Make rebuilds everytime - gcc

I have a Makefile as :
_OBJ := a.o b.o
.PHONY: clean
python ../script/
all: create_code $(_OBJ)
$(_OBJ): %.o: %.c
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_PATH) -c $< -o $#
cp *.o $(BUILD_DIR)
The target create_code executes the python script and generates a set of .c/.h files.
The target _obj compiles them.
Every time I run make all , create_code target is run even though there is no change to .c/.h generated earlier .
Any suggestions on why this is happening and how to make this create_code target run only if make clean was done earlier .

The underlying problem is that you have one or more generated files that depend on something other than the underlying file system -- namely the contents of your database.
One possibility would be to take advantage of the fact that make, having invoked a rule to rebuild a target will, nonetheless, always check the update time of that target when it is specified as a prerequisite in any other rule.
So, given the rule (untested)...
%.c: FORCE
command-to-generate-source $#.tmp
diff -q $#.tmp $# || cp $#.tmp $#
Invoking make foo.c from the command line. make will run the commands...
command-to-generate-source foo.c.tmp
diff -q foo.c.tmp foo.c || cp foo.c.tmp foo.c
where command-to-generate-source foo.c.tmp is expected to leave its output in foo.c.tmp. If the newly generated output file is different than the existing file the cp operation will be run and, hence, the target timestamp will be updated and anything dependent on the target will be updated accordingly.
If, however, the newly generated output file is the same as the existing one then no cp will be run, the target file will be left untouched and make will not consider it to be changed when it appears as a prerequisite in other rules.
This is just one possibility but it's the obvious one given that you already have most (if not all) of the required logic in the command python ../script/


Makefile does not recognize pattern rule

I'm really struggling in understanding why the following makefile won't work:
all: buildFolders main.out
mv main.out build/
-echo "File compiled"
mkdir -p build src
cp *.c src/
%.s: %.c
gcc -S $< -o $#
%.out: src/%.s
gcc $< -o $#
It is executed in a folder containing only the makefile and a main.c file. It should build the src and build folder, copy the main.c in the src folder and then start compiling the main.out. Unfortunately it throws the error "no rule to make target 'main.out'". Since I have the %.out that matches 'main.out' I don't see why it gives me that error. Instead it should look for the src/main.s file, create it and then use it to generate the main.out.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks
You have a number of problems.
First, listing prerequisites in order doesn't create a dependency relationship. If, for example, you ever wanted to enable parallel builds then this:
all: buildFolders main.out
doesn't force the buildFolders target to be built before main.out. These two targets both must be built before all but this doesn't tell make that there's any relationship between buildFolders and main.out. If buildFolders must be completed before main.out can be built then main.out must list buildFolders as a prerequisite.
Second, you haven't told make how to build a file src/main.c. It's built as a side-effect of the buildFolders target, but make can't know that. You need to explain to make that this file can exist. I recommend adding a rule:
src/%.c: %.c
mkdir -p src
cp $< $#
and removing the buildFolders target altogether.
However, I really question why you want to do this anyway. What's the point of copying the source files in the current directory to some sub-directory to build them? It's dangerous and confusing to have multiple copies of source files lying around because they can get out of sync with each other, then you're building older versions and you spend hours trying to understand why something doesn't work. It's a really bad idea.

