I need to create a scheme code that allows me to calculate the degree of a polynomial and show it, is there a special function in scheme that allows me to treat them?
pd: What is the way to raise these types of problems?
There is no such function just like there are no functions for guns in games in the standard libraries. There isn't even one data structure for a polynomial.
As with all user defined extensions you have the power to model your data as you wish and you make an interface to work with that data. This is how you extend the language to support the data you want to play with.
;; this is not part of the interface
(define tag-point (list 'point))
;; these are the interface
(define (point x y)
(list tag-point x y))
(define point-x cadr)
(define point-y caddr)
(define (point? p)
(and (pair? p)
(eq? (car p) tag-point)))
;; implemented distance that uses the interface
(define (distance p1 p2)
;; (assert (and (point? p1) (point? p2)))
(sqrt (+ (square (- (point-x p1) (point-x p2)))
(square (- (point-y p1) (point-y p2))))))
(distance (point 3 0 ) (point 0 4)) ; ==> 5
Now you can change your data structure as long as the interface stays intact:
;; implement points using complex numbers
(define (point x y) (make-rectangular x y))
(define (point-x p) (real-part p))
(define (point-y p) (imag-part p))
(define (point? p) (complex? p))
One could just do (define point make-rectangular) but then the interface documentation would be vague.
In the SICP videos I remember they did a polynomial type. It's in part 4B. It explains pretty much the same as I do here and they actually implement polynomials as a type you can do arithmetic on. Thus it might not be what you are looking for, but their data structure can give you an idea.
I'm currently learning Racket/Scheme for a course (I'm not sure what's the difference, actually, and I'm not sure if the course covered that). I'm trying a basic example, implementing the Newton method to find a square root of a number; however, I ran into a problem with finding the distance between two numbers.
It seems that for whatever reason, when I'm trying to apply the subtraction operator between two numbers, it returns a list instead.
#lang racket
(define distance
(lambda (x y) (
(print (real? x))
(print (real? y))
(abs (- x y))
(define abs
(lambda x (
(print (list? x))
(if (< x 0) (- x) x)
(distance 2 5)
As you can see, I've added printing of the types of variables to make sure the problem is what I think it is, and the output of all those prints is #t. So:
In calling distance, x and y are both real.
In calling abs, x is a list.
So, the conclusion is that (- x y) returns a list, but why?
I double-checked with the documentation and it seems I'm using the subtraction operator correctly; I've typed (- 2 5) and then (real? (- 2 5)) into the same REPL I'm using to debug my program (Dr. Racket, to be specific), and I'm getting the expected results (-3 and #t, respectively).
Is there any wizard here that can tell me what kind of sorcery is this?
Thanks in advance!
How about this...
(define distance
(lambda (x y)
(print (real? x))
(print (real? y))
(abs (- x y))))
(define abs
(lambda (x) ;; instead of (lambda x ...), we are using (lambda (x) ...) form which is more strict in binding with formals
(print (list? x))
(if (< x 0) (- x) x)))
Read further about various lambda forms and their binding with formals.
I am reading The Seasoned Schemer by Friedman and Felleisen, but I am a little uneasy with some of their best practices.
In particular, the authors recommend:
using letrec to remove arguments that do not change for recursive applications;
using letrec to hide and to protect functions;
using letcc to return values abruptly and promptly.
Let's examine some consequences of these rules.
Consider for example this code for computing the intersection of a list of lists:
#lang scheme
(define intersectall
(lambda (lset)
(let/cc hop
[[A (lambda (lset)
(cond [(null? (car lset)) (hop '())]
[(null? (cdr lset)) (car lset)]
[else (I (car lset) (A (cdr lset)))]))]
[I (lambda (s1 s2)
[[J (lambda (s1)
(cond [(null? s1) '()]
[(M? (car s1) s2) (cons (car s1) (J (cdr s1)))]
[else (J (cdr s1))]))]
[M? (lambda (el s)
[[N? (lambda (s)
(cond [(null? s) #f]
[else (or (eq? (car s) el) (N? (cdr s)))]))]]
(N? s)))]]
(cond [(null? s2) (hop '())]
[else (J s1)])))]]
(cond [(null? lset) '()]
[else (A lset)])))))
This example appears in Chapter 13 (not exactly like this: I glued the membership testing code that is defined separately in a previous paragraph).
