How to generate "inner shape" of 2D concave polygon? - algorithm

I have a list of 2d points which is a closed loop, 2D, concave polygon.
I want to generate a second polygon, which is fully inside the first polygon and each vertex/edge of the first polygon has a constant distance to each vertex/edge of the second polygon.
Basically, the first polygon would be "outer wall" and the second would be "inner wall", with the distance between two walls constant.
How to do something like that?

For the case that you do not care about self-intersections, the construction is pretty straightforward:
For each vertex of the polygon:
Take the previous and next line segment
Compute the normals of these line segments
Shift the line segments along the normal
Compute the intersection of the shifted line segments
Below is a MCVE implemented in Java/Swing. The actual computation takes place in computeOffsetPolygonPoints, and it should be easy to translate this to other languages and APIs.
For the case that you also have to handle self-intersections, things might become trickier. Then it would be necessary to define the intended result, particularly for the case that the polygon itself self-intersects...
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSlider;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class InnerPolygonShape
public static void main(String[] args)
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> createAndShowGUI());
private static void createAndShowGUI()
JFrame f = new JFrame();
InnerPolygonShapePanel innerPolygonShapePanel =
new InnerPolygonShapePanel();
JSlider offsetSlider = new JSlider(0, 100, 40);
offsetSlider.addChangeListener(e ->
double alpha = offsetSlider.getValue() / 100.0;
double offset = -50.0 + alpha * 100.0;
f.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
f.getContentPane().add(innerPolygonShapePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
f.getContentPane().add(offsetSlider, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
class InnerPolygonShapePanel extends JPanel
implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
private final List<Point2D> points;
private Point2D draggedPoint;
private double offset = -10.0;
public InnerPolygonShapePanel()
this.points = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
points.add(new Point2D.Double(132,532));
points.add(new Point2D.Double(375,458));
points.add(new Point2D.Double(395,267));
points.add(new Point2D.Double(595,667));
public void setOffset(double offset)
this.offset = offset;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics gr)
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)gr;
paint(g, points);
List<Point2D> offsetPolygonPoints =
computeOffsetPolygonPoints(points, offset);
paint(g, offsetPolygonPoints);
private static void paint(Graphics2D g, List<Point2D> points)
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
int i0 = i;
int i1 = (i + 1) % points.size();
Point2D p0 = points.get(i0);
Point2D p1 = points.get(i1);
g.draw(new Line2D.Double(p0, p1));
for (Point2D p : points)
double r = 5;
g.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(p.getX()-r, p.getY()-r, r+r, r+r));
private static List<Point2D> computeOffsetPolygonPoints(
List<Point2D> points, double offset)
List<Point2D> result = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
Point2D absoluteLocation = new Point2D.Double();
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
// Consider three consecutive points (previous, current, next)
int ip = (i - 1 + points.size()) % points.size();
int ic = i;
int in = (i + 1) % points.size();
Point2D pp = points.get(ip);
Point2D pc = points.get(ic);
Point2D pn = points.get(in);
// Compute the line segments between the previous and the current
// point, and the current and the next point, and compute their
// normal
Point2D line0 = difference(pc, pp);
Point2D direction0 = normalize(line0);
Point2D normal0 = rotateCw(direction0);
Point2D line1 = difference(pn, pc);
Point2D direction1 = normalize(line1);
Point2D normal1 = rotateCw(direction1);
// Shift both line segments along the normal
Point2D segment0p0 = add(pp, offset, normal0);
Point2D segment0p1 = add(pc, offset, normal0);
Point2D segment1p0 = add(pc, offset, normal1);
Point2D segment1p1 = add(pn, offset, normal1);
// Compute the intersection between the shifted line segments
segment0p0.getX(), segment0p0.getY(),
segment0p1.getX(), segment0p1.getY(),
segment1p0.getX(), segment1p0.getY(),
segment1p1.getX(), segment1p1.getY(),
null, absoluteLocation);
result.add(new Point2D.Double(
absoluteLocation.getX(), absoluteLocation.getY()));
return result;
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
if (draggedPoint != null)
draggedPoint.setLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
final double thresholdSquared = 10 * 10;
Point2D p = e.getPoint();
Point2D closestPoint = null;
double minDistanceSquared = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (Point2D point : points)
double dd = point.distanceSq(p);
if (dd < thresholdSquared && dd < minDistanceSquared)
minDistanceSquared = dd;
closestPoint = point;
draggedPoint = closestPoint;
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
draggedPoint = null;
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
// Nothing to do here
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
// Nothing to do here
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
// Nothing to do here
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
// Nothing to do here
private static Point2D difference(Point2D p0, Point2D p1)
double dx = p0.getX() - p1.getX();
double dy = p0.getY() - p1.getY();
return new Point2D.Double(dx, dy);
private static Point2D add(Point2D p0, double factor, Point2D p1)
double x0 = p0.getX();
double y0 = p0.getY();
double x1 = p1.getX();
double y1 = p1.getY();
return new Point2D.Double(x0 + factor * x1, y0 + factor * y1);
private static Point2D rotateCw(Point2D p)
return new Point2D.Double(p.getY(), -p.getX());
private static Point2D normalize(Point2D p)
double x = p.getX();
double y = p.getY();
double length = Math.hypot(x, y);
return new Point2D.Double(x / length, y / length);
// From
// de/javagl/geom/
private static final double DOUBLE_EPSILON = 1e-6;
* Computes the intersection of the specified lines.
