (such as using a global variable).

how to assign XML values to string in Vb6

I want to assign below mentioned xml values to a string like this
Dim test As String
test = ... ?
Where the XML should contain:
How can I do this and also preserve the formatting (ie linebreaks, spacing, etc.)?
Mark answered your question, I'll answer your second question:
Dim test As String
test = "<RptInfo>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "<RptVer>1</RptVer>" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "<RptTyp>1</RptTyp> & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
Assuming you want it double-spaced and indented. You had also missed the leading tag, but MarkL caught that as well.

Formatting just one line vb6 word 2007 bar code

I am automating a word document with a single table, using vb6. I have the following:
strCellContents = "s " & CStr(oRec("sphBase")) & " c " & CStr(oRec("cylAdd")) & vbCrLf
strCellContents = strCellContents & oRec("Description") & vbCrLf
strCellContents = strCellContents & "1010" & CStr(oRec("RightOPC")) & vbCrLf
strCellContents = strCellContents & "1010" & CStr(oRec("RightOPC")) & vbCrLf
oDoc.Tables(1).Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 6
oDoc.Tables(1).Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0
oDoc.Tables(1).Range.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = InchesToPoints(0.11)
oDoc.Tables(1).Cell(row, col).Range.Text = strCellContents
If Not oRec.EOF Then
End If
You will note I repeat one of the lines twice, giving me four lines of text in each of 30 cells (3 cols 10 rows). I want the first instance of the repeated line to have a bar code font. How would I go about formatting just that line? I have the bar code font and it is installed.
I found the answer
iNumWords = oDoc.Tables(1).Range.Words.Count
''modify font of bar code (3rd line) - underline for now
For q = 1 To iNumWords
If CStr(oDoc.Tables(1).Range.Words(q)) = strSKU Then
oDoc.Tables(1).Range.Words(q).Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
Exit For
End If

How to use \n new line in VB msgbox() ...?

What is the alternative to \n (for new line) in a MsgBox()?
for VB: vbCrLf or vbNewLine
for VB.NET: Environment.NewLine or vbCrLf or Constants.vbCrLf
Info on VB.NET new line:
The info for Environment.NewLine came from Cody Gray and J Vermeire
Try using vbcrlf for a newline
msgbox "This is how" & vbcrlf & "to get a new line"
These are the character sequences to create a new line:
vbCr is the carriage return (return to line beginning),
vbLf is the line feed (go to next line)
vbCrLf is the carriage return / line feed (similar to pressing Enter)
I prefer vbNewLine as it is system independent (vbCrLf may not be a true new line on some systems)
Use the Environment.NewLine property
Add a vbNewLine as:
"text1" & vbNewLine & "text2"
An alternative to Environment.NewLine is to use :
Regex.Unescape("\n\tHello World\n")
from System.Text.RegularExpressions
This allows you to escape Text without Concatenating strings as you can in C#, C, java
The correct format is :
"text1" + vbNewLine + "text2"
Use the command "vbNewLine"
Hello & vbNewLine & "World"
will show up as
Hello on one line and World on another
You can use Environment.NewLine OR vbCrLF OR vbNewLine
MsgBox($"Hi!{Environment.NewLine}I'M HERE")
You can use carriage return character (Chr(13)), a linefeed character (Chr(10)) also like
MsgBox "Message Name: " & objSymbol1.Name & Chr(13) & "Value of BIT-1: " & (myMessage1.Data(1)) & Chr(13) & "MessageCount: " & ReceiveMessages.Count
Module MyHelpers
Public Function UnEscape(ByVal aString As String) As String
Return Regex.Unescape(aString)
End Function
End Module
On my side I created a sub MyMsgBox replacing \n in the prompt by ControlChars.NewLine
A lot of the stuff above didn't work for me.
What did end up working is
do not forget to set the Multiline property to true in textbox
msgbox("your text here" & Environment.NewLine & "more text") is the easist way. no point in making your code harder or more ocmplicated than you need it to be...
This work for me:
MessageBox.Show("YourString" & vbcrlf & "YourNewLineString")
The message box must end with a text and not with a variable
