Get name of Bluetooth device from address - winapi

Given a Bluetooth device address (represented by a SOCKADDR_BTH struct), is there a way to get the name of the device? using getnameinfo returns EAI_FAMILY ("The sa_family member of socket address structure pointed to by the sa parameter is not supported."):
// {B62C4E8D-62CC-404b-BBBF-BF3E3BBB1374}
DEFINE_GUID(g_guidServiceClass, 0xb62c4e8d, 0x62cc, 0x404b, 0xbb, 0xbf,
0xbf, 0x3e, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x13, 0x74);
SOCKADDR_BTH SockAddrBthServer;
SockAddrBthServer.addressFamily = AF_BTH;
SockAddrBthServer.serviceClassId = g_guidServiceClass;
SockAddrBthServer.port = 0;
SockAddrBthServer.btAddr = //Filled with Bluetooth device address
char hostname[NI_MAXHOST] = {0};
char servInfo[NI_MAXSERV] = {0};
int ret = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &SockAddrBthServer,
sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH), hostname, NI_MAXHOST, servInfo, NI_MAXSERV, 0);

Use BluetoothGetDeviceInfo function to get remote device's name. Also you can resolve during discovering.
Please note that device name of NEW device may be empty if you try to read it right after discovering.
The best way is to subscribe for WM_DEVICECHANGE message (refer to MSDN WM_DEVICECHANGE and Bluetooth).


How to differentiate between devices in the windows HID API?

I need to detect when a gamepad is plugged in for my game (I'm not using a higher-level input API for reasons), how can I do this? I've already enumerated all HID devices and opened files on them (except keyboard, mouse ofc) and can get all the info on the device, but what info do I want? What value(s) will tell me right away that this is an xbox controller, for example, and where are these values?
My code for enumerating over the devices (very messy atm :p):
DWORD required_size = 0, determined_size;
SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA device_interface_data;
device_interface_data.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA device_interface_detail_data;
HANDLE current_device;
PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA preparsed_data;
WCHAR product_string[128];
for (int i = 0; ; ++i) /* Enumerate HID devices */
rv = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(device_enumeration, NULL, &interface_guid, i, &device_interface_data); /* Does the actual enumeration,
each time we increase index i
to get the next device */
error = GetLastError();
if (error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) /* If there are no more devices, break */
else if (!rv && error != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) /* Otherwise, we have a legit error */
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(device_enumeration, &device_interface_data, NULL, 0, &required_size, NULL); /* Probing call only to get buffer size,
so error code (122) ignored */
/* Allocate new device detail struct using buffer size we obtained */
determined_size = required_size;
device_interface_detail_data = cr_safe_malloc(required_size);
device_interface_detail_data->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
/* Get detailed info about device */
rv = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(device_enumeration, &device_interface_data, device_interface_detail_data, determined_size, &required_size, NULL);
if (!rv)
cr_printf("FOUNDD DEVICE: %s\n\n", device_interface_detail_data->DevicePath);
current_device = cr_open_device(device_interface_detail_data->DevicePath);
if (!current_device && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
goto Done;
cr_printf("OPENED DEVICE: %s\n\n", device_interface_detail_data->DevicePath);
preparsed_data = HidD_GetPreparsedData(current_device, &preparsed_data);
if (!preparsed_data)
HidD_GetProductString(current_device, product_string, sizeof(product_string));
cr_printf("PRODUCT STRING: %S\n\n", product_string);
As you can see I've found the product string, which tells me what the device actually is, but maybe comparing product strings is not the best way to do PnP?
Check if the device ID contains "IG_". If it does, then it's an XInput device.
More info on that. But which device corresponds to which XInput dwUserIndex is more difficult question...
Also you can try to check for XUSB interface:
// {EC87F1E3-C13B-4100-B5F7-8B84D54260CB}
DEFINE_GUID(XUSB_INTERFACE_CLASS_GUID, 0xEC87F1E3, 0xC13B, 0x4100, 0xB5, 0xF7, 0x8B, 0x84, 0xD5, 0x42, 0x60, 0xCB);

How to send hardware level keyboard input by program?