GNU Make Skipping Straight to Linking

I have a makefile that for various reasons relies on a supporting python script to run every time and grab files from several external locations, copy into working directory, and run through a separate preprocessor before compiling.
This makefile must be able to be run in parallel (-j8) so the order of processing cannot be guaranteed.
In trying to explicitly specify prerequisites, I have created a situation where make skips all object files, goes straight to linking, and fails because the necessary objects do not exist. On a second run, all the objects already exist (the preprocess step skips the files that already exist) and all the files are compiled and linked properly.
When run without -j# everything works fine, but the moment I add -j2, the skipping begins.
Following is an example make file:
GEN_FILES := file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp
CXX_FILES := bin_main.cpp $(GEN_FILES)
OBJ_FILES := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(CXX_FILES))
.PHONY : all clean prepare
all : bin_file
prepare :
# Copy and preprocess all source files
[ -f file1.cpp ] || cp d1/file1.cpp .
[ -f file2.cpp ] || cp d2/file2.cpp .
[ -f file3.cpp ] || cp d3/file3.cpp .
$(OBJ_FILES) : prepare
bin_file : $(OBJ_FILES)
[ -f file1.o ] && [ -f file2.o ] && [ -f file3.o ] && touch bin_file
%.o : %.cpp
#echo "Compiling $<..."
[ -f $< ] && touch $#
clean :
$(RM) *.o
$(RM) file*
$(RM) bin_file
How can I get this to build in one go, first running prepare to collect all files and then compiling and linking as necessary?
As code_fodder mentions the issue is the creation of the source files.
Basically what happens is, you have not told make how to create these source files, so as far as make knows they don't exist and there's no way to create them. So when make wants to build, for example, file1.o it looks at your pattern rule and finds it could build file1.o from file1.cpp. So then it looks for how to build file1.cpp. No file1.cpp exists, and there is no rule that make knows of that will build it, so make ignores that pattern rule as not matching.
Then make sees the target:
$(OBJ_FILES) : prepare
so it thinks there's no recipe needed to create the object files, and just runs the link line. The next time through, make sees the prepared source files (from the previous build) and then it can use your pattern rule.
If you change your pattern rule to a static pattern rule, where you explicitly tell make exactly what rule to use instead of providing it with a possible rule to use that it can ignore if it doesn't match (which is what a pattern rule is), you'll see the error:
$(OBJ_FILES): %.o : %.cpp
#echo "Compiling $<..."
sleep 1
[ -f $< ] && touch $#
will tell you:
make: *** No rule to make target 'file1.cpp', needed by 'file1.o'. Stop.
Remember, make is looking for a matching pattern rule BEFORE it actually builds anything: it doesn't want to build every possible prerequisite of every possible matching pattern rule, to decide whether or not at the end of it the rule can be used. The rule is matched based on the current state of the filesystem plus rules you have given make about changes it could make. Make has no idea that if it were to invoke the prepare target the source files it was looking for would magically come into existence.
Your basic problem is that this statement is the wrong dependency relationship:
$(OBJ_FILES) : prepare
It's not really true that the object files depend on prepare; what's true is that the PREPARED SOURCE FILES depend on prepare. The object files depend only the "prepared" source files, as your pattern rules shows. This rule should be written, instead:
$(GEN_FILES): prepare
If you do this with -j everything will wait as you want.
Yeah, this gets messy / difficult. The problem you have is that you can specify prerequisite lists - that can work in order, but as soon as you start to use -j then make can start processing prerequisites in any old order. So bin_file requires $(OBJ_FILES) which require prepare. Then %.o requires the same named %.cpp file - which it can do for main.o, but not the filex.o since they don't exist yet - but it tries anyway and fails - in the mean time make (in parallel) is potentially starting to generate the .cpp files, but by this time its too late...etc...
My Prerequisites Build Pattern
I use a very specific prerequisites pattern of my own design - some might frown upon - but I have carefully considered this over the years and found it to be optimal for me.
I create a rule called build or something - which requires build_prerequisites target and then calls make to do the actual build once this is complete:
.PHONY: build
build: build_prerequisites
#echo "start_build"
#$(MAKE) bin_file
This means that build_prerequisites is always run first before the recipe runs. You cant seem to achieve the same forcing of order (at least not easily) using just dependencies. I.e. a list of dependencies can be run in any order with -j, but the rule recipe is always run last.
Now we have this pattern we can fill in the rest. First the build_prerequisites target which does your file generation - I am using echo in my example because I don't have your python script:
.PHONY: build_prerequisites
#echo "build_prerequisites"
echo "create file1" > file1.cpp
echo "create file2" > file2.cpp
echo "create file3" > file3.cpp
Finally add in the c++ compile and link stages - these will be run with the single recursive make call from build - i.e. $(MAKE) bin_file (again I am using echo to create the files in my example):
%.o : %.cpp
#echo "compiling: $<"
##echo "$(CXX) $(SRC_INCLUDES) $(LIB_INCLUDES) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#"
#echo "touch" > $#
bin_file : $(OBJ_FILES)
#echo "linking: $<"
#echo $(CXX) $(SRC_INCLUDES) $^ $(LIB_INCLUDES) $(LDFLAGS) -o $#
#echo "touch" > $#
Here is the output from my test program (using echo) and main.cpp already exists usingn -j10:
make -j10
echo "create file1" > file1.cpp
echo "create file2" > file2.cpp
echo "create file3" > file3.cpp
make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/d/software/ubuntu/make'
compile: bin_main.cpp
compile: file1.cpp
compile: file2.cpp
compile: file3.cpp
link: bin_main.o
g++ bin_main.o file1.o file2.o file3.o -o bin_file
make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/d/software/ubuntu/make'
Note: if I put a sleep 1 in the "compile" rule - this still takes only 1 second for all 4 files to compile.
Put it all together
GEN_FILES := file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp
CXX_FILES := bin_main.cpp $(GEN_FILES)
OBJ_FILES := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(CXX_FILES))
###### STAGE 1
.PHONY: build
build: build_prerequisites
#echo "start_build"
#$(MAKE) bin_file
.PHONY: build_prerequisites
#echo "build_prerequisites" $(CXX_FILES) $(SEARCH_DIRS) . $(CFG_FILES) $(SEARCH_DIRS) .
###### STAGE 2
%.o : %.cpp
#echo "compiling: $<"
bin_file : $(OBJ_FILES)
#echo "linking: $<"
.PHONY: clean
clean :
#$(RM) *.o
#$(RM) file*
I have attempted to use your actual code, but I have no way to test this so there may be a bug in there. I split it up into 2 "stages" for clarity. Stage 1 is done in your makeor make build call, then state 2 is done in the recursive make call in the build recipe.

