How to make a cell show the text of another random cell? - random

In Google Sheets, I have a spreadsheet list, which includes a cell (E1) that chooses a random number like so:
C | D | E
1 | | |=RANDBETWEEN(1,99)
I would like to make another cell show the text in column C, row of random number from E1. How can I accomplish this?

Try this to retrieve the value from column c,
=index(c:c, e1)


sort a range consisting of a single row

1 zoo aardvark gorilla
2 =sort(A1:B1) ← aardvark gorilla zoo
What I need to do is sorting the first row into the second one, ideally placing a formula involving sort in the A2 cell.
Is there some (relatively) simple workaround that I can use to get what I want?
To process a single row, try this in cell A2:
For a more complex arrayformula, use:
{sequence(columns(A:C)*(max(if(A:C<>"",row(A:A)))-1)),query({array_constrain(int((row(A2:A)-2)/columns(A:C))+1,columns(A:C)*(max(if(A:C<>"",row(A:A)))-1),1),query({flatten(indirect("A2:"&substitute(address(1,columns(A:C),4),"1",)&(max(if(A:C<>"",row(A:A)))-1)+1)&char(9999))},"where Col1 is not null",0)},"order by Col1,Col2",0)}
An adjust your range in place of A:C.

Google Spreadsheet API returning grid limits error

I am trying to update a Google Sheet using the Ruby API (that is just a wrapper around the SheetsV4 API)
I am running into the following error
Google::Apis::ClientError: badRequest: Range ('MySheet'!AA1) exceeds grid limits. Max rows: 1000, max columns: 26
I have found references of this problem on the google forum, however there did not seem to be a solution to the problem other that to use a different method to write to the spreadsheet.
The thing is, I need to copy an existing spreadsheet template, and enter my raw data in various sheets. So far I have been using this code (where service is a client of the Ruby SheetsV4 API)
def write_table(values, sheet: 'Sheet1', column: 1, row: 1, range: nil, value_input_option: 'RAW')
google_range = begin
if range
elsif column && row
value_range_object =
range: google_range, values: values
value_input_option: value_input_option
It was working quite well so far, but after adding more data to my extracts, I went over the 26th column, (columns AA onwards) and now I am getting the error.
Is there some option to pass to update_spreadsheet_value so we can raise this limit ?
Otherwise, what is the other way to write to the spreadsheet using append ?
EDIT - A clear description of my scenario
I have a template Google spreadsheet with 8 sheets(tabs), 4 of which are titled RAW-XX and this is where I try to update my data.
At the beginning, those raw tabs only have headers on 30 columns (A1 --> AD1)
My code needs to be able to fill all the cells A2 --> AD42
(1) for the first time
(2) and my code needs to be able to re-run again to replace those values by fresh ones, without appending
So basically I was thinking of using update_spreadsheet_value rather than append_xx because of the requirement (2). But becuase of this bug/limitation (unclear) in the API, this does not work. ALso important to note : I am not actually updating all those 30 columns in one go, but actually in several calls to the update method (with up to 10 columns each time)
I've thought that
- Maybe I am missing an option to send to the Google API to allow more than 26 columns in one go ?
- Maybe this is actually an undocumented hard limitation of the update API
- Maybe I can resort to deleting existing data + using append
Suppose I have a template at version 1 with multiple sheets (Note that I am using =xx to indicate a formula, and [empty] to indicate there is nothing in the cell, and 1 to indicate the raw value "1" was supplied
Sheet1 - RAW
RAW Number of foos | RAW Number of Bars |
[empty] | [empty] |
Number of foos | Number of Bars
='Sheet1 - RAW'!A2 | ='Sheet1 - RAW'B2
Now I call my app "for the first time", this copies the existing template to a new file "generated_spreadsheet" and injects data in the RAW sheet. It turns out at this moment, my app says there is 1 foo and 0 bar
Sheet1 - RAW
RAW Number of foos | RAW Number of Bars |
1 | 0 |
Number of foos | Number of Bars
='Sheet1 - RAW'!A2 | ='Sheet1 - RAW'!B2
Maybe if I call my app later, maybe the template AND the data have changed in between, so I want to REPLACE everything in my "generated_spreadsheet"
The new template has become in between
Sheet1 - RAW
RAW Number of foos | RAW Number of Bars |
[empty] | [empty] |
Number of foos | Number of Bars | All items
='Sheet1 - RAW'!A2 | ='Sheet1 - RAW'!B2 | =A2 + B2
Suppose now my app says there is still 1 foo and the number of bars went from 0 to 2, I want to update the "generated_spreadsheet" so it looks like
Sheet1 - RAW
RAW Number of foos | RAW Number of Bars |
1 | 3 |
Number of foos | Number of Bars | All items
='Sheet1 - RAW'!A2 | ='Sheet1 - RAW'!B2 | =A2 + B2
How about using values.append? In my environment, I also experienced the same situation with you. In order to avoid this issue, I used values.append.
Please modify as follows and try it again.
Method: spreadsheets.values.append
If this was not the result you want, I'm sorry.
this because out of range.
AA1 means column is AA, also means 27, so this start point AA1 not exist, that's why you met this error.
you can try Z1, this should be ok.
will resize your sheet 2000 rows
It happened to me as well when I didn't have the empty columns (I removed all the empty columns from the spreadsheet). I simply added an empty one next to my last column and it works.

