Ruby: Help improving hashing algorithm - ruby

I am still relatively new to ruby as a language, but I know there are a lot of convenience methods built into the language. I am trying to generate a "hash" to check against in a low level block-chain verifier and I am wondering if there are any "convenience methods" that I could you to try to make this hashing algorithm more efficient. I think I can make this more efficient by utilizing ruby's max integer size, but I'm not sure.
Below is the current code which takes in a string to hash, unpacks it into an array of UTF-8 values, does computationally intensive math to each one of those values, adds up all of those values after the math is done to them, takes that value modulo 65,536, and then returns the hex representation of that value.
def generate_hash(string)
unpacked_string = string.unpack('U*')
sum = 0
unpacked_string.each do |x|
sum += (x**2000) * ((x + 2)**21) - ((x + 5)**3)
new_val = sum % 65_536 # Gives a number from 0 to 65,535
On very large block-chains there is a very large performance hit which I am trying to get around. Any help would be great!

First and foremost, it is extremely unlikely that you are going to create anything that is more efficient than simply using String#hash. This is a case of you trying to build a better mousetrap.
Honestly, your hashing algorithm is very inefficient. The entire point of a hash is to be a fast, low-overhead way of quickly getting a "unique" (as unique as possible) integer to represent any object to avoid comparing by values.
Using that as a premise, if you start doing any type of intense computation in a hash algorithm, it is already counter-productive. Once you start implementing modulo and pow functions, it is inefficient.
Usually best practice involves taking a value(s) of the object that can be represented as integers, and performing bit operations on them, typically with prime numbers to help reduce hash collisions.
def hash
h = value1 ^ 393
h += value2 ^ 17
In your example, you are for some reason forcing the hash to the max value of a 16-bit unsigned integer, when typically 32-bits is used, although if you are comparing on the Ruby-side, this would be 31-bits due to how Ruby masks Fixnum values. Fixnum was deprecated on the Ruby side as it should have been, but internally the same threshold exists between what how a Bignum and Fixnum are handled. The Integer class simply provides one interface on the Ruby side, as those two really should never have been exposed outside of the C code.
In your specific example using strings, I would simply symbolize them. This guarantees a quick and efficient way that determines if two strings are equal without hardly any overhead, and comparing 2 symbols is the exact same as comparing 2 integers. There is a caveat to this method if you are comparing a vast number of strings. Once a symbol is created, it is alive for the life of the program. Any additional strings that equal to it will return the same symbol, but you cannot remove the memory of the symbol (just a few bytes) for as long as the program runs. Not good if using this method to compare thousands and thousands of unique strings.