How can I build HTML with a Makefile with backlinks?

I am trying to statically build HTML files that requires a markdown file and a meta file called "whatlinkshere" for the HTML file to demonstrate its back links.
I believe it can be effeciently done by a Makefile, by first generating all the "whatlinkshere" files. I don't think this can be done in parallel, because the program that generates these files needs to append to the whatlinkshere files, and there could be race conditions that I am not quite sure how to solve.
Once the "whatlinkshere" files are generated then if a markdown file is edited, say foo.mdwn to point to bar.mdwn, only foo.mdwn needs to be analysed again for "whatlinkshere" changes. And finally only foo.html and bar.html need to be rebuilt.
I am struggling to accomplish this in my backlinks project.
INFILES = $(shell find . -name "*.mdwn")
OUTFILES = $(INFILES:.mdwn=.html)
LINKFILES = $(INFILES:.mdwn=.whatlinkshere)
all: $(OUTFILES)
# These need to be all made before the HTML is processed
#echo Creating backlinks $#
#touch $#
#go run backlinks.go $<
%.html: %.mdwn %.whatlinkshere
#echo Deps $^
#cmark $^ > $#
Current problems here is that *.whatlinkshere** aren't being generated on first run. My workaround is for i in *.mdwn; do go run backlinks.go $i; done. Furthermore there are not rebuilding as I want after editing a file as described earlier. Something is horribly wrong. What am I missing?
I think I finally understood your problem. If I understood well:
You have a bunch of *.mdwn source files.
You generate *.whatlinkshere files from your *.mdwn source files using the backlinks.go utility. But this utility does not produce foo.whatlinkshere from foo.mdwn. It analyzes foo.mdwn, searches for links to other pages in it and, for each link to bar it finds, it appends a [foo](foo.html) reference to bar.whatlinkshere.
From each foo.mdwn source file you want to build a corresponding foo.html file with:
$ cmark foo.mdwn foo.whatlinkshere
Your rule:
#echo Creating backlinks $#
#touch $#
#go run backlinks.go $<
contains one error and has several drawbacks. The error is the use of the $< automatic variable in the recipe. It expands as the first prerequisite, that is probably always pageA.mdwn in your case. Not what you want. $^ expands as all prerequisites but it is not the correct solution because:
your go utility takes only one source file name, but even if it was accepting several...
...make will run the recipe several times, one per link file, which is a waste, and... your go utility appends to the link files it will even be worse than a waste: back links will be counted several times each, and...
...if make runs in parallel mode (note that you can prevent this with make -j1 or by adding the .NOTPARALLEL: special rule to your Makefile, but it is a pity) there is a risk of race conditions.
Important: the following works only with a flat organization where all source files and HTML files are in the same directory as the Makefile. Other organizations are possible, of course, but they would require some modifications.
First option using multi-targets pattern rules
One possibility is to use a special property of make pattern rules: when they have several targets make considers that one single execution of the recipe produces all targets. For instance:
pageA.w%e pageB.w%e pageC.w%e: pageA.mdwn pageB.mdwn pageC.mdwn
for m in $^; do go run backlinks.go $$m; done
tells make that pageA.whatlinkshere, pageB.whatlinkshere and pageC.whatlinkshere are all generated by one execution of:
for m in pageA.mdwn pageB.mdwn pageC.mdwn; do go run backlinks.go $m; done
(make expands $^ as all prerequisites and $$m as $m). Of course, we want to automate the computation of the pageA.w%e pageB.w%e pageC.w%e pattern targets list. This should make it:
INFILES := $(shell find . -name "*.mdwn")
OUTFILES := $(INFILES:.mdwn=.html)
LINKFILES := $(INFILES:.mdwn=.whatlinkshere)
LINKPATTERN := $(INFILES:.mdwn=.w%e)
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(OUTFILES)
# These need to be all made before the HTML is processed
#echo Creating backlinks
#rm -f $(LINKFILES)
#touch $(LINKFILES)
#for m in $^; do go run backlinks.go $$m; done
%.html: %.mdwn %.whatlinkshere
#echo Deps $^
#cmark $^ > $#
I declared all and clean as phony because... it is what they are.
I declared the whatlinkshere files as precious because (some of them) are considered by make as intermediates and without this declaration make would delete them after building the HTML files.
