How to convert into promise and geocode the address with google maps - promise

I want to convert this piece of code that I made into a promise
because I want to show the geocoded address into vuetify
this is my code so far, I'm including google maps api and lodash .
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Reverse Geocoding Sample</title>
<script src=""></script>
function geocodelatLng(){
var response = [
"address": "213 Marlon Forks\nSouth Corineland, HI 81723-1044",
"lat": "10.30431500",
"lng": "123.89035500"
"address": "1291 Stephania Road\nLake Dorotheastad, TN 82682-76",
"lat": "10.30309100",
"lng": "123.89154500"
"address": "20330 Schmeler Course Apt. 210\nNorth Ari, NV 70048",
"lat": "10.30356400",
"lng": "123.89964100"
] ;
return,coords => {
// console.log(arr.index);
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder;
var latLng = {
lat : parseFloat(,
lng : parseFloat(coords.lng)
} ;
// for every lat,lng .
// console.log(latLng);
geocoder.geocode({'location': latLng},function (results,status){
if (status === 'OK') {
if (results[0]) {
} else {
window.alert('No results found');
} else {
window.alert('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status);
<script async defer
Now this logs everything into the console but my problem is that I dont know how to show it in the v-list-tile-title tag. I tried everything used promises but it won't work, maybe you can help me. Not familiar with es6 tho.
<v-list-tile-title>{{ geocodedCoordinates address here }}</v-list-tile-title>
<v-list-tile-sub-title>{{ address.address }}</v-list-tile-sub-title>

On the basis that you want geocodelatLng() to return a promise that delivers geocode results, you first need something that will convert geocoder.geocode() from a callback API to Promises. The general principles of doing that are covered extensively here.
Following that advice, you might end up with something like this:
function geocodelatLng() {
var response = [ ....... ]; // as in the question
var promises = { // map response to an array of Promises.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latLng = {
'lat': parseFloat(,
'lng': parseFloat(coords.lng)
geocoder.geocode({'location': latLng}, function(results, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
if (results.length) {
resolve(results[0]); // or `resolve(results)` to deliver all results
} else {
reject(new Error('No results found'));
} else {
reject(new Error('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status));
return Promise.all(promises);
You are left with a possible issue that Promise.all() will return a rejected promise if any one of the promises rejects, which you probably don't want. It would be better to ignore rejections (errors) and deliver successfully derived results.
A solution to that issue is provided here in the form of a reflect function, which can be applied as follows:
function geocodelatLng() {
var response = [ ....... ]; // as in the question
function reflect(promise) {
return promise.then(function(v) {
return { 'status':'resolved', 'value':value };
}, function(e) {
return { 'status':'rejected', 'error':e };
var promises = => { // map response to an array of Promises.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latLng = {
'lat': parseFloat(,
'lng': parseFloat(coords.lng)
geocoder.geocode({'location': latLng}, function(results, status) {
if (status === 'OK') {
if (results[0]) {
} else {
reject(new Error('No results found'));
} else {
reject(new Error('Geocoder failed due to: ' + status));
return Promise.all( // map `promises` to an array of "refelected" promises before passing to Promise.all()
.then(function(results) {
return results.filter(function(res) { // filter the reflected results to exclude errors
return res.status === 'resolved';
}).map(function(res) { // map the remaining reflected results to the value of interest
return res.value;
geocodelatLng's caller is now returned a Promise that will deliver (via .then()) all the successful geocode results, which can be passed to vuetify or whatever.