Algorithms to represent a set of integers with only one integer

This may not be a programming question but it's a problem that arised recently at work. Some background: big C development with special interest in performance.
I've a set of integers and want to test the membership of another given integer. I would love to implement an algorithm that can check it with a minimal set of algebraic functions, using only a integer to represent the whole space of integers contained in the first set.
I've tried a composite Cantor pairing function for instance, but with a 30 element set it seems too complicated, and focusing in performance it makes no sense. I played with some operations, like XORing and negating, but it gives me low estimations on membership. Then I tried with successions of additions and finally got lost.
Any ideas?
For sets of unsigned long of size 30, the following is one fairly obvious way to do it:
store each set as a sorted array, 30 * sizeof(unsigned long) bytes per set.
to look up an integer, do a few steps of a binary search, followed by a linear search (profile in order to figure out how many steps of binary search is best - my wild guess is 2 steps, but you might find out different, and of course if you test bsearch and it's fast enough, you can just use it).
So the next question is why you want a big-maths solution, which will tell me what's wrong with this solution other than "it is insufficiently pleasing".
I suspect that any big-math solution will be slower than this. A single arithmetic operation on an N-digit number takes at least linear time in N. A single number to represent a set can't be very much smaller than the elements of the set laid end to end with a separator in between. So even a linear search in the set is about as fast as a single arithmetic operation on a big number. With the possible exception of a Goedel representation, which could do it in one division once you've found the nth prime number, any clever mathematical representation of sets is going to take multiple arithmetic operations to establish membership.
Note also that there are two different reasons you might care about the performance of "look up an integer in a set":
You are looking up lots of different integers in a single set, in which case you might be able to go faster by constructing a custom lookup function for that data. Of course in C that means you need either (a) a simple virtual machine to execute that "function", or (b) runtime code generation, or (c) to know the set at compile time. None of which is necessarily easy.
You are looking up the same integer in lots of different sets (to get a sequence of all the sets it belongs to), in which case you might benefit from a combined representation of all the sets you care about, rather than considering each set separately.
I suppose that very occasionally, you might be looking up lots of different integers, each in a different set, and so neither of the reasons applies. If this is one of them, you can ignore that stuff.
One good start is to try Bloom Filters.
Basically, it's a probabilistic data structure that gives you no false negative, but some false positive. So when an integer matches a bloom filter, you then have to check if it really matches the set, but it's a big speedup by reducing a lot the number of sets to check.
if i'd understood your correctly, python example:
>>> a=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
>>> len_a = len(a)
>>> b = [1]
>>> if len(set(a) - set(b)) < len_a:
... print 'this integer exists in set'
this integer exists in set
math base:

Converting a unique seed string into a random, yet deterministic, float value in Ruby

I'm having a hard time with this, conceptually.
Basically, I need to accept some arbitrary unique string, and be able to convert that to a normalized float value. What the output float value is doesn't really matter, so long as the same string input always results in the same normalized float output.
So this is a hashing algorithm right? I'm familiar with SHA1 or MD5, and this seems similar to password hashing where the result is the same for the correct password. But those methods output strings of characters, I believe. And what I'm not getting is how I would turn the result of a SHA1 or MD5 into a consistent float value.
# Goal
def string_to_float(seed_string)
# ...
string_to_float('abc-123') #=> 0.15789
string_to_float('abc-123') #=> 0.15789
string_to_float('def-456') #=> 0.57654
string_to_float('def-456') #=> 0.57654
So what kind of approach in Ruby can I take that would turn an arbitrary string into a random but consistent float value?
