Receving email using Alibaba Cloud Direct Mail? - alibaba-cloud

I am curious to know why Direct mail doesn't support the incoming emails to the same email address used to trigger the notifications. Why do we need to receive on another email?
Is there any architectural limitation to this in terms of security/functionality etc..

Providing email services that includes receiving emails is a different level of service then sending emails and far more complicated internally. DirectMail is a message sending service, not an email server. Alibaba does offer a full email service for its customers in China.

Hosting and receiving emails is far more complex. If you were to provide a service to send and receive emails you have to have an api waiting for an email to arrive, another to retrieve emails from the storage when the user requests, and another to send out the emails.
On the other hand DirectMail just has one service send out either predefined emails that get set up ahead of time or emails that are sent from Function Compute. This way there is no waiting/server overhead, just send and done.


Preventing DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX SpamAssasin's flag

I have an application hosted in an Amazon EC2 Server that uses e-mail service from a shared web host. I did this to utilize the shared hosting e-mail server and the available e-mail administration tool and webmail interface.
My application uses amazon SES to send e-mail. I just authorized SES to send mails with my domain name (by adding some entries to my dns records and confirming I'm the domain owner), and this is working ok. When I need to send a mail, I connect to SES SMTP server and send it using PHPMailer.
Everything is working ok, except my mails are getting the DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX flag in SpamAsssasin's, making it sometimes be classified as spam.
What this flag means? Is there some way to avoid it?
Spamassassin DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX rule is fired when two internal flags are set by processed message: __DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX and __ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA.
__DOS_DIRECT_TO_MX flag means that the message was sent directly from sender email client to recipient MTA server. This is usually true for internal mail but can occur in your case when a recipient also uses Amazon SES for mail processing.
__ANY_OUTLOOK_MUA flag means that the message has X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft (?:Office )?Outlook\b/ header.
Both internal flags are harmless by themselves but their combination leads to DOS_OUTLOOK_TO_MX with high spam score. You need to check X-Mailer header of messages sent with PHPMailer. This header should be set to PHPMailer, not to Microsoft Outlook or something similar.

Is it necessary to use worker when send mail via mailgun http api?

I follow the laravel document to implement the mailgun service to send emails.
It is working quite well, but when my project starts growing large, I am considering some performance improvement.
When I look into the laravel queues, and its example is about using it for sending emails.
And here comes to my question,
When I use mailgun http api to send emails, is it going to improve server performance if I also put the request on queues?

Stateful SMS Gateway Utility

I have installed Kannel as my SMS gateway service on my Server.
And it's running at a long time ago.
Basically, the default sms long text is 140 chars.
And i want to make it two step sending message, i mean i can send text message twice and sms gateway hold my first session (Stateful).
It impossible to replace production with the newest technology.
Cause right now, it just stateless. I send message and sms gateway just pass through it.
I think i need third party engine that can hold and manage sms sending session.
But i don't know, what that engine is. Cause it send as SMS message.
Any idea?
Thank you very much :)

How Can achieve delivery failure notice mail using Spring JavMail?

I am using Spring JavaMail for my Email communication application. How Can achieve the functionality that when a email delivery fails due the reason of wrong email address?
Achieving this reliably is not trivial. The protocol specs for SMTP in RFC 821 specifies a number of return codes. Notably 550 is what an SMTP server should return when attempting to send an email to a nonexistent address. I say should because most public-facing SMTP servers won't do this - they either quietly accepts the message and then drops it or, if they are a little more good-mannered, accepts the message but sends a "delivery failed" notice back to the sender ("from" address). Public services like MSN and Gmail will also blacklist senders if they send enough emails to non-existing addresses to prevent spam.
The reason for this is to prevent email-fishing and spamming.
So what you can do is to
Check for SendFailedException in your code. This will only work for servers that follow the SMTP specifications and actually send an error code back. Like I said, very few public servers actually do this.
Set up a proper mailbox for the address you use as sender and monitor that inbox for delivery failed notices. Note thought that these need not follow any common pattern, which is why this is non-trivial.
For the email servers that doesn't give any notice, you really have no way of knowing.
This is one of the reasons why companies buy mass emailing services from dedicated providers, since they have all these things already built to measure bounce-rate etc. But even with those, it's never going to be 100% accurate.
These FAQ entries might help as well:
If I send a message to a bad address, why don't I get a SendFailedException or TransportEvent indicating that the address is bad?
When a message can't be delivered, a failure message is returned. How can I detect these "bounced" messages?

Receive SMS messages by web application

We are building a web app that should be able to receive SMS messages and store the information contained in it in database.
Which methods have you used? Which service providers are out there that can assist? are massive and it works exactly like it says on the tin. You pay for a phone number and sms messages sent to that end up hitting a URL on your site to deliver them just like someone posting a form.
I'd recommend using a service such as TextMarks. TextMarks is free, and lets you pick a keyword for your service that allows users to route messages to you through TextMarks' shared short code, 41411. The only catch here is that they reserve 20 characters in each message for short advertisements to pay for their services.
If you ever outgrow their ad-sponsored services, you can upgrade to a premium version that doesn't include ads.
Another (cheaper) alternative is to have your users send text messages to an email address like Then you can have a background thread that's looking at the email account and puts the messages into the database.
I've implemented and tested this approach with major US carriers with everything from smart phones to pay-as-you-go "crappy" phones without a hitch.
When the user sends the SMS to your email address you get the SMS email gateway address (e.g. so you can send response messages.
The only downside is that it's a bit more difficult to find the "send to email address" options on most phones, but it is (basically) free for you. This is especially helpful for reducing costs while testing out workflows. Those ~3 cents for each SMS add up pretty quickly, especially during automated testing.
When you want to support SMS numbers you can configure most SMS gateways to send an email to an address, so you won't have to change your infrastructure to support a "real" SMS messages.
I haven't done it yet, but I guess you could also setup an Asterisk system on your server, then get a regular VOIP acccount (which Asterisk hooks into) and configure the Asterisk server to forward all SMS to your application. This article might help setting up the Asterisk server.
I've had experience using MX Telecom as an SMS Gateway. Essentially they posted data to our web service every time we received an incoming SMS. The application in question was also sending SMS messages as well and we just did an http GET to a web page of theirs.
I can't speak to the business end (i.e. cost), as I was just in charge of implementing the features - but working with an SMS gateway is really very simple from a development perspective.
+1 on sebastian i was jsut writting pretty much the same
if you are working with ruby you might want to have a look at adhearsion
You can use SMS gateway software which will receive SMS messages through a GSM modem or 3G dongle connected to a PC and POST them to your website via HTTP. Eg: this software