Leaflet mapping: Assign object to fetch promise for local GeoJSON file

I am looking to assign as an object a Fetch API promise from a local GeoJSON file.
Here is the code
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
pointToLayer: styles_sites
I tried the call back method, as advised here
Saving fetched JSON into variable
(EDIT) New code, but there is still a missing formal parameter
function getData("data/sites.geojson", cb) {
.then(function(response) {
return response.json();
.then(function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
pointToLayer: styles_sites,
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
layer.on('mouseover', function() {
layer.on('mouseout', function() {
layer.on('click', function () {
layer.bindPopup("<b>Nombre: </b>""<br><b>Barrio: </b>""<br><b>Tipo: </b>""<br><b>Ubicacion: </b>""<br><b>Correo: </b>";
.then(function(result) {
getData("data/sites.geojson", function (data) {
return console.log({data});
Most probably just incorrect syntax of your callback function:
// Use either arrow function
getData("data/sites.geojson", (data) => {
return console.log({data});
// or standard function
getData("data/sites.geojson", function (data) {
return console.log({data});
I found the way to work this out by adding within the fetch function, what I originally wanted to do on the map.
This was to add a L.controlLayer using the geojson as overlay.
This is the code that made it work:
let sites = getData()
.then((function(data) {
L.geoJSON(data, {
pointToLayer: styles_sites,
onEachFeature: function LayerControl(feature, layer) {
var popupText = "<b>" + + "<br>";
category =;
// Initialize the category array if not already set.
if (typeof categories[category] === "undefined") {
categories[category] = L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
layersControl.addOverlay(categories[category], category);
layer.on('mouseover', function() {
layer.on('mouseout', function() {
layer.on('click', function () {
layer.bindPopup("<b>Nombre: </b>""<br><b>Barrio: </b>""<br><b>Tipo: </b>""<br><b>Ubicacion: </b>""<br><b>Correo: </b>";
Actually it comes from one of your answer on another post ghybs.

JavaScript: how can I use async/await to "await" something that happens in MutationObserver?

I have a forEach loop that processes data in an array. Somewhere in the middle of that loop I have to wait for a change in a DOM element, grab that change, process it, and only then can I continue processing the array.
I'm hoping to see this in console:
Preparing "aaa"
Waiting for result on "aaa"
Processing result on "aaa": <random number>
Got result for "aaa": <random number>something`
And the same thing for each element in stuffToProcess array in the code snippet below. It's a simplified example of the code.
I realize similar questions have been asked and answered countless times before, but after reading through many of them, and trying many different things for hours, I still can't figure this one out.
function dummy() {
async function doWork(stuffToProcess) {
let target = $('#trackMe')[0];
let config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, values: true };
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations,item) {
console.log('Processing result on "%s": %s', item, target.innerText);
item = item + 'something';
return new Promise(resolve => {
observer.observe(target, config);
stuffToProcess.forEach(async function(item) {
console.log('Preparing "%s"', item);
console.log('Waiting for result on "%s"', item);
let change = await observer(item);
//^^^ this needs to "await" for data from observer before the loop continues
console.log('Got result for "%s": %s', item, change);
doWork(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']);
<script src=""></script>
<p id="trackMe">No changes yet</p>
<button onclick="dummy()">Click me to change</button>
Well, I managed to solve it somehow. Probably not the cleanest solution though, so if anyone recommends any improvements on this, I'll happily edit the solution / upvote your answer.
function dummy() {
async function doWork(stuffToProcess) {
let target = $('#trackMe')[0];
let config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true,
values: true
let observer;
function isItDone(item) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
console.log('Processing result on "%s": %s', item, target.innerText);
result = target.innerText + 'something';
observer.observe(target, config);
for (index in stuffToProcess) {
console.log('Preparing "%s"', stuffToProcess[index]);
console.log('Waiting for result on "%s"', stuffToProcess[index]);
let change = await isItDone(stuffToProcess[index]);
console.log('Got result for "%s": %s', stuffToProcess[index], change);
doWork(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']);
<script src=""></script>
<p id="trackMe">No changes yet</p>
<button onclick="dummy()">Click me to change</button>
Here is an example using only JavaScript, I hope it helps you.
function getData() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// resolve();
// reject();
function example1() {
// code ...
async function getAsyncData() {
let data = await getData();
// code ...
let element = document.getElementById(...);
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
let config = {attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true};
observer.observe(element, config);
// code ...