I think the following alternative implementation, which makes very limited use of letrec and letcc is much more readable and simpler to understand:
(define intersectall-naive
(lambda (lset)
[[IA (lambda (lset)
(cond [(null? (car lset)) '()]
[(null? (cdr lset)) (car lset)]
[else (intersect (car lset) (IA (cdr lset)))]))]
[intersect (lambda (s1 s2)
(cond [(null? s1) '()]
[(M? (car s1) s2) (cons (car s1) (intersect (cdr s1) s2))]
[else (intersect (cdr s1) s2)]))]
[M? (lambda (el s)
(cond [(null? s) #f]
[else (or (eq? (car s) el) (M? el (cdr s)))]))]]
(cond [(null? lset) '()]
[else (IA lset)]))))
I am new to scheme and my background is not in Computer Science, but it strikes me that we have to end up with such complex code for a simple list intersection problem. It makes me wonder how people manage the complexity of real-world applications.
Are experienced schemers spending their days deeply nesting letcc and letrec expressions?
This was the motivation for asking stackexchange.
My question is: are Friedman and Felleisen overly complicating this example for education's sake, or should I just get accustomed to scheme code full of letccs and letrecs for performance reasons?
Is my naive code going to be impractically slow for large lists?
I'm not an expert on Scheme implementations, but I have some ideas about what's going on here. One advantage the authors have via their let/cc that you don't have is early termination when it's clear what the entire result will be. Suppose someone evaluates
(intersectall-naive (list big-list
Your IA will transform this to
(intersect big-list
(intersect huge-list
(intersect enormous-list
(intersect gigantic-list
which is reasonable enough. The innermost intersection will be computed first, and since gigantic-list is not nil, it will traverse the entirety of gigantic-list, for each item checking whether that item is a member of '(). None are, of course, so this results in '(), but you did have to walk the entire input to find that out. This process will repeat at each nested intersect call: your inner procedures have no way to signal "It's hopeless, just give up", because they communicate only by their return value.
Of course you can solve this without let/cc, by checking the return value of each intersect call for nullness before continuing. But (a) it is rather pretty to have this check only occur in one direction instead of both, and (b) not all problems will be so amenable: maybe you want to return something where you can't signal so easily that early exit is desired. The let/cc approach is general, and allows early-exit in any context.
As for using letrec to avoid repetition of constant arguments to recursive calls: again, I am not an expert on Scheme implementations, but in Haskell I have heard the guidance that if you are closing over only 1 parameter it's a wash, and for 2+ parameters it improves performance. This makes sense to me given how closures are stored. But I doubt it is "critical" in any sense unless you have a large number of arguments or your recursive functions do very little work: argument handling will be a small portion of the work done. I would not be surprised to find that the authors think this improves clarity, rather than doing it for performance reasons. If I see
(define (f a x y z)
(define (g n p q r) ...)
(g (g (g (g a x y z) x y z) x y z) x y z))
I will be rather less happy than if I see
(define (f a x y z)
(define (g n) ...)
(g (g (g (g a)))))
because I have to discover that actually p is just another name for x, etc., check that the same x, y, and z are used in each case, and confirm that this is on purpose. In the latter case, it is obvious that x continues to have that meaning throughout, because there is no other variable holding that value. Of course this is a simplified example and I would not be thrilled to see four literal applications of g regardless, but the same idea holds for recursive functions.
I have been stuck on this question for days. Apparently I need to write a better algorithm to win the algorithm below. The below code is implemented from the famous Aima file. Is there any expert here who could guide me on how to win the algorithm?
(defun find-closest (list)
(x (car (array-dimensions list)))
(y (cadr (array-dimensions list)))
(let ((elems (aref list x y)))
(dolist (e elems)
(when (eq (type-of e) type)
(return-from find-closest (list x y)))) nil))
I tried implementing a DFS but failed and I do not quite know why. Below is my code.
(defun find-closest (list)
(let ((open (list list))
(closed (list))
(steps 0)
(expanded 0)
(stored 0))
(loop while open do
(let ((x (pop open)))
(when (finished? x)
(return (format nil "Found ~a in ~a steps.
Expanded ~a nodes, stored a maximum of ~a nodes." x steps expanded stored)))
(incf steps)
(pushnew x closed :test #'equal)
(let ((successors (successors x)))
(incf expanded (length successors))
(setq successors
(delete-if (lambda (a)
(or (find a open :test #'equal)
(find a closed :test #'equal)))
(setq open (append open successors))
(setq stored (max stored (length open))))))))
Looking at the code, the function find-some-in-grid returns the first found thing of type. This will, essentially, give you O(n * m) time for an n * m world (imagine a world, where you have one dirt on each line, alternating between "left-most" and "right-most".
Since you can pull out a list of all dirt locations, you can build a shortest traversal, or at least a shorter-than-dump traversal, by instead of picking whatever dirt you happen to find first you pick the closest (for some distance metric, from the code it looks like you have Manhattan distances (that is, you can only move along the X xor the Y axis, not both at the same time). That should give you a robot that is at least as good as the dumb-traversal robot and frequently better, even if it's not optimal.