* Ported from
* Wm5IntrSegment2Segment2.cpp
* #param s0x0 x-coordinate of point 0 of line segment 0
* #param s0y0 y-coordinate of point 0 of line segment 0
* #param s0x1 x-coordinate of point 1 of line segment 0
* #param s0y1 y-coordinate of point 1 of line segment 0
* #param s1x0 x-coordinate of point 0 of line segment 1
* #param s1y0 y-coordinate of point 0 of line segment 1
* #param s1x1 x-coordinate of point 1 of line segment 1
* #param s1y1 y-coordinate of point 1 of line segment 1
* #param relativeLocation Optional location that stores the
* relative location of the intersection point on
* the given line segments
* #param absoluteLocation Optional location that stores the
* absolute location of the intersection point
* #return Whether the lines intersect
public static boolean intersect(
double s0x0, double s0y0,
double s0x1, double s0y1,
double s1x0, double s1y0,
double s1x1, double s1y1,
Point2D relativeLocation,
Point2D absoluteLocation)
double dx0 = s0x1 - s0x0;
double dy0 = s0y1 - s0y0;
double dx1 = s1x1 - s1x0;
double dy1 = s1y1 - s1y0;
double invLen0 = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(dx0*dx0+dy0*dy0);
double invLen1 = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1);
double dir0x = dx0 * invLen0;
double dir0y = dy0 * invLen0;
double dir1x = dx1 * invLen1;
double dir1y = dy1 * invLen1;
double dot = dotPerp(dir0x, dir0y, dir1x, dir1y);
if (Math.abs(dot) > DOUBLE_EPSILON)
if (relativeLocation != null || absoluteLocation != null)
double c0x = s0x0 + dx0 * 0.5;
double c0y = s0y0 + dy0 * 0.5;
double c1x = s1x0 + dx1 * 0.5;
double c1y = s1y0 + dy1 * 0.5;
double cdx = c1x - c0x;
double cdy = c1y - c0y;
double dot0 = dotPerp(cdx, cdy, dir0x, dir0y);
double dot1 = dotPerp(cdx, cdy, dir1x, dir1y);
double invDot = 1.0/dot;
double s0 = dot1*invDot;
double s1 = dot0*invDot;
if (relativeLocation != null)
double n0 = (s0 * invLen0) + 0.5;
double n1 = (s1 * invLen1) + 0.5;
relativeLocation.setLocation(n0, n1);
if (absoluteLocation != null)
double x = c0x + s0 * dir0x;
double y = c0y + s0 * dir0y;
absoluteLocation.setLocation(x, y);
return true;
return false;
* Returns the perpendicular dot product, i.e. the length
* of the vector (x0,y0,0)x(x1,y1,0).
* #param x0 Coordinate x0
* #param y0 Coordinate y0
* #param x1 Coordinate x1
* #param y1 Coordinate y1
* #return The length of the cross product vector
private static double dotPerp(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
return x0*y1 - y0*x1;


Genetic Algorithm Fitness and Cross Over selection

I'm attempting to use a genetic algorithm to arrange a random list of seats for a given section in a classroom so that all the groups in that classroom sit together.
Here is my current attempt, I'm unclear about the best way to improve this algorithm as this is very very early days in my GA learnings.
I'm using the Java library Jenetics, which has been pretty awesome at getting me started, here is the Engine.
final Engine<EnumGene<Seat>, Double> ENGINE = Engine
.builder(SeatingFitness::fitness, encoding)
.selector(new RouletteWheelSelector<>())
new PartiallyMatchedCrossover<>(0.2),
new Mutator<>(0.01)
The encoding looks like this
static final ISeq<Seat> seats = ISeq.of(createSeats());
static final Codec<ISeq<Seat>, EnumGene<Seat>> encoding = Codecs.ofPermutation(seats);
public static List<Seat> createSeats() {
return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
new Seat("Group C", 1),
new Seat("Group A", 2),
new Seat("Group B", 3)
.....more seats here....)
My fitness function can be improved for sure, I'm not using any libraries, so any suggestions here would be great, but it looks like this.
Essentially what I'm doing is just finding the x and y coordinates of each seat in the group and calculating how far each one is from the others in the group, and summing those values up. The lower value the better, hence the Optimize.MINIMUM in the Engine
private static int numberOfSeatsInRow = 8;
public static double fitness(final ISeq<Seat> seats) {
AtomicDouble score = new AtomicDouble();
// Group together all the seats that belong to a particular group.