Parse Cloud: Query not running in exported function from save() callback

I'm using Parse to represent the state of a beer keg (among other things). I'd like to check the user's notifications, stored in a "Notifications" table, to see if they'd like to receive a notification when the keg is filled.
I have all of the logic for setting the user's notification settings as well as sending notifications in cloud/notifications.js. All of the logic for updating the keg is in cloud/beer.js. I created an exported function called "sendKegRefillNotification" which performs a query.find() on the Notifications table and gets called from beer.js.
The problem is that it doesn't seem to be executing query.find() when I call the function from beer.js, however when I call the same function from a job within notifications.js, it works just fine.
var notify = require("cloud/notifications.js");
var Keg = Parse.Object.extend("Keg");
var fillKeg = function(beerName) {
var promise = new Parse.Promise();
var keg = new Keg();
keg.set("beerName", beerName)
keg.set("kickedReports", []);, { useMasterKey: true }).then(function(keg) {
console.log("Keg updated to " + beerName + ".");
function(keg, error) {
return promise;
Parse.Cloud.define("beerFillKeg", function(request, response) {
var beerName =;
if (!beerName) {
response.error("No beer was specified.");
if (!util.isUserAdmin(request.user)) {
response.error("User does not have permission to update the keg.");
fillKeg(beerName).then(function(keg) {
kegResponse(keg).then(function(result) {
function(error) {
function kegResponse(keg) {
var promise = new Parse.Promise();
var result = {
beer: {
name: keg.get("beerName")
filled: keg.createdAt,
kickedReports: []
var kickedReports = keg.get("kickedReports");
if (!kickedReports || kickedReports.length == 0) {
} else {
util.findUsers(kickedReports).then(function(users) {
result.kickedReports = util.infoForUsers(users);
}, function(users, error) {
return promise;
var Keg = Parse.Object.extend("Keg");
var Notification = Parse.Object.extend("Notifications");
exports.sendKegRefillNotification = function(keg) {
var beerName = keg.get("beerName");
console.log("Sending notifications that keg is refilled to '" + beerName + "'.");
var promise = new Parse.Promise();
var query = new Parse.Query(Notification);
query.equalTo("keg_filled", true);
query.find({ useMasterKey: true }).then(function(notifications) {
console.log("Found notifications!");
promise.resolve("Found notifications!");
function(notifications, error) {
console.error("No notifications");
return promise;
Parse.Cloud.job("beerSendRefillNotification", function(request, status) {
var query = new Parse.Query(Keg);
query.first().then(function(keg) {
if (!keg) {
status.error("No keg");
function(keg, error) {
When I run the job "beerSendRefillNotification" from the Parse dashboard, I can tell that query.find() is getting called because it prints "Found notifications!":
E2015-02-23T06:59:49.006Z]v1564 Ran job beerSendRefillNotification with:
Input: {}
Result: success/error was not called
I2015-02-23T06:59:49.190Z]Sending notifications that keg is refilled to 'test'.
I2015-02-23T06:59:49.243Z]Found notifications!
However, when I call the cloud function "beerFillKeg", it isn't because it's not printing "Found notifications!" or "No notifications":
I2015-02-23T07:00:17.414Z]v1564 Ran cloud function beerFillKeg for user HKePOEWZvC with:
Input: {"name":"Duff"}
Result: {"beer":{"name":"Duff"},"filled":{"__type":"Date","iso":"2015-02-23T07:00:17.485Z"},"id":"olLXh0F54E","kickedReports":[]}
I2015-02-23T07:00:17.523Z]Keg updated to Duff.
I2015-02-23T07:00:17.525Z]Sending notifications that keg is refilled to 'Duff'.
I finally understand it. In sendKegRefillNotification, you're calling query.find({...}), then returning an object. That find is asynchronous, and you're doing nothing to wait for the result. I think you need to return the find function call, rather than an object you set within that method.
In other words, you're running along, leaving some async running code behind you.
Edit: I understand what you tried to do. It sort of makes sense. You defined a promise, and thought the caller would wait for the promise. The problem is, the promise is defined in an asynchronous block. It doesn't yet have any meaning at the moment the caller gets it.
It looks like Parse doesn't allow you to run a query from inside a callback from save(). When I moved "notify.sendKegRefillNotification(keg);" to outside of the callback, it worked.
var fillKeg = function(beerName) {
var promise = new Parse.Promise();
var keg = new Keg();
keg.set("beerName", beerName)
keg.set("kickedReports", []);, { useMasterKey: true }).then(function(keg) {
console.log("Keg updated to " + beerName + ".");
console.log("Send notifications.");
function(keg, error) {
notify.sendKegRefillNotification(keg); // Now this works
return promise;
Can anyone shed some more light on why this worked?

