implement notification dropdown for inbox messages using reactjs - spring

I need to imeplement notification badge in navbar similar to stackoverflow where it shows the number if you get any notificaiton.
Similar to this i need to display number as soon as the task progress which initiated from the web app has completed. For this iam using java spring for backend service.
Do I need to call the API frequently to verify the status or is there any better way to implement sth like the socket with spring.


How to make Slack app send a private message via an incoming webhook to someone specific?

I created a Slack app that sends a series of interactive messages to a channel. In my Slack API dashboard, I see that I can create and remove hooks. Right now the hook url that I have set up in my code is the one for the Slackbot channel.
But the problem is that such a message only gets sent to me.
I want to send the Slackbot messages to Alice in situation A, and to Bob in situation B. Not just to myself, the guy who configured the app.
What's the best way to do this?
I would suggest that you should not use hooks for this. A more sane way to do this right would be via chat.postMessage Web API method which is documented here!
This is because hooks are tied to specific conversations and that approach quickly hits a wall on what it can really achieve, especially messaging different people. Once you start using the web API it's pretty simple. Just ask for the scope during app installation (remember to add that scope in your dashboard), subscribe to the event in your API dashboard and then you are good to go.
Everytime you send a message via that method, Slack will send you a payload which you can use for testing and logging etc.
You can see all the different ways to message programmatically inside Slack here.

How to asynchronously push data to reactJs from Spring api web service to update a progress Bar?

I have an application which allow an user to send a lot of SMS to his contacts (like thousands).
Obviously that tasks can take a lot of time to complete.
So the idea is to display a progress bar on the client side, to indicate the user how many messages have been sent so far.
The back end of my app is a restful spring webservice.
The front end is done with ReactJS and Redux.
The question is:
Is it technically possible from the back end to periodically push data to the client, to update the progress bar, with the amount of messages already sent.
First question regarding the back end architecture:
I've seen that using JAX-RS 2 with spring, I can make asynchronous call in the back end, to execute other tasks(like querying the DB to see the messages already sent) while the other process is sending all messages. Am i looking in the right direction here ?
Second question regarding front end :
So far I use thunk functions for my requests(post/get) to the server, which returns a json response, and it works well. But in this case, the back end would periodically push data to the client side, until the main task is completed, so I don't understand how would that work out exactly ?
I guess I'm not gonna be able to achieve that using the same request ? Should I look at other technologies to achieve that ?
Please let me know, if the description of my problem is not clear.
There are two options: you can keep track of the task on the backend and have an API endpoint to check the status and poll it every x seconds.
The other option would be to use sockets, the frontend client would listen for an event and update display onEvent. The backend would be responsible for emitting events.

Push Notification Service

I have read the article about Push Notification Service, but I am still confused. I’m a new for MS window phone application developing. My application needs to get the data in the whole class from web service that is for the specific organization. Hope someone can answer my question as below.
In my application, the phone rings and the user answer the phone during sending the request to the web request to get the data. What will happen if the web service sending back the respond?
In the above situation, do I need the Application Push Notification service?
I retrieve the data by using DataContractSerializer. If I need the Push Notification Service, is it meaning that I need to modify the webservice for returning the xml instead of the whole class?
The ongoing call will not disrupt the web request-response flow hence you need not be troubled about it

Use of Raw Notifications in WP7

I read the implementation of three types of notifications possible in WP7 app - Tile, Toast and Raw Notifications. I understand the use of Tile and Toast Notifications but I fail to understand how a Raw notification will be used in real world application. Can someone please help me understand.
If someone can help me understand the implementation wrt. an existing application like KIK messenger or WhatsApp Messenger, it will be great!
Raw notifications provides the ability for your application service to push data to the application while it is in the foreground without the need for your application to poll the appplication service.
For instance, meaning if you have the Messages application open, and you get a new Message, it'll show a notification (toast), without the Messages application having to poll for it.

Implementation of a message service in ASP.NET MVC

I have an infrastructure, bussiness rules and other logic, that I use in a WPF application, in it I have a messaging service that implements an message service interface, this service is register in a Container, I use Castle Windsor.
Every time that the infrastructure needs to show any kind of messages it uses this service and shows a message and waits for the reply, with this I don't have to a request to the GUI/WPF to show a message.
My problem is that I'm using this same infrastructure for a ASP.NET MVC site and I having some problems in find a solution where I can use this same interface. Basically if the message service has to show a messages it should be able to post a message box in the browser, preferably via AJAX and wait for the reply of the user and then continue the execution according to the answer.
I don't know if I'm made my self clear enough on the problem.
Any hints on how to implement such a service would be much appreciated.
The problem is the server knows nothing about open browsers, therefore it can't signal the broswer to show the message.
The solution would appear to be to queue messages from the service, have some script on the page that checks (using ajax) for items in the queue, and display messages as appropriate.