Map<String, List<Seat>> grouping =;
grouping.forEach((group, groupsSeats) -> {
// Find the location in the overall list of the seats for the group.
if (!group.equals(Seat.EMPTY_SEAT)) {
List<Integer> indexOfSeatInOverallList =;
if (indexOfSeatInOverallList.size() > 2) {
// Get the first element positioned correctly on the x and y axis
double totalCalculated =, (subTotal, currentElement) -> {
int xReferenceCoordinate = calculateXCoordinate(currentElement);
int yReferenceCoordinate = calculateYCoordinate(currentElement);
double totalDistance = 0;
int multiplier = groupsSeats.size() <= numberOfSeatsInRow ? 10 : 500;
for (Integer integer : indexOfSeatInOverallList) {
int xSecondary = calculateXCoordinate(integer);
int ySecondary = calculateYCoordinate(integer);
if (ySecondary != yReferenceCoordinate) {
totalDistance += multiplier * Math.abs(yReferenceCoordinate - ySecondary);
totalDistance += calculateDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xReferenceCoordinate, yReferenceCoordinate, xSecondary, ySecondary);
return (int) totalDistance;
return score.get();
private static int calculateXCoordinate(int positionInList) {
int xPosition = positionInList % numberOfSeatsInRow;
if (xPosition == 0) {
xPosition = numberOfSeatsInRow;
return xPosition;
private static int calculateYCoordinate(int positionInList) {
int xPosition = positionInList % numberOfSeatsInRow;
int yPosition = positionInList / numberOfSeatsInRow;
if (xPosition == 0) {
yPosition = yPosition - 1;
return yPosition + 1;
private static double calculateDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
double xValue = Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2);
double yValue = Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2);
return Math.sqrt(xValue + yValue);
See the results image below, as you can see it's pretty good (although it takes about 3 minutes to run to produce a proper result).
I had a look at the fitness function. Some things you are calculating for every fitness function call, can be calculated once.
private static final ISeq<Seat> SEATS = ISeq.of(
new Seat("Group C", 1),
new Seat("Group A", 2),
new Seat("Group B", 3)
private static final Map<String, List<Seat>> SEAT_GROUPS =
The SEAT_GROUPS map is defined by the seats list and will not change. If I'm right, the reduce function in your fitness function is ignoring the previously calculated distance.
double totalCalculated =
.reduce(0, (subTotal, currentElement) -> {
// subTotal is ignored in your code, but should be added to the result.
return (int) totalDistance + subTotal;
Your calculateDistanceBetweenTwoPoints can be implemented as
double distance(final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2) {
// sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
return Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
My "cleaned" version will look like this.
private static final int SEATS_PER_ROW = 8;
private static final ISeq<Seat> SEATS = ISeq.of(
new Seat("Group C", 1),
new Seat("Group A", 2),
new Seat("Group B", 3)
private static final Map<String, List<Seat>> SEAT_GROUPS =
public static double fitness(final ISeq<Seat> seats) {
double score = 0;
for (var entry : SEAT_GROUPS.entrySet()) {
final var group = entry.getKey();
final var groupsSeats = entry.getValue();
final int multiplier = groupsSeats.size() <= SEATS_PER_ROW ? 10 : 500;
if (!group.equals(Seat.EMPTY_SEAT)) {
final int[] indexes =
if (indexes.length > 2) {
final double dist = IntStream.of(indexes)
.reduce(0, (a, b) -> toDistance(multiplier, indexes, a, b));
score += dist;
return score;
private static int toDistance(
final int multiplier,
final int[] indexes,
final int sum,
final int index
) {
final int x1 = toX(index);
final int y = toY(index);
int total = 0;
for (int i : indexes) {
final int x2 = toX(i);
final int y2 = toY(i);
if (y2 != y) {
total += multiplier*Math.abs(y - y2);
total += distance(x1, y, x2, y2);
return sum + total;
private static double distance(final int x1, final int y1, final int x2, final int y2) {
// sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
return Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
private static int toX(final int index) {
int x = index%SEATS_PER_ROW;
if (x == 0) {
return x;
private static int toY(final int index) {
final int x = index%SEATS_PER_ROW;
int y = index/SEATS_PER_ROW;
if (x == 0) {
y = y - 1;
return y + 1;
One point I can see about your Engine definition is that you are using a Mutator alterer for a combinatorial problem. This causes the poor performance you have (most likely). A Mutator doesn't obey the unique element property in your chromosome. Mutating a chromosome means invalidating it, which causes a constant recreation of new chromosomes. For combinatorial problems, only SwapMutator and PartiallyMatchedCrossover are valid alterers.
final Engine<EnumGene<Seat>, Double> ENGINE = Engine
.builder(SeatingFitness::fitness, encoding)
.selector(new RouletteWheelSelector<>())
new PartiallyMatchedCrossover<>(0.2),
new SwapMutator<>(0.01))
There might be also improvements in your fitness function, but for commenting on this, the whole fitness function code would be nice.

How do I draw Random Lines that are connected?

I need to draw random lines in a program that I have. I have figured out how to draw the Random lines, using the Random class, but I can't figure out how to make them connect. The second part of the class is to draw black lines over the white ones to "make them disappear".
