Visual Studio Community Mac Task Highlighting - visual-studio

I install Visual Studio Community through Unity, and I noticed that the tasks (TODO, FIXME, UNDONE) don’t get highlighted when I write them. What’s wierd is that sometimes when I first open a file, TODO will be a different color than the rest of the comment, but after everything is done loading, the TODO will become the same font and color as the rest of the comment again.
How do I get tasks to remain highlighted in Visual Studio?
(I am using unity on a Mac, and this version of VS Community was installed by the unity installer)


Visual Studio Properties Window glitch

When I'm using Visual Studio and I go on the properties window, its really hard to browse for something.
It has this black weird layout which only displays when I'm using dark mode and also gets worse by opening some tabs.
I'm using VS 2015, but this happened to me on VS 2012 that being the reason why I upgraded to VS 2015.
I've tried changing to custom themes to see if it would help but it didn't.
Image of glitch

New installation of Visual Studio 2017 - looking at my project "using statements" show up as being unnecessary

Our IT department had to reinstall my work PC.
After receiving it back, I installed Visual Studio 2017. Added the NuGet Package Sources that I needed as well as installed the EPiServer CMS Extenion for Visual Studio.
I restarted the computer.
However when I launch our EPiServer project in Visual Studio, and look at my code, I see that all the using EPiServer; directives show up as being unused as well as are underlined with a red line.
In my code, any reference to code from these using directives is also red underlined.
Before the reinstallation of the operating system I had a similar setup of Visual Studio where these using statements worked.
It appears all I had to do was build the project once right after setting everything up.
After having built the project, now when I browser the various .cs files, the using statements are showing up correctly as being used where relevant.

Visual Studio 2017 - How to get rid of split view bar?

How to get rid of bar marked on below screenshot? Previously I had there some kind of code tracking, like code minimap, using which I could quickly move to specific part of my code, but I decided to remove it. It worked, but bar remained and it is misleading for me, as it cuts my code (it can also be seen on screenshot) and just waste space.
I remember that I saw this feature for first time in Visual Studio Code, but disabling it was easy as it required only to add one line to settings JSON file. Unfortunately, I can't see such a file for Visual Studio 2017. On the other side - last time Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code acted like two separate beings and that's fine for me. This time they act like Visual Studio 2017 inherits settings from Visual Studio Code. I had this code minimap though I never enabled it. I had ESLint enabled in Visual Studio 2017 though I never enabled it. However both of those were enabled in Visual Studio Code. Is there a way to separate Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio Code again? I would like my settings from Visual Studio Code to not be adopted by Visual Studio 2017.
Fixed. I had to enter Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars and changed Behavior from "Use map mode for vertical scroll bar" to "Use bar mode for vertical scroll bar".
My question about inheriting settings from Visual Studio Code by Visual Studio 2017 is still up-to-date.

Unity breaks Visual Studio options

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition via Unity's installer and some of the options windows look like this:
Nothing fixes it; uninstalling-installing, formatting or installing on different machines. Apparently no one complains about this issue because there seems to be nothing on search results, but I'm 100% sure that everyone is experiencing this issue. When you open Visual Studio on its own, problem goes away, it works like it should. However, making Unity open Visual Studio causes it. I assume that this is caused by Unity forcing Visual Studio to load a plugin (probably Visual Studio Tools for Unity) which is actually incompatible with almost everything in Visual Studio.
Is there a solution to this problem? It drives me crazy and I don't want to use MonoDevelop.

Marmalade Visual Studio Setup

I was having license errors with the latest Marmalade (6.4) and I reran s3eConfig to fix them. I set it to use Visual Studio 2010 and it re-setup marmalade and the license errors went away. However it is not respecting my Visual Studio selection and always opens Visual Studio 2012.
So, my question is where does marmalade hide these config values that you set when running s3eConfig? It looks like I will have to change it manually.
Marmalade saves these values in AppData. But instead of modifying these values, you can just right click on the mkb and open them in your desired IDE disregarding the default ones.
I guess the Visual Studio 2012 is the phone version(wp8). Marmalade has a bug regarding this, don't remember the MAINT number/bug issue tracking number.
