not letting a value be nullable with the ->default() on migration - laravel

i've been working around and then i tried to make a migration where i establish this:
now, that happens is that when i fill out my form, and submit it, it throws me an error message that the fields cannot be NULL.
So i'm a bit confused because as i know, if the fields are NULL, they should be saved as the default part of the migration establishes it.
How can i make it work?
Thanks in advance for your help.

May be you are missing $fillable property in your model:
protected $fillable = ['company','job'];
Also make sure your migrations files are generating correctly. Go to the table and see if default values are set correctly.
Laravel mass assignment

It says if nothing passed to this column when you insert database will set default value as given. But if you try to insert NULL value to this column it will raise error.
If u want to allow NULL value on this column, you should add ->nullable(). Like that:
Let is try to explain more:
Pretend your "column1" is in your fillable array.
When you fill your model without column1. Laravel will generate query like
INSERT INTO table_name(column1) VALUES(NULL)
And if your column1 is not nullable, it will raise error.
if "column1" is not in $fillable array, and you fill your model without "column1", laravel generate query without "column1" like:
INSERT table(othercolumns ... ) VALUEs(....)
Column1 is not set, so MYSQL will set default value there.


Laravel 5.7.13 - FirstOrCreate/FirstOrNew not storing value

I'm trying to update a table with two columns 'id' and 'comp_id'. I only want 'comp_id' to exist in the table one time, so I'm using firstOrCreate to do this.
This call is creating a record in the table because the id auto-increment keeps going up every time I try this, but the comp_id value is not being saved.
$connections = $connectionTable->where('base_id', $baseId)->get();
$noMatchTable = new noMatch;
foreach($connections as $connection){
$rec = $noMatchTable->setTable($comparisonId.'_no_match')->firstOrCreate(['comp_id' => $connection->comp_id]);
I've also tried.
$rec = $noMatchTable->setTable($comparisonId.'_no_match')->firstOrNew(['comp_id' => $connection->comp_id])->save();
In both cases $rec->id shows a new id.
Fillable for the model is set correctly
#fillable: array:1 [
0 => "comp_id"
What frightfully simple thing am I missing?
I did some reading on this, and it seems like updateOrCreate() in Builder.php calls firstOrNew()in the same file. If you look at firstOrNew() it will return a new model instance, which means your setTable() will not work as the new instance will contain the default table name. I like the solution posted here
Update the table name at runtime not working - laravel Eloquent ORM
Sadly there is no way to dynamically set a table name and use updateOrCreate()

Retrieve related table and select fields from primary table using Laravel Artisan

In the following code, The Users table has a related table phoneNumbers. When I retrieve a list of all users like this,
return Person::with('phoneNumbers')->get();
everything works fine. However, when I attempt to specify a list of columns to return from the Person table, the phone_number returns empty.
return Person::with('phoneNumbers')
->get(['fname','lname', 'email']);
If I add the number field or phone_number.number to the get array, then I get an error as an undefined column. What is the laravel way of handling this.
Try this:
return Person::select(['your_foreign_key', 'fname','lname', 'email'])

cakebake not working with prefix in cakephp3

I am using cakephp 3.4.9. When I am using a table with prefix n field its working properly after baking but if I use prefix in table fields its not working.
Like when I am using post with following fields like
it's working fine but if I use following fields its not working
it is adding extra codes in model
$this->belongsTo('Ps', [
'foreignKey' => 'p_id',
'joinType' => 'INNER'
public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules)
$rules->add($rules->existsIn(['p_id'], 'Ps'));
return $rules;
why ps is adding here? If I use articales table like same its become As.
Please help.
I would like to suggest you, read this article.
CakePHP naming convention documentation
In cakePHP framework everything you have to keep in mind while creating the table is the CakePHP naming conventions. In your case, This is happening because cakePHP expects the primary column of any table will be only 'id', and the foreign key for the table will be the Related table name with an underscore id
(ex: If product table BelogsTO categories you have to make a column in your product table as category_id)
In your case cakePHP considering p_id as a foreign key for the table P. And by default cakePHP has a validation for the forein key that the existsIn which means that while saving that p_id, it will check for the existance of id in P table.
In one sentense this is because of the naming convention issue. You can change only p_id to id and keeping other things same will work for you.