I have been using keybd_event for keyboard input by command line. However, want something that can send hardware level input, just like real keyboard.
Is there anything that suits my purpose?
I am using Windows as operating system.
I once used SendInput to control a game character. Game (icy tower?) was using directx input system (I think?) and somehow it was ignoring keybd_event calls but this method worked. I do not know how close to hardware you need to be but did this the trick for me. I used virtual key codes but turned them into scancodes for this answer.
UINT PressKeyScan(WORD scanCode)
INPUT input[1] = {0};
input[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
input[0].ki.wVk = NULL;
input[0].ki.wScan = scanCode;
input[0].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE;
UINT ret = SendInput(1, input, sizeof(INPUT));
return ret;
UINT ReleaseKeyScan(WORD scanCode)
INPUT input[1] = {0};
input[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD;
input[0].ki.wVk = NULL;
input[0].ki.wScan = scanCode;
UINT ret = SendInput(1, input, sizeof(INPUT));
return ret;
To simulate press and release you use them sequentially (or you may create a separate function for press and release that use same INPUT structure).
WORD scanCodeSpace = 0x39;
You can use MapVirtualKeyA to get scan code from virtual key code.
keybd_event() is deprecated, use SendInput() instead.
SendInput() posts its simulated events to the same queue that the hardware driver posts its events to, as shown in the below diagram from Raymond Chen's blog:
When something gets added to a queue, it takes time for it to come out the front of the queue

How to get serial port name like this in c? Not COM number?

how to get the serial port name by my red pen. Not COM5.COM5 can be gotten by windows-API. If you know it, please let me know. I'll appreciate it!
enter image description here
Now, I can get both serial ports full name and COMX. But which is true? I know how to find true one by manual manipulation instead of my coding program. But how to find true one by my coding program.
enter code here
GUID classGuids = {0x4D36E978L, 0xE325, 0x11CE, 0xBF, 0xC1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0xE1, 0x03, 0x18}; //GetClassGUIDs("ports"); //&GUID_DEVCLASS_PORTS
HDEVINFO hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs((LPGUID)&classGuids, NULL, NULL, 0);
for(DWORD iDevIndex=0; SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hDevInfo, iDevIndex, &SpDevInfo); iDevIndex++)
TCHAR szName[512] = {0};
if(SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDevInfo, &SpDevInfo, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME,
NULL, (PBYTE)szName, sizeof(szName), NULL))
_tprintf(_T("........%s\n"), szName);

Need to write driver for USB peripheral device?

