Golang beginner, on Windows: System cannot find file specified - go

Only just now starting with golang, with only a small amount of programming experience before this. I'm trying to create a script that will summarize certain things from a csv file, but I haven't even gotten past testing out file reading yet.
I was having trouble reading the excel files, and kept getting the "System cannot find file specified" error. So I thought I'd see if I could at least get it to read a simple text file, using an example from golangbot, which looks like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test.txt")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("File reading error", err)
fmt.Println("Contents of file:", string(data))
That simple. The text file is located within the same folder (in %USERPROFILE%/go/src, and /go/ is my GOPATH) as the actual code file I'm attempting to run, and yes, it is called "test.txt". Yet, every attempt to run gives me the same error message, that the system cannot find the specified file (test.txt).
Running any other kind of .go file or building one from this location works just fine. I'm seen others with this error, but it seemed like it was always to do with the GOPATH being set wrong.
I'm frustrated that I even have to ask about something like this, but it's all I could think of right now. Is there something wrong with the locations of my files or the GOPATH itself, or is this something different?
Thank you

Welp, the problem was solved. Turns out, the actual name of the txt file was test.txt.txt. Thanks to notepad and my own lack of awareness.
Bit embarrassing, really. Changing the name worked.

when you are trying this with your notepad. Be cautious while saving it.
The file type should be compatible
File -> save as >
FileName : FileName.go
Save as type : All Files
Now execute as ("folder path">go run FileName.go
Then the result. Kudos

I have been having a similar issue as well. I would try to do this in order to fix it. delete the file and create a new one. That is a simple solution in my opinion. Make sure to copy the code and then paste onto the new file. Mkdir
cd into that directory touch or nano
create a new file. then open that file. then do go run that file name.
it should work.


What's the difference between `os.O_APPEND` and `os.ModeAppend`?

We can specify both of flag and perm at os.OpenFile.
They have really similar options, O_APPEND and ModeAppend. What's the difference between them?
f, _ := os.OpenFile("access.log", os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, os.ModeAppend|0644)
The flag specify the flags used on the system call to open the file while perm sets the File mode on the file. The file mode includes the permissions and type of file eg. symlink, directory, etc...
os.O_APPEND tells the underlying OS that all the write calls you do on that file handler should always append to the file so you don't need to set the offset to write on the correct part of the file.
ModeAppend sets the file mode to be append. This means that the this file can only be modified by appending to it, not by rewriting the file contents. The specifics of this depends on the OS and file system you are using. I believe Plan 9, implements it by ignoring the offset on any write call to the file and always appending to it, while in linux it means that the file can only be open for writing in append mode. I think that on most linux distros you need to be root to set the file mode to append.
In 99.99% of cases you just want to use perm to set the file permissions rwx. In your case if you want to open a file and append to it you should use:
// os.O_WRONLY tells the computer you are only going to writo to the file, not read
// os.O_CREATE tells the computer to create the file if it doesn't exist
// os.O_APPEND tells the computer to append to the end of the file instead of overwritting or truncating it
f, err := os.OpenFile("access.log", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
You might have only ignore the return error on os.OpenFile to put the example online, but you should get used to always checking for errors. You have no idea how many users ran into trouble when starting with go because they ignore the errors. Sometimes is something stupid and easy to fix like a typo, but if you ignore the error you don't know what the issue is.
You can read more about the append file mode here.

Biopython: SeqIO.parse() FileNotFoundError

I'm new in Bioinformatics and Biopython, so I have some difficulties with it.
I was reading the Biopython (SeqIO) documentation, but when I try to execute some SeqIO.parse() commands I get FileNotFoundError.
For example, I want to get "example.fasta" file (which I don't have it on my PC). I try to do it with this command:
for record in SeqIO.parse("example.fasta", "fasta"):
But, all I get is FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Can someone help me with this?
My understanding is that FileNotFoundError occurs when the code tries to open a file on your computer and does not find it.
This can happen either because you simply do not have this file, or you gave the name with a typo, or the path to the file is not correct (This is an important notion: the path to the file should be absolute, or relative to the current working directory (usually the one from which you executed the python script)).
As suggested in the comments to your question, you seem to be expecting SeqIO.parse to get the file for you. This is not the case. The first argument you give to this function (in the example "example.fasta") is the path to an existing file that you want to "parse", that is, interpret its information content and make this content available to the rest of your program in a convenient form.
So in order to get this example working, you first need to get a fasta file. If you do not already have one, you can download some manually from genbank, or find one in the biopython installation (if you installed it from source and know where the source code is located), for instance in Tests/Quality/example.fasta.