Basically, if line1 has coordinates (0,0,300,300), then the second line should have the coordinates (300,300,random number, random number). I can't figure out how to make this happen using the Random class.
My teacher included a hint: Inserting a number into the parameters of the Random class "seeds" a list that is not random. Once you call the Random class again with that same seed, then the same list will appear. I don't know how to implement this so that the black lines will completely cover the white lines.
Here is my code so far:
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
Point2D.Double one = new Point2D.Double(50,50);
Point2D.Double two = new Point2D.Double(300,300);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Random gen = new Random();
/*one.setLocation(gen.nextInt(600), gen.nextInt(600));
two.setLocation(gen.nextInt(600), gen.nextInt(600));
g.drawLine((int)one.getX(), (int)one.getY(), (int)two.getX(), (int)two.getY());*/
int x1 = gen.nextInt(600);
int y1 = gen.nextInt(600);
int x2 = gen.nextInt(600);
int y2 = gen.nextInt(600);
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
catch (InterruptedException e)
/*for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Random gen = new Random(1);
one.setLocation(gen.nextInt(600), gen.nextInt(600));
two.setLocation(gen.nextInt(600), gen.nextInt(600));
g.drawLine((int)one.getX(), (int)one.getY(), (int)two.getX(), (int)two.getY());
catch (InterruptedException e)
public static void main(String[] args)
/*int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
x = x + 1;
Random gen = new Random(x);
PointsAndLines application = new PointsAndLines();
The commented stuff is just things that we went over in class. I don't know if this will help me.
Please, no complicated stuff. This is only my second year of programming, and I'm not adept at it yet.
You are doing it correct except that you don't need to generate x1,y1 again but assign it the older value. The initial random x1, y1 will be calculated beforehand, before getting inside the loop to draw lines. Below code may give you an insight.
Random gen = new Random();
int x1 = gen.nextInt(600);
int y1 = gen.nextInt(600);//We get the first x1, y1 random values here itself
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int x2 = gen.nextInt(600);
int y2 = gen.nextInt(600);
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);//Once we draw the line we assign x2, y2 to x1, y1 as you did below
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
//Now the next time you enter this loop your line will start from where the line had ended and next point will be random
//rest of the code goes below
I can't say how do you plan to make the lines disappear again. Do you intend to draw the lines and erase them?
This should be the working version :)
I think the goal of your teacher is to make you understand the workings of the Random class.
package test;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class PointsAndLines extends JFrame
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int seed;
public static void main(String[] args)
PointsAndLines application = new PointsAndLines(12); // <- upon changing the seed a different pattern will emerge
public PointsAndLines(int seed)
this.seed = seed;
setBounds(100, 100, 600, 600);
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5));
Random gen = new Random(seed); // apply the seed
int x1 = gen.nextInt(600);
int y1 = gen.nextInt(600);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int x2 = gen.nextInt(600);
int y2 = gen.nextInt(600);
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
catch (InterruptedException e)
Random genTwo = new Random(seed); // <- apply the same seed again
x1 = genTwo.nextInt(600);
y1 = genTwo.nextInt(600);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int x2 = genTwo.nextInt(600);
int y2 = genTwo.nextInt(600);
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
catch (InterruptedException e)

Ununderstandable Processing behavior [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I just can't understand this trivial script's behavior in Processing.
For a ParticleSystem of size 1, it works. As soon as the size is over 1, the Particles go crazy. Why?
Sketch to run :
float dt = 1;
ParticleSystem ps;
void setup(){
PVector origin = new PVector(width/2, height/2);
ps = new ParticleSystem(12, origin); // Change the number here to see the weird behavior !
void draw(){
Particle Class :
class Particle {
private PVector pos;
private PVector prevPos;
private PVector vel;
private PVector force;
private float m = 10;
private float r = 60;
private boolean dead = false;
Particle(PVector pos, PVector vel) {
this.prevPos = pos;
this.vel = vel;
this.force = new PVector(0, 0);
this.pos = new PVector();
this.pos.x = pos.x + vel.x * dt + 0.5 * force.x / m * sq(dt);
this.pos.y = pos.y + vel.y * dt + 0.5 * force.y / m * sq(dt);
void display() {
color c = color(0);
ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.r * 2, this.r * 2);
void run() {
void update() {
void moveVerlet() {
PVector tempPos = new PVector(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
this.pos.x = this.pos.x * 2 - this.prevPos.x + sq(dt) * this.force.x / this.m;
this.pos.y = this.pos.y * 2 - this.prevPos.y + sq(dt) * this.force.y / this.m;
Particle System Class :
class ParticleSystem {
private ArrayList<Particle> particles;
private PVector origin;
ParticleSystem(int nb, PVector origin) {
this.origin = origin;
this.particles = new ArrayList<Particle>(nb);
for (int i = 0 ; i < nb ; i++) {
float k = 0.5;
float vx = random(-k, k);
float vy = random(-k, k);
this.particles.add(new Particle(origin, new PVector(vx, vy)));
void checkBoundaries() {
for (int i = this.particles.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if (this.particles.get(i).pos.x - this.particles.get(i).r <= 0
|| this.particles.get(i).pos.x + this.particles.get(i).r >= width) {
this.particles.get(i).prevPos.x = this.particles.get(i).pos.x + this.particles.get(i).pos.x
- this.particles.get(i).prevPos.x;
else if (this.particles.get(i).pos.y - this.particles.get(i).r <= 0
|| this.particles.get(i).pos.y + this.particles.get(i).r >= height) {
this.particles.get(i).prevPos.y = this.particles.get(i).pos.y + this.particles.get(i).pos.y
- this.particles.get(i).prevPos.y;
void run() {
for (Particle p : this.particles) {;
Notice that you pass the origin into the ParticleSystem constructor. You then pass that into the Particle constructor, and the Particle class stores that in the prevPos variable, which it uses for updating the position of each Particle.