Auto sorting records in spreadsheet as soon as value is entered

I want to auto sort values in Google Sheets as soon as I enter value in a cell. Below is an example:
| S. No. | Task | Value |
| 1 | Task 1 | $$ |
| 2 | Task 2 | $$$ |
| 3 | Task 3 | $$$$ |
| | | |
In the above table, as soon as I enter Value field for Task 3, I want it to go to top and the first one should come to the end. I don't want to achieve this manually by sorting every time.
Similar to Chris Hick's suggestion, you might enter your data in any order and have a copy sorted to suit. Since your example appears well ordered (ascending) I have assumed you would like it ordered descending (by S. No.) and that that is in A1:
=query(A:C,"Select * where A is not NULL order by A desc")
Add a couple of entries9 in A5, 8 in A6 and the resulting list will be ordered 9,8,3,2,1.
You can use a script to automatically sort your table. To do this, go to tools > script editor. This will open a new window.
Delete the code that you see and paste the below in:
function onEdit(event) {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var cellColumn = sh.getActiveRange().getColumnIndex();
var currentSheet = sh.getName();
if ((cellColumn == 3) && currentSheet == "enter sheet name here") {
var range = sh.getRange("A2:C");
range.sort({column:2, ascending:false});
You will need to change the "enter sheet name here" to the name of the sheet that you want to be sorted. Make sure to leave the quote marks in.
If you want to change the sort so that it is ascending, change the last line from
If you want to change the range of the data that is sorted, then you can do that on the row above. At the moment it is set to sort the range A2:C.

How to filter one list of items from another list of items?

I have a huge list of items in Column A (1,000 items) and a smaller list of items in Column B (510 items).
I want to put a formula in Column C to show only the Column A items not in Column B.
How to achieve this through a formula, preferably a FILTER formula?
Select the list in column A
Right-Click and select Name a Range...
Enter "ColumnToSearch"
Click cell C1
Enter this formula: =MATCH(B1,ColumnToSearch,0)
Drag the formula down for all items in B
If the formula fails to find a match, it will be marked "#N/A", otherwise it will be a number.
If you'd like it to be TRUE for match and FALSE for no match, use this formula instead:
If you'd like to return the unfound value and return empty string for found values
Alternative method is simply =
It's much more efficient.
It uses countif to get a 0 or a 1 as an array if the values in B are in A, then it reverses the 0 and 1 to get the values that are missing instead of only the values that are in there. It then filters based on that.
Columns look like this
1 2
2 5
ARE formulae:
=FILTER(A1:A, MATCH(A1:A, B1:B, 0))
ARE NOT formulae:
in your case:
if you face a mismatch of ranges see:

Group and Count an Array of Structs

Ruby noob here!
I have an array of structs that look like this
Token =, :ordinal)
So an array of these would look like this, in tabular form:
Token | Ordinal
C | 2
CC | 3
C | 5
And I want to group by the "token" (i.e. the left hand column) of the struct and get a count, but also preserve the "ordinal" element. So the above would look like this
Token | Merged Ordinal | Count
C | 2, 5 | 2
CC | 3 | 1
Notice that the last column is a count of the grouped tokens and the middle column merges the "ordinal". The first column ("Token") can contain a variable number of characters, and I want to group on these.
I have tried various methods, using group_by (I can get the count, but not the middle column), inject, iterating (does not seem very functional) but I just can't get it right, partly because I don't have a good grasp of Ruby and the available operations / functions.
I have also had a good look around SO, but I am not getting very far.
Any help, pointers would be much appreciated!
Use Enumerable#group_by to do the grouping for you and use the resulting hash to get what you want with map or similar.
structs.group_by(&:token).map do |token, with_same_token|
[token,, with_same_token.size]
