Creating s3 external table in amazon EMR with remote metastore - hadoop

We started using Amazon EMR recently for one new project (Version emr-5.11.0).We made some architecture changes in the EMR cluster
1) We moved metastore to another Postgres instance instead of default mysql/derby
2) Running metastore service in a different instance (which is not part of amazon EMR cluster) and made the necessary changes in hive-site.xml.
stop hive-hcatalog-server
In new instance
hive --service metastore
Everything is working as expected except 's3 external tables' .When I try to create an external s3 table it is giving us an error like below
message:java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found
We tried with s3/s3n/s3a with credentials also for creating the external table .If we are running the metastore service inside the EMR master node and ran the same query .It is working without issues .
Do we need to do any configuration / adding additional libraries in metastore instance this to work ?
Note: The metastore instance has both Apache hadoop and hive latest binaries .We are going with HDFS filesystem .Able to perform all operations other than external s3 tables .Tried everything from beeline and hive CLI


Migrating from one cluster to another

I have a source emr cluster with hive metastore as a external mysql ( emr version 3.1 ).
We are planning to upgrade a cluster to 5.11.1.
Does anyone know how to migrate hive and hdfs from one cluster to another with a remote mysql metastore?
None of your data should be on HDFS persistently. Copy any important files to S3.
HIve provides metastore upgrade scripts for all versions.
Use schematool command available under /usr/lib/hive/bin to perform an upgrade migration.

Spark Job Submission with AWS Hadoop cluster setup

I have a hadoop cluster setup in AWS EC2, but my development setup(spark) is in local windows system. When I am trying to connect AWS Hive thrift server I able to connect , but it is showing some connection refused error when trying to submit a job from my local spark configuration. Please note in windows my user name is different that the user name for which Hadoop eco system is running in AWS server. Can any one explain me how the underlying system works in this setup?
1) When I am submitting a job from my local Spark to HIVE thrift , if it is associated any MR job , ASW Hive setup will submit that job NN with its own identity or it will carry forward my spark setup identity.
2) In my configuration do I need to run spark in local with same user name as I have for hadoop cluster in AWS ?
3) Do I need to configure SSL also to authenticate my local system?
Please note , my local system is not part of hadoop cluster and I can not include also in AWS Hadoop cluster.
Please let me know what will be actual setup for environment where my hadoop cluster is in AWS and spark is running on my local.
To simplify the problem, you are free to compile your code locally, produce an uber/shaded JAR, SCP to any spark-client in AWS, then run spark-submit --master yarn --class <classname> <jar-file>.
However, if you want to just Spark against EC2 locally, then you can set a few properties programmatically.
Spark submit YARN mode HADOOP_CONF_DIR contents
Alternatively, as mentioned in that post, the best way would be getting your cluster's XML files from HADOOP_CONF_DIR, and copying them over into your application's classpath. This is typically src/main/resources for a Java/Scala application.
Not sure about Python, R, or the SSL configs.
And yes, you need to add a remote user account for your local Windows username on all the nodes. This is how user impersonation will be handled by Spark executors.

Hive Create table over S3 in RIAK CS

I have Hive service running on a Hadoop cluster. I'm trying to create a Hive table over Eucalyptus(RIAK CS) S3 data. I have configured the AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey in core-site.xml and hive-site.xml. When I execute the Create table command and specify the S3 location using s3n schema, I get the below error:
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException(message:org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to timed out)
If I try using the s3a schema, I get the below error:
FAILED: AmazonClientException Unable to load AWS credentials from any providern the chain
I could change the endpoint URL for distcp command using jets3t, but the same didnt work for Hive. Any suggestions to point Hive to Eucalyptus S3 endpoint are welcome.
I'm not familiar with Hive, but as long as I hear it uses MapReduce as backend processing system. MapReduce uses jets3t as S3 connector - changing its configuration worked for me in both MapReduce and Spark. Hope this helps:
Configurations like
would work for you?
I have upgraded to HDP2.3(Hadoop 2.7) and now I'm able to configure s3a schema for Hive to S3 access.

Hive Server doesn't see old hdfs tables

I'm having a problem about hive server that I don't understand. I've just set up a hadoop cluster and want to access to it from a hive service. First try I did was running the hive server in one of the cluster machines.
Everything worked nicely but I wanted to move the hive service to another machine outside the hadoop cluster.
So I just started a new machine outside this hadoop cluster. I've just install hive (+ hadoop libraries) and copied the hadoop config from the cluster. When I run the hiveserver almost everything goes ok. I can connect with the hive cli from a different machine to my hiveserver, create new tables in the hive warehouse within the hdfs filesystem in the hadoop cluster, query then and so on.
The thing I don't understand is that hiveserver seems to not recognize old tables which were created in my first try.
Some notes about my config are that all tables are handled by Hive and stored in HDFS. Hive configuration is the default one. I suppose that it has to do with my hive metastore but it couldn't say what.
Thank you!!

Cannot access data from hbase with amazon ec2

I have a single node hadoop machine in which hbase is running in the amazon ec2 instance.
Due to some reason the server got restarted. So i need to start hadoop and hbase again. Then its working fine, but the old data in the hbase cannot be accessed through the web-servies.
While i use the shell command its working fine, i am getting the data.
So i created the scenario on my local server machine, but its working fine.
The version details are as follows.
in Amazon ec2 medium instance
And I use restful web-services with Orm-hbase to access data.