Got promise not working

I'm trying to use promise to get in promise2
But if I have an object Widgets with several elements in it...
Why can't I have been able to get my console.log's output
Parse.Cloud.define("extract", function(request, response) {
var user = request.params.user;
var promise =;
}).then(function() {
return query.find().then(function(results) {
_.each(results, function(result) {
Widget.objectId =;
Widgets[timestamp] = Widget;
return promise;
}).then(function(results) {
for (var key in Widgets) {
var Widget = Widgets[key];
var widget_data = Widgets[key].widget_data;
var promise2 =;
promise2 = promise2.then(function() {
return'extractWidgetData', {
'widget_data': widget_data,
}).then(function(newresult) {
Widgets[key].data =;
console.log('--------WHY NOT HERE ALL TIME ?--------');
return promise2;
}).then(function() {
function(error) {
response.error("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
I'm becoming crazy to run this damn Code
EDIT : I finally followed Roamer's advices to implement something but I'm not sure if it's the good way to work with Promise in series...
Parse.Cloud.define("extract", function(request, response) {
var user = request.params.user;
var Widgets = {};
... .then(function() {
return query.find().then(function(results) {
return Parse.Promise.when( {
var Widget = ...;//some transform of `result` = ...;//some transform of `result`
var timestamp = createdAtDate.getTime();
return'extractData', {
'widget_data': Widget.widget_data,
}).then(function(newresult) {
Widget.stat = newresult.stats;
return Widget;//<<<<<<< important! This ensures that returns an array of promises, each of which delivers a Widget objects.
}).then(function() {
var promisedWidget = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
return Parse.Promise.when( {
return'getWineStats', {
}).then(function(stat) {
Widget.stat = stat;
return Widget;
}).then(function() {
var promisedWidget = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
_.each(promisedWidget, function(Widget) {
var createdAtObject = Widget.createdAt;
var strDate = createdAtObject.toString();
var createdAtDate = new Date(strDate);
timestamp = createdAtDate.getTime();
Widgets[timestamp] = Widget;
return Widgets;
}).then(function(Widgets) {
function(error) {
response.error("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
First, I echo Bergi's comment on indentation/matching parenthesis.
But ignoring that for a moment, at the heart of the code you have return query.find().then(...).then(...).then(...) but the flow from the first .then() to the second is incorrect. Besides which, only two .then()s are necessary as the code in the first then is synchronous, so can be merged with the second.
Delete the two lines above for (var key in Widgets) { then at least Widgets will be available to be processed further.
Going slightly further, you should be able to do all the required processing of results in a single loop. There seems to be little pont in building Widgets with _.each(...) then looping through the resulting object with for (var key in Widgets) {...}.
In the single loop, you probably want a Parse.Promise.when( pattern, each turn of the map returning a promise of a Widget. This way, you are passing the required data down the promise chain rather than building a Widgets object in an outer scope.
Do all this and you will end up with something like this :
Parse.Cloud.define("extract", function(request, response) {
var user = request.params.user;
... .then(function() {
return query.find().then(function(results) {
return Parse.Promise.when( {
var Widget = ...;//some transform of `result`
return'extractWidgetData', {
'widget_data': Widget.widget_data,
}).then(function(newresult) { =;
return Widget;//<<<<<<< important! This ensures that returns an array of promises, each of which delivers a Widget objects.
}).then(function() {
//Here, compose the required Widgets array from this function's arguments
var Widgets = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);//Yay, we got Widgets
}, function(error) {
response.error("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);

prototype ajax, undefined json after second setTimeout

Having problem with prototype ajax and setTimeout. Here is my code shortened:
//new ajax request
....onComplete: function (transport) { //json as this -> array[$i].something
var json = transport.responseJSON;
var $i = 0;
window.setTimeout(function () {
500); //display every json[$i] with custom delay
function SLOW() {
if (json[$i].something !== null) { //insert in proper div id in the html document
window.setTimeout(function () {
$('document_div' + json[$i].something).innerHTML = json[$i].something_to_display;
window.setTimeout(function () {
$('document_div' + json[$i].something).innerHTML = json[$i].something_to_display;
1000);...window.setTimeout(function () {
} else {
//stop and continue
Getting this error: json[$i] is undefined.
EDIT: looks like i'm getting this error on second timeout, the first one changes the div correctly.
Solution was to re-var json again before using it in setTimeout.
var json_something = json[$i].something; //and so on...
var json_something_to_display = json[$i].something_to_display
window.setTimeout(function() { $('document_div'+json_something).innerHTML = json_something_to_display; }, 500);
Can somebody explain why this is needed? Why varing json is not enough and it disapears somewhere after one window.setTimeout function?
