How to get the history of Function in Oracle Database - oracle

I have created a Function in Oracle Database. Now by mistake, I have changed that function. I have removed a few things inside it. Is there any way to restore the old Function.
I have checked and found that there is a possibility to recover the Database table from Flashback command. But is there any way to recover the Function?

You might try a flashback query while connected as SYS:
select s.text
from dba_source as of timestamp timestamp '2018-07-31 00:00:00' s
where s.owner = 'YOURSCHEMA'
order by s.line;
You must be connected as SYS to do this, as DBA_OBJECTS is a view over internal system tables such as USER$, OBJ$, SOURCE$, X$JOXCD etc, which you won't have access to as a regular user.
This will typically let you go back a few minutes or hours, depending on your undo_retention setting (default is 15 minutes) and how much DML the instance is doing.


How to restaure a dropped package in oracle

i've dropped an important package of my project (involuntarily) i now i want to restaure it. Please can you help me ?
Here's what i tried to do :
RESTAURE PACKAGE package_name;
I work with oracle sql developer
There is no restore package command. If you've dropped the package, you may need to get it back from your source control system.
If you're reasonably lucky, you may be able to run a flashback query to see the source. Assuming you dropped it less than 20 minutes ago (otherwise adjust the timestamp you're flashing back to)
select type, line, text
from all_source as of timestamp systimestamp - interval '20' minute
where owner = <<schema owner>>
and name = <<name of package>>
and type in ('PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY')
order by type, line;
Oracle retains the undo data necessary to do a flashback query for a limited period of time. If it has been too long since you dropped the package, Oracle may well not be able to show you what the code looks like.

Oracle 12c - Find if temporary objects created before TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED is set

Database : Oracle 12c ( - Enterprise Edition with RAC
I'm trying to reduce REDO and archive logs generated for my application and measure using V$SYSSTAT and corresponding archive logs using DBA_HIST* views.
In my application code on DB side, I'm using the session level setting of TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED to direct UNDO for gtt into temporary tablespace. The specific feature noted here.
Note the documentation has this quote:
..if the session already has temporary objects using regular undo, setting this parameter will have no effect
If I use a pure database session, I can ascertain that since no other temporary tables have been created/used before setting the parameter, the REDO logs generated are minimal. I can use a simple (select value from V$SYSSTAT where name= 'redo size') to see the difference.
However the actual application (Java) triggers this code through a JDBC session. As such, I'm unable to ascertain if before the call to 'ALTER SESSION..' there were any GTT or other temporary objects previously created/used in the session. The consequence of this is, if say a GTT was already used, then the call to 'ALTER SESSION SET TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED = TRUE' simply ignores the setting without an indication. The code will continue logging UNDO & REDO in the normal tablespace, which is unintended.
Is there any way to query if this parameter TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED is already set/unset within the session, so that before I do a ALTER SESSION SET TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED = TRUE I'll know for sure this will or will not have an effect?
Thanks in advance for inputs.
There is no holistic way to do this satisfying all cases. Posting some options I got as answer elsewhere:
Assumptions :
Both options work only if:
Only GTT is concerned (excluding WITH and other temporary objects)
COMMIT/ROLLBACK has not already been done including from SAVEPOINTS
or other methods
Option 1 : Use v$tempseg_usage, to check if any segment created in DATA, instead of TEMP_UNDO
select count(*)
from v$tempseg_usage
where contents = 'TEMPORARY'
and segtype = 'DATA'
and session_addr =
(select saddr
from v$session
where sid = sys_context('userenv', 'sid'));
Option 2 : Use gv$transaction as below, ubafil = 0 if for temp_undo, else ubafil = undo tablespace file id:
select count(*)
from gv$transaction
where ses_addr = (select saddr
from v$session
where sid = sys_context('userenv', 'sid'))
and ubafil <> 0;
On other note for thought, I still think, there should have been a parameter or an indication elsewhere that simply indicates the setting of TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED has not had an effect, within the scope of a SESSION, not having to touch views that would otherwise be considered as administrative.
I'm open to answers if someone finds a better approach.
Although this does not answer your question directly but this link may help you.
In 12c temporary undo concept has been added
" Oracle 12c introduced the concept of Temporary Undo, allowing the
undo for a GTT to be written to the temporary tablespace, thereby
reducing undo and redo."

Does TOAD for oracle generate logs of executed SQL?

I cannot seem to find a view which I created in one of my schemas within TOAD. Lets assume I don't know the exact schema in which I've created it, is there any way where I can find all the create statements which have been executed within a period of time, lets say the last days.
Thank you in advance.
If you created the view, just query ALL the views, and order by the date in which it was created.
select * from dba_objects
where object_type = 'VIEW'
order by created desc, last_ddl_time desc
We're hitting DBA_ views to make sure we look at EVERYTHING, not just the things you have PRIVS for. Switch to ALL_ views in case you lack access, and hope you didn't create the view in a schema in which your current logon can't see.
The other way to go is query the views themselves and key in on the table you think you included in the SQL behind the view.
FROM dba_views
You might be looking for a feature called "SQL Recall" in Toad. Press F8 or View/SQL Recall. It will show you the SQL you ran in the last month or so.

SAS connection to Oracle hung up for 2 hours

In SAS we have a library which is actually ORACLE schema and today I faced with a strange event when trying to query a table in this library.
A regular SAS SQL query:
proc sql;
delete from table where id=123;
Was hung up for two hours while it usually took some seconds:
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 2:00:33.49
cpu time 0.03 seconds
While this operation was being performed I tried to delete a nearby row in ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER but it hung up processing delete request too. However deleting a row that was not nearby these rows did not cause any problems. Well how can I find out the possible reason? I guess that was a sort of deadlock.
It sounds like someone has locked a row that your session is trying to delete. You should be able to spot this by querying v$session:
select sid, schemaname, osuser, terminal, program, event
from v$session
where type != 'BACKGROUND';
and checking if your session has an event of "enq: TX - row lock contention" (or similar). If so, then you'll have to work out who has the blocking lock (if you have access to Toad's session browser, this is easy to do, but Google should throw up something that can help. Or, if your database is Oracle 11.2, there's a view: v$session_blockers that ought to pinpoint the blocking session), and then get them to either commit or rollback their transaction.

How do I check index building status on Oracle 11?

I made terrible mistake in SQL index creation:
As You can see I missed keyword "ONLINE" to create index without blocking PRODUCTION table with high usage with 600m+ records. Corrected SQL is:
I was done it under PL/SQL Developer. When I was trying to stop it program stop responding and crashed.
Production system not working for 9 hours now and my boss wanna explode. :D
Is there any chance to see how many seconds/minutes/hours Oracle 11g left to process this index creation ? Or maybe is there any chance to see does Oracle still working on this request? (PL/SQL Developer crashed).
For haters:
I know I should do this like mentioned here: (source)
CREATE INDEX cust_idx on customer(id) UNUSABLE LOCAL;
You should be able to view the progress of the operation in V$SESSION_LONGOPS
FROM v$session_longops
WHERE time_remaining > 0
Of course, in a production system, I probably would have killed the session hours ago rather than letting the DDL operation continue to prevent users from accessing the application.