So you've got multiple instances of Particle sharing the same prevPos variable. Uh oh!
The problem is that the Particle class also modifies that prevPos variable. So now you've got multiple instances of Particle all modifying that same prevPos variable, which you then use to update the position, and you start accumulating errors.
The solution is to just copy the origin PVector before passing it into each Particle constructor. Luckily PVector has a copy() function that does exactly that:
this.particles.add(new Particle(origin.copy(), new PVector(vx, vy)));
More info can be found in the reference.

Tower Defense Game: Moving the enemies on the screen

I am trying to develop a Tower Defense Game using javafx and I am having trouble as to how to make it so that the enemies move around the screen. Which classes and methods should I be using in order to approach this problem?
A tower defense game is too much to be covered on SO. I had a little bit of spare time and modified the engine I created in this thread.
Here's the main class with the game loop where the game is loaded, input is checked, sprites are moved, collision is checked, score is updated etc. In opposite to the other engine here you don't need keyboard input. Instead use a mouse click to position a tower. I added 4 initial towers.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.TextBoundsType;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Game extends Application {
Random rnd = new Random();
Pane playfieldLayer;
Pane scoreLayer;
Image playerImage;
Image enemyImage;
List<Tower> towers = new ArrayList<>();;
List<Enemy> enemies = new ArrayList<>();;
Text scoreText = new Text();
int score = 0;
Scene scene;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Group root = new Group();
// create layers
playfieldLayer = new Pane();
scoreLayer = new Pane();
root.getChildren().add( playfieldLayer);
root.getChildren().add( scoreLayer);
playfieldLayer.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, e -> {
createTower(e.getX(), e.getY());
scene = new Scene( root, Settings.SCENE_WIDTH, Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT);
primaryStage.setScene( scene);;
AnimationTimer gameLoop = new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
// add random enemies
spawnEnemies( true);
// check if target is still valid
towers.forEach( tower -> tower.checkTarget());
// tower movement: find target
for( Tower tower: towers) {
tower.findTarget( enemies);
// movement
towers.forEach(sprite -> sprite.move());
enemies.forEach(sprite -> sprite.move());
// check collisions
// update sprites in scene
towers.forEach(sprite -> sprite.updateUI());
enemies.forEach(sprite -> sprite.updateUI());
// check if sprite can be removed
enemies.forEach(sprite -> sprite.checkRemovability());
// remove removables from list, layer, etc
removeSprites( enemies);
// update score, health, etc
private void loadGame() {
playerImage = new Image( getClass().getResource("player.png").toExternalForm());
enemyImage = new Image( getClass().getResource("enemy.png").toExternalForm());
private void createScoreLayer() {
scoreText.setFont( Font.font( null, FontWeight.BOLD, 48));
scoreLayer.getChildren().add( scoreText);
scoreText.setText( String.valueOf( score));
double x = (Settings.SCENE_WIDTH - scoreText.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()) / 2;
double y = 0;
scoreText.relocate(x, y);
private void createTowers() {
// position initial towers
List<Point2D> towerPositionList = new ArrayList<>();
towerPositionList.add(new Point2D( 100, 200));
towerPositionList.add(new Point2D( 100, 400));
towerPositionList.add(new Point2D( 800, 200));
towerPositionList.add(new Point2D( 800, 600));
for( Point2D pos: towerPositionList) {
createTower( pos.getX(), pos.getY());
private void createTower( double x, double y) {
Image image = playerImage;
// center image at position
x -= image.getWidth() / 2;
y -= image.getHeight() / 2;
// create player
Tower player = new Tower(playfieldLayer, image, x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, Settings.PLAYER_SHIP_HEALTH, 0, Settings.PLAYER_SHIP_SPEED);
// register player
towers.add( player);
private void spawnEnemies( boolean random) {
if( random && rnd.nextInt(Settings.ENEMY_SPAWN_RANDOMNESS) != 0) {
// image
Image image = enemyImage;
// random speed
double speed = rnd.nextDouble() * 1.0 + 2.0;
// x position range: enemy is always fully inside the screen, no part of it is outside
// y position: right on top of the view, so that it becomes visible with the next game iteration
double x = rnd.nextDouble() * (Settings.SCENE_WIDTH - image.getWidth());
double y = -image.getHeight();
// create a sprite
Enemy enemy = new Enemy( playfieldLayer, image, x, y, 0, 0, speed, 0, 1,1);
// manage sprite
enemies.add( enemy);
private void removeSprites( List<? extends SpriteBase> spriteList) {
Iterator<? extends SpriteBase> iter = spriteList.iterator();
while( iter.hasNext()) {
SpriteBase sprite =;
if( sprite.isRemovable()) {
// remove from layer
// remove from list
private void checkCollisions() {
for( Tower tower: towers) {
for( Enemy enemy: enemies) {
if( tower.hitsTarget( enemy)) {
enemy.getDamagedBy( tower);
// TODO: explosion
if( !enemy.isAlive()) {
// increase score
private void updateScore() {
scoreText.setText( String.valueOf( score));
public static void main(String[] args) {
Then you need a base class for your sprites. You can use it for enemies and towers.
