Spring Boot Admin Server 2.X backwards compatible with 1.3.3 - spring

Most of our microservices still use Spring Boot 1.3.5 and are monitored with Spring Boot Admin 1.3.3. I have recently started upgrading some of these microservices to Spring Boot 2.0.0 and we are successfully monitoring them with Spring Boot 2.0.2, however I can't get Spring Boot 2.0.2 to monitor 1.3.5 Spring Boot applications. The application registers on SBA, but SBA returns a 404 error when trying to access any info tab (which I guess comes from the change on the endpoints on SBA 2.X.X).
In the SBA reference guide it is stated that it is possible to monitor 1.5.X applications (https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/current/#monitoring-spring-boot-1.5.x). I've tried this method with no luck, so my question is, is it possible to monitor Spring Boot 1.3.5 applications with SBA 2.X.X? am I missing something?.


web console for spring boot 3.0.0

I need a simple web console that allows to use rest services on spring boot 3.0.0 .
I have known for some time that swagger is stuck with developments and it is increasingly difficult to install it inside the spring boot.
I wonder if there is an alternative to swagger on spring boot 3.0.0 . Maybe spring boot has its own web console? What is recommended to use?
I'm trying to install swagger but I find it quite complicated

Any chance Spring Zuul updated for Spring boot 2.4.x?

Any chance of getting spring cloud netflix zuul 1 running on spring boot 2.4?
We have an app that uses spring zuul 1 and runs on spring boot 2.3.x
zuul simply "doesn't work" on spring boot 2.4.x, i.e. wasn't updated to run on spring 2.4.x.
I would have expected to see 'deprecation' or 'end of life' warnings. Maybe I missed them.
Why we care
Spring boot 2.4.x adds nice functionality for building docker images; this functionaltiy doesn't work on spring 2.3.x .
The generated image can be published to a Docker registry by enabling a publish option and configuring authentication for the registry using docker.publishRegistry properties.
Any chance that zuul 1 maintainers will updat zuul 1 to run on spring 2.4? If so, when?
Any documentation on "migrating from zuul1 to spring cloud gateway"
We ran into a few 'gotchas' with zuul--so know that switching from zuul to spring cloud gateway might require non-trivial work.

Integration eureka and SBA in the same project

I plan to integrate eureka and Spring Boot Admin in the same project.
When I use spring boot version 2.1.14.RELEASE, spring boot admin version 2.1.6 and spring cloud version Greenwich.SR5 it works fine.
But when I use spring boot version 2.3.0.RELEASE, spring boot admin version 2.2.3 and spring cloud version Hoxton.SR4 the browser console got some error.
Here is the demo code.
If you have the below property in your application.properties file:
Try adding this too:
eureka.instance.metadata-map.management.context-path: ${server.servlet.context-path}/actuator

Spring Boot Micrometer Prometheus metrics showing exception that can not be found in application logs

I have a Spring Boot project exposing Micrometer metrics for Prometheus. I notice from some Prometheus / AlertManager alarms that we are having some server errors (500) in our Spring Boot application. In the daily use of the application we did not realize of any error or malfunction and in the Spring Boot application logs we are not able to find those errors (in debug mode).
If I check the metrics exposed by Micrometer (in the endpoint /actuator/prometheus) I can see in the metrics that apparently there are some exceptions:
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="BadSqlGrammarException",method="GET",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="17.179869184",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="BadSqlGrammarException",method="GET",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="22.906492245",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="BadSqlGrammarException",method="GET",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="28.633115306",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="BadSqlGrammarException",method="GET",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="30.0",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="BadSqlGrammarException",method="GET",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="+Inf",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="BadSqlGrammarException",method="GET",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="ServiceException",method="PATCH",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="28.633115306",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="ServiceException",method="PATCH",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="30.0",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{exception="ServiceException",method="PATCH",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",le="+Inf",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="ServiceException",method="PATCH",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",} 3.0
http_server_requests_seconds_sum{exception="ServiceException",method="PATCH",outcome="SERVER_ERROR",status="500",uri="/path/to/my/endpoint",} 0.294431952
Am I probably missing some configuration in the Spring Boot Application? Do I have to make some customization in the Spring Boot Application? Why are not we having that information in the application logs?
I did not customize any metrics and all the configuration is as by default. The versions we are using are:
micrometer-core 1.1.5
micrometer-registry-prometheus 1.1.5
Spring Boot Suite 2.1.6
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards

Spring boot admin 1.5.1 does not display logging managment with spring boot 1.5.2.RELEASE

i'm using spring boot admin 1.5.1 along with spring-boot 1.5.2.RELEASE.
everything works fine, expect that the logging managment tab is hidden.
i tried to access my client app(spring-boot 1.5.2) logging api and it works fine.
according to the spring-boot-admin document reference i don't need to setup any configurations
those are the tabs i see :
any idea why i don't see logging tab(logging managment) ??
found a defect on spring boot admin 1.5.1
will be fixed in the next milestone 1.5.2
github issue