The key part that you want is a way of converting a SHA1 or MD5 hash output into a float that is both deterministic and 1-1. Here's a simple solution based on md5. This could be used as integers too.
require 'digest/md5'
class String
def float_hash
puts "example_string".float_hash # returns 1.3084281619666243e+38
This generates a hexadecimal hash, then converts it to an integer, then converts that to a float. Each step is deterministic.
Note: as pointed out by #emboss, this reduces collision resistance because a double is 8 bytes and the hash is 16 bytes. It shouldn't be a big deal though by the sounds of your application.
If security is no issue, what you are describing is in my opinion not a hash function. A hash function is a one-way function, meaning computing the hash is easy but reverting it is "hard" or, ideally, impossible.
Your requirements instead describe an injective function Given any x1, x2 in your domain X the following holds:
For all x1, x2 element of X, x1 != x2 => f(x1) != f(x2)
f(x) = x is such a function, f(x) = x² is not. In plain English: you want to have different results if your inputs are different, same results only if the inputs are the same. It is true that this also is true for secure hashes, but they additionally provide the one-way characteristics such as the property of not being able (easily) to find x if you are only given f(x), among others. As far as I understood, you don't need these security properties.
Trivially, such an injective mapping from String to Float would be given by simply interpreting the "String bytes" as "Float bytes" from now on, i.e. you interpret the bytes differently (think C:
unsigned char *bytes = "...";
double d = (double)bytes;
). But, there is as downside to this - the real trouble is that Float has a maximum precision, so you will run into an overflow situation if your strings are too long (Floats are internally represented as double values, that's 8 bytes on a 32 bit machine). So not enough space for almost any use case. Even MD5-ing your strings first doesn't solve the problem - MD5 output is already 16 bytes long.
So this could be a real problem, depending on your exact requirements. Although MD5 (or any other hash) will mess sufficiently with the input to make it as random as possible, you still cut the range of possible values from 16 bytes to effectively 8 bytes. (Note: Truncating random 16 byte output at 8 bytes is generally considered "secure" in terms of preserving the randomness. Elliptic Curve Cryptography does something similar. But as far as I know, nobody can really prove it, but neither could someone prove the contrary so far). So a collision is much more likely with your restricted Float range. By the birthday paradox, finding a collision takes sqrt(number of values in a finite range) tries. For MD5 this is 2^64, but for your scheme it's only 2^32. That's still very, very unlikely to produce a collision. It's probably something in the order of winning the lottery while at the same time being hit by a lightning. If you could live with this minimal possibility, go for it:
def string_to_float(str)'D')
If uniqueness is of absolute priority I would recommend to move from floats to integers. Ruby has built-in support for large integers that are not restricted by the internal constraints of a long value (that's what a Fixnum boils down to). So any arbitrary hash output could be represented as a large integer number.
Yes, you are describing a hashing algorithm. You could use a MD5 or SHA1 digest (since they just produce random bits) to generate a floating point number simply by using the String#unpack method with an argument of "G" (double-precision float, network byte order) from a digest:
require 'digest/sha1'
def string_to_float(str)
string_to_float("abc-123") # => -2.86011943713676e-154
string_to_float("def-456") # => -1.13232994606094e+214
string_to_float("abc-123") # => -2.86011943713676e-154 OK!
string_to_float("def-456") # => -1.13232994606094e+214 OK!
Note that if you want the resulting floats to be in a particular range then you'll need to do some massaging.
Also note that the unpacked number doesn't use all of the bits from the digest so you might want to combine into the number of bytes for a double floating point number (although you'll have to be careful not to decrease the entropy of the hash function, if you care about that sort of thing), e.g.:
def str2float(s)
d = Digest::SHA1.digest(s)
x, y = d[0..9], d[10..19]
# XOR the 1st (x) and 2nd (y) halves to use all bits.
(0..9).map {|i| x[i] ^ y[i]}.pack("c*").unpack("G")[0]