Read file from relative path with different callers

I'm trying to read from a file in my project's directory.
My problem is, that depending on the caller, the path changes. The caller changes, because I want to unit test this code and the caller is not Main.go anymore.
This is what my project structure looks like:
The code where I try to access specialChars.txt from looks like this:
func RemoveSpecialChars(word string) string {
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("wordlists/specialChars.txt")
This code works for the start from Main.go but not for the start from CleanupUtil_test.go. To get it working from the test I would need file, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../wordlists/specialChars.txt")
I found answers like this one: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32163888/2837489
_, filename, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0) which is obviously also dependent on the caller.
Is it possible to get the projects root path independent of the calling function?
Or is my code design wrong? Should I pass the file path into the function?
Starting from Go 1.16, you can use the embed package. This allows you to embed the files in the running go program. It comes with the caveat that the referenced directory needs to exist at or below the embedding file. In your case, the structure would look as follows:
-- main.go
-- cleanup
-- wordlist
\- specialChars.txt
You can reference the file using a go directive
// CleanupUtil.go
package cleanup
import (
//go:embed wordlists/specialChars.txt
var content embed.FS
func RemoveSpecialChars(word string) string {
file, err := content.ReadFile("wordlists/specialChars.txt")
This program will run successfully regardless of where the program is executed. You should be able to reference this code in both your main.go file and your CleanupUtil_test.go file.
Pass in the filepath as a parameter to the function (as indicated in your last question).
More details:
The relative path "wordlists/specialChars.txt" is in fact not dependent on where the source file is located (such as Main.go or CleanupUtil_test.go), but where you execute it from. So you could run your tests from your root directory and then it would actually work. In short, the current working directory is relevant.
Still, I'd recommend specifying the path, because that makes your function more reusable and universal.
Maybe you don't even need to put this information into a file, but can simply have a string containing those chars. In this case you could also check if https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.ReplaceAll already covers your use case.

Trying to open a file in C++, but the file cannot be found

I have an algorithm in C++ (main.cpp) and I use CLion to compile and run it. Algorithm would read strings from text file, but there is a mistake:
Could not open data.txt (file exists and placed in one folder with main.cpp)
How can I fix it and make this file "visible" to CLion?
If you are using fopen or something similar and just passing "data.txt", it is assumed that that file is in the current working directory of the running program (the one you just compiled).
So, either
Give a full path instead, like fopen("/full/path/to/data.txt"), where you use the actual full path
(not preferable), Move data.txt to the directory where CLion runs its compiled programs from.
(for #2, here's a hacky way to get that directory)
char buf[1024]; // hack, but fine for this
printf("%s\n", getcwd(buf, 1024));
Run/Edit configurations...
Select your application (on the lefthandside of the window)
Specify Working directory
Now you can fopen relatively from working directory.
I found another way to solve this problem.
#Lou Franco's solution may affect the project structure. For example, if I deploy code on a server, I should move the resource file to specific directory.
What I do is modify the CmakeLists.txt, on Windows, using
set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "D:\\science\\code\\English-Prediction")
CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is a CMake variable, it assigns the work directory of CLion work directory.
Continuing with the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY CMakeLists variables, I do the following. In the root directory of my project, I create a directory, e.g., out. Then, in my CMakeLists.txt I set the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to that directory:
Note, that must come before you have
add_executable(YourProject ${SOURCE_FILES})
I might also add that instead of using fopen() I would keep it more object-oriented by using std::ifstream:
std::ifstream inFile("data.txt");
// check if it opened without issue...
if (!inFile) {
processError(); // a user-defined function to deal with the issue
} else {
// All is good, carry on...
// and when you're done don't forget

NodeJS fs.watch on directory only fires when changed by editor, but not shell or fs module

When the code below is ran, the watch is only triggered if I edit and save tmp.txt manually, using either my ide, TextEditor.app, or vim.
It doesn't by method of the write stream or manual shell output redirection (typing echo "test" > /path/to/tmp.txt").
Although if I watch the file itself, and not its dirname, then it works.
var fs, Path, file, watchPath, w;
fs = require('fs' );
Path = require('path');
file = __dirname + '/tmp.txt';
watchPath = Path.dirname(file); // changing this to just file makes it trigger
w = fs.watch ( watchPath, function (e,f) {
console.log("will not get here by itself");
fs.createWriteStream(file, {
mode: 0777
} )
.end('the_date="'+new Date+'";' ); // another method fails as well
setTimeout (function () {
},500); // as does this one
// child_process exec and spawn fail the same way with or without timeout
So the questions are: why? and how to trigger this event programmatically from a node script?
It doesn't trigger because a change to the contents of a file isn't a change to the directory.
Under the covers, at least as of 0.6, fs.watch on Mac uses kqueue, and it's a pretty thin wrapper around kqueue file system notifications. So, if you really want to understand the details, you have to understand kqueue, and inodes and things like that.
But if you want a short "lie-to-children" explanation: What a user thinks of as a "file" is really two separate things—the actual file, and the directory entry that points to the actual file. This is what allows you to have things like hard links, and files that can still be read and written even after you've deleted them, and so on.
In general, when you write to an existing file, this doesn't make any change to the directory entry, so anyone watching the directory won't see any change. That's why echo >tmp.txt doesn't trigger you.
However, if you, e.g., write a new temporary file and then move it over the old file, that does change the directory entry (making it a pointer to the new file instead of the old one), so you will be notified. That's why TextEditor.app does trigger you.
The thing is, you've asked to watch the directory and not the file.
The directory isn't updated when the file is modified, such as via shell redirection; in this case, the file is opened, modified, and closed. The directory isn't changed -- only the file is.
When you use a text editor to modify a file, the usual set of system calls behind the scenes looks something like this:
fd = open("foo.new")
write(fd, new foo contents)
rename("foo.new", "foo")
This way, the foo file is either entirely the old file or entirely the new file, and there's no way for there to be a "partial file" with the new contents. The renaming operations do modify the directory, thus triggering the directory watch.
Although the above answers seems reasonable, they are not fully accurate. It is actually a very useful feature to be able to listen to a directory for file changes, not just "renames". I think this feature works as expected in Windows at least, and in node 0.9.2 is also working for mac since they changed to the FSEvents API that supports the feature:
Version 0.9.2 (Unstable)