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
public abstract class SpriteBase {
Image image;
ImageView imageView;
Pane layer;
double x;
double y;
double r;
double dx;
double dy;
double dr;
double health;
double damage;
boolean removable = false;
double w;
double h;
boolean canMove = true;
public SpriteBase(Pane layer, Image image, double x, double y, double r, double dx, double dy, double dr, double health, double damage) {
this.layer = layer;
this.image = image;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.r = r;
this.dx = dx;
this.dy = dy;
this.dr = dr; = health;
this.damage = damage;
this.imageView = new ImageView(image);
this.imageView.relocate(x, y);
this.w = image.getWidth(); // imageView.getBoundsInParent().getWidth();
this.h = image.getHeight(); // imageView.getBoundsInParent().getHeight();
public void addToLayer() {
public void removeFromLayer() {
public Pane getLayer() {
return layer;
public void setLayer(Pane layer) {
this.layer = layer;
public double getX() {
return x;
public void setX(double x) {
this.x = x;
public double getY() {
return y;
public void setY(double y) {
this.y = y;
public double getR() {
return r;
public void setR(double r) {
this.r = r;
public double getDx() {
return dx;
public void setDx(double dx) {
this.dx = dx;
public double getDy() {
return dy;
public void setDy(double dy) {
this.dy = dy;
public double getDr() {
return dr;
public void setDr(double dr) {
this.dr = dr;
public double getHealth() {
return health;
public double getDamage() {
return damage;
public void setDamage(double damage) {
this.damage = damage;
public void setHealth(double health) { = health;
public boolean isRemovable() {
return removable;
public void setRemovable(boolean removable) {
this.removable = removable;
public void move() {
if( !canMove)
x += dx;
y += dy;
r += dr;
public boolean isAlive() {
return, 0) > 0;
public ImageView getView() {
return imageView;
public void updateUI() {
imageView.relocate(x, y);
public double getWidth() {
return w;
public double getHeight() {
return h;
public double getCenterX() {
return x + w * 0.5;
public double getCenterY() {
return y + h * 0.5;
// TODO: per-pixel-collision
public boolean collidesWith( SpriteBase otherSprite) {
return ( otherSprite.x + otherSprite.w >= x && otherSprite.y + otherSprite.h >= y && otherSprite.x <= x + w && otherSprite.y <= y + h);
* Reduce health by the amount of damage that the given sprite can inflict
* #param sprite
public void getDamagedBy( SpriteBase sprite) {
health -= sprite.getDamage();
* Set health to 0
public void kill() {
setHealth( 0);
* Set flag that the sprite can be removed from the UI.
public void remove() {
* Set flag that the sprite can't move anymore.
public void stopMovement() {
this.canMove = false;
public abstract void checkRemovability();
The towers are subclasses of the sprite base class. Here you need a little bit of math because you want the towers to rotate towards the enemies and let the towers fire when the enemy is within range.