A function where small changes in input always result in large changes in output

I would like an algorithm for a function that takes n integers and returns one integer. For small changes in the input, the resulting integer should vary greatly. Even though I've taken a number of courses in math, I have not used that knowledge very much and now I need some help...
An important property of this function should be that if it is used with coordinate pairs as input and the result is plotted (as a grayscale value for example) on an image, any repeating patterns should only be visible if the image is very big.
I have experimented with various algorithms for pseudo-random numbers with little success and finally it struck me that md5 almost meets my criteria, except that it is not for numbers (at least not from what I know). That resulted in something like this Python prototype (for n = 2, it could easily be changed to take a list of integers of course):
import hashlib
def uniqnum(x, y):
return int(hashlib.md5(str(x) + ',' + str(y)).hexdigest()[-6:], 16)
But obviously it feels wrong to go over strings when both input and output are integers. What would be a good replacement for this implementation (in pseudo-code, python, or whatever language)?
A "hash" is the solution created to solve exactly the problem you are describing. See wikipedia's article
Any hash function you use will be nice; hash functions tend to be judged based on these criteria:
The degree to which they prevent collisions (two separate inputs producing the same output) -- a by-product of this is the degree to which the function minimizes outputs that may never be reached from any input.
The uniformity the distribution of its outputs given a uniformly distributed set of inputs
The degree to which small changes in the input create large changes in the output.
(see perfect hash function)
Given how hard it is to create a hash function that maximizes all of these criteria, why not just use one of the most commonly used and relied-on existing hash functions there already are?
From what it seems, turning integers into strings almost seems like another layer of encryption! (which is good for your purposes, I'd assume)
However, your question asks for hash functions that deal specifically with numbers, so here we go.
Hash functions that work over the integers
If you want to borrow already-existing algorithms, you may want to dabble in pseudo-random number generators
One simple one is the middle square method:
Take a digit number
Square it
Chop off the digits and leave the middle digits with the same length as your original.
1111 => 01234321 => 2342
so, 1111 would be "hashed" to 2342, in the middle square method.
This way isn't that effective, but for a few number of hashes, this has very low collision rates, a uniform distribution, and great chaos-potential (small changes => big changes). But if you have many values, time to look for something else...
The grand-daddy of all feasibly efficient and simple random number generators is the (Mersenne Twister)[]. In fact, an implementation is probably out there for every programming language imaginable. Your hash "input" is something that will be called a "seed" in their terminology.
In conclusion
Nothing wrong with string-based hash functions
If you want to stick with the integers and be fancy, try using your number as a seed for a pseudo-random number generator.
Hashing fits your requirements perfectly. If you really don't want to use strings, find a Hash library that will take numbers or binary data. But using strings here looks OK to me.
Bob Jenkins' mix function is a classic choice, at when n=3.
As others point out, hash functions do exactly what you want. Hashes take bytes - not character strings - and return bytes, and converting between integers and bytes is, of course, simple. Here's an example python function that works on 32 bit integers, and outputs a 32 bit integer:
import hashlib
import struct
def intsha1(ints):
input = struct.pack('>%di' % len(ints), *ints)
output = hashlib.sha1(input).digest()
return struct.unpack('>i', output[:4])
It can, of course, be easily adapted to work with different length inputs and outputs.
Have a look at this, may be you can be inspired
Chaotic system
In chaotic dynamics, small changes vary results greatly.
A x-bit block cipher will take an number and convert it effectively to another number. You could combine (sum/mult?) your input numbers and cipher them, or iteratively encipher each number - similar to a CBC or chained mode. Google 'format preserving encyption'. It is possible to create a 32-bit block cipher (not widely 'available') and use this to create a 'hashed' output. Main difference between hash and encryption, is that hash is irreversible.

Hashtables/Dictionaries that use floats/doubles

I read somewhere about other data structures similar to hashtables, dictionaries but instead of using ints, they were using floats/doubles, etc.
Anyone knows what they are?
If you mean using floats/doubles as keys in your hash, that's easy. For example, in .NET, it's just using Dictionary<double,MyValueType>.
If you're talking about having the hash be based off a double instead of an int....
Technically, you can have any element as your internal hash. Normally, this is done using an int or long, since these are fast, and the hashing algorithm is easy to compute.
However, the hash is really just a BitArray at heart, so anything would work. There really isn't much advantage to making this something other than an int or long, other than potentially allowing a larger set of hash values (ie: if you go to an 8 byte or larger type for your hash).
You mean as keys? That strikes me as tricky.
If you're using them as arbitrary keys, they're no better than integers.
If you expect to calculate a floating-point value and use it to look something up in a hash table, you're living very dangerously. Floating point numbers do not have infinite precision, and calculating the same thing in two slightly different ways can result in very tiny differences in the result. Hash keys rely on getting the exact same thing every time, so you'd have to be careful to round, and round in exactly the same way at all times. This is trickier than it sounds, by the way.
So, what would you do with floating-point hashes?
A hash algorithm is, in general terms, just a function that produces a smaller output from a larger input. Good hash functions have interesting properties like a large change in output for a small change in the input, and an assurance that they produce every possible output value for some input.
It's not hard to write a simple polynomial type hash function that outputs a floating-point value, rather than an integer value, but it's difficult to ensure that the resulting hash function has the desired properties without getting into the details of the particular floating-point representation used.
At least part of the reason that hash functions are nearly always implemented in integer arithmetic is because proving various properties about an integer calculation is easier than doing the same for a floating point calculation.
It's fairly easy to prove that some (sum of prime factors) modulo (another prime) must, necessarily, produce every possible output for some input. Doing the same for a calculation with a bunch of floating-point fractions would be a drag.
Add to that the relative difficulty of storing and transmitting floating-point values without corruption, and it's just not worth it.
Your question history shows that you use .Net, so I'll answer in that context.
If you want a Dictionary that is type aware, such that you can specify it should use floats or doubles for the keys or values, use System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<T, U>
If you want a Dictionary that is type blind, such that you can use floats AND doubles for keys and values, use System.Collections.HashTable

