How to do rocket chat autologin in play application -

Hi I am new to Rocket chat
I need to auto login to rocket chat application from my application which build in playframework. I have tried iFrame but I am getting bellow error.
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin
provided ('') does not match the recipient
window's origin ('').
How to fix this issue


justInTimeInstall for a Messaging Extension app not working on mobile (iOS/Android) Teams client

Working on a Messaging Extension app for Teams that opens a Task Module in a Teams Meeting. This app is installed from the "Built for your org" section of the Teams store after being loaded into a Tenant by a Teams Admin. Any tenant user who has the app installed can select the messaging extension from the … menu in a Teams Meeting to initialize the Task Module.
Before initializing the Task Module, the app's bot must be added to the meeting chat so an "Add app" button is presented after selecting the messaging extension. This button sends through a payload with the justInTimeInstall value set to true. When a new Teams user who has never used the messaging extension before tries to tap on this Add app button on a mobile device, the button either does nothing and the user is returned to the chat (iOS) or an error page with a retry button is presented and the retry button keeps presenting the same error page (Android).
When examining a network trace of this button press, a 502 code is being returned with the following JSON:
"errorCode": 1008,
"message": "<BotError>Bot returned unsuccessful status code Forbidden",
"standardizedError": {
"errorCode": 1008,
"errorSubCode": 1,
"errorDescription": "<BotError>Bot returned unsuccessful status code Forbidden"
This combined with some other logging makes it seem like the response isn't even getting to the app's server. This is only a problem on mobile for a Teams user who hasn't used this messaging extension app. If the same user adds the app to the meeting from desktop/web, then they can come back on mobile and the "add app" button will work in any meeting from that point forward.
Is this a known issue or is there something that I might be missing here that's preventing the app from being added for new users on mobile?

Remove Running DM Welcome Message Bot in Twitter

i have installed(?) a welcome message bot in my twitter dm. yesterday i regenerate the api because i forgot where i saved them. now i can not delete or edit my current welcome message. i have deleted both the project and application also disconected the app from my account still the same.
when i use this with my new api from my new app from my new project
twurl authorize --consumer-key iFGe1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --consumer-secret 8ZsaMxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
it says Authorization successful
but when i want to see message id
twurl -X GET "/1.1/direct_messages/welcome_messages/rules/list.json"
it says
{"errors":[{"code":89,"message":"Invalid or expired token."}]}
same with adding new message and upload media
i have emailed twitter about this, they reply is to report them to advertising. when im not using twitter for business, the link they sent itself said You do not have access to any advertiser account
is it possible to remove or reset the current welcome message? thanks

In virtual assitent ,IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter.Adapter.Processasync menthod render the error :"Error invoking the skill id: error code 401."

We are trying to create virtual assistant bot microsoft teams. When we are trying to send request to skill bot from root bot using SkillClient.PostActivityAsync method, while debugging request hits botcontroller of skill bot. But it return 401 unauthorized error. If we try same in local using bot framework emulator (without using app id and password) it is working as expected. And how we can resolve this unauthorized error?
"When we use root bot with the different simple skill bot, it is working. but when we use app having client app (for tabs and Messaging extensions built using react) and additional authorization required for it. at that time it is throwing the above error"

Teams freezes when user clicks on "task/invoke" button

We have a published app in the Teams App Store.
Our app supports task module.
It worked just fine but about a month ago we started to receive reports from our costumers that when they are trying to open a task module, teams app just freezes.
This is how i understand task module requests work, in 4 steps:
1. User clicks on the button with data {"msteams": {"type": "task/fetch"}}`,
2. Teams sends request with this data to the bot.
3. Bot handles the data.
4. Bot replies with the appropriate url to render.
So we tested what happens when we click on the task/fetch button.
First of all we saw an error in the teams console:
TaskModuleLaunchService: launchTaskModuleByInvoke failed: "could not find app definition for app 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" where *00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000* is out appID.
And we don't receive any requests from the teams on the bot's side. So basically we have an issue on the step #1.
Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce this on our devices, using the same card with the exact same button.
How can we fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Microsoft Bot Web Chat Not working but Emulator work fine

I have created a bot application and published it to azure. When I test this bot using Emulator it works fine but when I use the web chat control it doesn't show anything . I am using the correct app-secret .
The link to web chat is here . My bot is hosted on azure .Here is the link of Message Endpoint=
The first thing to check: If you go into your bot management page on and press the blue "Test" button on the bottom left ("Test connection to your bot"), does it indicate that the bot accepts the connection by the bot framework middleware?
If not, then there might be something wrong with your bot. It will actually give you some indications. If it's "forbidden", then you might have a problem with authentication (check your appId and appPassword). If it's an error, then your bot might have a code issue / exception.
If the connection has been accepted, check if your web chat credentials have been validated. To do so, click on the "Edit" link next to the Web Chat channel on the bot management page. Try regenerating your credentials and (most importantly) make sure you checked "Enable this bot on Web Chat" and confirm.