import java.util.List;
import javafx.scene.effect.ColorAdjust;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
public class Tower extends SpriteBase {
SpriteBase target; // TODO: use weakreference
double turnRate = 0.6;
double speed;
double targetRange = 300; // distance within tower can lock to enemy
ColorAdjust colorAdjust;
double rotationLimitDeg=0.0;
double rotationLimitRad = Math.toDegrees( this.rotationLimitDeg);
double roatationEasing = 10;
double targetAngle = 0;
double currentAngle = 0;
boolean withinFiringRange = false;
public Tower(Pane layer, Image image, double x, double y, double r, double dx, double dy, double dr, double health, double damage, double speed) {
super(layer, image, x, y, r, dx, dy, dr, health, damage);
this.speed = speed;
private void init() {
// red colorization (simulate "angry")
colorAdjust = new ColorAdjust();
public void move() {
SpriteBase follower = this;
// reset within firing range
withinFiringRange = false;
// rotate towards target
if( target != null)
// parts of code used from shane mccartney (
double xDist = target.getCenterX() - follower.getCenterX();
double yDist = target.getCenterY() - follower.getCenterY();
this.targetAngle = Math.atan2(yDist, xDist) - Math.PI / 2;
this.currentAngle = Math.abs(this.currentAngle) > Math.PI * 2 ? (this.currentAngle < 0 ? (this.currentAngle % Math.PI * 2 + Math.PI * 2) : (this.currentAngle % Math.PI * 2)) : (this.currentAngle);
this.targetAngle = this.targetAngle + (Math.abs(this.targetAngle - this.currentAngle) < Math.PI ? (0) : (this.targetAngle - this.currentAngle > 0 ? ((-Math.PI) * 2) : (Math.PI * 2)));
this.currentAngle = this.currentAngle + (this.targetAngle - this.currentAngle) / roatationEasing; // give easing when rotation comes closer to the target point
// check if the rotation limit has to be kept
if( (this.targetAngle-this.currentAngle) > this.rotationLimitRad) {
} else if( (this.targetAngle-this.currentAngle) < -this.rotationLimitRad) {
follower.r = Math.toDegrees(currentAngle);
// determine if the player ship is within firing range; currently if the player ship is within 10 degrees (-10..+10)
withinFiringRange = Math.abs( Math.toDegrees( this.targetAngle-this.currentAngle)) < 20;
public void checkTarget() {
if( target == null) {
if( !target.isAlive() || target.isRemovable()) {
setTarget( null);
//get distance between follower and target
double distanceX = target.getCenterX() - getCenterX();
double distanceY = target.getCenterY() - getCenterY();
//get total distance as one number
double distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY);
if( distanceTotal, targetRange) > 0) {
setTarget( null);
public void findTarget( List<? extends SpriteBase> targetList) {
// we already have a target
if( getTarget() != null) {
SpriteBase closestTarget = null;
double closestDistance = 0.0;
for (SpriteBase target: targetList) {
if (!target.isAlive())
//get distance between follower and target
double distanceX = target.getCenterX() - getCenterX();
double distanceY = target.getCenterY() - getCenterY();
//get total distance as one number
double distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY);
// check if enemy is within range
if( distanceTotal, targetRange) > 0) {
if (closestTarget == null) {
closestTarget = target;
closestDistance = distanceTotal;
} else if (, closestDistance) < 0) {
closestTarget = target;
closestDistance = distanceTotal;
public SpriteBase getTarget() {
return target;
public void setTarget(SpriteBase target) { = target;
public void checkRemovability() {
if( health, 0) < 0) {
public boolean hitsTarget( SpriteBase enemy) {
return target == enemy && withinFiringRange;
public void updateUI() {
if( withinFiringRange) {
} else {
The enemy class is easier. It needs only movement. However, in your final version the enemies should consider obstacles during movement. In this example I add a health bar above the enemy to show the health.
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
public class Enemy extends SpriteBase {
HealthBar healthBar;
double healthMax;
public Enemy(Pane layer, Image image, double x, double y, double r, double dx, double dy, double dr, double health, double damage) {
super(layer, image, x, y, r, dx, dy, dr, health, damage);
healthMax = Settings.ENEMY_HEALTH;
public void checkRemovability() {
if( getY(), Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT) > 0) {
public void addToLayer() {
// create health bar; has to be created here because addToLayer is called in super constructor
// and it wouldn't exist yet if we'd create it as class member
healthBar = new HealthBar();
public void removeFromLayer() {
* Health as a value from 0 to 1.
* #return
public double getRelativeHealth() {
return getHealth() / healthMax;
public void updateUI() {
// update health bar
healthBar.setValue( getRelativeHealth());
// locate healthbar above enemy, centered horizontally
healthBar.relocate(x + (imageView.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth() - healthBar.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()) / 2, y - healthBar.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() - 4);
The health bar
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType;
public class HealthBar extends Pane {
Rectangle outerHealthRect;
Rectangle innerHealthRect;
public HealthBar() {
double height = 10;
double outerWidth = 60;
double innerWidth = 40;
double x=0.0;
double y=0.0;
outerHealthRect = new Rectangle( x, y, outerWidth, height);
outerHealthRect.setStrokeType( StrokeType.OUTSIDE);
innerHealthRect = new Rectangle( x, y, innerWidth, height);
innerHealthRect.setStrokeType( StrokeType.OUTSIDE);
getChildren().addAll( outerHealthRect, innerHealthRect);
public void setValue( double value) {
innerHealthRect.setWidth( outerHealthRect.getWidth() * value);
And then you need some global settings like this
public class Settings {
public static double SCENE_WIDTH = 1024;
public static double SCENE_HEIGHT = 768;
public static double TOWER_DAMAGE = 1;
public static double PLAYER_SHIP_SPEED = 4.0;
public static double PLAYER_SHIP_HEALTH = 100.0;
public static int ENEMY_HEALTH = 100;
public static int ENEMY_SPAWN_RANDOMNESS = 50;
These are the images:
So summarized the gameplay is for now:
click on the screen to place a tower ( ie a smiley)
when an enemy is in range, the smiley becomes angry (i just change the color to red), in your final version the tower would be firing
as long as the tower is firing at the enemy, the health is reduced. i did it by changing the health bar depending on the health
when the health is depleted, the enemy is killed and the score is updated; you'd have to add an explosion
So all in all it's not so easy to create a tower defense game. Hope it helps as a start.