What is a good Hash Function?

What is a good Hash function? I saw a lot of hash function and applications in my data structures courses in college, but I mostly got that it's pretty hard to make a good hash function. As a rule of thumb to avoid collisions my professor said that:
function Hash(key)
return key mod PrimeNumber
(mod is the % operator in C and similar languages)
with the prime number to be the size of the hash table. I get that is a somewhat good function to avoid collisions and a fast one, but how can I make a better one? Is there better hash functions for string keys against numeric keys?
There's no such thing as a “good hash function” for universal hashes (ed. yes, I know there's such a thing as “universal hashing” but that's not what I meant). Depending on the context different criteria determine the quality of a hash. Two people already mentioned SHA. This is a cryptographic hash and it isn't at all good for hash tables which you probably mean.
Hash tables have very different requirements. But still, finding a good hash function universally is hard because different data types expose different information that can be hashed. As a rule of thumb it is good to consider all information a type holds equally. This is not always easy or even possible. For reasons of statistics (and hence collision), it is also important to generate a good spread over the problem space, i.e. all possible objects. This means that when hashing numbers between 100 and 1050 it's no good to let the most significant digit play a big part in the hash because for ~ 90% of the objects, this digit will be 0. It's far more important to let the last three digits determine the hash.
Similarly, when hashing strings it's important to consider all characters – except when it's known in advance that the first three characters of all strings will be the same; considering these then is a waste.
This is actually one of the cases where I advise to read what Knuth has to say in The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 3. Another good read is Julienne Walker's The Art of Hashing.
For doing "normal" hash table lookups on basically any kind of data - this one by Paul Hsieh is the best I've ever used.
If you care about cryptographically secure or anything else more advanced, then YMMV. If you just want a kick ass general purpose hash function for a hash table lookup, then this is what you're looking for.
There are two major purposes of hashing functions:
to disperse data points uniformly into n bits.
to securely identify the input data.
It's impossible to recommend a hash without knowing what you're using it for.
If you're just making a hash table in a program, then you don't need to worry about how reversible or hackable the algorithm is... SHA-1 or AES is completely unnecessary for this, you'd be better off using a variation of FNV. FNV achieves better dispersion (and thus fewer collisions) than a simple prime mod like you mentioned, and it's more adaptable to varying input sizes.
If you're using the hashes to hide and authenticate public information (such as hashing a password, or a document), then you should use one of the major hashing algorithms vetted by public scrutiny. The Hash Function Lounge is a good place to start.
This is an example of a good one and also an example of why you would never want to write one.
It is a Fowler / Noll / Vo (FNV) Hash which is equal parts computer science genius and pure voodoo:
unsigned fnv_hash_1a_32 ( void *key, int len ) {
unsigned char *p = key;
unsigned h = 0x811c9dc5;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x01000193;
return h;
unsigned long long fnv_hash_1a_64 ( void *key, int len ) {
unsigned char *p = key;
unsigned long long h = 0xcbf29ce484222325ULL;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x100000001b3ULL;
return h;
Landon Curt Noll recommends on his site the FVN-1A algorithm over the original FVN-1 algorithm: The improved algorithm better disperses the last byte in the hash. I adjusted the algorithm accordingly.
I'd say that the main rule of thumb is not to roll your own. Try to use something that has been thoroughly tested, e.g., SHA-1 or something along those lines.
A good hash function has the following properties:
Given a hash of a message it is computationally infeasible for an attacker to find another message such that their hashes are identical.
Given a pair of message, m' and m, it is computationally infeasible to find two such that that h(m) = h(m')