With the provision that I do NOT have the book and base implementation purely on what's in your question, something like this might work:
(defun find-closest-in-grid (radar type pos-x pos-y)
(labels ((distance (x y)
(+ (abs (- x pos-x))
(abs (- y pos-y)))))
(destructuring-bind (width height)
(array-dimensions radar)
(let ((best nil)
((best-distance (+ width height))))
(loop for x from 0 below width
do (loop for y from 0 below height
do (loop for element in (aref radar x y)
do (when (eql (type-of element) type)
(when (<= (distance x y) best-distance)
(setf best (list x y))
(setf best-distance (distance x y))))))))
Here is the Y-combinator in Racket:
#lang lazy
(define Y (λ(f)((λ(x)(f (x x)))(λ(x)(f (x x))))))
(define Fact
(Y (λ(fact) (λ(n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))))
(define Fib
(Y (λ(fib) (λ(n) (if (<= n 1) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))))
Here is the Y-combinator in Scheme:
(define Y
(lambda (f)
((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (g)
(f (lambda args (apply (g g) args)))))))
(define fac
(lambda (f)
(lambda (x)
(if (< x 2)
(* x (f (- x 1))))))))
(define fib
(lambda (f)
(lambda (x)
(if (< x 2)
(+ (f (- x 1)) (f (- x 2))))))))
(display (fac 6))
(display (fib 6))
My question is: Why does Scheme require the apply function but Racket does not?
Racket is very close to plain Scheme for most purposes, and for this example, they're the same. But the real difference between the two versions is the need for a delaying wrapper which is needed in a strict language (Scheme and Racket), but not in a lazy one (Lazy Racket, a different language).
That wrapper is put around the (x x) or (g g) -- what we know about this thing is that evaluating it will get you into an infinite loop, and we also know that it's going to be the resulting (recursive) function. Because it's a function, we can delay its evaluation with a lambda: instead of (x x) use (lambda (a) ((x x) a)). This works fine, but it has another assumption -- that the wrapped function takes a single argument. We could just as well wrap it with a function of two arguments: (lambda (a b) ((x x) a b)) but that won't work in other cases too. The solution is to use a rest argument (args) and use apply, therefore making the wrapper accept any number of arguments and pass them along to the recursive function. Strictly speaking, it's not required always, it's "only" required if you want to be able to produce recursive functions of any arity.
On the other hand, you have the Lazy Racket code, which is, as I said above, a different language -- one with call-by-need semantics. Since this language is lazy, there is no need to wrap the infinitely-looping (x x) expression, it's used as-is. And since no wrapper is required, there is no need to deal with the number of arguments, therefore no need for apply. In fact, the lazy version doesn't even need the assumption that you're generating a function value -- it can generate any value. For example, this:
(Y (lambda (ones) (cons 1 ones)))
works fine and returns an infinite list of 1s. To see this, try
(!! (take 20 (Y (lambda (ones) (cons 1 ones)))))
(Note that the !! is needed to "force" the resulting value recursively, since Lazy Racket doesn't evaluate recursively by default. Also, note the use of take -- without it, Racket will try to create that infinite list, which will not get anywhere.)
Scheme does not require apply function. you use apply to accept more than one argument.
in the factorial case, here is my implementation which does not require apply
(define (Fact-maker f)
(lambda (n)
(cond ((= n 0) 1)
(else (* n (f (- n 1)))))))
(define (fib-maker f)
(lambda (n)
(cond ((or (= n 0) (= n 1)) 1)
(+ (f (- n 1))
(f (- n 2)))))))
(define (Y F)
((lambda (procedure)
(F (lambda (x) ((procedure procedure) x))))
(lambda (procedure)
(F (lambda (x) ((procedure procedure) x))))))
I'm new to functional language and I'm doing SICP programming assignments using Racket.
Below is a snippet of code, and Racket informs me that define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found 5 extra parts, in line 5 ((define (y k)):
(define (simpson f a b n)
(define h (/ (- b a) n))
(define (y k)
(f (+ a (* k h))))
(define (factor k)
(cond ((or (= k 0) (= k n))
((odd? k)
(define (term k)
(* (factor k)
(y k)))
(define (next k)
(+ k 1))
(if (not (even? n))
(error "n can't be odd")
(* (/ h 3)
(sum term (exact->inexact a) next n))))
I guess this problem is related to the language settings, but I already use "advanced" option.
Anybody know how to configure Racket properly, or internal "define" is not supported?
Indeed, it's as you say: internal defines are not supported by the Advanced language. For working with the SICP exercises, I've been told it's best to use the neil/sicp package: instructions for using this are detailed here.
However, even the standard Racket language (#lang racket) will support internal defines without problems.