Tmux configuration to stop scrolling - scroll

Anyone familiar with how to disable scrolling through command history so that the mouse scroll can only be used for navigating up and down the page instead of the specific commands?


iTerm2: how to enable auto-scroll down after I manually scroll up?

How can I set up iTerm2 so that it auto-scrolls down even after I scroll up manually?
See GIF below. It starts scrolling down normally, but stops after I manually scroll up, even that output is still coming to stdout.
Changing this would help me a lot running jest tests in watch mode.

tmux: Automatically hide pane on focus loss

I'd like to automatically hide a tmux pane as soon as it looses focus. Currently, I use 'Prefix+z' to manually maximize the current pane, hiding the unfocused pane. However, whenever I require to switch a little more often between panes, it becomes cumbersome to manually maximize. Is there a way to automatically hide unfocused panes?
I know this question exists: Tmux: Auto-hide panel when it loses focus
However, it does not answer my question.
You could put resizep -Z in the key bindings you use to change pane and window (you will likely need a check if it is already focused - you can use if-shell -F and the window_zoomed format for this).
Or maybe you could use the focus-in hook but I suspect that will be harder to get working.

how to use the trackpad to scroll in nano using iterm2, the way it works in

I am used to editing in nano, and with it's easy to quickly move up and down the file using the scroll gesture. I am trying out iTerm2, but now the scroll gesture just makes iTerm scroll upward in history, the nano work area scrolling off the bottom. in Terminal, scrolling in nano simulates moving the cursor up and down, and results in a nice ability to move through the file. How can I get iTerm2 to do this also?
It's a configurable preference (like xterm's alternateScroll resource). In iTerm2, that's in the Advanced tab:

Xcode weird behavior when scrolling text

I wonder if there is a way to disable the following:
I have two project windows opened on the screen next to each other and when I position the cursor on the active project window and scroll with the trackpad, I see the other project's content window scrolling too! I need only one to scroll at a time. Is there a way around this annoying feature?

How to mouse-wheel scroll downwards with tmux

I've got tmux to scroll up, with the mouse wheel, using mouse-mode on in tmux.conf (here's my entire conf).
But I've always had a problem scrolling back down again. Once the cursor hits the bottom of the screen, it immediately scrolls back to the bottom of the whole buffer, where the prompt is. It's not possible to scroll down a few lines in the same way I can scroll up a few lines. In other words, the whole middle section is only visible on the way up.
I just upgraded from tmux 1.6 to the new tmux 1.8 (compiled from source rather than Homebrew, in case that matters), and it's working again now.
What would happen if you turned mousemode off and used the keyboard? Try that.
Have you used burningTyger's settings for your conf?
Try deleting the buffer command, maybe then it won't autoscroll to the prompt line. If you can disable any automatic behavior you might be able to do what you need.
I don't know the OSX terms, but hopefully these concepts might be helpful.