Laravel validation: unique with multiple columns and soft_delete

I am trying to do a Laravel validation rules as follow:
"permalink" => "required|unique:posts,permalink,hotel_id,deleted_at,NULL|alpha_dash|max:255",
The explanation to the rules is:
I have a table "Posts" in my system with the following fields (among others): hotel_id, permalink, deleted_at. If MySQL would allow make an unique index with null values, the sql would be:
ADD UNIQUE `unique_index`(`hotel_id`, `permalink`, `deleted_at`);
So: I just add a new row IF: the combination of hotel_id, permalink and deleted_atfield (witch must be NULL) are unique.
If there is already a row where the permalink and hotel_id field are the same and 'deleted_at' field is NULL, the validation would return FALSE and the row wouldnt be inserted in the database.
Well. I don't know why, but the query Laravel is building looks like:
WHERE `hotel_id` = the-permalink-value AND `NULL` <> deleted_at)
What the heck...
The query I was hoping Laravel build to validation is:
WHERE `permalink` = 'the-permalink-value' AND `hotel_id` = ? AND `deleted_at` IS NULL
Could someone explain me how this effectively works? Because everywhere I look it looks like this:
$rules = array(
'field_to_validate' =>
Does anyone could help me?
Thank you
Finally, I got a proper understanding of the validation (at least, I think so), and I have a solution that, if it is not beautiful, it can helps someone.
My problem, as I said before, was validate if a certain column (permalink) is unique ONLY IF other columns values had some specific values. The problem is the way Laravel validation string rules works. Lets get to it:
First I wrote this:
"permalink" => "required|unique:posts,permalink,hotel_id,deleted_at,NULL|alpha_dash|max:255",
And it was generating bad queries. Now look at this:
'column_to_validate' => 'unique:table_name,column_to_validate,id_to_ignore,other_column,value,other_column_2,value_2,other_column_N,value_N',
So. The unique string has 3 parameters at first:
1) The table name of the validation
2) The name of the column to validate the unique value
3) The ID of the column you want to avoid (in case you are editing a row, not creating a new one).
After this point, all you have to do is put the other columns in sequence like "key,value" to use in your unique rule.
Oh, easy, an? Not so quickly, paw. If you're using a STATIC array, how the heck you will get your "currently" ID to avoid? Because $rules array in Laravel Model is a static array. So, I had to came up with this:
public static function getPermalinkValidationStr() {
$all = Input::all();
# If you are just building the frozenNode page, just a simple validation string to the permalink field:
if(!array_key_exists('hotel', $all)) {
return 'required|alpha_dash|max:255';
/* Now the game got real: are you saving a new record or editing a field?
If it is new, use 'NULL', otherwise, use the current id to edit a row.
$hasId = isset($all['id']) ? $all['id'] : 'NULL';
# Also, check if the new record with the same permalink belongs to the same hotel and the 'deleted_at' field is NULL:
$result = 'required|alpha_dash|max:255|unique:posts,permalink,' . $hasId . ',id,hotel_id,' . $all['hotel'] . ',deleted_at,NULL';
return $result;
And, in the FrozenNode rules configuration:
'rules' => array(
'hotel_id' => 'required',
'permalink' => Post::getPermalinkValidationStr()
Well. I dont know if there is a easiest way of doing this (or a much better approach). If you know something wrong on this solution, please, make a comment, I will be glad to hear a better solution. I already tried Ardent and Observer but I had some problems with FrozenNode Administrator.
Thank you.

Eloquent is generating bad update query

I'm trying to update a record just after I get it from database.
$item = Model::find($id);
$item->field = 'foo';
it do finds the requested record, but the query generated to update the record is not correct:
update `Models` set `field` = ? where `id` is null
I don't know why this is happening!
what is wrong ?
I just renamed the primary-Key from ID to id in the database table. and then it worked! I didn't know it's case-sensitive
update `bannerads_orders` set `ViewedCount` = ? where `id` = ?
Well, I found the problem. as Laravel documents says:
Note: Eloquent will also assume that each table has a primary key
column named id. You may define a primaryKey property to override this
but in my table it was ID not id. so after I changed it to id, everything works as expected.
Laravel uses prepared statements. There is nothing wrong with this. Additionally you don't actually specify an error.
You should probably use in this case:
$item = Model::findOrfail($id);
$item->field = 'foo';
It seems that $id might be null or user cannot be found and than saving it doesn't make any sense.
If user is not found exception will be thrown and this save won't be executed