In the recipe for the whatlinkshere files I added rm -f $(LINKFILES) such that, if the recipe is executed, we restart from a clean state instead of concatenating new stuff to old (possibly outdated) references.
The pattern stem in the $(LINKPATTERN) can be anything but must match at least one character. I used w%e but whatlin%shere would work too. Use whatever is specific enough in your case. If you have a pageB.where file prefer whatlin%shere or what%here.
There is a drawback with this solution but it is due to your particular set-up: each time one single mdwn file changes it must be re-analyzed (which is normal) but any whatlinkshere file can be impacted. This is not predictable, it depends on the links that have been modified in this source file. But more problematic is the fact that the result of this analysis is appended to the impacted whatlinkshere files. They are not "edited" with the old content relative to this source file replaced by the new one. So, if you change just a comment in a source file, all its links will be appended again to the respective whatlinkshere files (while they are already there). This is probably not what you want.
This is why the solution above deletes all whatlinkshere files and re-analyzes all source files each time one single source file changes. And another negative consequence is that all HTML files must also be re-generated because all whatlinkshere files changed (even if their content did not really change, but make does not know this). If the analysis is super fast and you have a small number of mdwn files, it should be OK. Else it is sub-optimal but not easy to solve because of your particular set-up.
Second option using recursive make, separated back link files and marker files
There is a possibility, however, which consists in:
separating all back links references with one whatlinkshere file per from/to pair: foo.backlinks/bar.whatlinkshere contains all references to bar found in foo.mdwn,
using recursive make with one first invocation (when the STEP make variable is unset) to update all whatlinkshere files that need to be and a second invocation (STEP set to 2) to generate the HTML files that need to be,
using empty dummy files to mark that a foo.mdwn file has been analyzed: foo.backlinks/.done,
using the secondary expansion to be able to refer to the stem of a pattern rule in its list of prerequisites (and using $$ to escape the fist expansion).
But it is probably a bit more difficult to understand (and maintain).
INFILES := $(shell find . -name "*.mdwn")
OUTFILES := $(INFILES:.mdwn=.html)
DONEFILES := $(patsubst %.mdwn,%.backlinks/.done,$(INFILES))
.PHONY: all clean
ifeq ($(STEP),)
$(MAKE) STEP=2 $#
%.backlinks/.done: %.mdwn
rm -rf $(dir $#)
mkdir -p $(dir $#)
cp $< $(dir $#)
cd $(dir $#); go run ../backlinks.go $<; rm $<
touch $#
all: $(OUTFILES)
%.html: %.mdwn $$(wildcard *.backlinks/$$*.whatlinkshere)
#echo Deps $^
#cmark $^ > $#
rm -rf *.backlinks $(OUTFILES)
Even if it looks more complicated there are a few advantages with this version:
only outdated targets are rebuilt and only once each,
all whatlinkshere files are updated (if needed) before any HTML file is updated (if needed),
the whatlinkshere files can be built in parallel,
the HTML files can be built in parallel.
Third option using only recursive make and marker files
If you do not care about inaccurate results where back links persist in the results after they disappeared from the source files or where back links are uselessly replicated, we can reuse ideas from the previous solution but drop the separation in individual from/to whatlinkshere files.
INFILES := $(wildcard *.mdwn)
OUTFILES := $(patsubst %.mdwn,%.html,$(INFILES))
LINKFILES := $(patsubst %.mdwn,%.whatlinkshere,$(INFILES))
DONEFILES := $(patsubst %.mdwn,.%.done,$(INFILES))
.PHONY: all clean
ifeq ($(STEP),)
$(MAKE) STEP=2 $#
.%.done: %.mdwn
go run backlinks.go $<
touch $#
all: $(OUTFILES)
%.html: %.mdwn %.whatlinkshere
#echo Deps $^
#cmark $^ > $#
touch $#
As this works only for a flat organization I replaced the $(shell find...) by the make built-in $(wildcard ...).
I used patsubst instead of the old syntax but it's just a matter of taste.
The %.whatlinkshere: rule is a default rule to create the missing empty whatlinkshere files.
The NOTPARALLEL: special target prevents parallel execution when building the whatlinkshere files.