I'm working on designing a USB peripheral which will occasionally connect to a Windows PC, and transfer a few KB of data in each direction. There will be a custom PC application that controls the data transfers, using a proprietary protocol (i.e. for the USB payloads).
I see at the following link that Microsoft describes how to write a driver for a USB device. But do I need one?
Developing Windows client drivers for USB devices
The PC application is the only application that we intend to know how to communicate with the device, so there's no need for a driver from an application sharing standpoint.
Can I just bake the custom protocol directly into the application, have the application speak "raw USB" to the device, and do without a separate driver?
"raw USB", no, you can't do that from an application.
But because you control the device also, you can make it appear as one of the device classes for which Windows provides a device driver that's generic enough to do just about anything you want.
Those device classes are HID (Human Interface Device) and "WinUSB". Of these, HID is cross-platform but more limited in capability, WinUSB allows high performance data transfers as well as interrupt endpoints.
Instructions for setting up your device's string descriptors so that Windows automatically binds it to the WinUSB driver are on MSDN
A WinUSB device is a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device whose firmware defines certain Microsoft operating system (OS) feature descriptors that report the compatible ID as "WINUSB".
The purpose of a WinUSB device is to enable Windows to load Winusb.sys as the device's function driver without a custom INF file. For a WinUSB device, you are not required to distribute INF files for your device, making the driver installation process simple for end users.
There is another way with no need to write driver to write what You want to device using WriteFile function:WinUSB, how to do this:
Include WinUsb.h
Add WinUsb.lib to the list of linked libraries.
in Usb100.h some macros.
Use the device interface GUID to obtain the device path. The correct GUID is the one that you specified in the INF that was used to install WinUsb.sys.
Get a handle to the device information set by passing the device interface GUID that you defined in the INF to SetupDiGetClassDevs. The function returns an HDEVINFO handle.
Call SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces to enumerate the system’s device interfaces and obtain information on your device interface.
Call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail to get detailed data for the device interface.
Call the GetDevicePath function to obtain the device path.
Pass the device path to CreateFile to obtain a file handle for the device. Use ReadFile and Write File to communicate with device!
Pass the file handle to WinUsb_Initialize to initialize WinUSB and obtain a WinUSB handle. You use the device’s WinUSB handle to identify the device when you call WinUSB API functions, not the device’s file handle.
For more advanced solutions - use functions:
WinUsb_QueryDeviceInformation to obtain the device’s speed.
WinUsb_QueryInterfaceSettings to obtain the corresponding interface descriptors. The WinUSB handle corresponds to the first interface.
WinUsb_QueryPipe gets information about each endpoint.
WinUsb_WritePipe writes the buffer to the device - default behavior: zero-length writes are forwarded down the stack. If the transfer length is greater than a maximum transfer length, WinUSB divides the request into smaller requests of maximum transfer length and submits them serially.
more functions and info:
For debugging purposes You probably need:
Wireshark with USBPcap plugin.
Other Example:
Sample template comes with Visual Studio.
You need also have knowledge of writing .inf files.
Another easy way to communicate with USB - libusb-win32
My simple console app sends chunks to device (raw data write immediately to device bypassing the stack):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <SetupAPI.h>
#include <Hidsdi.h>
#include <devguid.h>
#include <winusb.h>
#include <usb.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "hid.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "setupapi.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "winusb.lib")
#include <iUString.h>
iString<char> DevicePath;
bool WinusbHandle_Open=false;
bool DeviceHandle_Open = false;
HANDLE DeviceHandle;
UCHAR usb_out_buffer[64];
DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DEVCLASS_WINUSB, 0x88bae032L, 0x5a81, 0x49f0, 0xbc, 0x3d, 0xa4, 0xff, 0x13, 0x82, 0x16, 0xd6);
DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DEVCLASS_STL, 0xf177724dL, 0x74d3, 0x430e, 0x86, 0xb5, 0xf0, 0x36, 0x89, 0x10, 0xeb, 0x23);
GUID winusb_guid;
GUID stl_guid;
bool connectusb();
void disconnectusb();
int main()
DWORD numEvents;
WinusbHandle_Open = false;
DeviceHandle_Open = false;
usb_out_buffer[0] = 0;
usb_out_buffer[1] = 1;
usb_out_buffer[2] = 2;
usb_out_buffer[3] = 3;
ULONG bytesWritten;
ULONG timeout;
timeout = 100;
rHnd = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy(WinusbHandle, 0x01, PIPE_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT, sizeof(ULONG), &timeout);
timeout = TRUE;
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy(WinusbHandle, 0x01, AUTO_CLEAR_STALL, sizeof(ULONG), &timeout);
timeout = TRUE;
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy(WinusbHandle, 0x01, RAW_IO, sizeof(ULONG), &timeout);//Bypasses queuing and error handling to boost performance for multiple read requests.
while (true)
if ((!WinusbHandle_Open) || (!WinusbHandle_Open)) { if (!connectusb())Sleep(2000); }
if ((!WinusbHandle_Open) || (!WinusbHandle_Open))continue;
bytesWritten = 0;
if (!WinUsb_WritePipe(WinusbHandle, 0x01, &usb_out_buffer[0], 2, &bytesWritten, NULL))
n = GetLastError();
return 0;
bool connectusb()
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
HDEVINFO deviceInfo;
BYTE devdetailbuffer[4096];
bool found;
deviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&stl_guid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE);
if (deviceInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; }
found = false;
for (n = 0;; n++)
interfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(deviceInfo, NULL, &stl_guid, n, &interfaceData))
n = GetLastError();
detailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA)devdetailbuffer;
detailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
devinfo.cbSize = sizeof(devinfo);
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(deviceInfo, &interfaceData, detailData, sizeof(devdetailbuffer), NULL, &devinfo)) { printf("SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail: %u\n", GetLastError()); break; }
if (IsEqualGUID(devinfo.ClassGuid, winusb_guid))
if ((-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "VID_0483")) || (-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "vid_0483")))
if ((-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "PID_576B")) || (-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "pid_576b")))
DevicePath = detailData->DevicePath;
found = true;
if (!found)return false;
DeviceHandle = CreateFile(DevicePath.Buffer() ,
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == DeviceHandle) {
n = GetLastError();
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == DeviceHandle) return false;
DeviceHandle_Open = true;
if (!WinUsb_Initialize(DeviceHandle, &WinusbHandle))
n = GetLastError();
CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); DeviceHandle_Open = false;
return false;
WinusbHandle_Open = true;
return true;
void disconnectusb()
if (WinusbHandle_Open) { WinUsb_Free(WinusbHandle); WinusbHandle_Open = false; }
if (DeviceHandle_Open) { CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); DeviceHandle_Open = false; }
Making your firmware to be enumerated as a WINUSB (winusb generic driver) device makes life easier.
I believe it'd be clear if you have a demo and code so I made one for you :)
My KEIL project using the STM32F4 Discovery board working with WINUSB as an USB CDC device. You can see more information and have the source code from my GitHub.