Heres' a screenshot:

Drawing in Java - why my code is so slow?

Im trying to create fancy, smooth and fast analog gauge with some dial inertia simulation etc. I want to avoid OpenGL if this is possible.
My code in Java is much slower than I expect.
I want my dial to move in time shorter than 0.5 second from minimum value (0) to maximum value (1024, i can change this, but I need smoothness).
I tried to measure time spent on repaint and paintComponent methods to find problem.
Repaint takes about 40us, paintComponent takes 300us, on my machine (Core Duo 2GHz, Windows 7).
It seems to be fast enough (1/0.000340s = ~3000 "runs" per second).
I think that video card is bottleneck and it slows my code, but I have no idea what to do with it.
How to make my code faster and keep animation smooth as possible?
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main extends JPanel {
private static final Point2D CENTER = new Point2D.Double(PREF_W / 2.0,
PREF_W / 2.0);
private static final double RADIUS = PREF_W / 2.0;
private static final Color LARGE_TICK_COLOR = Color.DARK_GRAY;
private static final Color CENTER_HUB_COLOR = Color.DARK_GRAY;
private static final Stroke LARGE_TICK_STROKE = new BasicStroke(4f);
private static final Stroke LINE_TICK_STROKE = new BasicStroke(8f);
private static final int LRG_TICK_COUNT = 18;
private static final double TOTAL_LRG_TICKS = 24;
private static final double LRG_TICK_OUTER_RAD = 0.9;
private static final double LRG_TICK_INNER_RAD = 0.8;
private static final int START_TICK = 10;
private static final double CENTER_HUB_RADIUS = 10;
private static final double DIAL_INNER_RAD = 0.00;
private static final double DIAL_OUTER_RAD = 0.75;
private static final Color DIAL_COLOR = Color.DARK_GRAY;
private BufferedImage backgroundImg;
private static final int PREF_W = 400; //
private static final int PREF_H = 400;
private static final double INIT_VALUE = 0;
public static final int MAX_VALUE = 1024; // resolution
public static int delay = 1; // delay (ms) between value changes
private double theta;
private double cosTheta;
private double sinTheta;
private static long microtime;
public Main() {
backgroundImg = createBackgroundImg();
public void setSpeed(double speed) {
if (speed < 0) {
speed = 0;
} else if (speed > MAX_VALUE) {
speed = MAX_VALUE;
this.theta = ((speed / MAX_VALUE) * LRG_TICK_COUNT * 2.0 + START_TICK)
cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
microtime = System.nanoTime()/1000;
System.out.println("Repaint (us) = " + (System.nanoTime()/1000 - microtime));
private BufferedImage createBackgroundImg() {
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(PREF_W, PREF_H,
Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
for (double i = 0; i < LRG_TICK_COUNT; i++) {
double theta = (i * 2.0 + START_TICK) * Math.PI / TOTAL_LRG_TICKS;
double cosTheta = Math.cos(theta);
double sinTheta = Math.sin(theta);
int x1 = (int) (LRG_TICK_INNER_RAD * RADIUS * cosTheta + CENTER.getX());
int y1 = (int) (LRG_TICK_INNER_RAD * RADIUS * sinTheta + CENTER.getY());
int x2 = (int) (LRG_TICK_OUTER_RAD * RADIUS * cosTheta + CENTER.getX());
int y2 = (int) (LRG_TICK_OUTER_RAD * RADIUS * sinTheta + CENTER.getY());
g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
int x = (int) (CENTER.getX() - CENTER_HUB_RADIUS);
int y = (int) (CENTER.getY() - CENTER_HUB_RADIUS);
int width = (int) (2 * CENTER_HUB_RADIUS);
int height = width;
g2.fillOval(x, y, width, height);
return img;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
System.out.println("Paint component (us) = " + (System.nanoTime()/1000 - microtime));
if (backgroundImg != null) {
g.drawImage(backgroundImg, 0, 0, this);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
int x1 = (int) (DIAL_INNER_RAD * RADIUS * cosTheta + CENTER.getX());
int y1 = (int) (DIAL_INNER_RAD * RADIUS * sinTheta + CENTER.getY());
int x2 = (int) (DIAL_OUTER_RAD * RADIUS * cosTheta + CENTER.getX());
int y2 = (int) (DIAL_OUTER_RAD * RADIUS * sinTheta + CENTER.getY());
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
microtime = System.nanoTime()/1000;
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(PREF_W, PREF_H);
private static void createAndShowGui() {
final Main mainPanel = new Main();
JFrame frame = new JFrame("DailAnimation");
new Timer(delay, new ActionListener() {
double speed = 0;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
speed ++;
if (speed > Main.MAX_VALUE) {
speed = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Little code description:
There is a timer, that changes gauge value. Timer interval is defined by delay variable at the beginning.
This is complete, one file code, you can just paste it in your IDE and compile.
You could try the following:
Switch from BufferedImage to VolatileImage
Precalculate your sin and cos function results and store them in arrays
Switch to Active painting instead of calling repaint