GNU Make Force Removal of Intermediate Files

I have a compiler that produces .c files from .ec files as an intermediate step. The compiler does not remove the .c file. The compiler cannot be asked to skip invocation of $CC to produce the .o file. I am trying to have GNU make (3.81) treat the .c files produced as intermediate files and clean them up. The following is an isolated example that reproduces the bad behavior with a file extension that has no implied rules.
cp $< $(<
cp $(< $#
all: test.o
To execute the test case:
rm -f test.*
if [[ -e test.delme ]]; then echo "Failure"; else echo "Success"; fi
Try using a pattern rule to tell make their your compiler produces both .o and .c files from the .ec source. And then declare all the c files as INTERMEDIATE. Pattern rules with multiple outputs work differently than non-pattern rules. Make will run pattern rules only once to produce all output files from the rule, while static rules will be run for each output file. Make also understand that a pattern rule will produce all output files, even if it only wanted one of them as a target.
The result is something like this:
SRC :=
OBJS := $(
all: program
program: $(OBJS)
cat $^ > $#
%.o %.c:
cp $< $(< ; cp $< $(<
The command to make the .c and .o from the .ec will be run once to produce both those files. Since make knows it made the .c (even though it only wanted the .o), it will know enough to delete it. The .INTERMEDIATE target will only work if the files are listed explicitly, not using a pattern, so we haven't used %.c. Which seems like a bad idea anyway, what if you had C source that wasn't produce from an .ec file and make deleted it for you? Example output:
$ make
cp foo.c ; cp foo.o
cp bar.c ; cp bar.o
cat foo.o bar.o > program
rm bar.c foo.c
$ touch ; make
cp foo.c ; cp foo.o
cat foo.o bar.o > program
rm foo.c
Notice how in the second invocation it only deleted foo.c since bar.o/c wasn't rebuilt.
Make can only consider make targets to be intermediate. You can't just declare a random file on the filesystem as intermediate and have make delete it for you.
Here the .delme file is created as a side effect of the recipe that builds the .o file; make doesn't know anything about it, so make will not delete it because there are no targets in the makefile that are intermediate.
In your example you could split the two cp commands into separate rules and that would allow the intermediate setting to work:
%.delme :
cp $< $#
%.o : %.delme
cp $< $#
I'm assuming that in your real environment you can't do that because it's all one command that generates the intermediate file and the real file. In that case you'll have to deal with the delete yourself inside the recipe:
%.o :
cp $< $(<
cp $(< $# && rm -f $(<
Note this leaves the .delme file existing if the cp command fails; if you want to remove it no matter what you can do that too.
To delete the intermediate file even if the command fails you have to preserve the exit code so you can tell make what it was. Something like:
%.o :
cp $< $(<
cp $(< $#; e=$$?; rm -f $(<; exit $$e