Does SetupDiGetClassDevs work with device instance IDs as documented?

According to MSDN documentation, SetupDiGetClassDevs can be passed a device instance ID to obtain a device information set for a specific device:
To return only a specific device, set
the Enumerator parameter to supply the
device instance ID of the device.
I get the device instance ID by parsing the symbolic name from the WM_DEVICECHANGE message DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL event, and I have verified the resulting ID by comparing it to that returned from SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId. Even passing the OS supplied device instance ID does not work (i.e. the SetupDiGetClassDevs call fails with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER).
My current workaround to fetch a SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure for the newly arrived device is to enumerate all devices in the same class and compare the result of SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId to the symbolic name. However, I don't see why this should be necessary according to the documentation...
Has anyone gotten SetupDiGetClassDevs to work in this way? Is there a better method for getting further information for a device using data in the DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL event?
It seems you have to either specify the DIGCF_ALLCLASSES flag to find all classes that match the given device instance id, or else specify the ClassGuid and use the DIGCF_DEFAULT flag.
This worked for me:
void error(DWORD err)
WCHAR buf[0x200];
FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, err, 0, buf, 0x200, NULL);
wprintf(L"%x: %s\n", err, buf);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
PCWSTR devinst = L"HID\\VID_413C&PID_2105\\6&22CE0F66&0&0000";
return 1;
dinfo.cbSize = sizeof(dinfo);
int ix = 0;
while (SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hinfo, ix++, &dinfo))
return 0;
With output:
103: No more data is available.
It seems that you're misunderstanding DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL.
There are a few different types of DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL messages-- for a volume, for a handle, for a device interface. I'm guessing you're talking about the DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE variety. In this case, the dbcc_name field of the DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE structure will contain the "device interface path".
The "device interface path" is NOT the same as a "device instance ID".
If you want to know more information about this device, you should enumerate all device interfaces by this device interface GUID (through SetupDiGetClassDevs with DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE), and compare the dbcc_name to the strings retrieved by SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces.