The two cases are not the same. In the first case, there is a pre-existing hash that you're trying to find a collision for. In the second case, you're trying to find any two messages that collide. The second task is significantly easier due to the birthday "paradox."
Where performance is not that great an issue, you should always use a secure hash function. There are very clever attacks that can be performed by forcing collisions in a hash. If you use something strong from the outset, you'll secure yourself against these.
Don't use MD5 or SHA-1 in new designs. Most cryptographers, me included, would consider them broken. The principle source of weakness in both of these designs is that the second property, which I outlined above, does not hold for these constructions. If an attacker can generate two messages, m and m', that both hash to the same value they can use these messages against you. SHA-1 and MD5 also suffer from message extension attacks, which can fatally weaken your application if you're not careful.
A more modern hash such as Whirpool is a better choice. It does not suffer from these message extension attacks and uses the same mathematics as AES uses to prove security against a variety of attacks.
Hope that helps!
What you're saying here is you want to have one that uses has collision resistance. Try using SHA-2. Or try using a (good) block cipher in a one way compression function (never tried that before), like AES in Miyaguchi-Preenel mode. The problem with that is that you need to:
1) have an IV. Try using the first 256 bits of the fractional parts of Khinchin's constant or something like that.
2) have a padding scheme. Easy. Barrow it from a hash like MD5 or SHA-3 (Keccak [pronounced 'ket-chak']).
If you don't care about the security (a few others said this), look at FNV or lookup2 by Bob Jenkins (actually I'm the first one who reccomends lookup2) Also try MurmurHash, it's fast (check this: .16 cpb).
A good hash function should
be bijective to not loose information, where possible, and have the least collisions
cascade as much and as evenly as possible, i.e. each input bit should flip every output bit with probability 0.5 and without obvious patterns.
if used in a cryptographic context there should not exist an efficient way to invert it.
A prime number modulus does not satisfy any of these points. It is simply insufficient. It is often better than nothing, but it's not even fast. Multiplying with an unsigned integer and taking a power-of-two modulus distributes the values just as well, that is not well at all, but with only about 2 cpu cycles it is much faster than the 15 to 40 a prime modulus will take (yes integer division really is that slow).
To create a hash function that is fast and distributes the values well the best option is to compose it from fast permutations with lesser qualities like they did with PCG for random number generation.
Useful permutations, among others, are:
multiplication with an uneven integer
binary rotations
Following this recipe we can create our own hash function or we take splitmix which is tested and well accepted.
If cryptographic qualities are needed I would highly recommend to use a function of the sha family, which is well tested and standardised, but for educational purposes this is how you would make one:
First you take a good non-cryptographic hash function, then you apply a one-way function like exponentiation on a prime field or k many applications of (n*(n+1)/2) mod 2^k interspersed with an xorshift when k is the number of bits in the resulting hash.
I highly recommend the SMhasher GitHub project which is a test suite for hash functions. The fastest state-of-the-art non-cryptographic hash functions without known quality problems are listed here:
Different application scenarios have different design requirements for hash algorithms, but a good hash function should have the following three points:
Collision Resistance: try to avoid conflicts. If it is difficult to find two inputs that are hashed to the same output, the hash function is anti-collision
Tamper Resistant: As long as one byte is changed, its hash value will be very different.
Computational Efficiency: Hash table is an algorithm that can make a trade-off between time consumption and space consumption.
In 2022, we can choose the SHA-2 family to use in secure encryption, SHA-3 it is safer but has greater performance loss. A safer approach is to add salt and mix encryption., we can choose the SHA-2 family to use in secure encryption, SHA-3 it is safer but has greater performance loss. A safer approach is to add salt and mix encryption.