Execute a Makefile in parallel except for some rules

I have a complex makefile with a lot of recipes. I would like run them with no parallel execution except for the generation of my objects files. I noticed that the .NOTPARALLEL target cannot take any prerequisites otherwise it would have been much easier to solve my issue.
My first guess was to use a nonexistent target named ".PARALLEL" with which I would have mentioned the objects files as dependancies like this:
SRC=$(wildcard *.c)
%.o: %.c
gcc –c –o$# $< -M
a.out: $(OBJ)
gcc –o$# $^
A more functional solution I have found is to use an intermediate target. However, since MyObjects has no dependancies, make will always call MyObjects and recreate a.out.
%.o: %.c
$(CC) –c –o$# $< -M
$(MAKE) -j $(OBJ)
a.out: MyObjects
$(CC) –o$# $(OBJ)
To avoid this I've found nothing better than using dummy files. I wrote this example to illustrate it:
NAMES = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
SRC = $(addsuffix .c, $(NAMES))
OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRC))
DUM = $(addsuffix .dummy,$(OBJ))
all: a.out
touch $#
$(OBJ):%.o: %.c
cp $< $#
touch $(addsuffix .dummy, $#)
$(MAKE) -j8 $(OBJ)
a.out: $(DUM) $(OBJ)
zip $# $(OBJ)
-rm *.o
-rm *.out
-rm *.c
-rm *.dummy
I'm sure this is not the best solution I can get. I would be glad to get some help.
P.S. MadScientist, thank you for your advices.
This is really not right:
MyObjects: $(OBJ)
$(MAKE) -j $(OBJ)
This means that before make tries to build the MyObjects target, it will first try to update all the $(OBJ) files. Once that's all done, then it will try to build the MyObjects target by recursively invoking make to rebuild them again. Obviously that's not what you want. Plus you're using -j which is basically "infinitely parallel" and is likely (if you have enough object files) to bring your system to its knees.
You want something like this:
$(MAKE) -j5 $(OBJ)
As for your second question about trying to rebuild targets, there's no way we can help without some kind of specific example. Typically this happens because your rules are written incorrectly, and they don't actually update the target you told make they would. So for example, you have a target recipe_a but the rule for recipe_a updates some other target, not recipe_a.
I'll add a few notes based on your second question. Probably if you don't get it after this you should take this off of StackOverflow and ask on the mailing list, or else consider breaking this up and asking several specific StackOverflow questions.
First, why you see make[1]: '15.o' is up to date. for every file in your recursive make: because make always prints that message for every target on the command line, so if you run make 1.o 2.o 3.o ... (doesn't matter whether you use -j or not or what value of -j you use) you'll get that message for every target which doesn't need to be rebuilt. Just as if you ran that same make command from the command line yourself.
Second, why you don't get a.out is up to date, because a.out is NOT up to date. It depends on the build target, and the file build doesn't exist, and thus it's out of date, and so it must be rebuilt every time. And that means anything that depends on the build target, like a.out, must be rebuilt every time. Which explains why it always re-runs the zip command.
Third, the behavior with all.c is because if you create a pattern rule like %.c: with no prerequisites, that tells make that it can create ANY file with a .c extension by running that command. Well, one of the targets you asked make to build is the all target. Since you didn't declare that as a .PHONY target, make tries to build it. Normally that attempt fails because make can't find any rules that know how to build all so nothing happens, but after you tell make how to build a .c file out of nothing (no prerequisites), then when make wants to build all it looks in its internal database of predefined rules and sees a pattern rule % : %.c, which tells make how to build an executable from a source file with the same name (on UNIX systems executables don't have any suffix like .exe: they're just make or cc etc.) So, make tries to run those rules and they fail.
For any target which you don't expect to actually be created, like all, clean, etc. you should declare them to be .PHONY so make won't try to build them.
As for your problem. I think the simplest thing to do is push the entire build of the zip file down into the recursive make, rather than trying to build the objects only in the recursive make. Something like this:
NAMES = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
SRC = $(addsuffix .c,$(NAMES))
OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRC))
all: recurse
recurse: non-parallel-targets
$(MAKE) -j8 a.out PARALLEL=true
%.o: %.c
cp $< $#
a.out: $(OBJ)
zip $# $(OBJ)
init: $(SRC)
-rm *.o
-rm *.out
.PHONY: all clean init
