Changing url link for page in processwire - processwire

I'm looking for a way to change the redirect for a page in processwire.
Logging in the admin back end I see this order page
Upon editing:
But the redirect url from header meta I guess still redirects to the previous link. I tried looking in the database and changed it there also but it still keeps it in settings somewhere.
Any ideas where this is?

Seems like you expect the page to redirect via a meta description tag. Meta description is for SEO, to tell search engines what the page is about. If your page has a meta redirect tag - which should look like
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">
it doesn't seem to be edititable via your CMS. Either change it directly in the templates, or add a field for this to the backend and add an output in the template.


Facebook sharer not sharing the proper image and content

I am trying to share the product url using facebook sharer and the link is also sharing properly but the problem is that while sharing, it didn't sharing the product image. Its sharing some other random image from the page, I don't understand why its happening. Also, while sharing contents contain the html tags.
Here is my sharer url :
Here is my image while sharing:
enter image description here
I have also added the line in <head></head> i.e.
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
but not useful.
Please help me out, I am poorly trapped in it.
You just need to put the following line
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
And debug in facebook debugger. if it doesn't show the correct image, click Scrape again button.
Also, something is wrong in your og:description. That's why its showing the code

How can I create a variable Meta property og:image for multiple pages?

Here's the code i'm trying to get work which should explain what I'm trying to do.
<script>document.write('<meta property="og:image" content="' + location.pathname.replace(/\.html$/, '.jpg') + '">')</script>
Just trying to edit meta property create an image for the og:image that has the same name of the .html file. So far no luck
Facebook thumbnail images are generated through something like a search engine web-crawler. It follows links and fetches the needed data from the page. But clients like web crawlers and fb-share only see your HTML, not all the resources on a page - namely client-side scripts like javascript & jQuery. That means your script will not be run, and thus the meta tag not created. Instead try a PHP server side implementation like: calls
<meta property="og:image" content= <?php $path_to_image_dir . "/" $_GET['ogimage_id']
See my answer here Facebook sharer.php, how to have multiple og:image tags?

ColdFusion application caches switch statement

I'm not familiar with caching in coldfusion, but it seems it's doing somethnig it's not supposed to in my website.
I have only one index page, that uses a big switch statement to determin what cfm files to include, to build my website's pages. No everything works fine, I even have a default case that refers back to the homepage when trying to access a non-existing page.
When I create a new page and try to go to it but in the meantime forgetting I need to add a cfcase first, goes to the defaultcase. If I then create the needed cfcase, it should work, but it has cached the redirect of the last time, the path it followed in the switch/case, so I still get the defaultcase. Even if remove the defaulcase from the code, it still goes there.
Is there anyway to tell coldfusion to stop caching my switch/case. The rest of the content may be chached, no problem, just not the path of the switch/case..
edit 1
Here's my code:
<cfswitch expression="#attributes.fuseaction#">
<cfcase value="home">
<cfinclude template="dsp_home.cfm" />
<cfcase value="admin">
<cfinclude template="admin/dsp_login.cfm" />
<cf_goto fuseaction="home">
attributes.fuseaction is a variable that is stored in the url of the requested page, like so:
cf_goto is a custom tag that gives a 301 code and redirects to the specified page where that variable is home.
When I do what I described above, the headers still give me the 301 error code and de redirect to the default case page. So I'm at a loss what it is that's being cached here.
CF doesn't cache switch/case logic, so it's a red herring to be looking at that to solve whatever your problem actually is.
Do you - by any chance - have "Trusted Cache" switched on in CFAdmin? If so, you'll need to clear it so your CFM files recompile when they're requested, and your changes will take effect.
Failing that: we need to see your code, as per Duncan's suggestion.

Issue with Open Graph Debugger not seeing og:url correctly

I'm having an issue trying to verify my Open Graph object. The debugger says:
"There was an error in fetching the object at URL '', or one of the the URLs specified via a redirect or the 'og:url' property including one of"
Yet in the section titled Raw Open Graph Document Information I see this:
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
Am I just missing something or is something not working? I did the Cookie Recipe tutorial and it works fine.
Remove the www from the url meta tag since you are redirecting www to non-www.
try adding
<html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="" xmlns:og="">
above the head of your doc. If this does not solve the issue, you may wanna remove any redirects you have in DNS for that page.

Facebook button for Ajax Pages, how to implement and verify that it works

I wanted to know how can I use Facebook Like button on my Ajax web application, that will capture changes in the Open Graph tags for both the og:title and the og:url. I already created a Facebook app and got an API ID.
What I want to know is the code that I need to put on my website in order for Facebook to capture the changes that I've made to the meta tags which contains that title and url information (ie. og:title, og:url).
I followed the instructions on Facebook without success. Furthermore, I want to know how can I locally test the Like button to see that it grabs the data from the Open Graph tags properly.
Also worth mentioning that I've a JQuery code that automatically alters the Open Graph meta tags to include the relevant information for the current Ajax changed page.
You will need to have a separate url for each different page that you want to allow people to like. I would recommend actually pointing the like button to the physical pages you're trying to return via the og:url tag. To refresh the data that Facebook stores about a given url, pass that url into the linter at
i created a rotator file for facebook share on my dynamic ajax website.
rotator.asp code sample:
<% lang=request("lang")
..some sql to get data...
<meta property="og:title" content="<%=ogTitle%>" />
<meta property="og:image" content="<%=ogImage%>" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<%=origialUrl%>" />
//dont use redirect.. facebook dont allow 302...
for example!/en/153 page will share
